Get system folder

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  31

Option expedition

Private Declare Function GetWindowsDirectory lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"getWindowsDirectorya" (Byval Lpbuffer AS String, _ Byval Nsize As long) AS Long

Private submed1_click () 'variable definition. DIM DSTR1 AS STRING DSTR1 = STRING (255, 0) 'call function. Call getWindowsDirectory (DSTR1, 255) 'Returns numerical processing. DSTR1 = LEFT (DSTR1, INSTR (1, DSTR1, CHR (0)) - 1) 'The output of data. Text1.text = DSTR1END SUB

Private submmand2_click () end 'exits. End Sub

'Getting the system's temporary folder Option ExplicitPrivate Declare function getTemppath LIB "kernel32" Alias ​​"getTemppatha" (Byval NBufferLength As Long, Byval LPBuffer AS String) As longprivate const Max_path = 260

Private Function GetTempDir () As String Dim TempDir As String Dim ChrLen As Long TempDir = Space (Max_PATH) ChrLen = GetTempPath (Max_PATH, TempDir) If ChrLen> Max_PATH Then ChrLen = GetTempPath (TempDir, ChrLen) End If GetTempDir = Left (TempDir, CHRLEN) END FUNCTION

Private Sub Form_Load () with text1 .font = 18 .text = getTempdir End Withend Sub

'Get System Folder Option Explicit

Private Declare Function GetSystemDirectory Lib "kernel32" Alias ​​"getsystemdirectorya" (Byval Nsize As long) As long

Private const Max_path = 260

Private Function GetSysDir () As String Dim SysDir As String Dim ChrLen As String SysDir = Space (MAX_PATH) ChrLen = GetSystemDirectory (SysDir, MAX_PATH) If ChrLen> MAX_PATH Then ChrLen = GetSystemDirectory (SysDir, ChrLen) End If GetSysDir = Left (SysDir, CHRLEN) END FUNCTION

Private Sub Form_Load () DIM SYSDIR AS STRING SYSDIR = Getsysdir Text1 = Sysdirend Sub


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