Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer 1.2.1 Security Check

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

1. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS02-064Windows 2000 Default Permissions Could Allow Trojan Horse Program (Q327522) Solution: Reference Windows XP as the default permissions The default permissions for the root directory on the system drive for Windows XP are:. • Administrators: Full Control • Creator Owner: Full Control (Subfolders and Files) • System: Full Control • Users: Read & Execute (This folder, subfolders, and files) • Users: Create Folders / Append Data (This folder and Subfolders) • Users: Create Files / Write Data (Subfolders ONLY) • Everyone: Read & Execute

Or use custom security templates: Add statements like Windows XP (cannot be interrupted) in the Security Template file [File Security] section (cannot be interrupted, only one line is added).

"% Systemdrive% /", 0, "d: ar (a; opti; ga ;;; ba) (a; ici; ga ;; ad) (a; ciiciio; ga ;; etc (CIOI) GRGX ;;; bu) (A; Ci; 0x00000004 ;;; bu) (a; ciio; 0x00000002 ;;; bu) (A ;; GRGX ;; WD)

2. Microsoft Security Bulletin MS03-008Flaw in Windows Script Engine Could Allow Code Execution (814078) Impact of vulnerability: Run Code of Attacker's Choice Solution: install the patch - for Windows 2000 and XP JScript 5.6 Security Patch - Q814078

3. IE Zonescript ActiveX Controls Marked Safe for Scripting Enable -> Disable Submit Nonencrypted Form Data (Submit Non-Demetry Form) ENABLE -> Prompt

4. MS03-030 Unchecked Buffer in DirectX Could Enable System Comise (819696) Solution: Install Windows 2000 Security Patch: Incident buffers in DirectX can cause system security vulnerabilities


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