JavaScript event integrated inquiry

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  31

Click () object. Click () makes an object being clicked.

Closed object. Theclosed object window Close True / False Cleartimeout Close True / False Cleartimeout (Object) Clear Settings Settimeout Object ClearInterval (Object) Clear Setting SetInterval Object Confirm ("Tips") pop-up confirmation box, determine that Return true Cancel Return False Cursor : Style Change Mouse Style Hand Crosshair Text Wait Help Default Auto E / S / W / N-Resize Event.ClientX Returns the last click Mouse X coordinate value; Event.Clienty Returns the last click Mouse Y coordinate value; Event.Offsetx returns the current Mouse Hover X Coordinate Value Event.OffSens Returns the current mouse hover Y Coordinate value Document.write (Document.lastModified) page last update time Document.οndblclick = x When you double-click the Mouse Generating Event Document.οnmοusedοwn = x Click the mouse button to generate Event Document.Body.ScrollTop; return and set the coordinate value of the current vertical scroll bar, with the function, document.body.scrollleft; return and set the coordinate value of the current horizontal rolling, must cooperate with the function, Document.Title Document .title = "message"; Title bar text for the current window Document.bgcolor document.bgcolor = "color value"; change window background color Document.FGColor Document.fgColor = "color value"; change the text color Document.LinkColor Document.linkColor = "Color Value"; change the superposed color Document.alinkColor Document.alinkColor = "Color Value"; change the color Document.vlinkColor Document.VlinkColor = "Color Value" that is clicked in the join connection; change the color Document.Forms of the Accessed join. Length Returns the current page form form number Document.Anchors.Length Returns the quantity of the current page anchor Document.links.LENGTH Returns the quantity of the current page Document.οnmοusedοwn = x single Mouse trigger event Document.οndblClick = x Dual Double-click Mouse Trigger Event DefaultStatus WINDOW.STATUS = DefaultStatus; Set Status Bar Settings Default Display Function Function XX () {...} Definition Function ISNUMERIC Judgment is Digital InnerHtml XX = Object .innerHTML Enter HTML source code in an object tag is set to xx location.reload () in the target value named by id, which is new, Target can be equal to a refresh web page math.random () Random, only 0 to 1, if you want to get other numbers, you can turn the object Number to an integer, and take all decimal Math.min (Number). 1, 2) Return 1,2 which small Math.max (1, 2) returns 1,2 which big navigator.appname Returns the current browser name Navigator.appversion Returns the current browser version number Navigator.AppCodename Returns the current browser code name Navigator.USERAGENT Returns the current browser user generation flag onSubmit οnsubmit = "Return (xx ())"

Use the function return value Opener Opener.Document. Object Control Open Form Object PROMPT XX = Window.Prompt ("Tips", "Subscribed Value"); Enter Statement Parent Parent. Frame Name. Object Control Frame Page Return Return False Returns Value Random Random Parameters (between 0 to 1) reset () form.reset (); enabling data in the form form to reset split (") string.split (" ") String object character with comma Submit ( Form object. Submit () makes the form object submitted the data String object's Charat (X) object Reversible back to the number of alphabets of the specified object LastIndexOf ("string") from right to left to find the specified character, did not return -1 indexof ("String") From left to right, find the specified character, no return -1 LowerCase () Transfer the object to lowercase Uppercase () Turn the object to the uppercase Substring (0, 5) string.substring (x, x) Returns the character setTimeout ("Function", TIME) in the object ("Function", TIME) Set a timeout object setInterval ("Function", TIME) Sets a timeout object TOLOCALESTRING () X.tolocalestring () Get time from the X time object, String type There is a TypeOf (Variable Name) check the type of variable, the value is: string, boolean, object, function, underfined window.event.button == 1/2/3 mouse button left mouse to 1 right button equal to 2 two keys Press to 3 WINDOW.SCREEN.AVAILWIDTH Return to the current screen width (blank space) WINDOW.SCREEN.AVAILHT Return to the current screen height (blank space) WINDOW.SCREEN.WIDTH Return to the current screen width (resolution value) WINDOW.SCREEN.HEight Return Current screen height (resolution value) Window.Document.body.offsetHeight; Return the current web page height window.document.body.offsetwidth; return to the current web width window.resizeto (0) Set the window to WIN Dow.moveto (0, 0) Move the window to a location for Window.focus () Enables the current window to focus the Window.Scroll (X, Y) window scroll bar coordinate, Y control up and down move, must match the function with Window.Open WINDOW.OPEN ("Address", "Name", "Properties" Properties: Toolbar, Location, Directions, Status (Status Bar), Menubar (Menu), Scrollbar (Scroll Bar) , Resizable, Width, Height (High), Fullscreen, Scrollbars (no scroll bar when full screen, ChannelMode, Left (open window X coordinate), TOP (Open Window Y) Coordinate) WINDOW.LOCATION = 'View-source:' window.location.href application event View web page source code; a = new date (); // Create a new period object y = A.GetyEAR (); The value of // y is obtained from the object A for two years, Y1 = A.GetFullyear (); // Gets the number of four digits of the year M = A.GETMONTH (); // Get the month value D = a.getdate ();

// Get date value D1 = a.getDay (); // Get the current week-worth H = A.GETHOURS (); // Get the current hour number m1 = A.GETMINUTES (); // Get the current minutes s = a .getseconds (); // Get the current second number object .Style.FontSize = "Text size"; unit: mm / cm / in in in in in in in in in-PC Pa / PT point / PX pixel / EM text high 1in = 1.25cm 1PC = 12pt 1pt = 1.2px (800 * 600 Responate) Text Font Properties: FontSize Size Family Font Color Color Fontstyle style, value Normal, Italic, oblique, bold, fontweight, thickened, value of 100 900 inequality, 900, Light, Normal, Bold Letterspacing spacing, change text distance, value, 1pt, 10px, 1cm textDecoration: text modification; value, None does not modify, underline Underline, Overline Upline Background : Word background color, BackgroundImage: BackgroundImage: Background Image, Take the value of the picture insertion path Click on the web page text function call trigger: 1.onclick When the object is clicked 2.onload When the web is opened, you can write 3.onunloyad as a web page When you turn it off or leave, you can only write in Body 4.onmouseover When the mouse is on it, 5.onmouseout When the mouse leaves the object, 6.onmouseUp When the mouse is released 7.Onmousedown When the mouse presses the button 8.onfocus When the object is obtained At the focus, 9.onselect When the text of the object is selected, 10.onchange When the content of the object is changed 11.onblur Lost focus οnsubmit = return (SS ()) Type Radio Border-bottom: 1x Solid Black Dotted Border-Bottom: 1x Dotted Black Distiring Border-Bottom: 2x Dashed Black Double Line Border-Bottom: 5x Double Black Slot Border-Bottom: 1x Groove Black Ridge Border-Bottom: 1x Ridge Black 1. Edge Highlight Glow (color = color STRENGTH = light size)
2. Horizontally flip fliph () to turn object level 180 degrees
3. Vertically flip FLIPV () Make the object vertically 180 degrees
4. Object blur BLUR (add = True / false direction = direction strongth = intensity) add specifies whether the fuzzy Direction fuzzy direction strengthening the Direction fuzzy direction 5. Object transparent alpha (Opaction = 0-100, STYLE = 0/1/2 / 3) OPAction Objects Integral opacity FINISHOPACITY When the object uses progressively transparent, the opaque value of the specified end transparent position specifies the transparent mode 0 is the overall transparent, 1 is the linear transparent, 2 is round transparent, 3 is a rectangular transparent 6 Removal color chroma (color = color value) Transparently in the same area in the object with the specified color 7. Create a shadow Dropshadow (color = shadow color, OFFX = horizontally deviates from pixels to the left, OFFY = horizontally downward deviates from pixels) 8. Color gray () makes an object show 9. Negative sheet effect invert () makes the object with a negative effect 10. Highlight Light () makes the object black display 11. Cover Mask (color =


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