[EDonkey fool tutorial - I am everyone, everyone is me]

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

Preface - Document Search for the new era of new era: eDonkey

Looking back at the Internet, netizens looking for websites, providing links, self-sovereignty, and selecting rights along their websites. However, when Yahoo, Lycos, Google, Baidu, etc. have established search engines, netizens have changed the way online, and you can use the search engine to find all the information you need. Similar to the website, the web page search engine, eDonkey is the file search engine. It can be said that the launch of eDonkey has created a new era of file search.

What is eDonkey? English name Edonkey. The user uses eDonkey software to connect their respective PCs to the eDonkey server, and the server's role is only to collect the shared file information of each eDonkey user connected to the server (not to store any shared files), and guide the P2P download mode. P2P is Point to Point, or it is also understood as a PC to PC or Peer To Peer, so the eDonkey user is both a client, and a Server. It can be said that the eDonkey will truly handle control with the user, and the user can share the files, directories, or even the entire hard drive on the hard disk through eDonkey. The documents that are expensive to store on your hard drive must be considered the most valuable. All users share their most valuable documents, which will enable the value of the information on the Internet. Seeing this, do you have a first time I saw the network and the search engine is excited? This fool tutorial will strive to make you quickly master the eDonkey technology in accordance with the principle of step-by-step progress. After learning the first lesson, you can use the eDonkey. After learning the first three lessons, you can skilled the eDonkey. After learning this tutorial, you can completely calculate the veritable eDonkey master! ! ! You don't have to finish it once, you can take a clip of the lesson, gradually improve the riding technology.

The software used in this tutorial is EMULE V0.28A version, easy to learn, the version solves the previous EMULE software that cannot support the agent.

First lesson - file download

Step 1, download software (emule or edonkey)

There are many eDonkey software, I use emule, that is, eDonnesses. The software interface has simple Chinese and multiple languages, which are used for most eDonkey users. Download Please click on the link below:

Latest version of EMULE query download (EMULE official site)

EMULE multi-language version (Sky Software Station)

You can also search for "emule" and "download" with Google, "Download" to find other download addresses.

Step 2, install EMULE

Run the installer, first select English (friends who can use the traditional Chinese operating system can choose Traditional Chinese directly), the following selections are selected by default, after installation. After running the emule, click the rightmost one of the menu above, change the language to Simplified Chinese, and exit EMULE and re-run the emule.

Step 3, change the directory

Emule is powerful, I will first talk about the change directory first. Point menu "Options", click "Directory", select the "Download File" and "Temporary File" two directory not the system disk (generally C: / disk) partition, such as D: / EMULE / INCOMING D: / emule / temp. There is also a shared directory below, you can choose the partitions, directories, or files you want to share, you can share it with other eDonkey users in front of the hook.

Step 4, file download

After running Emule, it automatically connects to the server (you can also double-click your own yourself). If you are connected, you can download the "Download the ED2K Link" window in the top right, you can download the found ed2k link to this window, click "Start" to download. You can use the following sheet test (available): Nikolas Cage: "Leave Las Vegas", won the 1995 Saturday Oscar Best Active Award

ED2K: / / | file | [China Union] .leaving.las.vegas.1995.dvdivx-lightning.avi | 695476224 | 7792363B4AC1F3763999E930BBF3D1 | /

Slightly explain the above eDonkey file ED2K link, can be divided into three parts by "|".

File name: Although the most straightforward, the most is not the key, the role is only for easy search;

Document size: Nothing, mainly used to separate the clarity of the film, the bigger the situation, the better;

Document ID: It is called Hash, this is the key to the ED2K link. Many files are different even if their filenames are different, but as long as the file ID is consistent, the eDonkey server will be as the same file. If you want to know if the file you want to download has been downloaded before, the only operational method is to save the file ID of each download file to the Word file (of course, save the ED2K link is easier), then download it before you want to download. The file ID of the file (10 million can not find the ED2K link) whether it can be determined in this file.

Finally do a little additional instructions:

Downloading the files while you are also providing someone to download. After downloading friends, if you want to help others download, you can rename the file, but don't delete your download or shared directory, so you can guarantee that you can download and faster you download. The purpose of the eDonkey is "I am a man, everyone is me", the same file is shared, the more people downloaded, the faster everyone. This is essentially different from this and PUB and FTP.

EDonkey supports multi-file downloads, usually downloading 20 or so. The size of the download file has chosen more than 600M, and the file is too small, the less the person is not good, the less people, the download speed is not fast.

By the way, for eDonkey downloads, file deletions are impossible.

Second lesson - upload file

This thing is simpler, divided into two situations.

1, you downloaded the document downloaded

First of all, you downloaded the upload, if you want to publish the ED2K link of this file. You click on the menu "Share". If the file is not in the list, you can refresh it, then find the file you want to publish. Right click in the mouse, select "Copy the ED2K link to the clipboard" and then publish in the forum.

2, your unique file

You first copy this file to the INCOMING directory downloaded in your machine (or you specify), then click the "Sharing" menu, you can see the file you want to upload to the eDonkey server. (In fact, the document is not uploaded to the server, or in your own computer). Then, according to the method described in the apparatus 1. In fact, even if you don't publish the Ed2K link of the file, everyone can search, you can download it yourself, publishing just to facilitate everyone, improve everyone's download speed.

Finally, it emphasizes the way to improve the file download speed is to share, the more friends downloaded, the better the file! ! !

Third lesson - search file

Download movies with eDonkey, you can't see it for a lifetime movie. I calculate, if you look at 1 in 1 minute (too exaggerated), from birth to 100 years old, you don't drink until you can see the movie every day, you can see more than 50 million movies. At this moment, I have downloaded the number of downloadable files in the eDonkey, more than 90 million, if 10% is the video file, there are more than 9 million, this is just the number of downloads today. The number of people is limited, and there is a constant video file in the time, it is clear that you will never catch up with this development. Search is actually very simple, you will use Google and other search engines, you should use eDonkey search, just one is a search page, one is a search file. 1, click "Search" menu, enter keywords in "Name", "Category" can choose any (recommended way) or video (unable to search the DAT file), "Method" best choice "all (server)", then Point "Start", you will find that the video files that match the N-Downloaders that meet your taste.

2, it is best to choose "Source" more film, you can download it.

3. To save the file information of the search, you can search in the search results window, press CTRL and A to all select, then click the right mouse, select "Copy the ED2K link to the clipboard", and finally scrapped to a file.

4. I want to query directly through the web method, I can log in to the following two websites (emule is nest), just cannot retrieve Chinese information:

Filedonkey query

Jigle query

In fact, there is eDonkey search, you can basically find the film you need, it seems that you can completely abandon such a forum. But in the principle of "I am a man, everyone", it is good for everyone to publish everyone in the forum. Because although the eDonkey searches a lot, but the power of one person finds that the boutique has no strength. Download video files with eDonkey search is not difficult, it is difficult to filter. What are the slogans? The more people downloaded, the more people downloaded, the faster the download speed! ! !

Here, add some points here:

1. The file you submit to the eDonkey can be used to provide some of the characteristics of the query, so others can be searched by just in any of the characters or fields inside;

2, when the information is searched, it should be comprehensive, such as simplified Chinese, traditional Chinese, English, so you can always find the file you need. For example, find movies from Taiwan, you can enter "Taiwan or TW", "Taiwan", "Taiwan", respectively. If you want to find a film to be played, it is best to retrieve in Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, and an actor's English name can be inquired with Google. If you want to retrieve more file information, it is recommended to use English. After all, use eDonkey or Westerners.

3. Select the "Source" number of file downloads, which will not download it because one person who provides a source is turned off;

4, eDonkey is a multi-point download, there is no resumed issue, that is, anyone in the login server share this file, you can guarantee that you can download it.

I think most of the friends visited the forum download movies, and the operation mode is probably the ED2K link download of directly copying the file. Do you have to think about this? Because you are so simple to operate download file versions may have the following two questions:

1, not the most popular, that is, the most source version;

2, not the largest capacity, that is, the clearest version.

So the correct eDonkey file download method is:

Download the file name published by the forum in the ed2k link of the file name just as a material that provides you search for the keyword. Search this file yourself so you can choose the most source, the largest version. This method is simple and effective for improving the download speed. Fourth lesson - Advanced Sports Skills BIG5 garbled search

In the past, everyone should understand the importance of file search function for eDonkey. I am almost all self-searching methods, so you can find more sources, clearer versions. So rarely browse the sender information of each eDonkey forum, even if you browse look at the eyes of searching for search information, you almost never copy a ED2K link directly (so I don't care about the file ID behind the ED2K link) . The way I recommend using the film and television file lookup is:

1, first is to go to each film and television site, although there is no movie's ED2K link, but the comprehensiveness and in-depthness of information introduction is that any one can not be more than one, this is the real need for eDonkey search.

2, followed by entering the keyword for searching, the preferred is English, followed by BIG5 garbled, once again, the traditional Chinese, and finally the Simplified Chinese.

3, finally look at the post of the friend in the eDonkey forum, there is no boutique.

Other ways, everyone maybe understand how the BIG5 garbled is how to operate? I will explain it by systematically.

1, find a "garbled word source"

With this "word source", you can continue to find other garbled keywords from it. Tell me here that I am the "garbled word source" found. When downloading the film, select the film point mouse right to select "Details", you can see the different names you want to download in the network, and the name of a garbled file name and normal display file name correspondence, naturally The true meaning of this BIG5 garbled was found.

(In fact, the simpler method is to access the Taiwan BIG5 website, and change the encoding method of the IE to go back and forth to change the true meaning of BIG5 garbled.)

In order to facilitate everyone to start, I will give you two "garbled words" here:

[Hong Kong] --- []

[Taiwan] --- [ 芖]

2, establish garbled retrieval file

For example, now use "Taiwan" BIG5 garbled to search " 芖" to search, immediately discover a lot of films, but the title is garbled, how to check the selection download? I recommend everyone to establish two search files, and take this example to build:

Taiwan.html - In the search results, press CTRL and A files in the search results, then click the right mouse button to select "Copy the ED2K link to the clipboard", and finally open the notepad to save it into the file "Taiwan .txt", then change the suffix "HTML";

Taiwan (download) .html - In the search results, press CTRL and A files in the search results, then right click to select "Copy the ED2K link (HTML) to the clipboard", and finally save to "Taiwan (download) .txt", then Change the suffix "HTML".

3, flexible use of retrieval files

Ok, two retrieval files have been created, how to apply it?

First double-click to open "Taiwan .html", if "Taiwan .html" is still displayed as garbled, you change the "encoding" in the IE "View" to Traditional Chinese (BIG5), which is okay. Change IE's encoding as Simplified Chinese, you can know that a lot of big BIG5 garbled is true, and the fire of the stars can be in the original!

After seeing a film, open the file "Taiwan (download) .html", double-click the file name to activate the emule download, and from "Taiwan (download) .html" you can clearly see which file you Have click to download.

In fact, only "Taiwan (download) .html" is also possible, but you will find it in actual operations, copying key fields from this file seems to be far without "Taiwan .html" is convenient! With live eDonkey search function, even if all eDonkey forums are all close, your donkey will not be able to eat.

The fifth lesson - eDonkey tenet: I am everyone, everyone is me

EDonkey is actually a file retriever, its role is similar to Google, but it is only used to search for files. Connecting to the shared file on the PC on the eDonkey server is equivalent to the web page in the Google database, you can retrieve downloads using eDonkey. Different from PUB, the more people downloaded, the faster the download speed! The more people who simultaneously share files. Let me give an example of a qualitative instructions (only to illustrate the problem, the actual situation is not exactly the same):

If I have a file (unique) size 100M provides everyone download, since the file does not need to upload it to the server, there is no more upload waiting time. After the eDonkey server receives the file information you provide, the block will be automatically divided (the pointer in the similar program design), if divided into 100 fields, each paragraph 1M, this time there is a team of 100 people to connect your machine request file download. Assume that each person runs the maximum load number connection is 10, the download connection is unlimited, each connection is download speed is 1M / min, and the following is divided into 3 phases:

Stage 1, since I have this file, everyone has to connect to me, each time 10 people, 1 field (size 1m) per person. It is assumed that 10 minutes later, each person has obtained a field here. Also, it is assumed that the fields obtained are different, and 1 field is obtained, and 2 fields will be obtained, and this type is pushed. This phase of the team downloaded a total of 100m, a day of 10 minutes, average to each person's download speed is 100m / 10 minutes / 100 people = 0.1 m / min.

Stage 2, if I am shut down, can you download it? If it is a PUB, the ftp method is certain, but the eDonkey can, because each person has 1 field to assemble this file, and all the fields are all, so if everyone can complete the assembly work under the guidance of the server. . The following calculation speed, each person can provide 10 connections, then there is a total of 1000 connections between 100 people. 1 minute, the team can download 1000m, with an average of 1000m / 1 minute / 100 people = 10m / minute! The ratio is 100 times higher than the stage 1!

Stage 3, if 100 people are downloaded, then add 1 person to download, how much can his download speed? The most ideal situation, he can connect 100 people at the same time, download different fields from each person, 1 minute, can be downloaded, download speed is 100m / minute! It is more than 10 times higher than the stage 2!

Although the above example is only used to illustrate the problem, it is actually so ideally, the bandwidth is not so fast, but the friends should be able to experience a certain reason.

Sixth lesson - device menu

Let's briefly introduce the emule menu before the eDonkey setup is described. (From left to right):

1, disconnection / connection: Do not click on the server;

2. Server: Individuals believe that the original parameters are unreasonable. It is recommended to turn the previous eight arrangements to server names, files, ping, static, user, maximum number, description, IP, which will be more convenient in future use. Drag the options you want to move in mousetaps to the specified location. From the right "My Information" window, you can view yourself whether it is a high ID or low ID (tell the difference in follow-up courses). The following "Server Information" and "Log" should be reset regularly. If the old is not cleared, the log file will sometimes go at G! For the "file segment corrupted" information that appears in the download process log, the emule will automatically find fixes. 3, transfer: From here you can view the download status of each file. The top of the mouse point "All" can view the overall download information, more important is the total amount of download files, after viewing, you can increase or decrease your download file based on your hard drive partition size. Some file names have red or green "i" in front, indicating someone ratings or comments, but right click. Red expressed the score into "invalid / damage / fake", if you believe that others can download it. It is recommended to click "Speed" to order download files. The top light blue line in the "process" indicates that the proportion of downloaded has been downloaded, and the priority of the file can be high when the process strip is fast. The three numbers in the source represent the current connection, the maximum number of connections, the current number of loads. The blacklist in the bottom of the customer queue does not have to pay attention to the reason is that because your connection download speed is too fast, the other party adds you to your blacklist and cut your connection to him. However, due to the more source, less than one or two do not matter.

4. Search: See the third lesson.

5, sharing: You can view the files you share, and even the file being downloaded is also calculated. Select the file point mouse button to change the file comment.

6, message: Similar to QQ.

7, IRC: Like the news, I never used, the movie may have no sound at this time.

8. Statistics: This is very helpful for you.

9. Options: Detailed below.

Seventh lesson - eDonkey settings

It is estimated that many friends today have initially mastered the use of eDonkey, and this lesson will explain how to set up a headache for beginners. All settings change must be "app" or "OK" items to take effect.

1. Let's talk about the "Statistics" menu. This menu is useful. You can refer to it here from all the impacts caused by setting settings. The three curve pictures don't say, it is very intuitive, I will understand it. What is important is that text window, which is helpful to change your eDonkey settings appropriately. The most intuitive and important is "Connection" item and the forefront "this run upload: download ratio". My point is that first, we must strive to improve the average download speed in the "connection" item, followed by "Upload: Download ratio" above 1, less than 2 (not too high), so your dedication to eDonkey and The request is basically consistent, which is also consistent with the purpose of eDonkey.

2, click "Options", click "Server", in addition to the option, in addition to the last item, other do not do, especially important, to put the countdown item 2: Alternative to the static server to select. Then click on the "List" behind the third item, turn the writing board, copy the following daily updated server list to the inside:




Then save it, exit the writing board. This will automatically update the server when you start the emule. The number of connecting servers determines that you can choose the number of files you can download, the more you are, the more you are, the better. But your eDonkey scan server will take time and memory, and some of the number of server files are only a thousand, tens of thousands, there is no great value, so the number of suggestions should not be too much. After joining the three lists I have listed above, your number of servers can generally guarantee between 150-250 to meet sufficient requirements. 3, still in the "Options", click "Connect", if the bottom three items do not hit the hook. Look at the above:

The maximum number of sources of each file - hard limits: 300-500 is a comparison value.

Connection Limits - Maximum Number: Fill in a large number (reference views can be provided), but it is not too big, it is recommended to input 15 times more than the previous digits, such as 5000.

Finally, talk about connection skills and caps:

First of all, we must know how much K. I will define three models yourself, corresponding to three different settings (the general user can use fool mode, I recommend the following two modes):

Fool mode: In the ability, download input is higher than your maximum speed, upload the input you want to provide to others to download the total speed, usually you can download the speed of 1 / 5-1 / 3, such as your network largest The download speed is 200K, these two numbers can input 300 (as long as the high over 200) and 50, in the upper limit, download input 0 (that is, no restrictions), the upload is the same value as the previous upload ability.

Manual gear mode: In the ability, download input is close to the value of your maximum download capability, upload 1/5-1 / 3 for this data. Enter 0 in the upper limit. Then click the dots on the right and minimize the eDonkey window. On the right of the right down in the mouse point, right click, you can choose to download it according to your different situations and preferences, and upload speed gear. For example, when you go to work or need to access other things, you will be set to 2% or 4, and the upload speed is also set to 2%, so the company's overall network speed or your own Internet speed will not be The eDonkey downloads have been greatly affected. At get off work, set the download speed into 100% or unlimited. The upload speed is also enlarged, such as an increase of 4% or 60. This makes it possible to make full use of all the network of the company at night.

Automatic gear mode: In the ability, download and upload all the values ​​you want to assign, such as your usual gear values, without having to consider the ability of the network. Enter 0 in the upper limit. Then click the dots on the right and minimize the eDonkey window. When you need to change, you can replace the gear according to your own situation. For example, when you go to work or you need to contact your other things, you can set up 100% speed, to other colleagues or your internet operate other things with enough bandwidth. When you get off work, the download speed is set to unlimited. This makes it possible to make full use of all the network of the company at night. This setting has two benefits. First, due to the two-speed change, it is easier to operate; more importantly, because you are smaller than the previous two modes, the download speed display bar on the right side of the head can be more Intuitive and accurately display your download speed. For example, I have entered 150 in the ability, so that the display is hurt, if you reach the height of the head, you don't have to restore the emule window, you know that the current download speed is about 70K, which is very convenient. If you enter a larger value in the third mode, the display bar is almost just a small black point. In addition, if you are online, it is best to set the head to always hide in WinXP. Finally, why do you want to set up the upload speed into an appropriate value, such as I set 50K. If you set it into 1K, that is, I am downloading, isn't it better? This is the misunderstanding of eDonkey, and the eDonkey will punish you accordingly. Because this will directly affect your connection, because you only download, not upload, so the number of connections assigned to you here will be very small. Since the eDonkey users are both uploading and downloading, although people have been downloaded here, he will upload it. This is why you don't set up the upload speed. I have observed statistics, more scientific.

Of course, if you don't have restrictions on uploading, this is definitely the most reflected "I am everyone, everyone is" eDonkey purpose!

4, final point main menu "server"

You can see the list of multiple servers, how to choose? I teach you a good policy. You'd better sort the parameters in accordance with methods in class. Then follow the method:

First click on the file, how much the server is sorted by file, while observing its ping value, if the value is small, indicating that you are even more fast. From the first beginning, if the ping value is below a certain value in your mind, such as 1000 or 800 (you look at it), you will correct it to the "Static Server List", so no matter how change This server will not be lost from your list. Select about 10-20 from top to bottom. Of course, the number of connected server files you have selected, the more the number of connected server files, the better the total static server, but maybe it is difficult to connect these high-quality servers, once the connection is broken, it is difficult to automatically connect, so It is recommended to choose from 10-20 static servers.

Since you are set to "Auto Connect the Static Server" inside "Options", you will inevitably connect to a server with a number of files!

Finally, I added a little, and so on the download, don't forget that in the "Transmission" menu, right-click "Remove the completed file", which is completely designed, do not affect others to download the file you removed. Because it is still in your incoming directory. I recommend establishing a special shared directory in another partition, temporarily hosting the downloaded documents, so you can give your donkey to make an activity, and you can provide support for others. I used the space for eDonkey downloads 20g, and the additional file sharing space is 10g.

The above situation is only based on the settings made by my personal situation. You can look at your statistics based on your personal situation, then make appropriate adjustments, I believe that you can find the speed of your net. Best eMule configuration with the machine! Eight lessons - 儿 Run fast

If you have learned the previous lesson, your donkey is still slow. Then you must take a look at this lesson. If the previous lesson is metaphor, the class is a Chinese medicine that does not have any side effects. It is an original remedies.

First of all, adjust the mentality of driving, definitely can't be anxious, the more you fierce, the closing is the original place, and the temper is very horious. For the first time, my friend, I must be downloaded by Pub or FTP. I saw a good film. I will see it within half an hour. This can be downloaded with pub or ftp, but I can only don't work, you can only Add the film to your download list, which is also possible to set its priority, but this is not equal to PUB or FTP. I will do a calculation. For example, your speed is 30K, this speed is in the middle of the broadband driving user. You ride this at 9 o'clock this morning and find 20 films, then you can do it without having to care, you can do it. How much did your donkey have eaten after a day? Simply calculate, it is 2.6G! If you count a large piece of 500M, you should download 5. However, because each film download process is different, there should be 2-3 parts that will be completed. Download with the PUB and don't say you can find such a lot of film a day, and then, you are busy all day long. The official said, Pub can also stay in the task list, then you are busy with you. In fact, this method is not good, because you have the work behind your ass, countless files, you still have to check the password, no different trouble.

Said so much, mainly to say a truth, just don't have a fear of driving because it is used to PUB. Of course, the PUB method also has its advantages, which is to be short, I want to see a single film for a short time. However, if you delete the file, you only have anxious, and the eDonkey download is almost guaranteed to never delete the file.

The collateration is correct, let's talk about the recipe of my remedies:

1. Select a high quality server

Measuring the quality server elements have four: stable, more files, small PING, and more users.

Server names that meet the above four elements are:

SILENT-BOB: The world ranked first server, can be connected to it, but it is very difficult;

Server at the beginning of Probenprinz.de: ie more famous German No. 2, No. 3, etc.

Emule Serve No's starting server: ie more famous US No. 2, No. 3, etc.

The above servers are very good, it is recommended to set up a static server in accordance with the sixth lesson.

As an Asian, Asia's servers should also choose some, which will be beneficial to download Asian movies, more famous:

BIGPIPE: Taiwan servers.

The above is basically a recognized high-quality server, and everyone should be connected here as much as possible.

What is the direct benefits of choosing a quality server? That is in its server users, you can quickly find a certain number of connections, because the scan other server looks more time. If you download 20 files at the same time, you can reach a stable speed with a quality server, and use inferior server may take half an hour to perform speed improvement, and once a connection is interrupted, you need to re-go any server. Find a complement. Note that eDonkey downloads are slowly accelerated. 2, download multiple files at the same time

The number of recommendations is about 20, which can reduce the waiting time, after all, the east is not bright. It's hard to imagine that you only download 1 file, where can you go?

3, search for documents with large download

Don't be tempting by the name of some files, many of the famous films are! I will go up. Just believe that a lot of film is a hot film, it is a good film! An commentary file To see the comment. The maximum number of sources is, the larger, the number of Western movies is general, the download speed is very fast, after all, the Westerners use eDonkey or more, friends who like the outer film are blessed.

4, Chinese and Western

It is best there to have submons and wesks at the same time. The proportion should be roughly equivalent, the western film can even be more (the more the overall speed of the weekeeper). If you really like watching the sub-tile, you can set the priority of these films. The scorpion is an eaten animal (is true?), Chinese, Western dining eating. In fact, this is very simple, it is time difference! Not all people are 24 hours drive. Still the same reason, the east is not bright, west!

If you do 4 points, if you use a broadband driving or so slow, I will ride my scorpion!

Finally, talk about space. Driving, because it is a massive download, the hard disk is still big enough, 10G 圈 should be small apartment, INCOMING and TEMP directory are in the same partition, and do not place the partition where the Windows system is located. Our company's ring is 20g, and I have 40G mobile hard drives, and the machine is 120g and bring the machine, which should be a gold medal. Don't be too nature to files, should you delete it, it is not too late to need it!

Wake again, see the statistics every day, and reset the server information and logs, sometimes you will not clean up, the log file will be g!

Ninth lesson - agent and high ID, low ID

The previous version of the eDonkey fool tutorial explained more detailed, but because the new version of the Emule supported the agent, this problem seems to be very simple. The following instructions:

1, best way - get network management

For local area network users, this is also the most effective way, but it is more difficult to operate. That is to let the network management modify the settings in the gateway server and point the 4662 port to your computer. You can naturally upgrade to high ID users.

2, use the agent to get the high ID

First use the agent hunter and other software to search for some available agents, recommend the SOCKS 5 agent. The agent is then set in the emule (or edonkey), and finally set the number of ports in the "connection" into the number of ports. Prepare some agents, because the eDonkey is a massive download, it is easy to be aware of the network management of the proxy server. This is also an important reason why I don't recommend the use of agents.

3, high id and low id

There are many netizens that mind, in fact, there is no need. I am a low ID, but you can also guarantee the download speed of the average average of 50K, it is scared to die, you can download 5G above every day! Your donkey has such foods, of course, it is also necessary to digest for a while, and do not have to be greedy.

High id and low IDs are the biggest difference in use is that high ID users can establish a connection with any eDonkey user, while low ID users can only connect to high ID users. That is, two low ID users must be transferred by means of a high ID user if they want to exchange files. In fact, because most users are high ID, this impact does not seem to be as big as it is. Similarly, if you don't pay attention to the key points in the previous lecture, even if you are a high ID user, it may be difficult. Tenth lesson - develop a good ride habit

It is very good to recommend eDonkey first is the purpose of eDonkey: "I am everyone, everyone is me." Compared to the PUB, with the fashionable words, eDonkey should be "green environmental protection", because all eDonkey user files are actively wishing to share, without having to steal other users, and will not cause a lot of network garbage .

Secondly, using eDonkey can search almost all the files you want to search, I have recently transferred the goal to music, software and English movies. I also recommend that you use eDonkey and google. With these two massive encyclopedia, what is the problem can I solve myself?

Compare FTP and PUB, using eDonkey more conducive to cultivating good online habits. You can choose a film regularly, then you will work, learn, go online. Let the 儿 自己 吃 吃, do you fully do other more valuable things, why not?

Finally, I wish you all the best friends!

Eleventh lesson - use eDonkey

Say a few riding a tricks, I hope to inspire everyone. You can also start my brain, think about what the secret can be excavated:

1, send a large file

If you have a large-capacity file (such as more than 1G) wants to send you friends, what should you operate? The email attachment must not work, no mail server will support such a large attachment. It is a bit a little technique that can be solved with FTP. If it is not too trouble, it can be broken down. If you have no technology, it is too trouble, then I teach you a trick to solve with eDonkey:

First of all, you have to make a single file, simple compression is definitely not, unless the file is created by yourself. The method is to compress this file and your own unique linen text files together, and write something in the text file. If you are afraid that others should steal the decompression password;

Second, to ensure that you should not let other eDonkey users search, this is to be named. Rar, ZIP, etc., then remove it, then take a very unique Chinese character as a file name, one word is enough, for example named: "鎎", I think everyone can even think about it, I don't know, I Also entering the pinyin kai and find one, now everything is OK.

Finally, run the emule, and guarantee that you don't get upload this time, download any file, set up the upload speed, then share the file you want to send, get the Ed2K link of the file, then use the ED2K link, compressed mode, decompress the password Email tells your friends!

Of course, this approach requires at least one high ID user in the sender and recipient, and if it is low ID, someone has to use the agent.

Seeing this, friends who are familiar with BT may have this feeling, is this BT? In this way, if the eDonkey is more than professional cameras, BT is a simple and practical fool camera.

2, query file information

For example, you get a movie, the title is very simple: "Taiwan", and there is no information about the title, actor and other information in the film. If you really want to know some of this film, you don't have to consult others, you can use the following method to get:

First shared this piece, get the ED2K link of the film;

Then remove this piece from the shared directory, then enter this film's ED2K link to download this film! After the eDonkey server is panelapsed, after the establishment of a little connection, select the film, right click, select "Display File Details", you can see many of the other names on the "Original" box, select one After the "take over", click "Rename", then change the file name in your transfer box.

Back up the ED2K link of the film, then cancel the current download, you get the true original name of this unknown movie!

You can also use it on this method, you can use the film you want to download to get a more appropriate tablet.

3, diverse

On the transfer box, right click, select "Add Category" and name it for the category you want to build. For example, Japanese film, Hong Kong, martial arts, etc. Check the downloaded film, right click, then specify it to the category you define. Of course, you can directly classify when searching. This will be green and green in the Category "All" menu, and you can view your respective downloads. This is absolutely not to look good, in fact, it is good for your donkey. After a period of observation, you will naturally know which categories download speed is fast, which categories are slow. Then, under the premise of the total number of controls, then appropriately adjust the various types of download ratios, and when you have basically listened to your drive! Also View "All" can know the total amount of the file you want to download, remember that the total download is less than your download partition (note that you have downloaded the part!), It is recommended to give at least 2g of the remaining space, otherwise you start When eDonkey is turned off.

I now understand why there are so many friends' download speeds that can't break the 30k mark (this is the riding and slam line I defined), even less than 10K. What if you don't take the initiative to drive, don't expect it to take the initiative to give you a certain return, and there are all things in the world.

12th lesson - blue download finishing fault = high speed full file

I always have a friend who complains about the speed of riding. In fact, I think the main problem is still in the riding person, not in the donkey. My own network may not be as many as many friends, and I am still low ID. But now, it is necessary to consider the speed limit. The maximum download speed I set is 150K, so as not to take over the company's bandwidth. I usually choose about 25 or so files. Download, the total amount is controlled at around 15G (riding a dedicated partition 20g), and there is always more than 10 files at the same time, and the total average download speed exceeds 50K. Many friends don't seem to understand, how is my low ID did? First of all, you still have to experience the fun and techniques of riding a donkey from the tutorials of the past few lessons. Only by riding a heart, it will be free to control. Then take a closer look at this lesson, focusing on the two first tails of the selection and breaking files.

First, blue download

First of all, it is also recommended that everyone uses the emule search function, selecting a file download, not completely tempting by the file name. After selecting the file download, wait for a while, downloading the file has established some connection (about more than 30-50), pay attention to the process strip of the file. If it is all blue, then the file is full, of course, it is dark blue, which means that all fields are all divided, you can download it with confidence. If there is red stripe in the middle (there is a red line to pay close attention!), This shows that the file field is not complete, it is broken. At this time, the most sensible practice is to cancel the download! If you choose the downloaded files are blue, it is easy to achieve full speed high-speed download! ! ! If you have downloaded some part, it is displayed on the process strip. Second, finishing the fault

Of course, even if you strictly follow the steps in one, you can implement blue downloads. It is also not fully avoided. The reason is that during the process of downloading, the full-file shared friend withdraws. Seeing the fruit of the hand right away, whitening throws away indetenance. But it is always in the download list, not only to occupy your computer and network resources, and you will misleate the friends who have connected to you. There is often a situation that many friends holds unfair files that are not willing to discard, resulting in the popular multi-source illusion. The motherland Jiangshan is red, but in the eDonkey, it is the least good situation.

Let me tell you about my personal handling method. My processing principle is to try to make the break file.

Backup Dash file:

1. Select the "File Block" in the "Settings" menu "file" option to select, this is helpful for the preview;

2. Establish a download category name "Dramper", please refer to class;

3, check the files in your download list regularly every day, first look at whether the process strip appears red stripes, followed by right click to display the file details, see the "last reception" time of the file. If the process stripes appear in red stripes or the last reception time is now more than 24 or 48 hours. To change the file name, join the "Breasing" in front to indicate, and write down the number of the MET file;

4. After reviewing all downloaded files every day, select the file name to select the file with the "Drash", right click to select "Pause" and return to the category "Dash";

5. Start the Windows Explorer, enter the temp directory downloaded by the emule, follow the MET file numbers you just record, select the files of the three records of the full break file, copy backup to other directories (I am backing up to mobile hard disk );

6, then cancel all broken download files in the EMULE download list "Dash" category.

Ok, so you will make a lot of resources from your computer, you can restart the downloads of other files to ensure that your speed is enhanced. So if you have processed after saving? In fact, the disconnection is not eternal. After a while, I may dedicate it in a good friend, so that the break will be completed. So you can find an opportunity you think is appropriate, restart your debinch file. I usually download the file file on the weekend. First, there is no one on the weekend company. Excessive traffic will let the network service provider doubt it. It is used to download the disclosure file is the most appropriate; after I don't have a longitudinal, of course, there is no task than letting The eDonkey goes to break the broken file. This hard bones are more suitable.

Start the disconnection download:

1. First preview the part file, in fact, do not need any specifically software, do not rename, directly select the file with Xika, RealPlayer or Media Player, etc. Open the file. If you can see it, you can delete it directly. If you are not satisfied, you can delete it. Left you think it is valuable. In the future, you will seek full files; 2, change the serial number of the file file

In fact, it is very simple, such as the file number is 007, you will add 100, change to 107, or you will conflict with the file you download now;

3, select some broken files to cut into the temp directory of the emule (pay attention to the total amount of the control file!), Note that the cut is cut, not copying, after the file file is restarted, the original retention file is not used, Because the file is likely to be updated in the future;

4. Restart the emule, you will see that the break files appear in the "Dash" category of the download list;

5. Since the download status is still suspended, the change can be restarted to continue.

After waiting for a while, review these broken files again, maybe they will change. Of course, there may be a document to be repeated, and you can repair the fruit.


Here you talk to everyone here to write this tutorial. If there is a follow-up course, it will also be added.

I started to contact eDonges at the end of March 2003. Sentences, in fact, I only have three days from contact with electricity to start writing a fool tutorial! The reason is that when I start learning eDonkey, I see the article most emphasizes technical, such as explaining highid and lowID, gateway, etc., and ignoring how to quickly guide rookie-level friends, how to make everyone do not understand technical mechanisms You can use eDonkey. And when I am at the university, part-time work is written by computer program. At that time, I learned the writing of American classic program design books, from shallow to deep, step by step. Begin the first person to read, then throw the principle, and finally talk about complex settings, this is estimated that you can experience from the fool tutorials I wrote. I have no in-depth in the first few courses to tell the Highid and Lowid things, and the rookie will not have to know these! Seeing those high-depth highly difficult textbooks, there was an impulse that I wrote a fool tutorial. In the third day of using eDonkey, I can't suppress this impulse, so I wrote it. I believe that the tutorial I wrote should be the fool of the eDonkey tutorial. If the friends don't understand this, you don't have to look at other technologies.

I am now riding a day average speed has been stable to 50-70K. If I choose a film reasonably, I can even more than 100K, the same broadband, I believe there is no more people here. The name of the eDonkey is very good, and this thing is very stubborn. It is generally difficult to drive, but once you tame it, it will be more wonderful than the horse, the little daughter is not riding back to the mother.

[size = 3] BT fool speed textbook [/ size]

As a BT, which is recently named eDonkey, I have no electricity, I have no eDonkey, the eDonkey is a world sharing, the search function is also very strong, as long as everyone's dedication is more, it will open up, the speed will not be better than BT. How much is it. However, BT is really suitable for fast communication within the team's internal information. I use PTC, very easy to use, and can be downloaded or used to create Torrent files, which is very convenient. Here I will write a quick textbook, I hope to help everyone:

1, download and install PTC



It is a Windows plugin, no icon. 2, activate the PTC

There are two ways. The shortcut to your convenient place (such as placing it into the BT shared download directory).

3, simple settings

After activating the PTC, the prefrences in the PTC menu is changed to the PTC menu. The window is on top to enter the maximum speed you want to download. It is recommended that friends from the outside network to at least 100K, the intranet friend can consider the appropriate value. To avoid monitoring of NMS. This speed will automatically assign you to provide the downloaded file, such as you set to 100, if you currently load two files, automatically assign to 50:50, if one of them is not downloaded, PTC will automatically Assign the download speed quota to another file. Then click on "Choose Download Directory" below, enter the directory you want to download shared with the BT, and finally click "Apply Changes" to confirm all modifications.

4, create seeds yourself and announce

This is also very simple, you can get it directly with PTC;

First, put the file you want to establish BT seeds in the BT download sharing directory you specified;

Then, "Make a Torrent" item in "PTC" will pop up a window. It is recommended that the "file" item is set to establish a BT seed file with a single file, and the file single byte can make easy to quickly build other seed diversion;

The following "Announce URL:" can be used by default, or other popular, such as:


The last item is selected by default;

Finally, click "Go" to start to create the Torrent file.

Since the window "Start Download Automatic or?" Is hooks by default, because the file you want to publish is already in the BT shared directory, you download as long as you scan it, you will be able to scan it yourself when you release BT seeds. Once, BT is the same). You can see the information of the file you want to publish in your window.

5, send BT seed files to everyone

If you want to let everyone download the BT seed files you created, for example, China's Yizheng Allies can send published by email attachments. Friends of other forums can be delivered to the dedicated FTP, and everyone can download the Torrent file to download. Don't publish too many seeds at the same time, I will release up to two.

Yes, for the gateway settings, please see the relevant technical information, it is also very simple, it is not described here.

It is best to say anything: "I am a person, everyone is" is all the purpose of all P2P software, and everyone will pay for everyone. Report you will be n * 1. After the BT download file, you can watch copy, but don't immediately turn off the window (BT download) or clear (PTC download), it is recommended to keep at least 12 hours, so before, keep up, keep P2P software true representative China's advanced film and television productivity development requirements, representing the advancement of China's advanced film and television culture, representing the fundamental interests of China's most broad netizens!


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