What is the original control Delphi7?

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  28

2005 Date: 20 February 2005 Author: - = not available = - Popularity: 324 people have friends often mention such a problem, "I had the familiar controls used in the delphi5 or delphi6 is not gone in? Delphi7? Does this mean that my previous code cannot be ported to Delphi7? Is I have to learn to adapt to these new controls? "

Now I explain this question, and summarize the VCL and CLX in Delphi7, it is convenient for friends who have demand in this regard.

In fact, we are still reserved in D7 in the original version such as QuickRep, Fastnet, etc., such as QuickRep, Fastnet, etc. Just Delphi does not place their default to the component surface version. These control packs are all saved under the bin of the Delphi directory, the file extension is. BPL (nearly 60). Method for installing these packs is simple, just click on the menu "Component ----> Install Packages ...", then use "Add" to select the package you need.

The following part of the BPL list illustrates the controls:

DCLACT70.BPL (Borland ActionBar Components) included Controls: TStandardColorMap, TtwilightColormap, TTWILORMAP, TAATIONTOOLBAR, TACTIONMANAGER, TACTIONMAINMENUBAR, TCUSTOMIZEDLG

DCLADO70.BLP (Borland Ado DB Components) included controls: Tadocommand, Tadoconnection, Tadodataset, TadoQuery, TadoStoredProc, Tadotable, Trdsconnection

DclBde70.bpl (Borland BDE DB Components) included controls: TDBlookUpcombo, TdblookUplist, Tbatchmove, TDATABAS, TNESTEDABLE, TQUERY, TSESSION, TSTOREDPROC, TTABLE, TUPDATESQL

dclclxdb70.bpl (Borland CLX Database Components), including controls: TDBCheckBox, TDBComboBox, TDBEdit, TDBImage, TDbListBox, TDBLookupComboBox, TDBLookupListBox, TDBMemo, TDBNavigator, TDBRadioGroup, TDBText, TDBGrid

dclclxstd70.bpl (Borland CLX Standard Components) controls comprising: TActionList, TBitBtn, TSpeedButton, TCheckListBox, TAnimate, THeaderControl, TIconView, TListView, TPageControl, TProgressBar, TSpinEdit, TStatusBar, TTabControl, TTextBrowser, TTextViewer, TToolBar, TTrackBar, TTreeView, TColorDialog , TFindDialog, TFontDialog, TOpenDialog, TSaveDialog, TBevel, TControlBar, TImage, TPaintBox, TPanel, TRadioGroup, TShape, TSplitter, TTimer, TDirectoryTreeView, TFileEdit, TFileHistoryComboBox, TFileIconView, TFileListView, TFilterComboBox, TDrawGrid, TImageList, TMaskEdit, TMainMenu, TPopupMenu, TButton , TCheckBox, TComboBox, TEdit, TGroupBox, TLabel, TLCDNumber, TListBox, TMemo, TRadioButton, TScrollBardcldb70.bpl (Borland Database COmponents) includes controls: TDdataSourse, TDBCtrlGrid, TDBCheckBox, TDBComboBox, TDBEdit, TDBImage, TDBListBox, TDBLookupComboBox, TDBLookupListBox, TDBMemo , TDBNAVIGATOR, TDBRADIGROUP, TDBRICHEDIT, TDBTEXT, TDBGRID


DCLDBX70.BPL (Borland Dbexpress Components) included Controls: TsqlConnection, TsqlDataSet, TsqlMonitor, TsqlQuery, TsqlstoredProc, TsqlTable

DCLDSS70.BPL (Borland Decision Cube Components) included controls: TDecisionCube, TDecisioinsource, TDecisionGraph, TDecisionGrid, TDecisionPivot, TDecisionQuery

IBEVNT70.BPL (Borland Interbase Event Alerter Component) included: TibEventalerter

dclnet70.bpl (Borland Internet Components), including controls: TQueryTableProducer, TDataSetTableProducer, TSQLQueryTableProducer, TDataSetPageProducer, TWebDispatcher, TPageProducer, TTcpClient, TTcpServer, TUdpSocket, TXMLDocument

dclisp70.bpl (Borland Internet Solutions Pack Components), including controls: TFTP, THTML, THTTP, TNNTP, TPOP, TSMTP, TTCP, TUDPdclwbm70.bpl (Borland InternetExpress Components), including controls: TInetXPageProducer, TMidasPageProducer, TXMLBroker, TXMLTransform, TXMLTransformClient, TxmltransformProvider

DclMID70.BPL (Borland MyBase DataAccess Components) included controls: TclientDataSet, TDataSetProvider

Dclsmp70.bpl (Borland Sample Components) included Controls: Tcalendar, Tcolorgrid, TDIRECTORYOUTLINE, TGAUGE, TSPINBUTTON, TSPINEDIT

DClocx70.bpl (Borland Sample Imported ActiveX Controls) included controls: TChartfx, Tf1Book, TVTchart, TVssSSPell

DCLDBXCDS70.BPL (Borland SimpleDataSet Component (DBX)) included: TsIMpleDataSet


Dcl Sockets70.bpl (Borland Socket Components) included controls: TclientSocket, TSERVERSOCKET

dclstd70.bpl (Borland Standard Components) controls comprising: TActionList, TApplicationEvents, TBitBtn, TSpeedButton, TCheckListBox, TCOMAdminCatalog, TAnimate, TComboBoxEx, TCoolbar, TDateTimePicker, THeaderControl, THotKey, TListView, TMonthCalendar, TPageControl, TPageScroller, TProgressBar, TRichEdit, TStatusBar, TTabControl, TToolBar, TTrackBar, TTreeView, TUpDown, TImageList, TDdeClientConv, TDdeClientItem, TDdeServerConv, TDdeServeritem, TColorDialog, TFindDialog, TFontDialog, TOoenDialog, TPageSetupDialog, TPrintDialog, TPrinterSetupDialog, TReplaceDialog, TSaveDialog, TBevel, TColorBox, TControlBar, TImage, TLabeledEdit, TPaintBox, TPanel, TRadioGroup, TShape, TSplitter, TTimer, TOpenPictureDialog, TSavePictureDialog, TScrollBox, TDrawGrid, TStringGrid, TMaskEdit, TMainMenu, TmediaPlayer, TOleContainer, TButton, TCheckBox, TComboBox, TEdit, TGroupBox, TLabel, TListBox, TMemo, TRadioButton, TScrollBar, TStaticText, TV70.BPL (Borland WebsNAP Components) included controls: TDataSetadapter, TdataSetValuesList, TadapterPageProducer, Tadapter, TAPP licationAdapter, TEndUserAdapter, TEndUserSessionAdapter, TLoginFormAdapter, TPagedAdapter, TStringsValuesList, TAdapterDispatcher, TLocateFileService, TPageDispatcher, TWebAppComponents, TSessionsService, TWebUserList, TXSLPageProducer

DCL31W70.BPL (Delphi1.0 Compatibility Components) included Controls: Theader, TNotebook, TdirectoryListBox, TDRIVECOMBOX, TFILELISTBOX, TFILTERCOMBOX, TOTLINE, TTABBEDNOTEBOOK, TTABSET

DCLIB70.bpl (InterBase DataAccess Components), including controls: TIbClientDataSet, TIBDataSet, TIBDatabase, TIBTransaction, TIBDatabaseinfo, TIBevents, TIBExtract, TIBQuery, TIBSQL, TIBSQLMonitor, TIBStoredProc, TIBTable, TIBUpdateSQL

dclindy70.bpl (Internet Direct (Indy) for D7 Property and Component Editors) includes controls: TIdAntiFreeze, TIdBlockCipherIntercept, TIdChargenServer, TIdChargenUDPServer, TIdDecodeMIME, TIdEncodeMIME, ... dclie70.bpl (Internet Explorer Components), including controls: TWebBrowser

DClintraweb_50_70.bpl (intraweb 5.0 design package for delphi7) included controls: TiwClientSidedataset, TiwCheckbox, Tiwbutton, Tiwedit ...

dcloffice2k70.bpl (Microsoft Office 2000 Sample Automation Server Wrapper Components), including controls: TAccessApplicatoin, TAccessForm, TAccessReferences, TAccessReport, TClass_, TBinder, TExcelApplication, TExcelChart, TExcelOLEOBject, EExcelQueryTable, TExcelWorkbook, TExcelWorksheet, Tmaster, TPowerPointApplication, TPowerPointPresentation, TPowerPointSlide, TContactItem , TDistListItem, TDocumentItem, TExplorers, TFolders, TInspectors, TItems, TJournalItem, TnameSpace, TOutlookApplication, TOutlookBarGroups, TOutlookBarPane, TOutlookBarShortcuts, TPostItem, TRemoteItem, TReportItem, TTaskRequestAcceptItem, TTaskRequestAcceptItem, TTaskRequestDeclineItem, TTaskRequestItem, TTaskRequestUpdateItem, TWordApplication, TWordDocument, TWordFont, TWordLetterContent, TWordParagraphFormat

dclqrt70.bpl (QuickReport Components), including controls: TQRDBImage, TQRDBRichText, TQRDBText, TQRExpr, TQRExprMemo, TQRImage, TQRLabel, TQRLabel, TQRMemo, TQRRichText, TQRShape, TQRSysData, TQRCSVFilter, TQRHTMLFilter, TQRTextFilter, TQRPreview, TQRBand, TQRChildBand, TQRCompositeReport, TQRGroup , TQrstringsBand, TQrsUBDetail, TquickRep

dclRave70.bpl (Rave Reports DE 5.0 Package) comprising control: TRvCustomConnection, TRvQueryConnection, TRvTableConnection, TRvDataSetConnection, TRvNDRWrite, TRvProject, TRvRenderHTML, TRvRenderPDF, TRvRenderPreview, TRvRenderPrinter, TRvRenderRTF, TRvRenderText, TRvSystem, TRvCustomConnection, TRvTableConnection, TRvDataSetConnection, TRvNDRWriter, TRvProjectdclshlctrls70. Controls included by BPL (Shell Control Property and Component Editors): TshellChangenotifier, TshellcomboBox, TshelllistView, TshellTreeView

DCLTEE70.BPL (Teechart Components) included controls: tChart, TDBCHART

DCLTQR70.BPL (Teechart for QuickReport Components) included controls: TQRCHART

--------------------------------------- Delphi7 QuickReport installation: Click on the COMPONNET menu Install Packages, click Add ... Add QuickReport Components Path x: /borland/delphi7/bin/dclqrt70.bpl (x is the installation path of Delphi)

Dcl Sockets70.bpl fastnet

Delphi7 network components have been replaced by indey, like RAVE instead of QuickReport, FASTNET installation: Click on the COMPONNET menu, click Add ... Add QuickReport Components Path X: /borland/delphi7/bin/dcl Sockets70.bpl (x is Delphi installation path)


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