API Total Overview, Chinese Description [Phantom Free]

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  57

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API Total Overview, Chinese Description


API function name function Description Win16 available WIN95 available Winnt available --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Abortdoc Termination A print job is whether it is AbortPath termination or cancellation of all the paths in the DC No Yes ABORTPRINTER Delete printer buffer file No Is AbortSystemShutDowna Stop System Work No Yes AccessCheck Test Customer Access Permissions No Your AccessCheckandauditaramm Test Access,

Produce sound or alarm No Yes Yes ActivateKeyboardLayout activate a new keyboard device No Yes Yes AddAccessAllowedAce ACCESS_ALLOWED_ACE join the ACL No Yes Yes AddAccessDeniedAce ACCESS_DENIED_ACE join the ACL No Yes Yes AddAce ACE will join an existing ACL No Yes Yes AddAtom a string Add to the local atomic table YES YESSTAUDITACCESSACE to add system_audit_ace to ACL No Yes AddFontResource Add a font to a font table is AddForm Add a printer form No Yes AddJob Start a print job No Yes AddMonitor Add a printer manager No Yes addport Add a printer port No Yes AddProsisRocessor copies the print processor to the printer server No Yes AddPrintProvidor Add a printer support No Yes AddPrinter Creating a printer on the printer server No Yes addprinterConnection for the current user to establish contact with the printer Yes, AddPrinterDriver copies the printer driver to the printer server in the AdjustTokenGroups enable / cancel the group in the Token No Your AdjustTokenPrivileges enable / cancel token privilege No Yes AdjustWindower calculation desired window

Yes yes yes size of the rectangle the size of AdjustWindowRectEx calculate the required window rectangle yes yes yes AdvancedDocumentProperties be advanced printer settings No Yes Yes No AllocConsole establish a console for the current process Yes Yes AllocateAndInitializeSid allocation and initialization SID No Yes Yes No Yes Yes AllocateLocallyUniqueId allocated LUID AngleArc Press the specified angle to call no Yes analog item in an ItematePalette replacement logical palette is whether the AnyPopUP identity pop-up window exists whether appendmenu joins the new item in the menu is an Arc scrutiny is Arcto Videos elliptical arcs No Yes Yes Access AreAllAccessesGranted check all required No Yes Yes access AreAnyAccessesGranted check any required No Yes Yes ArrangeIconicWindows arranged minimized child windows Yes Yes Yes AttachThreadInput the leads connected to each other Yes Yes auxGetDevCaps obtain attachment device capacity No Yes Yes AUXGETNUMDEVS Returns Number The number of AUXGETVOLUME Get the current volume settings No Yes AUXOUTMES

SAGE Send a message to the output device No Yes AUXSetVolume Sets the Auxiliary Volume Volume No Yes BackupEventLog Save Event Recording to the Reserve File No Yes BackupRead Generate Tape Backup Read No Your BackupSeek Generate Tape Backup Search No Yes BackupWrite Generate Tape Backup No Write No Yes BEEP produces a tone. No Yes BeGindeferWindowPOS creates a window location structure No Yes Beginpaint Prepare a draw window is BeginPath Starting a path level Is BeginupDateresource In executable BeginUpDateresource In executable File Update? Yes, Bitblt is a BRINGWINDOWTOP recovery overlap window is BRINGWINDOWTOP recovery overlapping window is BROADCASTSYSTEMMESSAGE. No Yes BUILDCOMMDCB Decimation string is buildcommdcbandTimeouts to create a CallMDCBandTimeoutS to create a CallMSGFilter. No Passing the message filtering process is whether the callnamedpipe multiplier operation is the next hook process in the CallNextHookex tune.

Yes, CallWindowProc is a message aid, which is a Canceldc to cancel any residual operation on the DC. No Yes Cascadewindows No Yes CAANGECLIPBOARDCHAIN ​​Delete a window from the clipboard View window Is ChangeMenu No Yes ChangeServiceConfig modified service parameters No Yes CHARLOWER Turn the character or string to lower-write No Yes CHARLOWERBUF is getting string to lower usa is a next character of charnext to string No Yes CharpRev Go to a string last character is a Chartooem? Convert strings into OEM characters No Yes ChartooemBuff converts the string into an OEM character is a charupper to change the character or string to uppercase. No Yes CharupperBuff will make strings to lower-write No Yes CheckColorsingamUT Check that there is color in the device palette No CHECKDLGBUTTON Use the dialog button to modify the check mark is whether checkmenuitem modified the check mark attribute is CheckMenuradioItem, no, check tag, a check mark

Yes, childwindowfromPoint determines whether the a bit window is CHILDWINDOWFROMPOINTEX No Yes Choosecolor creates a color option dialog box No Yes CHOOSEFONT to create a font selection dialog box No Yes Choosepixelformat No Yes chord painted a string is ClearCommbreak recovery character The transmission is whether the ClearcomMerror allows the error to communicate if it is ClearEventLog cancel event record No Yes CLIENTSCREEN converts the customer point into a screen coordinate is CLIPCURSOR. Is the cursor to a rectangle is a closeclipboard closing the clipboard is a closedesktop No Yes is a CloseEnhmeTLog Light and closed multimedia driver is a CloseEnhmetaFile Light Enhancement Module file DC No is a CloseEventLog light-phase event record Is the handle not a case in the Closefigure light path in the Closefigure light path, is a CLOSEHANDLE Close Open object handle is a Closeme

TAFILE Close Windows Module file DC is a Closeprinter Close Open Printer No Yes CLOSESESERVICEHANDLE Close Service Control Manager Object No Yes CLOSEWINDOW Minimize window Is CLOSEWINDOWSTATION No Yes Is the ColorMatchTotArGet control Preview device Description Table No is Combinergn A zone synthesis is a zone that is CombineTransform that is combined with two transformations. No Yes COMMCONFIGDIALOGOGOG No Yes COMMDLGEXTENDEDEDERROR Return error Data No Yes COMMANDLINETOARGV No Yes COMPAREFILETIME compares two 64-bit file time No Yes CompareString compares two local specified strings No Yes CONFIGUREPORT Configuring printer port No Yes CONNECTNAMEDPIPE Wait to wait for a client to be ConnectToprInterdlg Display Browse Dialog and connect to network printers No Yes ContinuedeBugevent makes the trial clue continue no yes are the controlService sends a control to the server. No is ConvertDefaultLocale to transfer the default local

In exchange for the actual partial value, no CopyAcceleratorTable Copy A Acceleration Table No Yes CopyCursor Copy A cursor is a Copyenhmetafile replication enhancement element file No Yes a copyfile replication file No Yes CopyICON Copy icon Is CopyImage? COPYLZFILE is a copyMetafile replicaing the Windows element file is whether the CopyRect replica rectangle size is COPYSID to copy the SID to the buffer No Yes Yes, countclipboardformats returned to the number of clipboard formats that CreateAcceleratorTable creation Acceleration Table No Yes CreateBitmap creates a memory bitmap of CreateBitMapIndire to build bitmap structure creation bitmap is CreatebrushHindirect to create a brush with a specified property? Is CREATECARET to create a new shape for the system to create a new shape is CreateColorspace to establish a logical color zone. No is CreateCompableBitmap to establish a bitmap with DC compatibility.

Is CreateCompaTibleDC to establish a DC that is compatible with the specified DC is whether CREATECONSOLESCREENBUFFER returns a new screen buffer to a new screen buffer is CreateCursor to create a cursor with a specified size. Is CreateDC established device description table Is CreateDibPatternbrush from DIB? The pattern brush is whether CreateDibPatternbrushPT creates a logical brush from the bitmap No Yes CREATEDIBSECTION No Yes CREATEDIBITMAP creates a bitmap handle in the DIB SPEC? Is CREATEDIALOGODIRECTPARAM Creating a Non-Modular dialog box from the memory module? No Yes Yes CreateDialogparam builds a non-modular dialog No Yes Yes CreateDirectory create a new directory Yes Yes CreateDirectoryEx create a directory with the template attributes Yes Yes CreateDiscardableBitmap established discardable bitmap Yes Yes Yes CreateEllipticRgn establishing an elliptical area Yes Yes Yes CreateEllipticRgnIndirect establishing an elliptical area Yes Yes Yes CreateEnhMetaFile establish enhanced metafile Document DC No Yes CreateEvent Returns New Event Object One Handle No Your CreateFile is established, open or truncated file

No Yes CREATEFILEMAPPING Returns a new file image object A handle No Yes CreateFont builds a logical font is whether CreateFontIndire is created with the logfont structure. It is CREATEHALFTONEPALETTE to create a CREATEHALFTONEPALETTE to establish an intermediate tone color palette Is CreateHatchBrush build a brush Yes Yes Createic creation information context is whether Createicon creates an icon with a specified property is whether CreateiconFromResource cres a CREATEICONDIRECT to establish an icon or cursor No Yes CreateMDiockDow Create a new MDI window No Yes Yes CreateMailslot established Mailsolt Yes Yes CreateMenu established menu Yes Yes Yes CreateMetaFile established WINDOWS primitives DC Yes Yes Yes CreateMutex returns a handle to the MUTEX objects Yes Yes CreateNamedPipe create a channel named instance Yes Yes CreatePalette establish a logical The color palette is CreatePatternbrush creates a pattern brush from the bitmap.

en establishing a logical pen Yes Yes Yes CreatePenIndirect establishing brush with LOGPEN structure Yes Yes Yes CreatePipe establish anonymous pipe Yes Yes CreatePolyPolygonRgn established area of ​​polygons Yes Yes Yes CreatePolygonRgn establish polygonal region Yes Yes Yes CreatePopupMenu build pop-up menu Yes Yes Yes CreatePrivateObjectSecurity distribution And initialized protection SD No Yes CreateProcess created new process and clue object No Yes CreateProcessAsUser establishes a new process of specifying a user is CreateRectrGN build a rectangular area is CreateRectrGnIndire to establish a region with a Rect structure Yes Yes CreateRemoteThread creates a clue in another process. No Yes CreateRECTRGN Create a rounded rectangle is whether CreateScalableFontResource built a resource file with font information Is CreateSemaphore to return the handle to a new signal amount is CreateService to establish a service object? Is CreateSolidbrush to establish a solid brush with a specified color? Is CreateTApePartition to create a new tape partition No is CreateThread to build a new clue

No Yes is the CreateWindowEx creation window is DPTOLP to convert the device coordinate conversion bit logic coordinate is DdeabandontransAction cancel asynchronous interaction No is DDEACcessData Access DDE data object No Yes DDEAdddata Add Data to DDE Data Object No Yes DDE Data Does the transaction not is DDECMPSTRINGHANDLES Compare two DDE string handles No Yes DDECONNECT Establishment with the server dialogue is DDECONNECTLIST to create multiple DDE dialogue is DDE DDE DDE Data Handle is DDECREATESTRINGHANDLE Establishing DDE string handle is DDEDISCONNECT Termination DDE Dial No DDETLISCONNECTLIST Cancel DDE dialogue list No Yes DDEENABLECALLBACK Energy or Cancel One or more DDE dialogue is DDEEDATAHANDLE DDE data object No Yes DDEFREESTRINGHANDLE release DDE characters The string handle is DdegetData copies the data from the DDE data object. No Yes DdegetLastError returns the error code set by the DDEML function. No Yes DdeimPersonateClient

DDE Server Simulation Client No Yes DDEInitialize uses DDEML Registration Applications No Yes DdekeepStringHandle is a string handle to add available records No Yes DDENAMESERVICE Registration Cancel server name No Yes DDEPOSTADVISE Tips Server Send a suggested data to the client DDEQUERYCONVINFO Return Information about the DDE dialog is DDEQUERYNEXTSERVER NOSNEERNETSERVER NOSTERNETSTRING WESTERNETRING Copying the string handle text to the buffer No Yes DDeReconnect Reconstruction DDE Dial No DDEETQUALITYOFSERVICE DDE DDE Qiu Qiu quality DDESETUSERHANDLE associates user-defined handles and transaction setup No is DdeunAccessData Release DDE data object No Yes DDEUNInInitialize release application DDEML resources No Yes DEBUGAGAGPROCESS connection debugging process No Yes DEBUGBREAK creation breakpoint is that DEFDLGPROC provides the default window message process is DEFDRIVERPROC definition default message processor is It is deffframeproc default MDI frame window message process is DEFMDICHILDPROC default MDI sub-window message process is DEFWINDOWPROC

Call the default window process is that the DeferWindowPos update window location structure is a DefinedosDevice definition, redefine, or delete DOS named NOS NOSD NOTEACE Delete ACE from the existing ACL No Yes DELETEATOM Delete One Atom is deletecolorspace Deleting a specified color space No Yes DELETECRITICALSECTION Delete Critical Section No Yes DELETEENHMETAFILE Cancel The DELETEENHMETAFILE Cancel The DELETEEENHMETAFILE is a deletefile Delete file No Yes DELETEFORM Delete Printer Form Layer Whether it is DELET EMENU Delete menu item is the deleteMetAfile cancels the Windows Module file handle is the deleteMonitor Delete the printer monitor No Yes DELETEOBJECT Delete an object is DELETEPORT Remove the printer port No Yes DELETEPRINTPROCESSOR Delete Printer Processor No dPrintProvidor Delete the printer provider No Yes DELETEPRINTER Delete printers on the printer server

Yes DeletePrinterConnection delete the printer connection No Yes Yes DeletePrinterDriver remove the printer driver No Yes Yes DeleteService remove services from SC MANAGER database No Yes Yes DeregisterEventSource light closing event handlers No Yes Yes DescribePixelFormat No Yes Yes DestroyAcceleratorTable cancel Accelerometers No Yes Yes DestroyCaret Cancel the current liner is the destroycursor Cancel CreateCursor built cursor is destroyicon Cancel The icon created by the Createicon is the DestroyMenu cancel menu and releases memory is DestroyPrivateObjectSecurity. Deleting the SD of the protected server object is a DESTROYWINDOW Cancel window Yes DEVICECAPABILITIES Returns the function of the device driver No Yes DEVICEIOCONTROL Direct call driver No Yes DialogBoxIndirectParam Create a dialog in the memory module No Yes DISABLETHREADLIBRARLS No Yes? DISCONNECTNAMEDPIPE Cut the server terminal of the named pipe is DISPATCHMESSAGE to send a message to the window is DLGDIRLIST

The population list box is whether the DLGDIRLISTCOMBOBOX fill directory list box is DLGDIRSELECTCOMBOBOXEX from the directory list box Back to the user selection is DLGDIRSELECTEX Back to the user selection from the directory list box is DOENVIRONMENTSUBST No Yes DocumentProperties Configure the printer settings No Yes? DosDateTimetOfileTime converts MS-DOS date Time to 64-bit format No Yes DragAcceptFiles Registration window Does it accept the content of the touch file No Yes DragDetect No Yes DragFinish release allocation The content for the touch file is DragObject No is Drag QueryFile return drag the file name No Yes Yes DragQueryPoint return the mouse position No Yes Yes DrawAnimatedRects No Yes Yes DrawCaption No Yes Yes DrawEdge No Yes Yes DrawEscape achieve non GDI can drawing apparatus method Yes Yes DrawFocusRect focal point style Videos rectangle Yes Yes Yes DrawFrameControl

No Yes Drawicon draws an icon in the specified device description table, is DRAWICONEX No Yes DrawMenubar Raised menu bar is DRAWSTATE. No, DrawText draws the formatted text in the rectangle is DRAWTEXTEX No Yes DRVGETMODULEHANDLE The example handle for obtaining the installed driver is whether the duplicateHandle Copy Object handle is Duplicateicon No Yes DuplicateToken copy access token No is Ellipse The ellipse is the EmptyClipboard empty clipboard and release the data handle is an enablementUItem enabling, cancel, or makes the menu item unactivation is an enablescrollbar enable, cancel the scroll bar No Yes EnableWindow device window enabled status Yes EnddeferWindowPOS The location and size of the update window is whether the enddialog hidden dialog is Yes EndDoc ending the print job is EN

DDOCPRINTER ends the print job No Yes EndPage End A page is Yes Yes EndPageprinter end the print page No Yes Yes EndpAint Sub-bid in the specified window Is the endpath end path No Yes EndupDateresource End resource update in the executable file? Yes ENTERCRITICALSECTION joining the critical section No Yes Enumcalendarinfo No Yes EnumChildWindows Function sub-window handle to the callback function No Yes EnumclipboardFormats Return to the clipboard format Is Yes ENUMDATEFORMATS enumeration Top specified data format No Yes Yes EnumDependentServices enumerate the device-dependent service EnumDesktopWindows No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes EnumDesktops Enhanced Metafile EnumEnhMetaFile return with GDI calls No Yes Yes EnumFontFamilies returns the specified font family EnumFontFamiliesEx No Yes Yes No Returns the specified font family Is that the enumfonts enumerated specified font in the specified device? No Yes Enumforms enumeration

Supported printer forms No Yes EnumicMProfiles enumeration available color distribution No Yes EnumJobs Get Print job information No Yes Enummetafile Use a Windows Module file Returns to GDI call No Yes Enummonitors enumeration Available Monitor No Yes Enumjects enumeration The brush and brush in the device description table is an enumports enumeration available printer port No Yes Yes EnumprintProcessRDataTypes Supported data type supported by EnumPrintProcessors enumeration installed printer processor No Yes EnumprinterDrivers enumeration installed installed The printer driver is YES ENUMPRINTERPROPERTYSHEETS No Yes Enumprinters NOS ENUMPROPS Return Window Properties List No Yes Yes EnumpSex Return Window Properties List No Yes Yes EnumResourceLanguages ​​Listing Language Resource No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes EnumResourceTatus List Signation SC Management The service in the database is Yes Yes EnumsystemCodePages enumerate installed available system code pages No Yes EnumsystemLocales

Enumerates the installed system Local part No Yes ENUMTHREADWINDOWS Return Corrosion window No Yes Yes EnumTimeFormats Enumerate local specified time format No Yes EqualpRefixSID Check that two SLD prefixes are equal to whether it is equalRect to determine whether the two rectangles are waiting Is EqualRGN compares whether the two areas is equal to whether equalsid checks if the two SLD secure IDs are equal to whether the ERASetApe delete tape is the specified segment of the ERASETAPE to delete the tape. No Yes ESCAPE allows access devices Is the escapecommfunction transmission extended COMM function is EX cludeClipRect change cropping area yes yes yes ExcludeUpdateRgn exclusive update from the area cut zone yes yes yes ExitProcess to exit the current process ExitThread No Yes Yes No Yes Yes clues to exit the current ExitWindows closed WINDOWS yes yes yes no yes yes ExitWindowsEx closed WINDOWS environment variable expansion ExpandEnvironmentStrings string No Yes EXTCREATEPEN established a logical brush

No Yes ExtCreateRegion creates a zone from the zone data No Yes EXTESCAPE Allow access to private devices No Yes EXTFLODFILL Use the current brush pad fill area Yes EXTSELECTCLIPRGN Select a zone as a seizure area No Yes EXTTEXTOUT Output a string in the rectangular area Yes, ExtractAciated Icisdicon Gets the icon handle from file or related EXE NO. No Yes Extractic returns from the executable (ie returning hic) No Yes ExtracticOnex No Yes FatalaPPEXIT End An application is a FATALEXIT to returns the debugger The control is that FileTimetodosDateTime converts the file time to the MS-DOS date. No Yes FileTimetLocalFileTime Transitions the UTC file time to the time file time No Yes FileTimetosystemTime Transforms 64-bit time to system time No Yes FillConsoleoutputttribute Write the property Write the screen buffer No Yes FillConsoleoutPutCharacter Write the character Write the screen buffer No Yes? FillPath filling the current path No Yes FillRect Fill the rectangular area with the specified brush, is a FillRGN with a brush padding area whether it is FindAM returns a string from the local atomic table.

Sub Yes Yes Yes FindClose close the Find File Description Table No Yes Yes FindCloseChangeNotification light and closing the file or directory modification wait No Yes Yes FindClosePrinterChangeNotification No Yes Yes No Yes Yes FindEnvironmentString FindExecutable executable file name and returns a handle No Yes Yes FindFirstChangeNotification settings file or directory modification wait No Yes FindFirstFile Find the first match file No Yes FindFirstFreeace Returns the pointer to the first idle ACL byte No Yes FindFirstPrinterChangeNotification No Yes FindnextChangeNotification Request to the next file or directory change Notice No Yes FINDNEXTFILE Find the next matching file No Yes FindnextprinterChangeNotification No Yes FindResource Looking for resources in the module Yes FindResourceEx Looking for resources in the module No Yes FindText Establishment Find Text dialog box No Yes FindWindow Returns a window related to class and window names The handle is FindWindowex No Yes Fixbrushorgex No Yes FlashWindow

Make the window once is a FLATTENPATH to change the arc as a line. No Yes floodfill is a current brush padding area is a FlushConsoleInputBuffer Clear console input buffer No Yes FlushFileBuffers clear file buffer No Yes FlushinstructionCache Fill instruction buffers No Is the FlushViewOffile image view fill file No Yes FoldString Transform String No Yes FormatMessage Format Message String No Yes Framerect with a Specified Brush One Window Border No Yes Framergn's 4 weeks Draw the Border Border is Freeco? NSOLE Release Console No Yes FREEDDELPARAM Release DDE Message iParam No Yes FreeEnvironmentStrings No Yes FreeELibrary The Library Module Is Freelibraryandexitthread No FreeResource No Yes FREESID Unload Sid No Yes GDICOMMENT

To the enhanced element file No Yes GDIFLUSH makes the current GDI flashing No Yes GDiGetBatchLimit return buffer GDI function Number No Yes GDiSetBatchLimit Set buffer GDI function Number No Yes GNERATECONSOLECTRLEVENT to the console process group Send signal No Yes getAcp Get an ANSI system code page No Yes GetAce Returns a pointer to the ACE in the ACL No Yes getAclinformation Returns the access control table information No Yes getActiveWindow return Active window handle is a GetArcDirection return arc and rectangular painting direction No Yes Getaspectratiofilterex Back The current Aspect-Ratio filter is GetasyncKeysta The status of the TE determination is that getAtomName returns a local atom string is GetBinaryType to determine the binary executable file type No Yes getBitMapBits to copy bitmaps to buffer No Yes GetBitMAPDIMensionEx Return bitmap width and high No Yes GetBkcolor Return Current background color No Yes getBKMode Returns Background mode No Yes getBoundSRect Returns the current adjacent rectangle is G

etBrushOrgEx No Yes Yes GetCPInfo obtain the code page No Yes Yes GetCapture No Yes Yes GetCaretBlinkTime return caret flash time No Yes Yes GetCaretPos returns the current caret position No Yes Yes GetCharABCWidths return character width Yes Yes GetCharABCWidthsFloat return character width Yes Yes GetCharWidth return The character width is not a getcharwidth32 return character width No Yes getCharWidthfloat Return part character width is GetCharacterplacementMent Get string properties Data No Yes getClassInfo Return window class information No Yes getClasslong Return window class data No Yes GetClassName Return window class Name No Yes GetClassword Return Window Class Word No Yes GetClientRect Return Window Customer Area Coordinate (Return Window Relative to the desktop coordinate) No Yes GetClipbox Take the Cut Zone No Yes GetClipCursor Returns the rectangular coordinates of the rectangle of the cursor No Yes getClipRGN Returns the current clip domain

No Yes Yes GetClipboardData return clipboard data handle No Yes Yes GetClipboardFormatName return clipboard format name that is registered No Yes Yes GetClipboardOwner return clipboard owner window handle No Yes Yes GetClipboardViewer return to the first clipboard browser window handle No Yes Yes GetColorAdjustment acquisition Device Description Table Adjustment value is a getColorspace Get specified color space No Yes getcommmconfig No Yes getcommmask Returns COMM Event Shield No Yes GetcommmodemStatus Return Modem Control login value No Yes getCommProperties Return the Comm Device Properties No Yes getcommstate Return to CommSmmmstate备用 控制 控制 块 是 g om om 超 是 指 是 是 是 指 是 是 是 向 是 向 是 是 是 是 是 是 向 是 向 向GetConsolecurSorinfo Returns the cursor size No Yes getConsoleMode Return Console Input Output mode No Yes GetConsoleoutputc

P Get Code page for the console output No Yes Yes GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo return to the screen buffer information No Yes Yes GetConsoleTitle return to the console window title GetCurrencyFormat No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetCurrentDirectory return to the current directory GetCurrentObject No Yes Yes No Yes Yes returns the current object returns the logical GetCurrentPositionEx Unit location No Yes getCurrentProcess returns the handle of the current process No Yes getCurrentProcessID Returns the current process ID value No Yes getCurrentThread returns the current clue handle is a getCurrentThreadID Return the current clue ID value No Yes GetCursor returns the handle of the current cursor No Yes getCursorpos Returns the location of the current cursor (to replace the mouse position) No Yes Getdc Return window Description The table The handle is getDDCEX Return to the display descriptor Table Handle No Yes Getdcorgex Return to the device Description Table Transition starting point No Yes getDibcolortable No Yes getDIBITS Copy DIB bits in the buffer No Yes GetDateFormat Get local date format

No Yes Yes GetDefaultCommConfig No Yes Yes GetDesktopWindow return to the desktop window handle No Yes Yes GetDeviceCaps return device performance Yes Yes GetDeviceGammaRamp obtain a display luminance factor No Yes Yes GetDialogBaseUnits return dialogue base unit Yes Yes GetDiskFreeSpace return free disk space No Yes Yes GetDlgCtrlID return No ID value of the son window is getDLGITEM Return dialog control handle () No Yes Getdlgitemint converts dialog text to integers No Yes GetDLGITEXT Return dialogue control text No Yes GetDoubleClickTime Return to the mouse Double-click time No Yes GetDriveType Returns the type of drive type No Yes GetDriverModuleHandle Returns the Director Module Example Handle No Yes GetenhmetAfileBits Return to the Buffer Reinforcing MetafileDescription Back The title and builder of the enhanced chamber file is the GetenhmetafileHeader return enhancement element file * No Yes GetenhmetAfilePaletteEntries Returns the enhancement chart file palette entry No Yes GetEnvironmentStrings returns a pointer to the environment block

No Yes Yes GetEnvironmentVariable return process environment variable No Yes Yes GetExitCodeProcess return process interrupt code No Yes Yes GetExitCodeThread return clues interrupt code No Yes Yes original file name GetExpandedName take compressed files yes yes yes GetFileAttributes returns the file attributes No Yes Yes GetFileInformationByHandle return file information No Yes Yes GetFileSecurity Get file or directory security information No Yes getFileSize Returns the specified file size No Yes getFileTime Returns file 64 bit time No Yes GetFileTiTle Returns file name? Returning the file type No Yes GetFileVersionInfo returned file version information No Yes GetFileVersionFoSize Returns NOTION INFOCUS Return Current Focus window handle () is getFontData returns font data is GetFontLanguageInfo Get Font Display Description Table No Yes GetForegroundWindow returns the foreground window handle is a getForm Get the printer window information No Yes getFullPathname

Returning the path name of the file is getGlyphoutLine retrore contour data is GetGraphicsMode Retrieves the specified DC graphics mode No Yes getCendleinformation returns the color image of the GeticMprofile Back device Scene No Yes GeticonInfo Return icon or cursor information No GetInputState determines the mouse, keyboard, timer status is GetJob Getting Print Job Information No Whether getKbcodePage Get OEM System Code Page Is GetkerNelObjectSecurity Returning Core Object SD No Yes GetkerNingPairs Returns the current font check is Getk? eyNameText returns a string that represents the name of the keyboard is a virtual key is returned GetKeyState state GetKeyboardLayout Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetKeyboardLayoutName GetKeyboardLayoutList return to the active keyboard layout name No Yes Yes GetKeyboardState return to the virtual keyboard status yes yes yes GetKeyboardType keyboard information is returned Is the biggest possibility of getting the size of GetLargestConsoleWindowsize

No Yes GetLastactivePopup determines that the nearest event pop-up window is a getLastError returns an extension code No Yes GetLEngthThsid Returns the SID length No Yes GetLocalTime Returns local time and date No Yes GetLocaleInfo Get Note Native information in getLogcolorspace Gets the logical color space information No Yes getLogicalDriveStrings Returns the legal drive string No Yes getLogicalDrives Specifies the legal drive No Yes GetMailslotinfo Return mailbox information No Yes getMapMode Return image mode is GetMenu back Back to the specified window menu handle returns Yes Yes Yes GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions default checkmark bitmap size GetMenuContextHelpId Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetMenuItemCount GetMenuDefaultItem return to the menu item number is a return to the menu item identifier is GetMenuItemID Yes Yes Yes No Yes GetMenuItemInfo Is GetMenuItemRect No Yes GetMenuState

Returns the menu tag of the specified menu item is GetMenUString to copy the menu item string to the buffer is the getMessage from the clue message queue. The message is the message of getMessageExTraInfo Returns the message. The location is Yes GetMessageTime returns the time position of the last message is GetMetafile to establish a Windows element file is GetMetAfileBitsex to copy the Windows Module file into the buffer No Yes GetMetargn Returns the current element area is getMiterlimit Returns the current miter- Join length is Yes getModuleFileName Returns the path to the specified module is getModuleHandle Returns the module handle is yes GetNamedPipeHandleState return named pipe handle message Yes Yes GetNamedPipeInfo return named pipe handle message Yes Yes GetNearestColor return to the last available colors Yes Yes Yes GetNearestPaletteIndex return to the last matching colors Yes Yes Yes front GetNextDlgGroupItem returns or after a The handle of the group control is a getnextdlgTabItem returns ahead or the latter WS_TABSTOP control is GetNextWindow back or the latter window manager window is getNumberformat.

No Yes Yes GetNumberOfConsoleInputEvents returned to the queue number of events console No Yes Yes GetNumberOfConsoleMouseButtons return the number of mouse buttons No Yes Yes GetNumberOfEventLogRecords Gets the number of records in the event log No Yes Yes GetOEMCP acquisition system OEM code page GetObject No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes return object information GetObjectType return Object type No Yes Yes GetOldestEventLogRecord return the oldest record number No Yes Yes GetOpenClipboardWindow return CLIPBOARD open window handle yes yes yes GetOpenFileName file name of the dialog box No Yes Yes GetOutlineTextMetrics return TRUETYPE font metric type yes yes yes GetOverlappedResult Returning the last overlap result is a getPaletteEntries return palette entry range is a getParent return parent handle is a GetPath return path No Yes GetPixel Returns the RGB value of the specified pixel is getpixelformat No Yes? Is getPolyfillMode Returns the current polygon padding mode Yes GetPrintProcessRDirectory gets the printer driver processor path

GetPrinter No Yes Yes No Yes Yes acquires printer information GetPrinterData acquiring printer configuration information acquires printer GetPrinterDriver No Yes Yes No Yes Yes driver information GetPrinterDriverDirectory path for the printer driver returns Yes Yes GetPriorityClass process priority class back to the first GetPriorityClipboardFormat No Yes Yes a yes GetPrivateObjectSecurity CLIPBOARD format server object returns protected SD No Yes Yes GetPrivateProfileInt file acquired from a private integer Yes Yes Yes GetPrivateProfileSection private key and returns the value No Yes Yes GetPrivateProfileString gets the string from the private file is yes return address of the function GetProcAddress No Yes Yes GetProcessAffinityMask acquisition processing tasks listed Available No Yes Yes GetProcessHeap call to get the process heap handle GetProcessHeaps No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetProcessShutdownParameters return process stops parameter acquisition process GetProcessTimes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetProcessWindowStation timer returns process window handle No station Is getProcessWorkingSetSize? No Yes getProfileint

Get an integer from win.ini is that getProfileSection returns keywords and values ​​from Win.ini. No Yes getProfileString Get strings from Win.ini Yes Yes GetProp from window properties table columns Back to data handles is getqueuestatus Determine the message queue content is getqueuedCompletionStatus No Yes Getrop2 Returns the current draw mode is GetRasterizerCaps Return to the system TrueType status is the getRegionData return area data No Yes GetRGNBOX Return zone Border rectangle is a GetSaveFileName created File Name Save dialog Yes Yes GetScrollPos GetScrollInfo No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes return position of the slide movement of the slider range GetScrollRange returns Yes Yes Yes GetSecurityDescriptorControl SD retrieved correction information and control returns GetSecurityDescriptorDacl SD No Yes Yes No Yes Yes GetSecurityDescriptorGroup discrete ACL personal set information SD returns No Yes Yes GetSecurityDescriptorLength Returns the SD length No Yes GetSecurityDescriptorowner Returns SD Everyone

No Yes Yes GetSecurityDescriptorSacl return system ACL SD No Yes Yes GetServiceDisplayName obtain Service Display Name No Yes Yes GetServiceKeyName obtain service logon name key file No Yes Yes GetShortPathName short return path No Yes Yes GetSidIdentifierAuthority return address field ID No Yes Yes GetSidLengthRequired return the required length SID No Yes GetsIDSubauthority Returns the array address No Yes getSidSubauthorityCount Returns the subsequent address No Yes getStartupInfo Get the startup information of the current process No Yes GetStdHandle Return Standard I / O handle is getStockObject Returns the handle of the common brush, the brush or field, is a getStRetChbltMode Return bitmap stretch mode is getStringTypea Get ansi string type No Yes GetStringTypeeX No Yes GetStringTypeW Get the Unicode string Type No Yes GetSubMenu Return pop-up menu handle Yes, getSyscolor returns the color of the display element is getsyscolorbrush, no Yes GetSystem

DefaultLCID acquisition system default local ID No Yes Yes GetSystemDefaultLangID acquisition system default language ID No Yes Yes GetSystemDirectory return WINDOWS system directory path GetSystemInfo Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No information back to the system to access the system menu GetSystemMenu GetSystemMetrics yes yes yes yes yes yes return metric system GetSystemPaletteentries returns the system palette entry is a getSystemPaletteUse to determine whether the entire system palette is a getSystemPowerStatus Get System AC or DC power status No Yes GetSystemTime Return system time and date No Yes getSystemTimeAdjustment No Yes GetTabbedTextExtent OK OK Table Stroke Size is GetTapeParameters Returns Tape Driver or Media Information No Yes GetTaPeposition Returns NOT Location No Yes GetTapestatus Return Tape Machine Status No Yes GetTempFileName Establishing Temporary File Name Is GetTemppath Returns Temporary File Name? Is the path no Yes GetTextAlign returns a text alignment flag is GetTextCharacTerextra Return text character interval

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No GetTextCharset GetTextCharsetInfo returns the current font setting information GetTextColor returns No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes current text color GetTextExtentExPoint returns a substring length of the array GetTextExtentPoint returns Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes GetTextExtentPoint32 string size Returns the size of the string No Yes Yes GetTextFace returns the word of the current font is GetTextMetrics Returns the metric of the current font is GetThReadContext Returns the specified clue description table No Yes GetThreadDesktop returns the cloop desktop handle is GetThreadLocale Get Core Local Information No Yes GetThreadPriority Returns NOS NOSE NOTETORETRY Return Corrosion Description Inlet No Yes GetThreadTimes Returns Time Information No Yes GetTickCount Returns Windows Runtime Is GetTimeFormat Get Local Specified Time Strings? Yes GetTimeZoneInformation returns the current time zone information No Yes getTokenInformation returns to specify the token information No Yes GetTopWindow

Returns the top son handle of the specified window whether it is getUpdateRect Return window Update zone size is the GetUpDaterGN Return window Update area size is GetUserDefaultLCID Get User Default Local ID No Your Default language ID No Your default language ID No Your default language ID No Yes GetuserName Return Username is Yes GetUserObjectInformation No Yes GetUserObjectSecurity Returns SD information No Yes GetVersion Returns Windows and Operating System Version Yes Yes GetViewPortexTex Return Window Width Yes GetViewP ORTORGEX Back View Source is Yes GetVolumeInformation Back File System Information No Yes GetWINMetAfileBits Returns the element file content of the Windows format No Yes getWindow Return to the specified window handle is getWindowContextHelpid No Yes getWindowdc Return Window Equipment Factory Description Table is GetWindowExtex returns the window width is that getWindowlong returns a long value from the additional window memory is

Yes Yes GetWindoworgex returned window source is getWindowPlacement return window display status and minimum / maximum location is GetWindowRect Return window coordinates Yes getWindowText to copy window toolbar text to buffer is getWindowTextLength Return Window Tools The column text length is the getWindowThreadProcessID return window clues and procedure ID No Yes GetWindowWord returns a word value from the additional window memory is a getWindowsDirectory return window Windows directtransform Returns the current transform type is GlobalAddatom in the system atomic table Join the string Yes Yes GlobalAlloc allocates memory in the heap, is Code:

GlobalCompact No Yes GlobalDeleTeatom deletes atoms from the system atomic table Is GlobalFindAM returns a string from the global atomic table Is GlobalFix No Your GlobalFLAGS Returns to the global memory block information is GlobalFree release Global memory block is GlobalGetArtomname Returning the global atom string is whether globalhandle converts the global pointer to the handle is a GlobalLock lock memory object and returns a pointer is GlobalMemoryStatus Check the memory status No Your GlobalRealloc modify the global memory block size / attribute Yes Yes GlobalSize Returns Global Inpass Block Size Is GlobalUnwire No Yes GlobalUnfix No Yes GlobalUnlock Unlock The Global Circuit Block is GLOBALWIRE No Yes GRAYSTRING Whether grayString Draw Gray Text No HEAPALLOC Allocated from the stack? HEAPCompact

Compressed memory stacks No Yes HeapCreate creation stack No Yes Heapdestroy cancels No Yes HEAPFREE Release from the memory allocated from the heapLock Lock Stack No Yes HeapRealloc from the heap center weight memory No Yes Heapsize returns a heap object NOT is not a HeapUnlock release stacking lock No Yes HEAPVALIDATE Verification Specify Stack Structure No Hidecaret hidden Drafithr # Is HiliteMenuItem modified top-level menu item high brightness is Yes HREAD No Yes HWRITE No Yes IMMASSOCITECONTEXT No Yes IMMCREATECONTEXT No Yes IMMDESTROYCONTEXT No Yes IMMENUMREGISTERWORD No Yes IMMESCAPE

ImmGetCandidateList No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmGetCandidateListCount ImmGetCandidateWindow ImmGetCompositionFont No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmGetCompositionWindow ImmGetCompositionString No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmGetConversionList ImmGetContext No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmGetDefaultIMEWnd ImmGetConversionStatus No Yes IMMGETDESCRIPTION No Yes IMMGETGUIDELINE No Yes IMMGETIMEFILENAME No Yes IMMGETOPENSTATUS No Yes IMMGETROPERTY No Yes IMMGETREGISTERWORDSTYLE iMGetStatusWindowPOS

ImmGetVirtualKey No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmInstallIME ImmIsIME ImmIsUIMessage No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmRegisterWord ImmNotifyIME No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmSetCandidateWindow ImmReleaseContext No Yes Yes No Yes Yes ImmSetCompositionString ImmSetCompositionFont No Yes IMMSETCOMPSISITIONWINDOW No Yes IMMSETCONVERSIONSTATUS No Yes IMMSETOPENSTATUS No Yes IMMSETSTATUSWINDOWPOS No Yes IMMSIMULATEHOTKEY No Yes IMMUNREGISTERWORD No Yes IMPERSONATEDDECLIENTWINDOW analog DDE Customer window

ImpersonateLoggedOnUser No Yes Yes Yes Yes No analog designated user client simulation server ImpersonateNamedPipeClient pipe Yes Yes ImpersonateSelf impersonation token acquisition procedure calls No Yes Yes InSendMessage performed to determine whether the window InflateRect SENDMESSAGE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes rectangle size change initialize the local atomic InitAtomTable Miscetable table is whether INITIALIZEACL is established a new access control table No Yes INITIALIZECRITICALSECTION initialization critical paragraph object No Yes InitializationDescriptor InitializeSecurityDescriptor Initialization SITIARIZESTEMSHUTDOWN? Close System No Yes Yes InsertMenu added new menu item Yes Yes Yes InsertMenuItem No Yes Yes InterlockedDecrement reduce LONG No Yes Yes InterlockedExchange automatic exchange 32-bit value No Yes Yes InterlockedIncrement increase LONG No Yes Yes IntersectClipRect established clip region Yes Yes Yes IntersectRect calculated two rectangular cross Stack is

Yes, INVALIDATERECT is added to a rectangle in the update area is that INVALIDATERGN adds an area in the update area whether it is the InvertRGN flipped rectangular area is the ISBADCODEPTR to determine whether the legality of the read pointer is IsBadhuGeradptr determination The legality of the pointer is IsBadhuGewritePtr Determines whether there is a write action whether it is IsBadReadptr Determines whether it is an isbadStringPTR to determine the legality of the string pointer is IsbadwritePtr Determines the legality of the write pointer is IscharalPha determined Whether the string is letters Yes, IscharalPhanumeric determines whether the string is the number is IscharLower to determine whether the string is whether it is lessrupper to determine whether the string is the uppercase is Ischild determines whether the window is a son window is IsClipboardFormatavailable to determine if it is available? Is IsDbcsleadbyte determines whether the DBCS boot byte is IsDialogMessage to determine if the message is used for dialog box is IsdlGButtonChecked OK button control status

Yes Is ISICONIC determines whether the window is the least picture is IsMenu to determine whether the menu is IsRectempty determines whether the rectangle is is IsTextUnicode No Yes IsValidAnicode makes access control table Valid No Yes IsValidCodePage determines whether it is IsValidCodePage determines if it is IsValidCodePage determines if it is IsValidCodePage determines if it is IsValidCodePage determines whether the code page is effective? No Yes IsValidLocale determines if the local code is valid No Yes IsValidSecurityDescriptor makes the security description valid No Yes IsValidSID makes SID valid No Yes IsWindow determines whether the window handle is effective is IsWindowenable Determine if the window receives the user input is IsWindowunicode determines whether the window is using unicode is IsWindowVisible determination window Is it visible to whether it is iszoomed to determine whether the window is to determine if the joystick is available? No Y Y YGETNUMDEVS Return to the number of joystones Is it a JoygetPOS return joystick position and a button activity No YoygetPosex returns the joystick position extension information No YoygetThreshold

Returning the joystick movement critical value is a JoyreleaseCapture release joystick capture No Y YoySetCapture is the specified window capture joystick message No YoYSetThreshold Set the joystick motion The critical value is a keybd_event strike button event No Yes KillTimer Medium Timer Yes, LCLOSE is LCREAT No Yes is a LCMAPSTRING image string No Yes lptoDP will change the logical pointer to the device pointer is a lzclose shutdown file is Is lzcopy replicate file or compression is LZDOne No Yes Lzinit initialization The compressed data structure is whether it is lzreadfile to read the data from the compressed file Is it a pointer in the LZSeek relocation file Is LZStart? No Yes LeavecriticalSection Reserved Previous input critical section

No Yes Yes is the continuous point in the LINEDDA calculation is LINETO, which is a line from the current location. Is LLSeek? No Yes LoAdAccelerators load the acceleration table is whether loadingbitmap is loaded in the bitmap resource is to load the cursor resources. Yes LOADCURSORFROMFILE No Yes Loadicon load icon resources Is it loadImage? No Yes LoadkeyboardLayout keyboard layout loading memory No Yes loadingLi BRARY image module is the LoadLibraryEx return library module handle is a loadMenu load menu resource is whether the loadMenuIndirect get menu template handle is loadModule to load and run the program is LoadResource Return the resource handle is Yes? LoadString is loaded into a string resource is whether LOCALALLOC is allocated from the heap.

Yes LocalCompact No Yes LocalFileTimetOfileTime Transfer the local file time to the UTC file time No Yes LocalFlags Returns the local memory block information is LocalFree release the local memory information is LOCALHANDLE Returns the native pen handle is Locallock lock the local memory object and The return pointer is whether localRealloc Modify the local memory size and attributes whether localshrink is LocalSize Returns the local memory block size is LOCALUNLOCK unlocking local memory block is LockFile lock a word No Yes LockFileEx locks a byte range No Yes LockResource Returns the resource address is whether the LockServiceDatabase lock Specify the SC Manager database No Yes LockWindowUpdate is prohibited or enabled in the window painting Is LOGONUSER Log in user No Yes Lookupaccountname Turn the account name to SID No Yes lookupaccountsid put the SID to an account name is a LookuPiconidFromDirectory

Back icon or cursor coordinates ID No Yes Yes No Yes Yes LookupPrivilegeDisplayName LookupIconIdFromDirectoryEx visible return privilege name No Yes Yes LookupPrivilegeName return programmable privilege name No Yes Yes LookupPrivilegeValue return privilege name LUID No Yes Yes lopen lread No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes lstrcat LSTRCMP compares two strings to be lstrcmpi compare two strings are lstrcpy No Yes LSTRCPYN No Yes LSTRLEN Return String The number of characters is LWRITE. No Yes MakeSolutesd Create Independence SD No Yes MakeseelfRect SD No MapDialogRect The dialog box image to pixel is a MapGenericmask image pair / Standard General Access No Yes MapViewoffile

Whether the view image entry address space is MapViewOffileEx to enter the view image into the address space is a MapVirtualKey conversion virtual keyword code or scan code is MapVirtualKeyex No Yes MapWindowPoint Switch to another Coordinate system Is Maskblt conversion bit? No Yes McIExecute executes the MCI device command No Yes MciGetCreatOask Returns Create Task No Yes MciGetDeviceID Returns the ID No Yes MciGetDeviceIDFROMELEMENTID Use Element Reference Return Device ID No Yes MciGeTerRRORSTRING Returns MCI Error Code text Description No Yes MciGETY IELDPROC Get Process Address No Yes McISendCommand Send a command message to the MCI device No Yes McISendString Send a command string to the MCI device No Yes MCITYIELDPOC Settings The process address is MENUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITEMFROMPOINT No Yes messageBEEP creates a message? The box form is whether the messageboxex creates a message box form?

MidiConnect is MessageBoxIndirect No Yes Yes No Yes Yes MIDI device connected midiDisconnect OFF Yes Yes midiInAddBuffer MIDI device to transmit MIDI input buffer device midiInClose No Yes Yes No Yes Close MIDI input device is a MIDI device performance midiInGetDevCaps determine whether an error is a return to the MIDI midiInGetErrorText Code text Description No Yes MidiingeTID Returns MIDI Device Handle ID No Yes MidiingeTNUMDEVS Returns None Number None Is MidiInMessage Send a message to the MIDIINOpen? Open MIDI devices No Yes Yes midiInPrepareHeader ready MIDI input buffer No Yes Yes midiInReset end MIDI input and standard input buffer No Yes Yes midiInStart start MIDI input device No Yes Yes midiInStop end MIDI input midiInUnprepareHeader No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Clear preparation head midiOutCacheDrumPatches Pre-installed MIDI collision fixing code No Yes MidioutCachepatches pre-installed MIDI correction code No Yes MIDIOUTCLOSE

Close MIDI output device Yes Yes midiOutGetDevCaps return to the MIDI output device performance Yes Yes midiOutGetErrorText return to the MIDI output error Text No Yes Yes midiOutGetID return to the MIDI output device ID No Yes Yes midiOutGetNumDevs acquires the number of MIDI output device Yes Yes midiOutGetVolume return to the MIDI output device volume NO Is the MIDIOUTLONGMSG sending system dedicated MIDI message No Yes MIDIOUTMESSAGE sends a message to the MIDI device driver. No Yes MIDIOUTOPEN ON MIDI output device No Yes MidioutPrepareHeader Prepare MIDI OutrePrePareHeader Prepare MIDIOUTRESET End MIDI Output and Mark Buffers No Yes? MID iOutSetVolume provided MIDI output device volume Yes Yes midiOutShortMsg send a short message whether the MIDI output device Yes Yes midiOutUnprepareHeader eliminate MIDI output Head No Yes Yes midiStreamClose close the open MIDI stream No Yes Yes midiStreamOpen open MIDI stream Yes Yes transmitting data midiStreamOut to MIDI stream No Yes MidistreamPause Pause MIDI stream No Yes MidiStreamPosition Gets the MIDI stream current location

No Yes Yes midiStreamProperty get MIDI stream attribute No Yes Yes midiStreamRestart restart specify the MIDI stream No Yes Yes midiStreamStop stop playing the MIDI stream mixerClose No Yes Yes No Yes Yes closed mixing device mixerGetControlDetails Gets the mixer controls No Yes Yes No mixerGetDevCaps obtain performance mixer Yes Yes MixergetID Get A mixer ID value is a MixergetLineControls return hybrid line control No Yes MixergetLineInfo Get A mixer information No Yes MixergetNumdevs Get the current mixing device None? No is MixerMessage Send a message to a hybrid device No Yes MixerOpen Open Mixed Device No Yes MixerSetControlDetails Place the mixer control No Yes Mmioadvance Direct I / O buffer No Yes MMIOASCEND exceeds the Riff block No Yes MMIOCLOSE Close MM file No Yes MmiocReatechunk creates RIFF files No Yes MmioDescend reduces RIFF block?

Is MMIOFLUSH to convert the MM I / O buffer to disk No Yes MmiOGetInfo Returns MM file information No Yes MmioInStallioproca loading and delete custom I / O procedure No Yes MmiOOpen Open Multimedia file No Yes MMIOREAD read file No Yes Yes MmioreName Rename Multimedia File Name No Yes Mmioseek change the current file location No Yes MMIOSENDMESSAGE Send a message to I / O procedure No Yes MMISetBuffer Control I / O buffer No Yes MmiostringTOFOURCC Turn string to four character code No Yes Mmiwrite write file No Yes MMSystemGetVersion Returns MM Software version No Yes MODIFYMENU Change menu item Is MODIFYWORLDTRANSFORM Change World Transformation No Yes Mouse_Event Record Mouse Event No MoveFile Name? Is the file yes that the MoveFileEx rename file is MoveToex

The mobile current location is whether the moveWindow change window location and size are MSGWaitFormultiPleObjects Waiting for multiple object handles No Yes MULDIV will multiply the two numbers and divided by the result is multimediaTowideCha to make multimedia string images for wild matching strings Yes Netbios run designated NCB No Yes Yes NotifyBootConfigStatus notification response boot configuration No Yes Yes NotifyChangeEventLog No Yes Yes generated when ObjectCloseAuditAlarm deleting objects review / alarm No Yes Yes generated when ObjectOpenAuditAlarm access object review / alarm No Yes Yes generated when ObjectPrivilegeAuditAlarm perform privileged operations review / Alert No Yes OemKeyscan Yes the OEM ASCII image is an OEMTOCHAR conversion OEM string No MTOCHARBUFF convert OEM string No Yes Is the OFFSETCLIPRGN The moving clip area is the OFFSETRECT The shift movement rectangle is OFFSETRGN Move with the specified offset The area is that the OffsetViewportorgex mobile viewport area is the OFFSETWINDOWORGEX mobile window area is

Yes OpenBackupeventLog Open Backup Event Handle No Yes OpenClipboard Open Clipboard Yes Yes OpenDesktop No Yes OpenDriver Open Event Object No Yes OpenEventLog Open Event Registration Handle Openfile Establish, Open, or Delete The file is whether OpenFilemapping Image Objects Open the name file No Yes OpenICON activation minimization window is OpenInputDesktop No Yotemutex Open Name Mutex Object No Yes OpenPrinter Get The Handle of Specified Printers No Yes OpenProcess Returns the Process Object Object No Yes OpenProcessToken Open Process Token Object No Yes Yes OpenSemAphone Open Name Signal Object No Yes OpenService Open Service No Yes OpenThreadToken Open Cabo Tobra Object Other OpenWindowStation

No Yes OutputDebugstr No. The brush padding area is whether the PATBLT creation bitmap pattern is whether the Pathtoregion creation area is a PeekMessage check message queue is the peeknamedpipe pre-displays pipeline queue data No Yes PIE Drawing a cake-shaped picture is a Playenhmetafile Run Enhancement Module file No Yes PLAYENHMETAFILERECORD Run Enhancement Module file record No Yes Playmetafile Run Windows MunmeTafileRecord runs Windows Module file record is PlaySound Playing the sound file No Yes PLGBLT transmission pixel is a polybezier painting Bezier curve

No Yes Polybezierto painted Bezier Curve No is a PolyDraw Painting Series Line and Bezier Curves No Yes PolyPolygon Painting Series Polygon Is PolyPolyline Painting Link Segment No Yes PolytexTout Writing String String? The drawing line is a PolylineTo one or more straight lines No Yes PostMessage to join the clue message queue is PostQuitMessage to inform the Windows clue to interrupt Yes PostthreadMessage Whether to send a message to the clue No Yes PREPARETAPE Prepare Tape Device No Yes PRINTDLG Establishing Print Text dialog box No Yes PRINTERMESSAGEBOX Display print job error message No Yes PRINTERPROPERTIES Modify The printer attribute is a privilegegectServiceAuditaTaMM generated Privilege System Service Sound Alert No is whether PtinRect determines whether it is in a rectangle?

Is PtinRegion No Yes PTPISible query point is whether it is a PulseEvent setting and reset event is a purgeCOMM elimination communication queue No Yes QueryDosDevice Get DOS device name information No Yes QueryperFormanceFrequency Return count The frequency is the QueryServiceConfig Get Service Configuration Parameter No Yes QueryServiceLockStatus Get Service Database Locked Status No Yes QueryServiceObjectSecurity Get Service Object Security Description No Your QueryServiceStatus Get Service Status No Yes RaiseException Establishing an exception Condition No Yes Is the ReadConsole read console input data No Yes RONSOLEOUTPUT read screen buffer data No Yes is a ReadConsoleoutPutAttribute read console property string No Yes ReadconsoleoutPutCharacter read screen buffer string No Yes ReadeventLog Read? Event Record No Yes is ReadFile Read File No Yes Readfileex

Asynchronous read file No Yes Readprinter Read printer data No Yes ReadProcessMemory No Yes in the process, No Yes REALIZEPALETTE, the logical palette image is the system palette is the RectInRegion query rectangle whether there is a overlap area is RectVisible query rectangle Is there a rectangle to draw a rectangle in a rectangle, is the rectangle, update the client window, is it REGCLOSEKEY Close the login keyword No Yes Is the RegconnectRegistry connection Remote login No Yes REGCREATEKEY Establishment Keyword No is R? EGCREATEKEYEX Establishing Keyword No Yes RegdeleteKey Delete Keyword No Yes RegdeleteValue Removes a value from the login keyword No Yes is a subsumkey listing a child keyword that specifies the keyword No Yes RegenkeyEx lists the subscription of the specified keyword No Yes? RegenumValue lists the value of the specified keyword No Yes is regflushkey write keyword No Yes ReggetKeySecurity Get Login Key Security Properties No Yes?

RegloadKey Registration Keyword and Sub Keyword No Yes REGNOTIFYCHANGEVALUE Show registration keyword change No Yes Regopenkey Open keyword No Yes RegopenkeyEx Open keyword No Yes RegQueryInfoKey Return login word information No Yes RegqueryValue Returns specified keyword name? Is the type and value of RegQueryValueex Returns the keyword and the value is regReplaceKey change the keyword No Yes is the regrestoreKey login save tree No Yes, regsaveKey saves the tree stored in the login. No. No. Security properties. No Yes, RegSetValue associates the text string and the specified keyword. No Yes RegSetValueex will be associated with the text string and the specified keyword. No Yes RegunloadKey Uninstall the keyword from the record No Yes RegisterClass Registration Window class No Yes registerClassex No Yes? The registration new clipboard format is the registered event record handle of RegisterEventSource. No Yes RegisterhotKey registration hotkey

No Yes Yes RegisterServiceCtrlHandler registration service control request handle No Yes Yes RegisterWindowMessage defining a new window message is yes ReleaseCapture release the mouse capture Yes Yes Yes ReleaseDC release device context is yes ReleaseMutex release metric objects Yes Yes ReleaseSemaphore release semaphore object Yes Is the RemoveDirectory delete directory No Yes RemoveFontResource delete font resources Is it a RemoveMenu delete menu item and pop-up menu is that the REMOVEPROP delete attribute is included in the port is ReplaceText Establishing the text dialog box No Yes replyMessage Response The message sent by sendMessage is whether the ReportEvent write event logging item No Yes a resetEvent Reset event object No Yes RESETEVENT Reset Event Object No Yes RESETPRINTER Settings Print Data Type and Device Mode Value No Yes resizePalette modified logical palette size is a restorec recovery device description table is RESUMETHREAD

Start the paused clue No Yes ReuseDelparam Re-use DDE message iParam No Yes ROUNDRECT Drawing Round Rounded Root Role Retriever Yes Yes Yes SHFILEOPERATION Execute system file object Other operation No is Shfreenamemappings release File Name Image Object No Yes is a SHGETFILEINFO Get a Warning Shell folder interface No Yes SHGETNEWLINICINFO No Yes SAVEDC Save Device Description Table is that SCALEVIEWPORTEXTEX adjustment viewport size is Is the SCALEWINDOWEXTEX adjustment window size is the SCHEDULEJOB scheduling job No Yes SCREENTOCLIENT converts the screen point to the customer coordinate is whether the data in the ScrollConsolescreenBuffer scroll screen buffer is ScrollDC level or vertically moving the rectangle is the ScrollWindow mobile window client area Yes Yes ScrollWindowEx Mobile Window Customer Area is SearchPath Find File

No Yes SELECTCLIPPATH Selected Current Path to Clip Region No Yes SELECTCLIPRGN The selected clip area is whether it is a selectpalette selected palette is whether it is SenddlgItemMessage to dialog control SendDriveRMessage The installation driver Send message is whether the sendMessage to window process is to send a message to the window process Send a message. No Yes SendMessageTimeout Send a message to the window process No Yes SETNOTIFYMESSAGE to send a message to the window process No Yes setabortproc device The abandonment function of the print job is not a setAnformation device ACL message No Yes the setActiveWindow activation The top-level window is the setarcDirection setting arc direction No Yes setBitMapBits Setting the value of the setBitmApDimensionEx setting bitmap Wide and high is SetBKCOLOR Settings The current background color is a setBkmode settings background mode is setBoundSrec

T Control the adjacent rectangle overlap is a setBrushRGEX setting the starting point of the current brush No Yes SetCapture Set the mouse capture is setcaretblinkTime Setting the Drafting number flashing time is the setcaretpos setting the hairpin position is setclasslong Set the additional class memory length value is Yes Yes SetClassword Setting Attached Class memory word value is that the data in the SetClipboardData setup clipboard is setClipboardViewer to join the window in the Clipboard browser chain is the setColoraDjustment adjustment color No Yes setcolorspace Set color space NOS Is SETCOMMBREAK suspend character transmission Yes SETCOMMCONFIG No Yes SETCOMMMASK Settings Communication Event Shield No Yes SETCOMMSTATE Setup Communication Device Status Yes SETCOMMTIMEOUTS Setup Communication Read Write Time Range No Yes SetComputerName Setup The current computer name is setconsoleActiveScreenBuffer Change the display screen buffer No Yes SetConsolecp Settings Console Input Code Page

No Yes Singconsolectrol's single handle sets a single handle of the console process No Yes SetConsolecurSorinfo Settings the Goggrouse size No Yes SetConsolecursorPosition Settings The SETCONSOLEMODE Settings Console Input Output mode No Yes SETCONSOLEOUTPUTCP Settings console output code page No Yes SetConsoleScreenBufferSize to change the screen buffer size settings screen SetConsoleTextAttribute No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SetConsoleTitle text property to set the console window title string No Yes Yes SetConsoleWindowInfo set console window size SetCurrentDirectory No Yes Yes No Yes Yes to change the current directory to change the mouse pointer SetCursorYes Yes setcursorpos Set the mouse pointer position (change the mouse location) Yes SETDIBCOLORTABLE No Yes setDibits set bitmap Yes SETDIBITSTODEVICE Settings DIB bit to the device Is the SetDebugerRlevel setting debug event error Level No Yes setDefaultCommconfig? SetDeviceGamMARAMP Set Hui rating is setdlgitemint

Converting an integer to a dialog box text string is the set -dlgitemtext setting dialog header or a project is setDoubleClicktime Setting Mouse Double-click Time Is SetEndOffile Settings Text Tail Pointer No Yes STENHMETAFILEBITS Establish Enhancement The SetENVIRONMENTVARIABLE Setting Environment Variable No Yes SETERRORMODE Setting error mode Yes Yes SETEVENT Setting Event Object No Yes SETFILEAPISTOANSI No Yes SETFILEAPISTOEM Settings File API is the OEM Character Set No Yes SetFileAttributes Settings File Properties? Yes SETFILEPOINTER Settings file pointer position No Yes SETFILESECURITY Settings File or Directory Security Property No Yes Is the SetFileTime Settings file 64-bit time No Yes SETFOCUS Setup Keyboard Focus Is SETFOREGROUNDWINDOW Put the window in the front desk? No Yes SETFORM Set Form No Yes setgraphicsmode Settings Graphics Mode No Yes SetHandlecount Settings Available File Handle

Yes SETHANDEINFORMATION No Yes SETICMMODE Settings Graphic Color Match No Yes Yes SETKMPROFILE Set Color Appearance No Yes SETKERNELOBJECTSECURITY Settings Core Object Security Attributes No Yes SetKeyboardState Settings The keyboard status table is setLasteError setting expansion Error code No Yes SetLASTERROREX Settings Extended Error Code and Type No Yes SetLOCALTIME Setting Up Local Time Is SETLOCALEINFO No Yes setmailslotinfo Setting the mailbox read time No Yes setmapMode Setting Image Mode Yes Yes SETMAPPERFLAGS Set Font Image Sign Yes Yes SETMENUCONTHELPID No Yes SETMENUDEFAULTITEM No Yes SETMENUITEMBITMAPS Whether it is setMenuItemBitmaps to check the check mark bitmap on the menu item association is Is SETMENUITEMINFO?

Yes SETMESSAGEEXTRAINFO No Yes SETMESSAGEQUEUE No Yes SetMetAfileBitsex Establishing a Windows Module file No Yes SETMETARGN NOTELEGE TEMTAR NOS WESTERLITERLIMIT Set The Length No Yes Yes SETNAMEDPIPEHANDESTATE Setting Pipeline Read / Block mode, control local cache No Yes setPaletteentries set color palette and flag yes that setParent change the parent window whether setpixel sets the pixel color is setpixelformat No Yes setPixelv Setting the pixel color No Yes Yes SetPolyFillMode provided polygon fill Yes Yes Yes SetPrinter setting printer information No Yes Yes SetPrinterData setting the printer configuration No Yes Yes SetPriorityClass provided priority class Yes Yes SetPrivateObjectSecurity modified SD No Yes Yes SetProcessShutdownParameters setting process shutdown parameter No Yes Yes SetProcessWindowStation No Yes setProc

Essworkingsetsize No Yes SETPROP Add or Modify Properties Multi-SETROP2 Setting Current Draw Mode Is SETRECT Setting Rectangular Size Is SETRECTEMPTY Establishment The rectangle is a setScrollInfo is setscrollpos. Setting the scroll bar position is Yes setScrollRange Set the maximum and minimum position of the scroll bar is whether it is setsecurityDescriptordaDACL Settings DACL information No Yes setsecurityDescriptorgroup Settings SD master group SetSecurityDescriptorOwner information No Yes Yes Yes Yes No owner set SD SetSecurityDescriptorSacl set SACL information SetServiceBits No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SetServiceObjectSecurity modify the service object security descriptor update service SetServiceStatus No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SetStdHandle state set the standard device handle No Yes Yes SetStretchBltMode set The bitmap stretch mode is setsyscolors

Setting the system color is that setSystemCursor is a setSystemPaletteUse setting system palette status color No Yes SETSYSTEMTIME Settings System Time and Date No Yes SetSystemTimeAdjustment No Yes SETTAPAAPArameters Setup Tape Machine and Media Information? Is the settapePosition setting Tape Location No Yes SetTextAlign Settings text Alignment flag Is SETTEXTCHARACTEREXTRA Setting The character interval is whether it is setTextColor setup? SetTextJustification Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes text output adjustment SetThreadAffinityMask No Yes Yes SetThreadContext specified cue description provided No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SetThreadLocale SetThreadDesktop local information cue provided SetThreadPriority No Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SetTimeZoneInformation SetThreadToken

Setting the time zone No Yes SETTIMER installation system Timer No Yes SETTOKENInformation Setting Token Information No Yes SETUNHANDEXCEPTIONFILTER Settings Filter Abnormal Function No Yes SETUSEROBJECTSECURITION Setting No Description Value No Yes SETVIEWPORTEXTEX Settings the view port width is SetViewPortorgex Settings the Viewport Starting Site Is SETVOLUMELABEL Settings No Yes SETWINMETAFILEBITS Establishing the Enhancement The Module file is setwindowcontexthelpid? Yes, the SETWINDOWEXTEX setting window width is the setWindowLong setting window Additional memory length value is the SETWINDOWORGEX setting window source starting point is the SETWINDOWPOS setting window display status and minimum / maximum location is the SETWINDOWPOS setting window size, location, order is Yes SETWINDOWRGN No Yes SETWINDOWTEXT Settings window text in the directory header or control window is the setWindowWord settings the additional window memory word value is

Yes SETWINDOWSHOK installation hook process No Yes SETWINDOWSHOKEX installation hook process No Yes SETWORLDTRANSFORM Settings World Transfer No Yes SELLABOUT Display The Shell About dialog is Yes SHELLEXECUTE Open or Print Specified file No Yes SHELL_NOTICON Send Modifying the taskbar icon No Yes showcaret Show the hair size is the showcursor display cursor is the showownedpopups display pop-up window is ShowScrollbar The display scroll bar is whether the showWindow display window is SHOWINDOWASYNC No Yes SIZEOFRESOURCE Return resource size Is Sleep Pause Cancer Not until the I / O End No Yes SndplaySound Play Sound file No Yes STARTDOC Start printing The homework is Star

TDOCPRINTER Start print job No Yes STARTPAGE Preparation Printer Receive Data is STARTPAGEPRINTER Startup Printer No Yes STARTSERVICE Start Run Service No Yes STARTSERVICECTRLDISPATCHER Connection Corker No, Stretchblt Copy bitmap is StretchDibits to move DIB from source rectangle to purpose The rectangle is that strokeAndFillPath is closed, and whether the fill path is a strokepath exercise the path No is SUBTRACTRECT two rectangular subtraction is SUSPENDTHREAD hangs No Yes Yes No Yes Yes SwapMouseButton SwapBuffers switching mouse button functions Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No SwitchDesktop SystemParametersInfo search system parameter information Yes Yes Yes SystemTimeToFileTime conversion system time is 64 time SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes TabbedTextOut output string TerminateProces

S is aborted by TERMINATTHREAD Stop Core No Yes TEXTOUT Output string is TileWindows No Yes TimeBeginPeriod Settings Timer Resolution No Yes TimeGetPeriod Clear Timer Resolution No Yes TimeGetDevCaps Returns TimeGetsystemTime? Returns Windows Running time No Yes TimegetTime Returns Windows Running Time Is it a Timekillevent Median Timer Event No Yes TimeSetEvent Setting Time Tune Event No Yes TLSalloc Assignment Cancel Local Storage Index No Yes TLSFree Release Corruption Local Storage Index No Yes TLSGetValue Returns TLS Value No Yes TLSSetValue Set TLS Value No Yascii Convert Virtual Keyword Code for Windows Characters Does TOASCIIEX? Is the TOUNICODE conversion virtual keyword code is an ANSI character? No is TRACKPOPUPMENU display

Popups Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No TrackPopupMenuEx TransactNamedPipe reader named pipe TranslateAccelerator No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes key processing acceleration TranslateCharsetInfo conversion structure given string TranslateMDISysAccel process No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes MDI keyboard accelerator key convert virtual TranslateMessage The message is that the transmitcommchar is added to the transmit queue is a UnhandleDExceptionFilter filtering anomaly condition No Yes UnHookWindowsHook Delete Filter Function No Yes UnHookWindowsHookex From the hook chain Delete function is UnionRect is associated with two rectangles yes yes yes UnloadKeyboardLayout delete keyboard layout is UnlockFile No Yes No Yes Yes UnlockFileEx unlock file unlock file unlock the database UnlockServiceDatabase No Yes Yes No Yes Yes UnmapViewOfFile stop to view the image file No Yes Yes UnpackDDElParam acquire data from DDE messages in IPARAM No Yes unrealizeObject reset logical palette is

Yes, UnregisterClass delete window class is the unregisterhotKey release hot button No Yes UpdateRESOURS Update Color No Yes is the client area of ​​the UpdateWindow Update window is the validateRect delete rectangle is ValidaterGn delete area is VerfindFile Determine the file installation path No Yes VerInstallFile installation file No Yes VerlanguageName converts language ID to text description is VERQUERYVALUE Get a resource project No Yes Virtualalloc preserved Virtual Page No Yes VirtualFree release The virtual page No Yes VirtualProtect modified Virtual protection No Yes VirtualProtectex Modify Virtual Protection No Yes VirtualQuery ELM Return Virtual Information No Yes VirtualQueryex Back Virtual protection is

Is the VirtualUnlock unlocking virtual page No Yes VKKEYSCAN converts the character to a virtual keyword code is VKKEYSCANEX No Yes WNETADDCONNECTION redirection local device network resources is W NOTDCONNECTION2 redirected local device network resources No WNETCANCONNECTION disconnected network connection No Is WNETCANCELCONNECTION2 disconnect network connection Yes W NETCONNECTDIALOG Startup Network Connection dialog in W NETDISCONNECTDIALOG SYTINGNNECTDIALOG OF WESTERN network resources No Yes WNETGETCONNECTION Get Network Resource Name is WESTGETLASTERROR Return Network Function Recent Error No Yes Whether WNETGETUSER Get The Current Network User Name Name is WaitCommmevent Monitoring Shielding Event WaitForInput The monitoring process is idle is WaitFormultiPleObjects

Monitoring multiple objects No Yes WaitFormultiPleObjectsex monitors multiple objects or I / O end No Yes WaitforPrinterChange Monitor printer or printer server change No Yes WAITFORSINGLEOBJECT Monitor an object is WaitForsingleObjectEx Monitor an object or I / O End No Yes WaitMessage Pause the application runs and generates controls whether it is WAITNAMEDPIPE monitor Named pipe No Yes WAVEINADDBUFFER Send buffer to send buffers to be WAVEINCLOSE Turning the sound input device No Yes WAVEINGETDEVCAPS Get Sound input device performance No Yes WaveingeTerrorText Get a sound error Information text is WaveIngetID Get the sound input device ID No Yes WaveInGetNumdevs Return Sound Enter The number is the WaveIngetPosition Get Sound Equipment Input Location No Yes WaveinMessage Open The Sound Enterprise is WaveinOpen Open Sound Enter The device is WAVEINPREPAREHEADER Preliminary input buffer No Yes WAVEINRESET Stop Sound Enter Equipment ON No WaveInstart Stop Sound Enter Equipment ON WaveInstop

Stop sound input No Yes Yes waveInUnprepareHeader clear prepared sound file header No Yes Yes waveOutBreakLoop interrupt the sound output cycle No Yes Yes waveOutClose off the sound output device No Yes Yes waveOutGetDevCaps acquire a sound output device performance No Yes Yes waveOutGetErrorText get sound wrong text No Yes Yes waveOutGetID Get the sound output device ID No Yes WaveoutGetNumdevs Get the number of sound output devices No Yes WaveoutGetPitch Get the intensity of the sound output No Yes WaveoutgetPosition No Yes WaveoutGetPosition Get Sound Playback Location No Waveoutget VOLUME Get Sound Volume No Yes WaveoutMessage Sound Output Device Send Message No Yes WaveoutPault Pause Sound Playback No Yes WaveoutPrepareHeader Preliminary Sound Playback Data Block No Your WaveoutRestart Heavy Playback No Yes Waveoutrest Start sound playback No Yes WaveoutSetPitch set the waveform output intensity is

Is WaveoutSetPlaybackRate setup rate No Yes WaveoutSetVolume Setup The output volume is WaveoutunPrePareHeader Clear Preliminary Sound Data Block No Yes WIDECHARTOMULTIBYTE Whether WideChartomultiTE Word Multi-Terrace Multi-byte No Yes WIDENPATH Setup The current path is Is the WINEXEC running program is WinExecerror No Yes WinHelp The Windows Help is WINDOWFROMDC Return Device Descriptor window No Yes WINDOWFROMPOINT The window that returns a point is whether the WriteConsole write console screen buffer is WriteConsoleoutput direct control screen buffer No Yes WriteConsoleoutPutAttribute to write the attribute string to the console is WriteConsoleoutPutCharacter WriteConsoleoutPutCharacter WriteConsoleoutputCharacter write a string to the console? No WriteFile write file No Yes WriteFileEx write file No Yes Writeprinter output data Output data is WritePrivateProfilesection


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