Finally completed the compilation and installation of BIND9 + MYSQL-BIND

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

From last night to now, constipation, and finally compiled, but some options have been removed, do not know if there is any problem.

Chinese reference

Install Bind from the source code, load MySQL support 1 download Bind source code package, and mysql-bind package 2 decompress two packages, copy mysqldb.c and mysqldb.h in mysql-bind to bind9 / bin / named / include and bind9 / bin / named directory. 3 vi bind9 / bin / named /; Sets DBDriver_srcs, driver_objs, dbdriver_includes, dbdriver_libs, etc. . the mysql_config --cflags mysql_config --libs and output is provided such as I: DBDRIVER_OBJS = mysqldb.oDBDRIVER_SRCS = mysqldb.cDBDRIVER_INCLUDES = -I '/ usr / local / mysql / include' DBDRIVER_LIBS = -L '/ usr / local / mysql / lib '-LMYSQLCLIENT -LZ -LCRYPT -LNSL -LM -LC -LNSS_FILES -LNSS_DNS -LRESOLV followed by vi bind9 / bin / named / main.c, add #include "mysqldb.h" in the header file. and then Call to ns_server_create () Add mysqldb_init (); add mysqldb_clean () before ns_server_Destroy (). 4 Enter bind9 directory, ./configure, make, make install installation BIND9.5 Create Link ln -s / usr / local / sbin / rNDC / usr / sbin / rndc ln -s / usr / local / sbin / named / usr / sbin / named 6 Create an RDC.CONF configuration file. / usr / local / sbin / rndc-confgen> /etc/rndc.conf 7 Create a rndc.key file. Copying the RNDC.CONF file About KEY and CONTROLS Fields Creating a named.key.8 creates a named.key. You can edit files according to your actual needs. At the same time, you should create a corresponding database. These are not detailed. Reference article:

However, in the documentation of MySQL-BIND, mysqldb_cle () is added after ns_server_destroy (), there is a little difference.

But when I compiled, LD couldn't find lnss_files and nss_dns, so I took this related to DBDRIVER_LIBS = -L '/ usr / local / mysql / lib' -lmysqlclient -lz -lcrypt -lnsl -lm lc -lresolv

In addition, when compiling, pay attention to environment variables, I added all the environment variables. :)

PATH = / bin: / usr / sbin: / etc: / usr / local / bin: / usr / local / sbin: / usr / ccs / bin: / usr / ucb: / usr / Local / mysql / bin: / usr / local / bin / flexexport path cc = gcc; export cc ld_library_path = / usr / local / lib: / usr / lib: / usr / local: / usr / local / mysql / lib / mysql : / usr / local / mysql / include / mysql export ld_library_path Tests the server configuration to see if there is any problem.


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