How to solve the name of Gzip under Linux?
1. Documents to the extension of .a.
#TAR XV file.a
2. Files with .z as extensions:
#uncompress file.z
3. With .gz as an extension file:
#gunzip file.gz
4. Files of the extension of .bz2:
# bunzip2 file.bz2
5. Files for the extension of .tar.z:
#TAR XVZF file.tar.z
Or #compress -dc file.tar.z | Tar XVf -Linux how to solve the suffix name is Gzip file?
1. Documents to the extension of .a.
#TAR XV file.a
2. Files with .z as extensions:
#uncompress file.z
3. With .gz as an extension file:
#gunzip file.gz
4. Files of the extension of .bz2:
# bunzip2 file.bz2
5. Files for the extension of .tar.z:
#TAR XVZF file.tar.z
Or #compress -dc file.tar.z | tar xvf -
6. Documents to the extension with .tar.gz / .tgz:
#tar xvzf file.tar.gz
Or gzip -dc file.tar.gz | tar xvf -
7. Documents to the extension with .tar.bz2:
#TAR XVIF file.tar.bz2
Or bzip2 -dc file.tar.bz2 | XVF -
8. Files for the extension with .cpio.gz / .cgz:
#gzip -dc file.cgz | CPI -DIV
9. Files of the extended names with .cpio / cpio:
#CPIO -DIV file.cpio
Or cpio -divc file.cpio
10. Installation of files with.rpm as an extension:
# rpm -i file.rpm
11. Decompose the file with.rpm to the extension:
# rpm2cpio file.rpm | CPI-Div
12. Installation of files for the extension of .DEB:
#dpkg -i file.deb
13. Decompose the files for the extension of .deb:
File.deb data.tar.gz | TAR XVZF -
14. Files with .zip as the extension:
Decompress the files in Winzip format under Linux
If you install JDK, you can use the jar command; you can also use the unzip command.
Directly decompressed .tar.gz file
The xxxx.tar.gz file uses the TAR with ZXVF parameters to decompress it at a time. XXXX is the file name. E.g:
$ TAR ZXVF XXXX.TAR.GZ Decompression (Installation Method) of Various Compressed Files
File extension decompression (installation method)
.a ar xv file.a
.Z uncompress file.z
.gz gunzip file.gz
.bz2 bunzip2 file.bz2
.tar.z tar xvzf file.tar.z
Compress -dc file.tar.z | TAR XVF -
.tar.gz / .tgz tar xvzf file.tar.gz
Gzip -dc file.tar.gz | TAR XVF -
.tar.bz2 tar xvif file.tar.bz2
Bzip2 -dc file.tar.bz2 | xvf -
.cpio.gz / .cgz gzip -dc file.cgz | CPI-Div
.CPIO / CPIO CPIO-Div file.cpio
Cpio -divc file.cpio
.rpm / install rpm -i file.rpm
.RPM / Extract rpm2cpio file.rpm | CPI-DIV
.deb / install dpkg -i file.deb
.deb / esrtact dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile file.deb | tar xvf -
Ar P File.deb Data.Tar.gz | Tar XVZF -
.zip unzip
Bzip2 -d myfile.tar.bz2 | tar xvf
Tar xvfz myfile.tar.bz2
X is unzipped
v is a complex output
f is a specified file
Z gz format
Gzip [option] to compress the file name (or uncompressed)
-c Write the output to the standard output and retains the original file.
-d will compress the compressed file.
-l For each compressed file, display the following field: The size of the compressed file, the size of the uncompressed file, the compression ratio, the name of the uncompressed file
-r is classified to find all files that specify and compress or compress or compress or compress or compress or compress all files.
-t test compression file is complete.
-v Displays the file name and compression ratio for each compressed and decompressed file.
-Num-Adjust the speed of compression with the specified number.
Make a backup file called usr.tar with all the files in the / usr directory and includes its subdirectory.
Make a backup and compress all files, including its subdirectory, including its subdirectory, backup file name is usr.tar.gz
Tar Czvf usr.tar.gz / usr
Compressed a set of files, the suffix of the file is tar.gz
#TAR CVF back.tar / back /
#gzip -q back.tar
#TAR CVFZ back.tar.gz / back /
Release a file that suffix Tar.gz.
#tar zxvf back.tar.gz
#gzip back.tar.gz
#TAR XVF back.tar