XWindow graphics card configuration universal solution XConfigurator

zhaozj2021-02-11  248

XWindow graphics card configuration universal solution recommended:

Einstein Posted:

October 1, 2000 Reading:


Many new graphics cards have no support for XFree86 for a moment, and the configuration XWindow has always been a problem. But Linux 2.2.x Frame Buffer device can use the VESA VBE 2.0 standard to use the graphics card Super VGA feature, and then cooperate with Xfree86's Frame Buffer Server (XF86_FBDEV) to make your XWindow with high resolution and high / true color. Most of the new graphics cards on the market are now supporting VESA 2.0 standards. This is not a good solution before your graphics card is not supported. Specific implementation involves four aspects: a kernel that supports VESA Frame Buffer; establishes a Frame Buffer device; configuring LILO startup options, can switch to the specified display mode when the kernel is started; XFree86 Frame Buffer Server (XF86_FBDEV), and in XF86Config Configure a Screen for it. Required file: Linux 2.2.x kernel Source (2.2.x core code, if you want to compile the kernel); XFree86 FrameBuffer Server: XF86_Fbdev (Turbo Linux Chinese version, redhat6.0 cd, ftp.xfree86.org, etc. Found); GCC and other compilation tools. Compiling a kernel that supports VESA Frame Buffer If there is a ready-to-range support of VESA FRAME Buffer skip this step. With the Madrake 6.0, there is a kernel that supports Frame Buffer. Configuring the kernel compilation option Type Make XConfig (under xwindow) in / usr / src / linux, or make menuconfig. Options related to the frame buffer device there (the rest of the compiler options, consult other information): Code maturity level opetions y Prompt for development and / or incomplete codes / drivers Console drivers y Video mode selection support ... y Support for frame buffer devices. .. y 8 BPP PACKED PIXELS Support Y6 BPP PACKED PIXELS Support Y 24 BPP Packed Pixels Support Y 24 BPP Packed Pixels Support Compilation Mark: Log in as root, type the following command: # CD / usr / src / linux # make bzimage # make modules # make modules_install to copy compiled kernel to / boot directory, file name can be customized, such as # cp / usr / src / linux / arch / i386 / boot / BZIMAGE /BOOT/VMLINUZ-2.2.5-FB creates the Major of the frame buffer device Frame Buffer device. The MAJOR is 0 (FB0), 32 (FB1)..

Create a FB device # MKNOD / DEV / FB0 C 29 0 .... Configuring LILO Start Options Add LILO Startup Configuration Below is a typical lilo.conf file (located in / etc directory) boot = / dev / hda2 timeout = 500 Prompt Read -only image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x label = linux root = / dev / hda2 other = / dev / hda1 label = DOS Add a new configuration To add image, label, root, and VGA with VESA FRAME BUFFER, etc. Item: boot = / dev / hda2 timeout = 500 prompt read-only image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.x label = linux root = / dev / hda2 image = /boot/vmlinuz-2.2.5-fb (new compilation) Nuclear) label = Linuxfb (starting mark, can be customized) root = / dev / hda2 (with a different sentence, there is a different, illuminate your own lilo.conf) VGA = 0x314 (display mode, refer to the following table) Other = / dev / hda1 label = dos Linux_kernel_mode_number = VESA_mode_number 0x200 640x480 800x600 1024x768 1280x1024 256 0x301 0x303 0x305 0x307 32k 0x310 0x313 0x316 0x319 64k 0x311 0x314 0x317 0x31A 16M 0x312 0x315 0x318 0x31B update started to run lilo reboot, appears lilo: type linuxfb when (or self Set of labels). At this time, if Linux is switched into a graphical mode, and there is a little penguin logo, then it is half a half. Configuring Frame Buffer Server Configuring Screen Refigure the configuration of the VGA16 in XF86Config (located in / etc / x11, / usr / x11r6 / lib).

For example: Section "Screen" Driver "vga16" Device "My Video Card" Monitor "MAG XJ500T" Subsection "Display" Modes "640x480" "800x600" ViewPort 0 0 EndSubsection EndSection change Driver, Modes, Depth three, the remaining copy Section " Screen "Driver" fbdev "Device" My Video Card "Monitor" MAG XJ500T "SubSecion" Display "Depth 16 (Color depth, must match the color depth of the previously selected display mode, must!)" Default "Viewport 0 0 EndSubSecion endsection Let X point to XF86_FBDEV to copy the XF86_fbdev file to / usr / x11r6 / bin directory. There is a file named x file in / usr / x11r6 / bin and / etc / x11. It is actually a shortcut to Windows, which points to an actual X Server file, such as XF86_VGA16. StartX script calls X to start Server without which Server is specifically. Therefore, it is necessary to point the X of the above two directories to XF86_FBDEV, and different versions may call any one. The specific method is to change the name (or delete) the original X, CD / ETC / X11 MV X.BAT and turn the X-point XF86_FBDEV, LN -SNF / USR / X11R6 / BIN / XF86_FBDEV X. If everything goes well, startX, ............. Good luck! -------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ this article original author: Onion hurried the paper used for commercial purposes and author information and reservations please connect us return home when reproduced, thank the original author: unknown source: http: //bricks.yeah.net


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