AfxBeginthread: Start a new thread
AFXENDTHREAD: End an old thread
AFXFORMATSTRING1: Similar to PrintF a normal string formatted
AFXFORMATSTRING2: Similar to Printf typically formatted strings
AFXMessagebox: Similar to Windows API Functions MessageBox
AFXOUPUTDEBUGSTRING: Transfer string to the extension device
AFXGetApp: Pointer to get Application Object (CWINAPP derived object)
AFXGETMAINWND: Get pointers for program main windows
AFXGETInstance: get the program's Instance Handle
MFC data type
Here are the types of data common to Win32 program.
Bool: Boolean value, value for True or False
BSTR: 32-bit character pointer
BYTE: 8-bit integer, no positive or negative
ColorRef: 32-bit value, representing a color value
DWORD: 32-bit integer, no positive and negative
Long: 32-bit integer, with positive negative
LPARAM: 32-bit integer, a parameter as a window function or a callback function
LPCSTR: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a constant string
LPSTR: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a string
LPCTSTR: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a constant string, this string can be ported to Unicode and DBCS
LPTSTR: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a string, this string can be ported to Unicode and DBCS
LPVOID: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a data that is not specified
LPRESULT: 32-bit value, return value of window function or callback function
UINT: In Win16, a 16-bit unproced positive and negative integer, in Win32 is a 32-bit unprocessed number integer,
WndProc: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a window function
Word: 16-bit integer, no positive or negative
WPARAM: Window function or a parameter of the Callback function, 16-bit in Win16, 32-bit in Win32
Here are the unique data types of MFC
Position: A value, representing the element location in the Collection object (such as an array or linked list), often used for the MFC Collection class (ie data processing class, such as Carray)
LPCRect: 32-bit pointer, pointing to a constant RECT structure