A programmer's millennium

zhaozj2021-02-11  238

The article is relatively long, I hope you can be patient and read, I believe it will help you. From January 1, 2000. Regardless of how it is 1,999, there is still electricity, water is still flowing, and the world's financial system is still adding to the normal operation of the reduction. This is already the beginning of the new millennium, but you still have to make some new year vows. Yes, you can swear to lose weight or more, but you can last until two weeks? It is better to make a commitment to improve your career as a software profession. Please think about some of the following decisions: I don't hinder others. You should not just want to play, use technology. You use technology because this is reasonable, or is useful for solving the problem on hand. Many developers are recommended for experience in acquiring experiences such as EJB (Enterprise Java Beans) or Com . You are wasting your boss's time and money to achieve your goals. Also, don't introduce viruses to reveal your unit software structure, or delete data or programs. If there is no weakness, notify the management, don't cause any damage. I will reuse any reusable things appropriate..... Because everyone likes from zero, not reuse existing results, these years, the productivity of software professionals does not increase significantly. There are many software results that can be reused, such as original code, components, documents, document templates, models, and other technologies that are reused through application mode. As long as you can, you can try to rely on other people's good work results, rather than assume that you can do things from zero and better than others (unfortunately, this is the mentality of many general developers). Now, reinvention of "wheels" is not a glory. I only develop software based on actual needs. If you don't have a need, you don't need to develop anything. No matter what type of system, you can always start with your definition needs. How do people or other systems use your system? What does it need to perform? What kind of use is it necessary? Does it run under what platform? Regardless of your system, what kind of business type, you can always determine its needs. Others are dry cough. I will model before the code.... The most efficient developer will first model it, and only after they think it is fully understood, it will start coding. Your energy in modeling may be simple, just draw a few simple maps on napkins, or complicated, such as using industry-leading Case tools. Among them, it is very simple: think first, after doing (operation of the strategic) You have to defend your work. .. Why are you developing your system or related part? Do you know how it is feasible? Whether others have done this type of prototype, showing that you are doing the right job. Does your software make sense in economical? Is it worth doing, is it possible to keep your organization's competitiveness or open a new market? Once your product is developed, is your organization to operate it? Do you have some people to operate and maintain the system? Can you get a procedure and documentation? Is there a support plan? If you can't argue your work, why are you still doing it? I will stop repeating the dogma ................................................. .. Software development is very complicated, and these dogmas are only covered for the lack of understanding of the process. In fact, data is only a small part of the entire process; and in order to make the software succeed, it is not only possible to make the original code; for the description, only the use case is not enough. The dogma is only hindered between people and reduces the success of the group.

I will work from different angles. .. Whether you are in the role in the project, you should always target several related components. Business analysts can develop user interfaces, use cases, and domain models when investigating the problem domain. Models can develop sequence diagrams, class models, component models, state diagrams, and data storage models when designing software. Programmers can write code, test cases, and write original code documents when implementing software. Just care about a product part, or project progress, or user interface prototype, or the original code or data model, will often lead to overall demand for software. I am not only paying attention to the implementation of the software .. Successful development is not just software that executes fast. Depending on the type, level of the project, it is more important to create scalable, understandable, maintainable, available or reused software. Software execution is only just on the one hand of software evaluation criteria, but too many developers only pay attention to the item, but affect their entire work quality. I will respect the customers and collaborate with them. ... The only reason for your development software is to support customers. Only customers can tell you what they need, because they are experts in the business field. In order to ensure that you have established the correct system, isn't it very reasonable to work closely with customers? I only accept the actual project plan. ... Organization or market pressure often leads the project plan to not conform to the actual situation. Whenever you use "If everything is developed in the way we estimate, and we are lucky enough, we can make the project" to clarify the plan, then you have trouble. Things don't always be done in the way you imagine, no matter how much manpower put into a project, many software development will cost a very large amount of time. Remember, nine women can't live a child in a month. If you are committed to the pressure, accept an unrealistic project plan, then you have to go back to clarify the reasons for the discretion of the plan. Your reason may not be accepted, you have to implement the plan, but at least you strive for the project. The project group with unrealistic plans is often shortcuts, but the project is still stopping before the project is far behind. I will continue to improve my communication skills .. If you can't communicate effectively with others, what is the use of good ideas? You may have to write the best source program in the world, however, you can't write an e-mail to tell your boss and group members you have done, then your masterpiece may not be admitted. I will develop habits of learning................................ Try to read a few related magazines per month or at least one technical book. Some of the best advice I have accepted is to extend the field of view and read some business magazines. Business-related reading enables you to have a background knowledge that users contact with users, it is a key factor in success, because the software is developed to support users. Course or conferences involved in participating in work should also be part of your learning process. I want to test all I developed. .. if you can build, you can also test it. You can detect the code by viewing the demand document, design, and performs multiple tests. If one is not worth testing, then why do you have to do it? I want to document all I developed. ... Modern software development mode is a work as a group member. If no one can understand your work, then you have no contribution to your work. Obviously, a good document makes your work easily understood. In fact, in short, good programmers will document their code before starting coding. I agree with the software is not just technology .. Technology is interesting, but it is only a small part of the development software. Whether it is good or bad, your work needs you to be proficient in dealing with users, managers, colleagues, sellers or operators. I think the software is not only developed, but you must remember, your users, or your superior manager, you can have a great effort to select software development before you start working. project. Once you have released the software to the user, the software must be maintained, used, and support. You need to fully understand how to become an efficient professionals.


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