Java noun explanation

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

A Abstract Window Toolbox (AWT) is constructed from some graphical user interface (GUI) components. These components are implemented with their respective local platform versions, providing a subset of all functions of all local platforms. Most of the functions are replaced by the "Swing Collection". See also Swing collection. The abstract class contains a class of one or more abstract methods that does not require constructive examples. After defining an abstract class, other classes can be expanded and the abstract classes are embodied by implementing the abstraction methods. Abstract methods have not been implemented. The actual parameter list specified parameters specified in the specific method call. See also the list of parameters. The α value represents the opacity of the pixel. API application programming interface. It is a specification that indicates how programmers who write applications should access classes and behaviors and status. The device refers to the networked device that is managed with JMAPI constructed, such as printers, Java terminals, clients, etc. The Applet applet is written in Java language, runs in a Java-compatible web browser (such as HotJava (TM) and Netscape Navigator (TM)). Variable method call specified in the data item. It can be a value represented by the letter or a variable or expression. The array is constructed of the same type of data item, where the positions of each item are uniquely specified by an integer. ASCII US information exchange standard code, that is, allocated a 7-digit code for each character. See also Unified Codes. The original language refers to the * work that is not interrupt or in an incomplete state under any conditions. B Documentation (BEAN) can be reused software components. Combine them to create operators with two variables of the application binary operator. The minimum unit of the information is indicated in the bit computer, which is represented by 0 and 1. The bit operator is bitten in the operator of two values, and each of the values ​​of one of the values ​​is compared to each of the other values. The block (block) Java refers to any of the code between two bursoms. For example: {x = 1;}. The Boolean variable value can only be "true" or "false" expressions or variables. Java provides Boolean types and literal values ​​"true" and "false". The bounding frame is for the grating means that the minimum rectangle formed after all of the non-completely transparent pixels is surrounded. Byte a string 8 digit. Java provides the corresponding BYTE type. The byte code is unrelated to the machine, generated by the Java compiler, the Java interpreter is executed. C forced conversion from a data type explicitly converts to another data type. One type in class Java is used to describe a particular class. In addition to the instance variables, class variables, methods in the class definition, the interface between the class and its direct superclass is also specified. If it is not clearly specified, the superclass is not specified, it will be object. The method of any particularity that can be called. It acts throughout the class, not a particular instance of the class. Class methods are also known as static methods. See also an example method. Class paths are an environment variable, indicating where Java virtual machines and other applications go to find class libraries (including user-defined libraries). For example, the Java tool is located in the JDK1.1.x / bin directory. Class variables are related to the entire class instead of data items related to certain specific instances of the class. Definitions in class definitions. Class variables are also known as static domains. See also instance variables. In the communication system of the client / server mode, client mode refers to the resources on the remote access server, such as computing power and large-capacity memory. The code location and the code attribute in the tag indicates where to find the primary Applet applet applet small program class file: code attribute points out the name of the file, the code benchmark indicates the URL of the directory where the file is located. Note is the interpretative text in the program, and the compiler will not compile it. In the Java program, the comments are used // or /*...*/. The smallest unit of the compilation unit is compiled. During the current Java implementation, the compilation unit is a file. The compiler is a program that converts the source code into a computer executable code.

The Java compiler converts the Java source code into Java bytecode. Another interpreter. Synthesis The process of superimposing an image on another image and constitutes a single image. The pseudo method created by the construction method. In Java, the constructor is the example method, the name is the same as its class name, which is called using the New keyword. The core class is a public class (or interface). It is a standard member of the Java platform. The purpose is to use it to use it for all *-making systems running the Java platform. The pure Java program relies on the core class, that is, it can run anywhere. All core classes are located in the Java. * Package. The critical part is a piece of code, where a thread uses resources (such as an instance variable) can also be used by other threads, but cannot be used simultaneously. D Declare the statement to establish an identifier and related attributes. There is no need to reserve the storage space (for data) or provide a process (for method). See also definitions. Definitions herein indicates that the storage space (for data) is required to be reserved for the identifier or the implementation process (for method). See also statement. Pray for the use of categories, interfaces, constructors, methods or domains that are no longer present and may no longer exist in the future. Export If the class x expands the class y, we will say that class X is exported from class Y. Another subclass, a super class. Distributed is not only running on an address space. Dual Accuracy Java Language Specification refers to a 64-bit number to describe a floating point number. See also a single precision. E EmbeddedJava (TM) is used for a large-capacity embedded device Java runtime environment. The package places knowledge in one module. Since the package has data and implementation methods, the user can treat it as a black box providing a service, which can add instance variables and methods to the example variables and methods therein. However, as long as the service provided does not change, use the program code to continue to use it without having to be rewritten. See also instance variables, example methods. Events that occur during exception programs, will prevent the program to continue an error. Java supports exceptions with TRY, Catch and Throw keywords. See also an exception handler. The exception handler responds to the specified exception type. If an exception event occurs is an error that can be recovered, then the procedure is executed, the program can still recover. Executable content refers to an application running from an HTML file. See also applet applet. Expansion to enhance function, class x extension class Y, i.e., add a domain or method to Y, or override Y. The expansion of the interface is achieved by adding a method. At this time, the class X is called the subclass of class Y. See also exported. F FCS for the first time for customers. That is, the product released to the customer. Data members of the domain class. It is not static unless it is particularly specified as static. FTP Basic Internet File Transfer Protocol. It is based on TCP / IP, used to obtain files between the hosts on the Internet. See also TCP / IP. The formal parameter list specified parameters specified in the specific method definition. See also a list of actual parameters. G garbage recycling automatically detects and releases memory that is no longer used. Since the process is performed by the Java runtime system, the programmer does not need to be explicitly released. GUI graphical user interface. Refers to the use of graphics, keyboard, and mouse technology, providing a simple and easy-to-use interface for some programs. H hexadecimal use 16 as a count system. Number 0-9 and letters A-F (or its uppercase A-f) represent 0 to 15. In the Java program, the crown must be crown before the hexadecimal number. See also an eight-year-old. A hierarchical relationship, which except for the highest layer (referred to as root), all of each of them is a dedicated form of it. Each next layer can have one or more items. In the Java class level, the root is the Object class.

HotJava (TM) Browser SUN Microsystems Developed an easy-to-customized web browser, which is written in Java language. HTML hypertext markup language. This file format is based on SGML and is used for hypertext documents in the Internet. It is easy to learn, can be embedded in images, sounds, video streams, form fields, and simple text. Use the URL to embed references to other objects. HTTP hypertext transport protocol. The Internet protocol is based on TCP / IP for acquisition of hypertext from the remote host. See also TCP / IP. I IDL Java interface definition language. It is some Java API to provide a standard-based address-based and connection based on Corba (Common Object R Equest Broker Architecture, Public Request Agent). The name of the identifier Java program. The inheritance class automatically contains the concept of variables and methods defined in the hypercurity. See also super class, subclass. One of the specific classes of an example. The Java program uses the NEW operator to creating an instance of the class. Example method Related to the call method of class instance. It can also be simply referred to as a method. Another type of method. Example variables with specific related data items. Each instance of the class has a copy of its own variable (defined in the class). Example variables are also known as domains. See also the type variable. Interface Java refers to a set of methods that can be implemented by several classes regardless of which levels are all in these classes. The Internet is distributed in a huge network that is constituted by millions of hosts (absolutely no exaggerated) in many countries and organizations. In fact, it is configured by many small networks through a set of public protocols. IP area agreement. It is the basic protocol of the Internet for unreliable transmission of a single packet between the host. The protocol cannot guarantee whether the transmission of the packet is transmitted, the transmission time is how long and whether the transmitted multiple packets are in order to arrive in sequence. The protocol established on it has added the concept of connection and reliability. See also TCP / IP. The interpreter alternates and executes the modules that decode and execute each statement in a code body. The Java interpreter acts on the Java byte code. See also compiler, runtime system. J JAE Java application environment. The source code version of the Java (TM) development tool. JAR file (.jar) Java archive file. This file format is to merge many files into a file. JAR file format JAR (Java Archive File) is a file format that is not related to the platform, which is merged into a file. In the information processing of only HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol), you can bundle multiple Java Applet applets and its necessary components (class files, images, sounds, and other resources) to a JAR file, and then download it again. On the browser. This format also supports file compression and digital signature. Java (TM) SUN Microsystems developed the programming language. It is characterized by "You can run in any environment only". " The source code version of the Java Application Environment (JAE) Java (TM) development tool. JavaBeans (TM) has portability, reusable component model with platform-independent. Java (TM) Blend (TM) This product allows developers of database applications to map database records to Java (or vice versa) to simplify development processes. Java (TM) Card (TM) API complies with ISO 7816-4 application environment. Mainly used for the development of smart cards. Javacheck (TM) is used to check the application, whether the Applet applet meets a certain specification. The processor developed by Javachip (TM) Sun can perform Java local node code. In this way, you can reach the processor directly bypass the virtual machine or instant compiler phase. Java calculates the calculation system using standard network protocols. It uses the universal availability of network, data, and Java applications to dynamically send the services to a broader type of device. These devices can run Java programs.

Java database connections (JDBC (TM)) refer to industry standards connected between Java and many databases. This connection is independent of the database. JDBC (TM) provides a call-level API based on SQL database access. Java (SM) Developer Connection (SM) (JDC) is a service designed for personal developers. Online training, product concessions, feature articles, error messages, and advanced access capabilities. Java (TM) Development Tool (JDK (TM)) writes Applet applet and application software development environments with Java language. Java E-Commerce Framework (JECF) writes a structured system for e-commerce applications with Java language. Java Enterprise API uses this API to easily create large business and database applications. Such applications can share multimedia data with other applications within a organization or through the Internet. To date, four members of the Java Enterprise API family have been extended to the Abstract Window Toolbox (AWT) to add graphical user interface libraries. Java Interface Definition Language (IDL) is a number of Java APIs, providing standards based on Corba (Common Object Request Broker Archit EcTure, Public Request Agent System). A group of Java Media API supports a variety of media integrated APIs. These media include audio chips, video chips, two-dimensional fonts, graphics, images, and 3D models and telephone technology. Java Media Framework (JMF) This core frame supports clock synchronization between different media such as audio output and video output. It is a standard extension framework that allows users to make pure audio streams and video streams. Java (TM) Naming and Directory Interface (TM) (JNDI) A group of helps do multiple naming and directory service interfaces. Javaos (TM) is optimized to run Java platforms on multiple calculations and user platforms. It can store runtime to run Java applications on the hardware platform without requiring the host. Javaplan (TM) design and programming tools, written in Java language. The Java platform consists of Java (TM) virtual machine and Java core class. It provides a unified programming interface for pure Java programs regardless of the lower layer *. Java Remote Method Call (RMI) Distributed Model between Java applications. Using it, the remote Java method can be called from other Java virtual machines (possibly different hosts). A subset of the Java runtime environment (JRE) Java (TM) development tool. Use end users and developers who want to reset JRE. JRE includes Java virtual machines, Java core classes, and support files. JavaSafe (TM) tracks and manages the tools for the source file, and writes in Java language. _JavaScript (TM) A scripting language for browser and web servers. It is not big with Java relationship, so this name is easy to cause unnecessary confusion. Similar to other scripting languages, it is most commonly used in combining other components or accepted user input. Java (TM) Studio (TM) The first Java program that can easily create Java application and Applet applets without understanding Java languages. Java (TM) Virtual Machine (JVM) Java runtime environment is responsible for explaining part of the Java bytecode. Java (TM) Web Server (TM) is a solution with ease of use, scalability, easy management, security, independent of platform. It simplifies the deployment and management process of Internet and enterprise internal Internet web sites, thus speeding up the development efficiency of Java server applications, making it more powerful and more comprehensive. Java (TM) Workshop (TM) A complete tool integrated in a single environment for Java programming management.

It uses a highly modular structure, so it is easy to insert a new tool into the entire structure. The Java wallet is built on the user interface above the Java e-commerce framework. It can be used for online shopping, value transfer and management skills. Javaspaces (TM) provides distributed storage and data exchange of Java code. JavaSoft (TM) Sun Microsystems, from the previous business unit, named Sun Microsystems, Inc., Java S Offage Division. JDBC (TM) Java database connection. Refers to the industrial standards connected between Java and many databases. This connection is independent of the database. JDBC (TM) provides a call-level API based on SQL database access. JDC Java (SM) Developer Connection (SM). A service designed for personal developers. Can provide online training, product concessions, feature articles, error information, and initial access capabilities. JDK (TM) Java (TM) development tool. Use the Java language to write Applet applets and applications software development environments. JECF Java e-commerce framework. Write the structured system of e-commerce applications in Java language. JFC Java (TM) base class. An extension is to point to add graphical user interface libraries to an abstract window toolbox (AWT). JMAPI Java Management API. Refers to a collection of various Java language classes and interfaces. Use it to develop manageability aspects such as systems, networks and services. JNDI JAVA (TM) Named and Directory Interface (TM). A group of helps do the API of multiple named and directory service interfaces. JPEG Joint Image Expert Group. Refers to the set of image file compression standards. This approach is extremely limited by a substantially unprepared deformation to the image. JRE Java runtime environment. A subset of the Java (TM) development tool. Use end users and developers who want to reset JRE. JRE includes Java virtual machines, Java core classes, and support files. Instant (JIT) compiler This compiler converts all bytecodes to a local machine code when the Java program is run. This way to run this speed is improved in the way to interpret the code with Java virtual machines. JVM Java virtual machine. The Java runtime environment is responsible for explaining the part of the Java bytecode. K L lexic analysis About the characters in the source code is to translate the identifier that the compiler can understand. The connector This module can build each component machine code module into an executable, complete program. It creates a runoff program from the compiled class. See also compilers, interpreters, and runtime systems. The basic representation of the word value integer, floating point number or character value. For example: 3.0 represents a literal value of a single-precision floating point number, "A" represents a literal value of a character. The local variable refers to the data items that act within a block and the code in other block blocks cannot be accessed. For example, the variable defined in a Java method is local variable and cannot be used outside of this method. M Members or methods of members. It is not static unless it is particularly specified as static. Method defines a function in the class. See also example method, class method. It is not static unless it is particularly specified as static. MOSAIC is a program that provides a simple graphical user interface (GUI) that allows users to easily access data stored on the Internet. These data can be simple files or hypertext documents. Mosaic is written by a small group of NCSA. Multi-thread describes such a program that is designed to perform multiple parts of its code simultaneously. See also threads. N NCSA National Center for Supercomputer Applications. See also MOSAIC. O Oriented to the primary block of the program. Each is a program unit, consisting of data (instance variable) and functions (instance methods). See also a class. Design a software design method. It uses classes and concepts to simulate abstract or real features. 8 into 8 as the base, use the number 0-7 as the number of counting systems.

In the Java program, the crown must be crowned before the eight-input number. See also hexadecimal. Rewinding means that the same identifier can be used in the same range to represent multiple items. In Java, the method can be rewritten, but the variable or operator cannot be rewritten. The overload will be initially defined in the class in the class to different implementations. P Bag a set of types. Declaration with keyword package. The same-level device refers to any functionality that is located in the same protocol layer in the network. Personaljava (TM) A Java operating environment for developing web applications on user equipment in personal homes, offices and cars. The minimum element of the image can be accessed on a pixel display or a printed page. POSIX portable UNIX * worksystem. This standard defines the language interface between the UNIX * as a system and application via a set of minimum support functions. The process refers to a virtual address space attribute that includes one or more threads can be set by the user, such as the color of the window. Q R Grating a row of pixels. Reference its value of the data element. RFE requests are improved. RMI See Java Remote Method Call. The root is the one of all other items in the finger level. No items are located above it. See also level, class, package. RPC remote procedure call. It means that the network packet is sent to a remote host, and it performs similar general process call (or method call). The software environment that the system Java virtual machine can run, and the program compiles here. Runtime systems include all of the following procedures: Load Java programs, dynamically connect this local method, manage memory, processing exceptions, and implement Java virtual machines (probably a Java interpreter). The S sandbox consists of some collaborative * as a system component. From a secure manager (executed as part of the application) to security (design in the Java virtual machine and language itself) is included in the sandbox. It ensures that those unreliable and malicious applications cannot access system resources. The range used to determine which identifier can be used. Most identifiers in Java have class or local scope. Where examples of the instance variables, class variables, and methods can only be used inside the corresponding class (or subclass), unless a prefix class instance (for class variables and methods) or class name indicates that they can be used in classes. external. Other variables are declared within the method, they have a local range, that is, only in the package area. A Socket Interface Layer (SSL) This protocol allows communication between the Web browser and the server based on the security encryption method. Servers server-side program, which gives a server (running Java program) additional functional single precision refers to a 32-bit number in the Java language specification to represent floating point numbers. See also double precision. SGML standard universal markup language. It is jointly developed by ISO / ANSI / ECMA, specifying a method of labeling text documents with information about various types of documents. Another name for static domain variables. Another type of static method class method. The sub-array is located inside another array. Subclasses are exported from a particular class (or possibly more than one class). See also super class, super type. Subtype If the type x expands or implements the type y, then X is the child type of Y. See also super type. The class a particular class is exported by it (possibly more than one). Another subclass, subtype. Superstale a type of hypercase refers to all interfaces and classes that are implemented or extended by this type. Another subtype, super class. Switch refers to command line parameters such as -r, -d, and so on. The Swing set is constructed from all Java graphics user interface (GUI) components, which can be run on either a local platform that supports Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Since these components are written in Java language, they can provide more features than this Platform GUI component. (Compared with abstract window toolbox.


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