There are many FTP software under Linux, and there are commonly used WU-FTP, TFTP, Porftpd, and VSFTP. Where PROFTPD is a configuration method similar to the Apache, there are two ways of operation, stand-alone servers and super servers sub-servers. Regardless of security and stability, it is a very good choice. Install the proFTPD installation command as follows:
# wget
# bunzip2 proftpd-1.2.9.tar.bz2
# tar xvf proFTPD-1.2.9.tar
# cd proFTPD-1.2.9.tar.bz2
# ./configure --prefix = / usr / local / proFTPD
# Make
# make install
Set ProftPD
1. Features and paths of several files
/ usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / PROFTPD executor.
/usr/local/proftpd/etc/proftpd.conf set file.
/usr/local/proftpd/var/ proFTPD as an ID number of a service.
2. Set the proFd.conf file and start the service. In the default /usr/local/proftpd/etc/proftpd.conf/ file, there is a line "serverType Standalone", specify / usr / local / proFTPD / SBIN / PrOFTPD to work in a service, you can / usr / Local / proFTPD / Sbin / ProftPD is placed in the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file to start when booting.
3. A simple setting and instructions ofProftPD.conf (after the proFTPD file is decompressed, the / doc directory has a description of PrOFTPD.CONF) as follows:
ServerName "Proftpd Default Installation" # Name of the server
ServerType Standalone # Server service method (system service / inetd connection)
Default Server ON Default Service
Port number used by port 21 servers
User Nobody
Group FTP Proftpd username and group name when doing as a service
DEFAULTROOT ~ The root directory setting can be used with / home ~,
You can use users to go up to the root directory
AllowoverWrite on
User FTP
Group FTP
Useralias anonymous ftp
MaxClients 10
DisplayLogin Welcome.msg
DisplayFirstchdir .Message
Requirevalidshell no pay attention to it is best to add this line