One of the service interfaces that must be implemented.
Specification interface
As a communication method, and the specification specifies the necessary use
Binding style and
Coding method.
AXIS is an Apache's SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol). It is currently using a relatively wide WebService implementation, and a few a few of the good implementation of Document / Literal support.
Here I will demonstrate the Demo of the SyncOrderRelation interface using Apache's AXIS toolkit. The specific definition of SyncORDERRELATION already exists in DSMP, which cannot be used to develop a defined manner in the code in the code. It is developed by WSDL generation code.
1. WSDL definition of SyncOrderRelation
SyncOrderRelation is part of DSMP, I now just extract it from DSMP to form a separate file: syncorderRelation.wsdl, the specific content is as follows:
XMLns: ws = "" xmlns: soap = "" XMLns: XSD = "http: // www / 2001 / xmlschema "xmlns: wsdl =" http://schemas.xmlsoap.ort/wsdl/ " XMLns = "" XMLns: sopenc = "" XMLns: dsmp = " / dsmp / schema / "targetnamespace =" "> Targetnamespace = xmlns: soap-env = "" xmlns: sopenc = "http: //schemas.xmlsoap .org / soap / encoding / "xmlns: xsi =" "XMLns: xsd =" "XMLns = "" ElementFormDefault = "unqualified" AttributeFormDefault = "unqualified"> complextype> sequence> complextype> sequence> complextype> sequence> complextype> schema> type> message> message> message> Operation> porttype> EncodingStyle = "" Namespace = " /> EncodingStyle = "" namespace = " /> input> EncodingStyle = "" Namespace = " /> EncodingStyle = "" Namespace = " /> OUTPUT> Operation> binding> port> service> definitions> The definition of Service is related to specific implementation environments, just replacing LOCATION as the URI of your environment in your environment. 2. Preparation for developing operational environments My development environment is: OS: RedHat 9.0 (kernel 2.4.20) Webserver: Tomcat 4.1.30 Java: J2SDK1.5.0 Axis1.1 I will install Tomcat and Axis in the user's Home directory environment variable is: Tomcat_home = $ home / jakarta-tomcat-4.1.30 Axis_home = $ home / axis-1_1 After installing Tomcat and AXIS, you need to integrate AXIS with tomcat. This step is very simple, you will complete the AXIS_HOME / WebApps to $ Tomcat_home / WebApps, then start Tomcat to verify, in me After IE Open, you can see the verification result. After the verification is successful, you have to prepare the ClassPath for development, I am related to AXIS ClassPath is placed in a separate environment variable. Axisclasspath = $ AXIS_HOME / LIB / AXIS. JAR: $ AXIS_HOME / LIB /COMMONS-DISCOVERY.JAR: $ AXIS_HOME / LIB /COMMONS-LOGGING.JAR: $ AXIS_HOME / LIB /JAXRPC.JAR: $ Daxis_Lib/saaj.jar: $ AXIS_HOME / LIB /LOG4J-1.2.8.JAR: $ AXIS_HOME / lib / xml-apis.jar: $ AXIS_HOME / LIB /XERCESIMPL.JAR: $ AXIS_HOS_HOU / LIB /WSDL4J.JAR; Export AxisclassPath 3. Generate code The environment is finally organized, and it is now possible to start coding. It is actually not available. a. First use WSDL2JAVA from SyncOrderRelation to generate code transfer Java -cp $ AXISCLASSPATH org.apache.axis.wsdl.wsdl2java -s syncorderRelation WSDL2JAVA has created a basic code for us, and a COM directory in the development directory, this is the directory where the code exists. We only need to add it in ./com/monternet/www/ Add Our business handles the code. b. Adding TransactionID support Let's take a look at / ** * * * This file Was auto-generated from WSDL * by the apache axis wsdl2java emitter. * / Package com.monternet.www.dsmp.wsdl; Public class maportbindingImpl imports com.monternet.www.dsmp.wsdl.maport { Public com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReranceResPTYPE SyncorderRelation (com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReranceReqType SyncorderReranceInput) Throws Java.rmi.RemoteException { Return NULL; } } The SyncOrderRelation function is where we will add functional features. But before adding a function, I have to add the support of the TransactionId SOAP Header required by DSMP, and AXIS does not do this for us. So we have to add a generation of TRANSACTIONID. The code added is as follows Package com.monternet.www.dsmp.wsdl; Import org.apache.axis.message. *; Import org.apache.axis. *; Public class maportbindingImpl imports com.monternet.www.dsmp.wsdl.maport { Public com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReranceResptypeSyncorderRelation (com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReLanceReqType) SyncorderReranceInput) Throws Java.rmi.RemoteException { String TransactionId = GetTransactionId (); // Business related code SetTransactionId (TransactionID); Return NULL; } Public string getTransactionId () throws Axisfault { MessageContext CTX = Org.apache.Axis.MessageContext.getCurrentContext (); SOAPENVELOPE ENV = ctx.getRequestMessage (). Getsoapenvelope (); SoapHeadeRelement soapHeadeRelement = Env.getheaderbyName ("", "TransactionID"); Return (String) soapHeadelement.getObjectValue (); } Public void setTransactionId (String Transid) Throws Axisfault { MessageContext CTX = Org.apache.Axis.MessageContext.getCurrentContext (); SOAPENVELOPE ENV = ctx.getResponseMessage (). Getsorapenvelope (); SOAPHEADERELEMENT HeadeRelement = New soapHeadelelement ("", "TransactionID", Transid; Env.addheader (HeadeRelement); } } In the above, I added two functions, GetTransactionId acquired RequestMessage from MersSageContext, and set TRANSACTIONID to ResponseMessage to add TransactionID. c. Write a business code Since this is just a demo, there is no specific business implementation, just return 9001 (system busy) response, the code is as follows: Public com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReranceResPTYPE SyncorderRelation (com.monternet.www.dsmp.schemas.syncorderReranceReqType SyncorderReranceInput) Throws Java.rmi.RemoteException { String TransactionId = GetTransactionId (); Response.setVersion (SyncOrderReranceInput.getVersion ()); Response.SETMSGTYPE (New String ("SyncorderReranceResp"); Response.sethret (New Biginteger ("9001")); SetTransactionId (TransactionID); Return Response;} 4. Compile and release First create a build directory in the development directory, as follows Mkdir Build Compile the Java code after soft: Javac-cp $ AXISCLASSPATH: ./ build -d build ./com/monternet/www/dsmp/schemas/*.java Javac-cp $ AXISCLASSPATH: ./ build -d build ./com/monternet/www/dsmp/wsdl/*.java After successful compilation, it will be released. Release is divided into two steps: Copy the code from build / down to $ TOMCAT_HOME / WebApps / Axis / Web-INF / CLASSES and then call AXIS published commands Java -cp $ apisclasspath org.apache.axis.client.adminClient -h -p 9001./com/MonterNet/www/dsmp/wsdl/deploy.wsdd If everything goes well, you can properly handle the DSMP's order relationship synchronization package. 5. This is just a simple implementation method of a Java version. If C / C used can use AXIS's C version, you can simply implement the webservice.