Use QQ under Linux

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  32

This is my original, Linux, I only have a lot more than a week. I don't quite understand, but this original hopes can give those people who are trying Linux. After a big toss, red hat (Linux Red Hat) I finally gave the dog, oh, but I'm going down bitter, so many MM photos on the machine were deleted, the MM photo didn't fall to the people, and the urgent need is to contact someone else, look at it below See how you use QQ in Linux. If you want to make things, you must first take the equipment, don't say it directly like Windows, first put the equipment, lumaqq download address: SoftID = 1098 Download the files: lumaqq-0.1b.tar.bz2 is a Linux compressed file, LuMaqq is a schoolmer who is Tsinghua University is written by Java. Everyone knows that Java has cross-platform, so you don't want to run it under Linux. Oh, surprised. after downloading down, we first save it to a directory, then unzip the file with tar jxvf lumaqq-0.1b.tar.bz2 command in text mode, we use the command cp -r lumaQQ / usr / local uses the LumaQQ copy / usr / local directory because the default directory is / usr / local / directory, if you don't want to put it in / usr / local / directory, you can modify it, open with the VI editor directly Lumaqq, find the following: #! / bin / sh path = "/ usr / local / lumaqq"; CD $ PATH; CP = for i in lib / *. jar; do cp = $ i; $ cp done will modify "/ usr / local / lumaqq" content It's a directory you want to install. So, what are you waiting for now, hurry to experience it!


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