Oracle problem, 10 questions every day (seven)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  30

61. How do you check in Oracle in run? View v $ sessions table

62. How do you see how many TableSpace? Select * from DBA_TABLESPACES; 63. How to modify the number of user connections to the Oracle database? Modify INITSID.ORA, increase the process, restart the database. 64. How do I find the last update time of a record? You can use the Logminer to view 65. How to read and write files in PL / SQL? The UTL_FILE package allows the user to read the operating system file via the PL / SQL. 66. How to put "&" in a record? INSERT INTO a VALUES (TRANSLATE ('at {}', 'at')); 67. How does EXP add Query parameter? Exp user / pass file = a.dmp tables (bsempms) query = '"where EMP_NO = /' s09394 / '/"; 68. About Oracle8i support Simplified and Traditional character sets? ZHS16GBK can support 69. Is Data Guard What software? It is STANDBY's replacement product 70. How to create spfile? SQL> Connect / as sysdba sql> select * from v $ version; sql> create pfile from spfile; sql> create spfile from pfile = 'E: / ORA9I / Admin / Eygle / Pfile / init.ora '; files have been created. SQL> CREATE SPFILE = 'E: /ora9i/database/spfileeygle.ora' from pfile = 'e: /ora9i/admin/eygle/pfile/init.ora'; files have been created.


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