Borland IDE Common Heat Key Introduction V0.1

zhaozj2021-02-11  297

Borland IDE often uses a hotkey v0.1 :) Borland's Delphi / BCB series products have a very powerful IDE, know and use the hotkey to save your own efforts to save your own efforts :) Specific detailed description To help inside KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS

0. Ctrl SpaceBar and SHIFT CTRL SPACEBAR Type a class or structure, such as "TOBJECT." And then Ctrl SpaceBar, IDE automatically lists all possible options, which is automatically completed, enters a function such as "FUNC ( "Then SHIFT CTRL SPACEBAR, the automatic prompt function parameter information, pay attention: This hotkey is handwritten with Chinese input method. It is highly recommended that the Delphi / BCB is used to change the Chinese hotkey (the use of SHIFT CTRL Alt SpaceBar, then install a input method such as violet and other support SHIFT keys, all OK:) 1. Ctrl Shift u (un-indents) or Ctrl Shift I (Indents) will be selected Decided block left shift (U) or right shift (i) a Tab, a hotkey that is very helpful to the program version. Similar to Tab OR Shift Tab 2. Alt [or Alt ] to match the position of the current parentheses, such as a program void __fastcall tfrmmain :: formcreate (tobject * sender) {INITGUIDETREE ();} Stop the cursor on a "{" character, press ALT [or Alt ] to switch to another}, this hotkey is in a large pile (((...)) when you mix you Very useful, huh, huh 3. Ctrl E incremental search function, after pressing the hotkey, Searching for: words appears on the editor status:, enter the characters you need to search, the editor automatically locates the nearest matching position. Backspace Retreat 4. Alt [Keypad Digits] can enter non-standard characters in IDE, open the Numlock lights of the keypad, then hold down the ALT directly, type the ASCII code, such as the ALT 137 input ‰ characters, However, because of the relationship in the Chinese environment, many characters are displayed? You must use a specific font 5. Ctrl Enter or Ctrl Mouse Left button quickly open the specified file. When the cursor stops on a string, press Ctrl Enter to find this string with the same name file in its search path, if you find it very useful when you open the Delphi Unit and BCB Header files. When you hold down Ctrl and then move the mouse to a word, a display of the like hyperlink occurs.

Click to automatically jump to this variable or function defined location, the debug code is more convenient than what classExplorer is used, huh, hheawha 6. Ctrl Up or Ctrl down Ctrl Press and hold the code. The cursor will not follow, but if more than one page, the cursor stays in the current page, the category is very useful. One word, first switch to the end of the word that you need to delete, then delete it, it is very convenient to say 9. Ctrl Shift G generate a GUID, very useful when writing COM programs, is not like VC? Guidgen is really trouble, and also use it when you do your head file tag.

BCB generated header files generally start in such a form, there will be a status of naming, // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- # iFNDef Unit1H #define unit1H // --------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ want to have that connection VC comparative period #if! defined (AFX_DO_H__AAA09E93_0482_4525_BA98_11ABF0CCFFDF__INCLUDED _) # define AFX_DO_H__AAA09E93_0482_4525_BA98_11ABF0CCFFDF__INCLUDED_ so you can use A guid manual plus started in BCB start, such as // ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- # iFndef type_0cbfe2e8_e7c5_4d88_9844_1f177f4b00E4 # define type type type_0cbfe2e8_e7c5_4d88_9844_1f177f4b00e4 // -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- 10. Alt Shift Arrow Press and hold Alt Shift and then use the arrow keys to select a rectangular area to operate, in the source When the code format is typized, it is sometimes very useful 11. Ctrl Shift Number or Ctrl Number Ctrl Shift plus a number key to define a bookmark, then use the Ctrl number key to jump to this bookmark, modify the debug code is very convenient 12. Design In the interface, Ctrl arrow design can use the CTRL arrow key to press the pixel level microidal control position 13. Ctrl J code template function, such as you enter classc and Ctrl J will appear Class T : public t {private: protected: public: __fastcall t (); __fastcall ~ t (); __published:}; Want to lazy people look at Tools / Editor Properties / Code Insight / Code Templates The list is good, you can also join your template. However, it is preferred to use ClassExplorerPro to automatically generate all of the needs of all the stoves, huh, huh 14. Alt 0 Windows List window, list all the open windows, the switch is very convenient 15. Alt Mouse: You can select vertical


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