Get command line parameters in the assembler (have already solved the previous problems)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

. Model small .stack 100h .DatabaseDATABUFFER DB 10 DUP (?) .codestart: Mov AX, @ Data MoV DS, AX; --------------------- ------- Mov Si, 80H MOV CX, ES: [Si] DEC CX MOV CH, 0; Use Debug Tracking Discovery If there is no value of this sentence will be changed, it will be mistaken. Add Si, 2 Lea Di, BUFFERLOOP1: MOV BX, ES: [Si] MOV [DI], BX Inc Si Inc Di Loop Loop1 MOV BX, '$' MOV [DI], BX Lea DX, Buffer Mov AH, 09H INT 21h; ---------------------------- MOV AH, 4CH INT 21h End Start


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