Module 1. HTTPCLIENT - a component that helps handle the HTTP client.
Module Second, FileUpload - The server-side processing component required for the upload file.
Module Third, NET - Provide implementation to be a wide range of Internet protocols, such as: FTP, SMTP, NNTP, etc.
Module 4, Digester - A Java-based XML object that helps handle mapping technology for the XML configuration file.
Module 5, JXPath and Betwixt - JXPath: Handling the composite object set using the XPath syntax, BetWixt is a Java-XML mapping tool.
Module 6. Validator - provides a universal user data verification API and method.
Module Seven, Collectes - provides some new Collection classes and enhances the original Java Collection.
Module Eight, BeanUtils and Lang - BeanUtils provides efficient use of the JavaBeans property through Java reflection and internal provincial mechanisms. LANG is the function of enhancing the Java.lang API.
Module Nine, pool and dbcp - pool is a framework of a target pool, and DBCP is a tool that accurately implements Pool management database connections.
Module 10, CODEC - provides some universal coding and decoding programs.
Module 11, Modeler - provides a simple way to manage Model MBeans for JMX.
Module 12, CLI - provides a simple applicable interface for processing command line parameters.
Module 13, Chain - Implementation of Chain of Responsibility Pattern.
Module 14, logging and discovery - logging is used to pack existing log functions. Discovery is an attempt to provide a universal service component for finding resources.