Apache Alternative Access Statistics (Google & Yahoo) by Emerald Green College - Green Institute

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  25

Apache Alternative Access Statistics (Google & Yahoo)

View from Apache Access Log, this method is more accurate. Customlog "| bin / cronolog.exe logs / access_% y% m% d.log" combined env =! Image-request

Tools: Search and Replace 5.1 (This Fast Search Speed ​​Fly) Cronolog module, this is an apache log cut in the day.

One. Introduction

GOOGLE access traces - - [09 / APR / 2005: 00: 26: 54 0800] "Get / Modules / Dictionary / http / 1.1" 200 31780 "http://www.google.com/search?hl=zh- CN & Q =% EF% BD% 89% EF% BD% 8E% EF% BD% 95% EF% BD% 92% EF% BD% 8C% EF% BC% 9A% EF% BC% B6% EF% BD% 89 % EF% BD% 85% EF% BD% 97% EF% BD% 85% EF% BD% 92% EF% BC% A6% EF% BD% 92% EF% BD% 81% EF% BD% 8D% EF % BD% 85% EF% BC% 9F% EF% BC% AD% EF% BD% 8F% EF% BD% 84% EF% BD% 85% EF% BC% 9D & BTNG = Google% E6% 90% 9C% E7 % B4% A2 & lr = "" Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; msie 6.0; windows NT 5.0) "

Search for Google characters.

2. Yahoo visits - - [09 / APR / 2005: 17: 22: 12 0800] "Get / Document/php_gtk_manual_en/tutorials.translation.gettextinphp.html http / 1.1" 206 1115 "http://cn.websearch.yahoo ? .com / search p = example of translation & ei = UTF-8 & fl = 1 & vc = & vl = lang_zh-CN & vl = lang_zh-TW & x = wrt & meta = vl% 3Dlang_zh-CN% 26vl% 3Dlang_zh-TW "" Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; Msie 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) "

Search Yahoo.com/search characters.

3. Baidu

Baidu ... It didn't visit me, no way.

4. 3721 - - [09 / APR / 2005: 00: 09: 30 0800] "Get /Modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?cid=23&orderby=titlea http / 1.1" 200 26538 "http: //seek.3721 .com / right.htm? s_res = 1 & argse = new3721 & p =% CE% F3% C0% D6% D0% C2% CE% C5% CD% BC% C6% AC & PAGE = 5 & sum_page = 111833 & sum_bid = 0 & t_bid = 10 & c_bid = 4 & b = 1 & lang = ZH-CN, EN-TW & F = & d = & u = & source = & pID = 3721 "" Mozilla / 4.0 (compatible; msie 5.5; windows 98; win 9x 4.90) "Search 3721.com/right character.

PS: Despise a small number of people using 3721, as for the reasons, let a few examples (60/100 are such a search).

Example 1: http://seek.3721.com/right.htm?argse=new3721&ft3721=5&roRL=1&p=


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