Google Search from getting started! (For learning, reprint)

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

Google Search from getting started! (Classic) ----------------------------------------------- ---------------

1 Introduction

I know Google in the first half of 2000. Prior to this, I search for English usually use Altavista, and searching Chinese information often uses Sina. But after using Google, it became my Favorite Searchengine. This is also grateful to Sina netizen Cao Shui, because it is because of his great promotion, it makes me know Google.

I remember in the summer of 1996, when I first contacted the Internet, the magic of the flutter was conquered. The feeling of the end of the sky is really unlikely. After experiencing crazy WWW surfing and fascinated BBS fatigue, I realized that the Internet had an influence to me or lied to the change of learning.

How to describe this change? Previous learning, generally need to store enough knowledge in the belly, if necessary, extract the required parts from massive information. This kind of learning method has created a lot of talents who "talented high, learning rich five cars". However, in the new period of the information field, it is too much to swallow a lot of information in advance. For example, we have come to a large book city, often there is a feeling of doing it. The old learning methods need to be changed to accommodate this information explosion. The purpose is clear to learn, that is, first know what to learn, then have the purpose of finding answers, this way looks more efficient. I may wish to call this as "learning", according to the old, the old "pre-school".

However, the implementation of "learning" is premised. First, the learner is required to have a Bangongxian information library to draw a variety of purposes, followed, is a strong information retrieval tool to extract information from the information library. Obviously, the Internet can act as the massive information base, and the search engine is looking for a great tool for light fire.

"Experience in a good thing, must first make a tool." Internet only one, and the search engine has multiple. Searching masters say, so-called search is "in the right place to use the correct tool and the right way to find the right content". However, for ordinary people, master the possibility of many search engines seems not large. With one or two relatively strong representative tools reach most search purposes more urgently. Different times have emerged in different periods. For now, we are very lucky:

***** Google *****

2, summary

This paper briefly introduces Google's history and characteristics, Google's basic search syntax and advanced search syntax, Google features, including image searches, newsgroup search, and integration tool bars, but also briefly introduce some common search skills and practical purposes. Case. Although the name "Google Search from Getting Started", but in fact, the author is also in the "Getting Started" phase to search for Google.

3, how to use this article

Read this article is best to have some of the most basic Boolean bases, such as "with", "or", "non", etc. However, even if you don't have this knowledge, you don't have to care. Practice those instances, your doubts will be solved. For readers who have just been in contact with the network, maybe you should read this article from the beginning to the end; but for readers who have a search foundation, you only need to jump to find the information you need. Of course, if you have a certain English foundation, you can also refer to the reading with Google Daquan (, which will be better. 4, Google Introduction

Google ( is a search engine that is found in September 1998 by two Stanford University, in September 1998, Google Inc. founded in 1999. In July 2000, Google replaced INKTOMI became the search engine of Yahoo, in September of the same year, Google became the search engine of China Netease. Since 1998, Google has already received more than 30 industry awards.

Google's success has benefited from its powerful features and unique features:

Google supports up to 132 languages, including Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese; Google website only provides search engine function, no flowers in the flowers; Google speed is extremely fast, it is said to have more than 10,000 servers, more than 200 T3 widebands;

Google's patented web level technology PageRank can provide a high-rate search results; Google's search results excerpt query page containing keywords, not just website introduction; Google intelligent "good luck" function, Meet the requirements of the requirements; Google's "Web Snapshot" feature can remove the cached webpage from the Google server.

5, search entry

To make a search with Google, of course, you must first go to Google website -; however, and are actually Google search engines, but they have arranged search results, but they cannot Provide some feature features such as image search, etc.

For the first time I entered Google, it determines the language interface according to your operating system. What needs to be reminded is that Google is stored by cookie, so if your system disables cookie, you cannot set up your Google interface.

Google's homepage is very refreshing, LOGO, the four functional modules are arranged: websites, images, newsgroups, and directory services. By default is the website search. Now in the first search practice, find all Chinese websites and web pages about "Easy". Enter a keyword "Easy" button inside the search box, then click the "Google Search" button below (or go directly), the result will come out.

Search: "Easy" results: Chinese (Simplified) webpage related to Yibo. There are about 5,930 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.12 seconds.

6, first-order search

In the previous example, you already know the most basic search, that is, query information containing a single keyword. Now, further exploration of multiple keywords and different logical relationships between keywords.

6.1, search results require two and more than two keywords

General Search Engine needs to add " " between multiple keywords, and Google does not need to express logic " " with its own " ", as long as spaces can be. Example::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: There are about 774 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.24 seconds.

Note: The quotation marks outside the search syntax in the article only enters the reference role and cannot be brought into the search bar.

6.2, search results requirements do not include certain specific information

Google uses a minus "-" to represent the logic "non" operation.

Example: Search all Chinese webpages containing "Easy Rib" without "Labor Dafa": "Easy Rib" results: Search for the Chinese (Simplified) web page for easy-thorn . There are about 5,150 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.40 seconds.

Note: The " " and "-" here are English characters, rather than " " and "-" of Chinese characters. In addition, between the operator and the keyword, there is no space. For example, "Easy-to-threaten-absorbing Dafa", search engine will be deemed to be keywords for the logic "and" operation, "-" "-" "-" "" - "in the middle.

6.3, search results include at least one of multiple keywords

Google uses uppercase "OR" represents logic "or" operation. Assume that you are the fans of Britney and the REMIK, now you have to find all Chinese webpages about Britney and the priest.

Example: Search for Britney "Britney" or Beatles "Beatles", or Chinese webpage available. Search: "Britney or Beatles Or Britney Or Photos" Results: The Chinese (Simplified) web page for Britney or Beatles or Britney OR OR. There are about 31,300 query results, which is 1-10.

Note: Small-write "OR" will be ignored when query; so the above-described operations actually become a "and" query.

6.4, " ", "-" and "OR" mixed query

A mixed query involves the order of logical operators. In general, the search engine reads an operation symbol in order from left to right. If only the "with" operation and "non" operation, the order problem is not generated, the number of search results and the keyword order is independent, but the result sequence of the specific search will depend terms of the order of the keywords. Similarly "or" operation is also true. However, if "or" query is mixed with both other queries, the problem is complicated. Now we do such a query: "All about Britney or Beatles, but there is no Chinese webpage related to Madonna."

Search: "Britney or Beatles -madonna" Results: Chinese (Simplified) web page for Britney or Beatles -madonna. There are about 16,200 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.23 seconds.

Search: "- Madonna Britney or Beatles" Results: Chinese (Simplified) webpage for -madonna Britney or Beatles has been searched. There are about 16,200 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.13 seconds.

Search: "Britney -madonna Or Beatles" Results: I can't find it with your query - Britney -Madonna or Beatles-match web page

Search: "Britney or -madonna Beatles" Results: Can't find with your query - Britney or -madonna beatles - match web page

Visible, "or" two keywords must be the default "and" query, otherwise the search engine will not be able to complete the search.

6.5, reduce redundancy information with " " and "-"

Normally, use a keyword query that a lot of redundant information is not related to the query. We always hope that the first entry of the search results contain the information required. " " And "-" Many times the size of the search results are reduced to improve the hit rate of the query results.

Example: See which eight parts of Tianlong Babu.

Analysis: If you use "Tianlong Babu" to do keywords, the search results are 20,300, and the row is the main relationship with Jin Yong's novel "Tianlong Babu", it is difficult to find the information you need. You can reduce independent results with two methods.

1. If you know some of the eight parts, such as Ashura, add the "Ashura" keyword. The search results of "Tianlong Babi Ashura" only 1,050, can quickly find all eight.

2, if you don't know any of the eight parts, I know that this is related to Buddhism, I can exclude records related to Jin Yong's novels. The results of "Tianlong Babi Buddhism - Jin Yong" are 1,120, and you can quickly find the information you need.

7, auxiliary search

7.1, wildcard problem

Many search engines support wildcard symbols, such as "*" represent a series of characters, "?" Represents a single character. Google does not support wildcards, can only do exact query, "*" or "?" In the keyword will be ignored.

7.2, keyword letter case

Google is the same as the results of English characters, "god" and "god" search results.

7.3, search the whole sentence

Google's keywords can be phrase (there is no space in the middle), or may be sentences (there are spaces in the middle), however, use the sentence to make a keyword, you must add English quotation marks.

Example: Search page containing a "long, long AGO" string. Search: "Long Long Ago" Result: Searched Chinese (Simplified) Network for Long Long Ago --------------------------- -----------------------------------

8, advanced search

Some of Google's most basic search syntax has been explored. Usually, these simple search syntax can solve most of the problems. However, if you want more quickly and more accurately, you need to know more things.

8.1, restrictions on searching websites

"Site" indicates that the search results are limited to a specific website or website channel, such as "", "", or a domain name, such as "", "COM "and many more. If you want to exclude a website or domain name, you only need to use "- Website / Domain".

Example: Search all pages containing "Jin Yong" on the Chinese Education Research Website ( Search: "Jin Yong Site:" Result: The Chinese (Simplified) page of Jin Yong Site: has been searched. There are about 1,730 query results, which is 1-10 items. Search for 0.23 seconds.

Example: Search for "Jin Yong" and "Gu Long" Chinese Sina website page, Search: "Jin Yong Gu Long Site:" Result: Has been searched in There are about 734 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.12 seconds.

Example: Search for information about Lu Xun in the Sina Culture Education Channel. Search: "Lu Xun Site: Result: There is a Chinese (Simplified) web page for Lu Xun in There are about 672 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.24 seconds. Note: The colon after the Site is English characters, and, there is no space after the colon, otherwise, "Site:" will be used as a search key. In addition, the site domain name cannot have "http" and "WWW" prefix, and there is no "/" directory suffix; website channel is limited to "channel name. Domain name" mode, not "domain name / channel name" . The syntax such as "Jin Yong Site:" is wrong.

8.2, check a certain type of file (often with the same extension)

"FileType:", this is a Google feature inquiry in the test phase, but the function is very powerful, you can do a lot of unexpected things.

The most important document search is a PDF search. PDF is the electronic document format developed by Adobe, and now has become an electronic publishing standard for the Internet. At present, Google retrieved PDF documents is about 25 million. PDF documents are usually some graphic comprehensively documentation, providing information generally comprehensively comprehensively.

Example: Search for PDF documents about e-commerce. Search: "ECOMMERCE FileTypedf" Result: ECOMMERCE FileTypedf has been searched to the Internet. There are about 25,500 query results, which is the 91-100 item. Search for 0.44 seconds.

Here is a search result:

[PDF] Document Type: PDF / Adobe Acrobat - generic text files Page 1. A Partnership of the Business Community With APEC Economies E-COMMERCE READINESS ASSESSMENT Page 2. ..* - Similar web

It can be seen that Google adds a tag of [PDF] before the PDF file, and Google converts the PDF file into a text file, click "General Text", which can be roughly viewing the general content of the PDF document. Of course, the original picture of PDF and the format are not.

Searching for PDF documents can also be used with "InURL:" syntax. For example, in the case, you can also use "InurldFecommerce". The number of search results is roughly the same, but the order of the query results is slightly different.

Note that the above queries are retrieved for PDF, and "ecommerce" is included in the PDF document.

Another powerful use of "FileType" is in the picture search. The following will be described in detail below, which is just omitted here. Enter "" to find the JPG image about this Laden.

Search: "BIN LADEN FileType: JPG" Result: Search for Picture of Bin Laden FileType: JPG (). (Test Edition) There are about 1,630 query results, which is 1-20. Search for 0.14 seconds.

In addition, I have not found other FileType usage. If anyone knows, please send me an email. Thanks for it.

8.3, the search keyword contains the first keyword in the "InURL" syntax in the URL link, which appears in the link or in the web document. There are many websites to display a certain type of resource names in the directory name or web name, such as "MP3", "gallary", etc., so you can find these related resource links with Inout syntax, then use the second Key words determine if there is a specific information. The biggest difference between InURL syntax and basic search syntax is that the former can usually provide very accurate topic.

Example: Jeff Weiner. Midi "The Sea Laughing". Search: "InURL: MIDI" Results: Searched to INURL: MIDI Bohai Laughing Chinese (Simplified) web page. There are about 16 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.16 seconds.

Example: Find security issues on Windows2000 on Microsoft websites. Search: "InURL: Security Windows2000 Site:" Result: Search in Related to InURL: Security Windows2000's web page. There are about 188 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.27 seconds.

Note: "InURL:" There is no space behind, and Google does not search for the URL symbol such as "/". For example, Google will use "/" in "cgi-bin / pHf" as a space processing.

The link to the "allinURL" syntax returned to the page contains all the keywords. This query is only focused on the web page link string.

Example: Find a company website that may have a PHF security vulnerability. Usually the CGI-bin directory of these websites contains a PHF script (this script is unsafe), which is "domain / cgi-bin / pHf" in the link. Syntax: "AllinURL:" CGI-BIN "PHF COM" Search: "CGI-BIN" PHF COM. A total of 37 query results have been searched. This is the first 1-10 items. Search for 0.36 seconds.

8.4, search keywords are included in web headings

"Intitle" and "allintitle" usage are similar to the above INURL and ALINURL, but the latter queries the URL, and the former queries the title bar of the web page. The web page title is part of the HTML markup language Title. One principle of web design is to indicate the key content of the homepage in a simple language to the web header. Therefore, only the title bar is queried, and the high phase-related topic page can also be found.

Example: Jeff Weiner. Set of Japanese stars. Search: "Intitle: Fujiwara Summer Photo" Result: Searched to Intitle: Fujihara Jika Photo "Chinese (Simplified) page. There are about 465 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.16 seconds.

9, other rare syntax

9.1 Search all pages that link to a URL address

If you have a personal website, it is estimated that many people have a link to your website. And "LINK" grammar can make you quickly reach this.

Example: Search all pages with links to Huajun Software Park "" link. Search: "Link:" Results: Search for web pages linked to There are about 856 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.17 seconds.

Note: "LINK" cannot be mixed with other grammar, so "Link:" will be ignored by Google even if there is space, it will be ignored by Google.

9.2 Find a page similar to a page structure content

"Related" is used to search for webpages in terms of structure content. Example: Search all pages similar to the Chinese (such as Netease Home, Sohu Home, China Net Home, etc.), "Related:".

9.3, caching the page from the Google server query information

"Cache" is used to search for a cache of a page on a Google server, usually used to find some dead links that have been deleted, equivalent to using the "Web Snapshot" feature in the normal search results page.

Example: Search for Google Cache Home Search: "Cache: Result: This is a list of of G O O G L e. G O O G L e has previewed each website, take a snapshot archive of the webpage. This page may have an updated version, please click here to view the new version.

Google and web page authors are not related to the content of the webpage. ...

9.4, Info

INFO is used to display a series of searches related to a link, providing cache, link, relaty, and web pages that fully contain the link.

Example: Find some information related to Sina Home. Search: "Info:] Results: Web information about

Sina Home Beijing Station Shanghai Station Guangdong Station. ... Home, |, News, |, Sports, |, Finance, |, Science, |, Entertainment, |, Game, |, Military, |, Health, | Motors, |, Women, | Category: World> CHINESE SIMPLIFIED> News

Google provides information about this URL:

View the archive of in Google Web Snapshot Findings and Looking for webpages Link to Looking for web pages containing " "

10, picture search

I have to admit that Google's picture search function is really a great invention! ! Google claims to retrieve 320,000,000 pictures, and calls yourself for the "best image search tool on the Internet." Although this function is still in the B test stage, it is indeed very easy to use!

Google Home Click the "Image" link to enter the Google's image search interface "". You can enter keywords that describe the image content in the keyword field, such as "Britneyspears", search for a lot of small sweet sweet Brandi pictures. I am now not very clear about the alignment standard, but in view of observation, it seems that the picture file name is fully compliant with the results of keywords, and then arranges the standards when searching for ordinary pages.

Google given search results with an intuitive thumbnail, as well as simple descriptions of this thumbnail, such as image file names, and size. Click on the thumbnail, the page is divided into two consequences. He is the thumbnail of the image, and the page link, which is a page where the image is located. There is a "RemoveFrame" button on the upper right corner of the screen, which can quickly switch the frame page to the result page, which is very convenient.

Google Image Search Currently supported syntax includes " ", "-", "or", "site", and "filety".

Example: Search for American Education Online Universe JPG Photo Search: "Big Bang Filety: JPG Site: EDU" Results: Picture of Big Bang FileType: JPG Site: EDU (). (Test Edition) There are about 337 query results, which is 1-20. Search for 1.99 seconds. 11, search in the catalog

If you don't want to search for a wide range of web, you want to find some of the topic, you can access Google's classification directory "",

-------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------

13.4, search results filtration

The adult content on the Internet is like a smoke sea, and many sites have deception or other adverse attempts, and the viewers are easily felt into the traps. To this end, Google has set up an adult content filtering, see Google's Setup page,, there is an option SafeSearch Filtering. However, Google in Chinese is not available.

14. Probe into the keyword choice of search skills

The choice of keywords play a decisive role in the search, all search skills, keyword selection is the most basic and most effective.

Example 1: Find the "Mirror Flower" book in the original text of the Shushi Bank.

Analysis: If the specific paragraph in a certain novel is found in accordance with the general ideas, you need to use the search engine to first find this book, then turn it back to this paragraph. This is Of course, but the efficiency is very low. If you understand the composition of the target information, you can find the information you want very quickly with some words unique to some target information. That is, the high-efficiency search keyword is not necessarily the subject of the target information. In the example above, the wine is talked about the thickness of the wine and the guys, it is also flying. Therefore, you can find target information with a specific word.

Search: "The wine" Is it very expensive? The real thing is, in the taste of the taste, the wine is light, so the vinegar is thick, so expensive ... "

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "specific words".

Example 2: What is the meaning of "yellow flower" in the word "yellow flower".

Analysis: "Huanghua Yue" is a conventional saying, if only "Huanghua Yellow Huanghua" is a keyword, the search results will be like smoke, there is no value, so there must be more keywords, constraints of search results. What is the key word to choose? There is "meaning", "meaning", "origin", "origin", "allusions", "done", "origin", etc., can guess, similar information, should include some folk introductory In the text, the probability of vocabulary such as "origin", "origin", "dialog" is higher.

Search: "The Yellow Flower Yellow Loss", I found that "Huanghua" originally established in the Taiping Overview, and the Shouyang Princess of the South Dynasty. If you want to get the first-hand information, you can search for the "Princess of the Taiping".

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "synonym".

Example 3: What is the bust of Comrade Liu Dehua.

Analysis: First, declare that this is a Search for MM to do, I use it as a search case, no other meaning. Very direct search is, "Liu Dehua Bust", but in fact, such a search result, but some gossip news such as "Liu Dehua takes a smile Mo Wen Wei Bust too small", it is impossible to get the required information. It can be thought that the required information should be included in the comprehensive introductory text of Andy Lau, in addition to the bust, it should also include a series of related information such as height, weight, birthday. OK, this can further increase other constraint keywords to narrow the search range. Search: "Liu Dehua Bra High" "" Number of high weight and birthday "is used." Good to do, remove this novel, "Liu Dehua's chest height - Antai", OK, the result came, Hua Tsai chest 84cm. Explain, why don't you use "Antai" without "first intimate contact"? This is because the name of the novel may change when the name is reproduced, but the name of the role is not changed.

The above keyword selection techniques can be described as "related words".

15, common search case

15.1, find someone

Analysis: The information disclosed online usually: name, net name, gender, age, graduation school, work unit, external number, address, telephone, mailbox, BP, mobile number, ICQ number, OICQ number, etc. So, if you have to understand the classmates who haven't seen many years, I may wish to use the above information to query the keyword, may have a big gain.

15.2, find software

Analysis 1: The simplest search is of course directly inquiry directly with the software name and version number. However, just software names and target sites, obviously don't work, because search may be related news. You should add a keyword. Considering that there is a "click here to download" or "Download" on the download page, you can add "Download" or "Download" as the keyword. Search: "Winzip 8.0 Download" Result: The Chinese (Simplified) web page for WinZip 8.0 downloads has been searched. There are about 6,670 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.22 seconds.

Analysis 2: Many websites have a special download directory, and is named "Download", so you can search for these download directories directly with Inout. Search: "Winzip 8.0 InURL: Download" Result: Searched Chinese (Simplified) webpage for Winzip 8.0 Inurl: Download. There are about 358 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.44 seconds.

The free download software on the Internet is unsafe, because the software for downloading is likely to have a virus or bundled Trojans, so it is a secure idea for downloading the website. This can be achieved with Site syntax.

After the shared software is downloaded, the software always jumps out of the warning box, or the function of the software is subject to certain restrictions. Since China's netizens are mostly poor sticks, I should find a registration code. Looking for the registration code, in addition to the software's name and version number, there is also a keyword such as "Serial Number", "SN", "Serial Number". Now let's search for the registration code of WinZip8.0. Search: "Winzip 8.0 SN" Result: Winzip 8.0 Sn has been searched to the Internet. There are about 777 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.30 seconds. 15.3, find pictures

In addition to Google's special picture search function, you can also use some search syntax to meet the purpose of the picture search.

Analysis 1: Special picture collection, the website to provide pictures usually put the picture in a special directory, such as "Gallary", "Album", "Photo", "Image". This allows you to quickly find this type of directory using the Inull syntax. Now, try to find a photo of a small sweet burble. Search: "" Britney Spears "Inurlhoto" Result: "Britney Spears" INURLHOTO has been searched for the Internet. There are about 2,720 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.23 seconds.

Analysis 2: Provide a web page for the picture collection, usually in the title bar, which is the picture collection of who. So you can find such a web page with the intitle syntax. Search: "INTITLE:" BRITNEY SPEARS "Picture" Result: Intitle: "Britney Spears" Picture has been searched to the Internet. There are about 317 query results. This is 1-10. Search for 0.40 seconds.

Analysis 3: Stars' fans usually apply for free personal homepage to store their idols. So use the site syntax to specify a free home supply site, which is a good way to find a picture quickly. Search: "" Britney Spears "Site:" Results: Search for "Britneyspears" on There are about 5,020 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.47 seconds.

15.4, find MP3

Analysis 1: Provide an MP3 website, usually create a directory called MP3, and stores a variety of MP3 songs in the directory underground. So, you can quickly find this type of directory with the Inull syntax. Now use this method to find the old song "Say You Say ME". Search: "" "Say You Say Me" InURL: MP3 "Result: INURL: MP3" Say You Say ME "is already from the Internet. There are about 155 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.17 seconds.

Analysis 2: You can also find this type of web page to find MP3. Search: "" SAY You Say Me "Intitle: MP3" Result: "SAY You Say Me" INTITLE: MP3 has been searched to the Internet. There are about 178 query results, which is 1-10. Search for 0.73 seconds.

Of course, if you know if the download speed of a website is fast, and the music is full, you can use the site syntax to see if there is any target music.

15.5, find a book

Analysis 1: For me, the e-library website that is often visited is then such as the "" of the literary class. So you can use the Site syntax very simple to find a book (if you have something on the site). For example, "Old Tang Site:" can immediately find the book. If not, it is difficult to find on other websites. Therefore, the key to finding books is that you know a large number of famous library sites. Analysis 2: I have the first keyword selection skills, which is the first keyword, is extremely useful for rapid finding a book or article. Of course, this is based on the book, the content of the book is impressive. on. For example, if you understand the rough content of the Coose's book warfill, you can use the "Joshid Windmill Sang Jo" to quickly find the book.

16, Google Search FAQ

Q: How to comprehensively understand A: View the website related pages "".

Q: How to switch the initial language interface of A: Click "Preferences" in the right of the search bar, select the language you expect in "Interface Language", click on the bottom "Save preferences" button. What needs to be reminded is that Google records this preference with cookies, so if you turn off the browser's cookie function, you cannot set it.

Q: How do I set the number of search results per page? A: In the same time, enter the use of preferences, on the "Number ofResults", the larger number of display results, the longer the number of display results, the longer the default is 10 items.

Q: What should I do if the search link cannot be opened? A: There are many reasons for links that cannot be opened, such as websites, or the page is dead, etc., you can click on Google's "Web Snapshot" to view the web cache on the Google server. However, if the page is filtered by local ISP, the server cache is still unable to open. The only way is to use the proxy server and then enter the link IP address in the URL column.

Q: Open the link of the search results, but the page is too big, it is difficult to find what to find out the purpose of finding the purpose? A: Open the "Web Snapshot" directly, Google will mark the keywords with different colors, which is easy to find.

Q: When you click on each query result, I want to pop up the window separately. What should I do? A: Enter the "Use Preference" interface, pay attention to the bottom there is a "result window" item, check "to open a new window to display the query result" check box and then store the settings.

17, postscript

The 3.0 version of this small article is finally updated, and I can finally call up. The original intention and motivation to write this search popular article is that I and my friends make jobs and learning more easily because of using the Internet search engine, I think there should be more people to share this pleasure. What needs to be mentioned is that this small article continues and updates, thanks to Sina users "Search Engine 9238" strong help and encouragement. If there is no passionate comment, I think this article is inferior.


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