PC computer vocabulary

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  34

Abbreviate vt. Abbreviation, omitted, omitted, referred to as ABEND exception End Abnormal exception ABORT exception abnormal abortment N. Lack, no absolute absolute absolute absolution absorption Abstract Abstract Acceleration Acceleration Accelerator n. Acceleration device, accelerator accent accept acceptance accepting agent receiving access stressed accessible access accessor access metadata accessible accessory attachment accidentally ad. accommodate accidentally received according to a. according, accuracy accuracy accurately accounting according to the accounting account account accumulate accumulation accumulator accumulator accurately achieve vt complete ACK acknowledge acknowledge confirmation acknowledgement confirmation acknowledgment n. receiving (receipt), obtaining recognition acoustic sound acquisition acquire prefixes acquired acronym word combinations spanning across action action activate activation activation activation activity activity activity actual active actual actuator actuation Adaptability Adaptability Adapter Adapter Add Adding Addition N. Addition, add Additional Additional Additionally Additional Additionally Additionally Adding Address Address Address Address Address Addressing Address ADEQUATE A. Enough , Adjust, adjustment, admiust, AdmiTration, AdmiTration, AdmiStrator Administrative Administration, Administrator Administrative Administration, Administrator Administrative Administration Administrator Administrative Administration Administrative Administration Administration Administration Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Administrative Affect VT. CTED a. Affected Again AID N. Help, Auxiliary Program AIRFLOW Airflow AISLE channel ALARM Alert Alert Alarm Algebraic Algebra Algorithm Alias ​​Alias ​​AliaSing Aligned ALIGN V. Location, Aligned A. Aligned, Balanced Aligner Adjustrator Alignment Data Align All Allocate Assign Allocation Allocate Allocator Alligator Allow Allows ALOWABLE A. Allowing ALLOWANCE Allowance Allowing A. Allowed ALY V. Union, with ... Associated Alpha N. Greek letter α, unknown alphabet Alphabetical a. Letter (Table), ABC alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alphabetic alternate alternately ad. Alteration alternate alternately ad. Alternative alternately ad. Alteration Alternate AD. Alteration Alternate AD. Alternative Alternative Alternative Alternative Item Amber Amber Amber Amber Amber Amount amount amp ampered ampere ampered ampersand n. &

No. (and) amplifier amplitude amplitude analog amplifier analog analogue simulation analysis analyst analyze analysis analyst analyze analyzer analyzers ancestor ancestry and angle angle AND Angstrom angstrom animate animator Animation Animation annotate annotation annotation annotations announce vt. Publication, announced announcement announce alarm announciator Anode Another Another Another ANSI N. US National Standards Association Answering AnsweriaSing Revolutive Spiritual Anticipate VT. Pre-Consideration, Grab APOSTROPHE Single Note Appear Append Additional Appendix N. Append Additional Appendix N. Appendix Apple N. Apple applicable a. applicable, appropriate application application (program) applied a. applicable, plus the appropriate application apply appropriate appropriately ad. suitably apron Schedule archiving system architecture structures archive area area argument parameter arithmetic arithmetic arrange arrangement arrangement arrangement array array arrow arrow article articles ascend rising ascending ascending ascii n. American standard code for information assemble to assemble assembled assembly assembler assembler assembly assembler assertion asserts asset assets assign assignment assigned a. designated assignment assignment assignment assist auxiliary assistance auxiliary associate v. Association, association, associated associatid Association Associative Association Assotment N. Species, color variety assume assumed assumed a. Assassin Asynch, Async Asynchronous asynchronous Atom Atomic A tomicity atomic attach connector attached a. Additional accessory attachment connection attempt trying attention n. Note that (signal) Attenuation attenuation attenuator attenuator attractive properties attractive attribute audio audio audit review augend augend augment v. increased expand the list of authentication Authenticator authenticator authenticator Author n. Programmer, author Authorization Authorize Auto a. AutoItialer Auto Downout AutoIndex n. Auto-indeed (number) AutomatA Automatical AD. Automatic Automatic AutomaticalA Ground, mechanically Automation Automation Automaton Automation AutoTOPUSH Automatically starts AUXILIARY Available Availability Available Available Average Avoid VT. Avoid, Cancel,

Invalid babble rear end crosstalk backbone trunk backend backflush inverse algorithm background background backlog backlog rewind backspace backtab backtab backup backup backscrolling backslash backslash backspace backward reverse badge bandwidth the bandwidth of the memory cell banking bank balance balance marker band region Outbound BAR Base Base Baseband Baseband Baseline Baseline Basename Base Name Basic Basic Basis Basic BASS BAUD BACH Batch Battery Battery BAUD Potter Beacon Beacon BEAM Bell Beep N. Beep, Behavior Behavi Bel Bell Bell Bell BELFAST So Below Below Benchmark Bench BEYOND PREP. BiS Bibliography BiD BID Request BIDER Request BiLL Bill Billing Binder Binary Bind Binder Court Binding Bionics Bionics Bios N. Basic Input / Output system bipolar bipolar biquinary second five mixing () BISTABLE Double Space Bit Bit Bitmap Bitmap Blank Space Blanket Coating BLINK Blinking Blinking Blink BLIP (Spinning on the Microfilm Screen) Sign BLIT Block Transfer block block blocking block blower fan board n. plate, the insert plate body body boldface bold book Books bookmark Bookmark Boolean Boolean boot boot bootable may be directed by a bootstrap border borders borrow borrow bottleneck bottleneck bottom bottom bounce bounce bound limit boundary boundary box frame BPI bit / inch BPS bit / second Brace Praz Bracs Bracket Braces Bracket square brackets Bracketed a. Barn BR ackets square brackets branch branches break interrupt breakpoint breakpoint breve short sound symbol bridge bridge bridge bridging bright bright brightness brightness broadband wideband radio broadcast Browser browse browser browser bucket bucket buffer buffer buffer buffering bug error build building bulb bulbs bumper bumper Burst Pulse Bus bus busines business bussback feedback Busy busston button Buyer Purchasing staff Buzzer buzzer BYPASS BYTE BYT CABLE CARE CAGE CCHE Cache CAGE Cache CAD Computer Auxiliary Design CAGE Box Calculate Calculation n. calculation, statistics ,

Estimate calculator Calculator calendar calendar calibrate calibration call calling callback callback caller caller calling calls callout to call up the camcorder camcorders cancel cancel candidate candidate can not not canvas canvas capability capability capable capable of capacitor capacitance capacity capabilities capital capitalized capitalized a. Capital caption Chart Description Capture Captures CARD Card Care Care CAROUSEL N. Disc Transfer Belt Carriage Bracket Carrier Carry Carry Carry Carry Cascade Cascade Case N. Case, Cash n. Cash CassetTe Cash Cotton Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog Catalog CATALOGUE Catalog Catch captures category species CATION n. Positive ion, cation Cause Cause CAUTION Note CD CD, Laser Record CEDILLA Voice Cell Unit Celsius Central Center CENTERING CENTREX CENTRAL Central Switch CENTURY N. Century CERTAIN A. indeed, determining the certainty n. inevitable, indeed certification validation chain link chain chained chaining link chamber to change the channel box change the channel channelizing channeling chapter chapter char character character character characteristic properties charge fee charging rechargeable chart chart chassis chassis check check check checker Checkput checkpoint Chid Child Node Children ChiP Chip Choice Options ChOSE V. Pick, Select, Select Chord chord Chunk n. Thick, Most Ciphertext Password Text Circle n. Round, circle , Cycle, cycle circuit circuits circular circulation circumflex bending circumstance n., The environment, urban city detail citation references clamp clip class class classify classification clause clause clear Clear Clear clearinghouse library clerk staff click click client client clip clipboard clipping cut cutting board cliping Clipper n. Scissors Clockwise Clocking Timed Clockwise Clock Clock Close Close Closed a. Close, Close, Close Close,

Carefully cluster Cluster coalesce binding coax coaxial coaxial coaxially coating the coating coder codes the code encoder encoding coefficient codeset codeset coding coefficients coexist coexistence coexistence coexistence coffret transmission interface collapse collapse collate finishing collation collator finisher finishing collection heap collision conflict colon colon colour color column column combination combinations combine combined combobox n. a combo box comma comma command command comment annotation commercial a. commercial, economic commit to implement the commitment to implement the commodity commodity common common communicate communication communication n. communication compact compression compaction compression company company comparand compare word comparator comparator compare comparison comparison comparison compatibility compatibility compatible compatible compilation compilers compile compiler compiler compiler complement inverters complete complement complementer complete completely ad. is complete, the completion of a thorough completion complex complex complexity complexity complexity complexities complicated v. complicates the chaos component member composed of components composing member compose a combination composition consisting of synthetic composite compression compress compression compressor compressor compressor comprise vt. comprises, calculated by the computer compute computer consisting ... computing calculated concatenation concatenate juxtaposed juxtaposed concentration Concentrate Concentrator Hub Concept N. Concept concordance important concordance concurrent simultaneously condense the compressed condition condition conditional conditions conditioning regulating conductor wire conduit wire protection tube confidential confidential configuration arranged configurator configurator configure configuration confirm acknowledgment confirmation to confirm conflict v. conflict meet conflicting conflict conform vi. complied with, in line with confuse vt. muddle interference congestion congestion conjunction with the connect connector connected connecting connection connector connectivity conjunction connective connectivity connector connector socket consecutive continuous consent consequently ad. Accordingly, considering such consider consideration n. consideration, research, discussion considered a. consider Over, the consist vi is compliant, including consistency consistency consistent consisole consolidate consolid consoliD, constant constant constant constantly ad. Constantly,

Often constraint constraint construction constructor construction members constructing consult v. Advice, consulting consumable consumer products consume v. Consumption, use contact contact contain contain container containment vessel that contains content content contention contention continue connecting contiguous context context context contextual continue continued Continued Contrast Contractor Contrast Contractor Contract Contract Control Control Controllability Control Control Controlled A. Controlled, Semiring Controller Control Convegence Converge Convenience N. Convenient, Convenient Convenient A. Convenient, Convenient Convention Convention Conventional A the conventional, customary converg convergence converged convergent conversation conversational dialogue conversational conversion convert conversion convert converted before converting the coordinate converter coordinate converter coordinator coordination procedure coprocessor coprocessor copy copies copy copying copyright n. Rights cord n. rope, wire core Core Coresidency Certain Corner Corona Corna Correct Correct Correction N. Correction, Correctly Correct Correlator Related Factors Correspond Vi. Communication (Contact) Correesponding Corrupt V. Corrupted Costing Cosine Cosine Cost Cost Cost Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost COST COST Cost Cost Costing Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost Cost COST Cost Cost Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost Cost COST Cost Cost Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost Cost COST Cost Costing Cost Cost COST Cost Costing Cost COST COST Cost Cost Cost Cost COST Cost Cost Cost Cost Coulomb Coulomb COUNT Count Counter CounterClockWise Reverse West Retirers Countries Courge Coupling Courges Course N. Process, Railways, Course COVER Cover CPU Control Processing Parts CR Ank Crank Crash Crash Craze N. Create Create Create, Create Creator Credentials Credit Credit Crew Team Criteria Standard Criterion N. Standard, Cross, Cross Cross Cross Crossfoot cROSS clearing congestion crowding cryogenics cryogenic cryotron cryostraw cryptography cipher cryptographic password to access the public user access culling CUA selected current cumulative cumulative current currently ad. currently, the card now cursor cursor curtate buffer portion cushion custom a. customer user customized user customation Customize custom CUT Cut Cutoff cutout Cutout open Cybernetics Control Cycle Cyclinder Cylill Cyrill Cyrl Daemon daemon Daily a. Daily,

Daily Damage Damage DAMPING DAM Dark Dark Direct Access Memory Data Data Database Database Database Database Date Date Date Data Data DAY DB Dibery Deactivate Release DEACTIVATED Release DEACTIVATION Release DeAdlock Deal V. Processing, Assign, Transaction DEALER Dealer DEALLOCATE Release Dearly ad. extreme, very, expensive DEATH N. Destroy, destroyed DEBIT Babllar Deblock Solution Deblocking Unblock Debug debugging debugger debugger DECA ten (word head) Deci is one tenth (word head) Decibel Decide v. (make) determination, it is determined decipher coded decimal decimal determined decision stacked deck declaration described declarator declarative description specifier declare described declared a. recognized, declared decoder decoder decode decompression decoder decollate separate deconcentration reducing dispersion deconcentrator splitter decrease v. Reduce, decrease, shortened Decreasing Decrement Decrement Decrypt decoding DecURL Decomposition Dedicate Dedicated Dedication Deduction Deduction Default Default Defect Defect Defective A. Fault, DEFINABLE A. Define, Determiable Define Definition Definition definition definition deflection Turn Degrade V. Decrease, Reduce, Decree Delete Delete Delete Delete DeleTion n. Delete (Part), Delete Delimit Delivery Delimiter Deliver DelinQuent Deliver DeliNQuent arrears Delivery Demand Demand Demand Decoding Demodulation Decomposition Demodulation Demodulation DE Demon Wizard DemoGraphic DemoGraphic Demon Wizard Demonstrate V. Demonstration, Proof n. Department, Door, Department Depend depends on Dependent Dependents Decends Press the Depth Depth Deque Double Queue Dequeue Depth Derivation Deaten Description Description Described a. Description N. Description Description N. Description Descriptor Description Information Block DeSelect Deselect Deserializer Serial Transfer Parallel Design Design DeSignate DESIGNATED A. Special, specifies Designation Desirable a. Hope,

Desk n. Desk n. Desk, Desk N. Desk n. Desk n. Desk, Desktop Design Destination Destination Detail Detail Details Detail Detail Details Detail Detail Details Detect Detection Detailed Details Detect Detection Details Deter VT the stopper, stopped, determine the determinant determines impede determinant develop developer developer developer developing development development n. development, development bias deviation device apparatus diacritic pronunciation symbol diacritical a. distinguishable sub discernable diaeresis diagnosis diagnostics diagnostic diagnostic diagnose notes diagnostic diagonal diagonal diagonally ad. swash (p) Diagram graph dial dial dialing dialing dialog dialogue dibit dibit dictionary dictionary differ vi. different, different inconsistencies difference difference different differentiate v. distinction, resolving differentiator differentiator digest finishing digit is digital Digital Dimension DIMENSIONAL N .... dimension DIMENSIITY DID DIDE Diode DIPHTHONG VOM DIPPING Directory Direct Direct Directory Directly Ad. Direct, Immediate Director Director Directory Directory Directory Identifier DIRNAME Directory Name DIRVE Drive Disable Disappear Vi. Disappear Discard V. Disabled Discard V. Delete, Abanden Discarded DisciPline Procedure Disconted Discredient Discriminant Discriot DiscRiCri Minator Identifier Disjunction Diaduly DISK Disk Diskette Floppy Display Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispatch Dispersant Displacement Displet Display Dispose Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Disposition Configuration Disregs VT. Desposition, Pightening .. ignore the DISSECTOR Pixabine Distinction n. difference, difference characteristics distinguish v. distinction, identification distort distortion distortion distortion distribute vt. distribution, distribution, distribution of rations distributed distribution distribution dithering dithering ditto ditto diversion conversion divide v. in addition to dividend dividend division section divisor divisor DLL dynamic link library file documentation document document Compile Documenting Record Domain Domain DOS Disk Operating System DOT Point Double A. Twice

Double Doublet Double Byte Doubleword Double Word Down Download Uninstall DownStream Draft Draft DRAG Drag Drag Draw DRAGT DRIFT Drift Drive Drive Driver Driver DROP DUAL A. Duality, Double dummy expired due dumb dumb dumb dump dump duodecimal duodecimal repeated duplication of duplex copying duplex duplicate duplicator copier durability durability duration duration during dynamic dynamic dynamicizer converter during dynamic echo echo side edge edition edit editor editing edit editor editor version effect n. efficiency, effect, efficacy effective a. effectiveness effectivity effective efficiency efficiency efficiently ad. efficiently eject feature values ​​eigenvalue processing pop elaboration elapsed vi. electronics electrons through the electronic elements eliminate cancellation electronics element ellipse ellipse Ellipsis n. omissions, omission (Method) Embedded embedded Embedding embedding Embedding Emboldening highlights EMBOSSMENT raised EMPHASIS emphasizes EMPHASIZE V. EMPHASIS emphasizes EMPHASIZE V. Emphasize V. Empty, emphasizes EMPTY A. Empty, Zero, Uncoupled Empty Simulation Emulation Simulator EMULSITION Milk Emulsion allow encipher enable encapsulation package assembly scrambler enclave enclose vt. enclosed, sealed, package installation box enclosure encode encoder encoder encoder encounter encounters encrypt encrypted encryption tip end encryption endian endian engineering works enhance enhancing endpoint endpoint enlargement zoom enqueue Registration queuing enquiry ask enroll ensure guarantee enter enter enterprise enterprise entire a. Overall entirely ad. Completely and thoroughly entity entity entrance entrance entropy entropy entry project enumerator enumerator environ vt. Around the surrounding environment environment environmental a. The surrounding environment EPILOGUE EPOCH Poke Equal equal to equilization Equalizer Equally Ad. Equally, equally equation equipment device Equivalence Equivatural Equivatural Equivocation condition information total average ERASE ERASER ERGOROMICS Human Engineering ERLANG Erlan Error Error Escalation step by step Especape Especial or Ad. Special (YES), especially essentially ad. Essentially Establish Establishment Ethernet Ethernet Evaluate Estate Ethernet EVERY EVERE V. Test, Exam,

Review Exceed Exceed exceeded EXCEEDED A. Except Prep. Dessed ... unless Exception exception Excerpt excerpt Exchange exchange Exclamation n. Amnestable (number) Exclude excludes Executable a. Executable A. Executable Execute Execution Execution Execute ExeciSer Test Program Exhaust V. Out of Existing Existing Existing Export Exit Expand Expand Expander Expands Expanding A. Extension Expander Expanding A. Expanded, Expanding Expansion n. Expand, Expands Expect Vt. Expect, look forward to Expendity Experiment vt. Test Experiment N. Experiment, Test (Study) Experimentation n. Experiment (Work, Method) Expertise Expertise Expire V. Terminal, Exploy Explain Description Explanation Description EXPLANATORY A. Explanation (Sex) ExplyTive EXPLICITLY Ad. Obviously, Exponentiation EXPONENTIATION EXPOONENTIATION EXPOONENTITION EXPOSING Exposition Exponse Exponse Express A. Quick Expression Express Express A. Quick Expression Expression Expunge VT. Erase, Delete Extension Extension Extension External Exterior extra A. Special, extra extra extraction extremely ad. Extreme, very extremity ultimate Eyecatcher recognition sequence face n. Surface, surface Facilities facility Facility n. Facility, equipment, convenience FACSIMILE FAM FAM FACTORAL PRBORING Decomposition Factorization Decomposition Fail Failed Failure Failed Fallback Returned False A. Fake (Boolean), Error Familiar A. Familiar, Ideal Familiarize VT. make Familiar, making popular Family series FAns n. Imagine (), refined fast fastback n. Quick return FASTEN fixed fastselect quickly select Father n. Father, upper layer (tree node) FAULT fault feature feature ingredient Feed FeedBack Feed FeedBoard Paper feeder FEEDER transmission line FEMININE negative Ferrite Ferrite Ferromagnetics magnetic FETCH Take Fiber Fiber Field Field Figure File File FileName File Name Fileset File FileSpace File Space FileTab File Mark Filing n. (File) Collection Fille Filler Filler Film Film Filter Filter Final Final Finally Ad. finally,

Looking first find the final completion of finish first fix the fixing revised fixed stationary fixing flag flag flashing shiny flat plane flexibility flexibility flicker flicker floating floating floppy n. Flourescent floppy disk fluerics fluorescence flow in a fluidics fluidic jet flush jet technology clearance flyback fluidics Folding Folder Folder Folder Folding Folio Folio Follow FORFER FOOTER FOOTER FOOTNOTE Foot Footer Foot Note FOOTNOTE Foot FORBIDDEN Disable Force V. Power, Intensity Forced a. Forced Forecast Forecast Foreground Forget ignore Fork Create Subscription Form Format format formation n. Construction, structure, formatted a. Format formatter formatter formatting n. Format Formed a. Forming Formula formula Fourscore n. 80 fragment n. Four, paragraph , fragmentation fragmentation of segment division frame fragmenting frame framework framing frame framing free franking marks printed release freeze v. freeze, ice freight shipping frequency frequency frequently ad. often, frequently from all truncated cone frustum fullword from full full word Fully ad. Very Function Function Fundamental A. Basic, Foundation Fun Fuse Fuser Fusion Fusion Gain Gain GAP Interval Garbage Useless Gate Gate Gateway Gateway Gather Concentration GENERAL GENERATE Generation Generator Generator Generator Generator Generator Geometry Geometry Giag Gigabit Gigacycle Gigabit Global Glossary Glossary Glossary Vocabulary Glyph Image Character GO VI. Run, Gothic Gothic GRAB Claps GRADATION Grate Gram Gram Grant grants Grantee Receiver GRANTOR GRANTOR GRANTOR GRAPHICLY GRAPHICALLY GRAPHICLY ad. charting graphics grave engraved pattern gravity center of gravity of the ground grid of the gate groove groove group group grounding ground growth growth graphical user interface GUI guide guideline Directory Guide halftone halftone halfword halt stop handle half word processor handles control key handler handles handling n Handset phone handset Handshaking Handy Handy is convenient for HANG V. Survival, Pause,

Hanging Hanzi Chinese Character Hardware Hardware Hardwired Hardwired Harmonic Harmonic Hartley Hartley Hashing Hardphone Head Tap Heap Heap HECTO HECTOMETER 100 米 HELP Help Helper Help Heuristic Trial HEURISTICS Trial HEX Ten Hexa Hexadecimal a. Hexadecimal Hidden Hidden Hide Hide Hierarchical Hierarchy Highlight Highlight Highlighting Highlight Highlighting Highlight Hiragana Pacific Histogram Histogram History Hist Hit Sitts Transient Interference HM HOLD Keep HOLD Hole holiday vacation Hollerith hollerith homologation approval hook hook hopper a hopper horizontal level horizontally ad. horizontally host host hotfix hot fix hotspot hotspot housekeeping housekeeping housing shell how how hub hub humidity humidity hunting looking hyperbola hyperbolic hypertext hypertext hyphen n. Connection Character, Short-term Hyphenation Character Connection Iceland Iceland icon icon iconify icon IdeMpotent power Identical a. Equality, the same Identical, Identifier Identification Identifier Identification Identi Idle Ignore ignore Illegal illegal Image Image IMBEDDED Embedded IMBedding Embed IMMEDITE Impedance Impedance ImpingMPINGEMENT Implement Implement Implement Implement Implement Implement Implement Implicit Implicity Implied Improduction IMPLOSIS IMPORT Tune Importer Import Server Imprinter Printers Improved printing imprinting improve improvement improving inaccuracy impulse pulse inaccessible inaccessible inaccuracy inactive inactive inclusion include include inbound inbound comprising inclusive a. included, embedded into the incoming connection incompatibility incompatible incompatible incompatible character within inconnector the combined incorrect incorporate incorrect increase v. increased, increasing the incremental increasing increment increment increment increment indefinitely ad. indefinitely, indefinitely indent indent indent indention indent indentation independently independently each independent indexing to index index index indicate vt the indication, indicator indicator indicates indirect indirect indirect indirection indirectly ad. indirectly individual separate individually ad. individually, separately induction industry n induction industrial industry industrial inexperienced a. unskilled, lower infinite lay inferiors a. Unlimited,

Endless infinity infinity influence affecting inform notification information message inherit inheritance inheritance inheritance inhibit prohibit initial initial initialization initialization initialize initialize initializer initialization program inhibited banned initially ad. Initially, at the beginning of initiate start initiator to start the program inking ink style drawing inline directly into the inlining online Input Inquiry Query INSERT Insert, Insert, Inspection, Inside N. Inspection InSpection Check Install Install Install Install Instance Instance Instance Instance Instaneting Instant A. Immediate, Direct Instantiate Instantiate Instead Ad. ) instead of, as an indication instruct instruction instructions instrumentation instrumentation insufficient a. insufficient, inadequate insulation insulation insure v. guarantee the protection integer integer integrate integrated integrated integrated integrator integrators integrity integrity intellect intellect intelligence intelligent intelligent intelligent intend vt. intend, design intense a. strong, high intensity brightness interaction interactive interactive interactive intercept intercepted intercepting interception interchange swap interest n. interest, attention, affect the interface interface interfere vi. interference, interference, conflict interference interference staggered interlace interlacing interleave Interlink Intermittent Internally Intermitted InterN All InterNally Ad. within INTERNAL INTERLITENT INTERLOCK INTERLO ernational international internationalization international Internet Internet internetwork Internet interoperability vi n. with the movement of interoperable a. cooperate with each other interpret v. interpret interpreter interpreter interrelated related interrupt interruption intersection logical multiplication interval intervals intervene vi insertion, interference intervention intervention introduce vt. Introduction, Guide Introduction Invalid invalid Invariant invariant invent vt. Create, imagin inventory Investory Invertory InvestiGate Review Invocation invoic invoice invoices invoke involes involve vt. Involved, involve,

Occupies involved a. Isolation isolation issue associated item sent items iterate iteration iteration iteration iterative a. Iterations, repetitive job jack socket blockage jam jog joggle job log journaling journal log merge join joystick lever connected to justify aligned jump transfer junction kanji characters Katakana Faculty KEEP Keep kernel kernel kerning letter tight 排 Key keyboard keyboard KeyCaps key cover Keyed a. Keylock key lock Keypad n. Maxiler keypunch Keypunch Keyword keyword kill kill (process) KILO kilobyte kilobytes one thousand kg kilogram km kilometer kW kilowatt knob handle kit assembly label label labeled a. a labeled labor laboratory laboratory artificial language latched latch delay lag language latency startup latency launch layer lead layer layout layout leaders leading n Guided () Leaf leaf Leased rental Leave out Leaves leaf Left to left Legal a. Legend, Legend LEVER LETTER letter LEVEL hierarchical Lever lever Lexical a. Dictionary, lecity lexically lexical LEXICON Dictionary LIABILITIES LED LIBRARION LLO Manager LIBRARY LLICENSED LIGATURE LIGATION LIGHT LED LIMIT Limit Limitation Limited Limited a. Limited, (affected) LINESTY LINEFEED LINESTYLE Line LINEWIDTH Line Width LINK Connection LINKABLE Linkable LINKAGE Link LINKER LED List Listen Listening Listening Listening List LITER Al text Load Load load () loaded loaded (Loader Loading Loading Local Local Locale Local Localization Localized LOCALLY Local Locate Locate N. Location, Find location Locator Locator LOCK PLOCKING Lock Lockout Block Lockup lock log record logarithm logged a. Record, soak Logger logger logic logic logical a. logic, logic 抟 login login logo logo logoff logan logon registration logout Exit Long long loop loop loopback Re-send Lost Lower Lowercase N Down file,

Lowercase lumen lumen lux lux value lvalue left mach n. Mach (speed units) machine macroelement machine macro macro macro expansion macro elements macroexpansion macrogeneration macrogenerator macro macro generation program generates macrolanguage macroinstruction macro macro language macrolibrary magnitude macro programming macro library size macroprogramming mail mailbox message mailbox mailer mailer mailslot mailslot main primary mainframe mainframe mainline main maintain maintain maintainability maintainable maintenance serviceability maintainable maintenance major a. large, most of the main majority make vt. manufactured by forming malfunction failure manage. Management Management Manager Manager MANDATORY MANAGLING Identification Code Manifest VT. indicates that display, display manipulate operation manipulating v. manipulating, manipulator manipulator manner n. Method, style, formula Mantissa masonry Manual manual manually ad. Hand, manual Manufacture vt. Manufacture (Industry), Industrial Manufacturer Manufacturing Manuscript Manus Map Image Mapping Image Margin Margin Marker Marker Tag Marketing Marker Mark Marketing Market Marking N. Mark, Issue Marshal Group Marshalling Group Masculine Positive Mask Mask Masking N. Masking, Masking Master A. Matches Matching N. Match Match Match Matching N. Matching, Adjusting Material Material Materialization Confidentialize Material Math N. Max Maximum Maximize Max Max Maximum Max MbCs Multi-character MEAN average Means n. Method, Measure Measure Measurement MECHANISM mechanism Media Media Media Or Media Media Media Media The Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media Media N. Memo Notes MEMORANDUM Notes Memory Memory VT. Narrative,

Speaking of Menu Menu Merge Merge Message Information METADATA Metadata METAFILE METER METER METHOD Method Meter Meter Method Method Metric Meter Micro A. Micro, Millive MicrocircUit Microcomputer Microcode Microcode Microcuser MicrotoCument Micro Document Microfiche Microelectronics Microfilm Miniature film microprocessor microprogram microinstruction microinstruction intermediate microprocessor microprogram microprogramming microprogramming microroutine micro routine microsecond microwave microwave microseconds middle MIDI musical Instrument digital Interface migrate transplantation graft migration mm millimeter mmol mile miles milli milliseconds millisecond minidisk minidisk minimize minimize minimum Minimal minuend is reduced minus a. Negative number, reduction mirror n. Mirror, reflection, reflecting MIRRORING mirror icon Miscellaneous multiple mismatch n. Display, mismatch missing MISTAKE error MIX mixture Mixer mixer MIXTURE mixture MNEMONIC help MODAL Modal MODE MODEL Model MODEM Modem Modification Modification Modified a. Modified, Changed Modifier Modem Modify Modify MODULAR Modular Moduate Modulation Modulation Modulation MODULE Module MODULO Module Moment N. Moment N. Moment N. Moment, Torque, Moment Monitor Monitor Monitoring Mono a. Monochrome monochrome monostable monochrome Monostable mono mono monk n. Theme, points, featured MOTOR MOVE MOVEMENT MUSE Multi-Point Multiiplex Multimedia Multimedia Multi-line MultiMedia Multimedia Multimedia Multimedia MultiPL e plurality of multiplexer multiplexer multiplexing multiplexor multiplexor multiplexing multiplicand multiplication multiplicity complex multiplication of the multiplicand multiplier multiplier multipoint multi multiprocessing n. multi-processing, multi-channel multi-processing multiprocessor multiprocessor multistation function station multithread multithreaded multitasking multiwindow multitasking multi-window must be mutually exclusive nature nature navigate v mutex name tag native namespace namespace name of the machine. navigation driving navigation n. necessary navigation navigational guidance necessary for needle probe negate vt. Negative, negative, Negative A. negative, negative Negotiation negotiation Neper NetName Nest Nested NESTED Nest NetName Network NetWork Network Networking Network NETW NETRAL Nest NEW New Nickname Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Node Node NOISE Noise Nomenclature Terminology Nominal Rated Noninteractive a. Not related,

Non-interactive Noninventory non-working NonWorkdays non-working day Nonzero non-zero Normal Normal Normalize Specifications Notation Notation Note Note NULL NUMER NUMERAL NUMERAL NUMERAL IN numerical digits numerous a. numerous, obstruction numerous obstacles target object objects obscure vague observation observe observer observers obsolete outdated occasionally ad. occasionally (ground), often occlude jam occupation occupy occur occupation occupy occur occurrence n. appears, Octal octacular OCTET eight-bit group ODMETER N. Milested Outter Offer V. provided, given, rendering the OFFHOOK offline offline offline OFFSET Displace Ohm Om OK confirmed OMIT VT. Omitted, delete, Less ON-LINE A. Online Online Only Only OPAQUE Open Open Operand Operation Operate Operation Operating Operation Operation Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Operator Opinion N. Views, Instead, Judging Opposite a. Converse Optimization Optimization Optimize V. Preferred, Optimization Optimum Optimal Option Option Optional Order Order Order Organization Organize V. Organization Organize V. Organization, Founded, Estate Orientation orientation Oriented a. Oriental Origin start address Original Original Or Ad. original, Original Other Other OtherWise Other OtherWise Other Other N. Results, Results, Outline Outline Outline Outline OUTLINE Overcommitment circle outline overall output on the output over the entire overcircle commitment point overdot overflow overhead manufacturing overhead overflow overheat overheating on overdue overdue overlay overlapping coverage overlap overload overload overload overloading overrun cover override overspeed overscan overscan top line overscore overstrike repeated printing overstriking Overlapping Print Overtime Overtime Overview Overview Overwrite Overwrite Owner Owners Ownership Owate PACE Pack Pacing Pack Pack Compress Package Pack Packing PAD Pad Padding Pack Page Page Page Page Page Pagel Screens PANNING Roam Paragraph Segment Paralelle Parameter Parameter Parameter Parameter Parentheses Brand Parenthesis n. parentheses,

Parental Parity Parity PARSE Grammar Analysis Parser Syntax Analytics Particia Participant Participants Particular A. Specific, Special Particularly Ad. Special, Especially, Especially Partition Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner PASS V. Transfer, Pass, Cloud (Number) ) passthru by password password paste paste options patch repair path paths pattern patterns pause pause payroll payroll peer peer pel pixel penalty n. punishment, fines, burden pending pending percentage percentage perforator puncher perform the implementation of permanence performance performance period dot peripheral periphery Permanent Permanent Permanently Ad. Permanently, Permissible Permission Permission Permissions Permission Permit allows Permutation to arrange the persistence persistent Person Personal a. Personal, own Personalize personalized personnel person's Pertain Vi. Affiliated, belongs to Phase stage phone telephone phoneme phoneme photocell photocell photoconductor photoconductor photodetector photodetector phototypesetter photosetting phrase phrase physical physical physically a. physically, actually pick picking picking picking picosecond picoseconds picture pattern pinboard pin connector needle plate pipeline conduit pipe Pipeline PIPING Pipe PITCH Tone Pixel Pixel Pixmap Pictogram PlaceHolder Location Signal Placement Position PlainText Planning Plan Plan Planne Planner Planning Planning Plan Plant Plant Platen Paper Crew Platform n. Platform PLOT Draw Pointe Pointer Plug Plug Poin T-POINTER pointer POINTING POLL POLL Polling Polling Polyline multi-line Polymarker Multiple Indicator PolyMorphism Polymorphism Pool Pool pop-up popdown popup pop-up ports portability portability portion n. allocate position position Positioning positioning Positive a. Positive , Yang, positive POSSIBILITY N. Possible Possible Possibly Ad. Possage Postamble Postamble Synchronization Signal Postpone Delay Potential or Ad. Possible, Probire Power Power Power N. Internship, Practical PRAGMA Compile Indication pragmatics pragmatic synchronization signal preanalysis preschool preamble pre-analysis preauthorization prior authorization prebuild prebuilt precede v. precede precedence precedence preceding a. first, the previous precision accuracy precondition precondition predicate predicate predict vt. foretell preemption preemptive preface Preface Prefer vt. prefer,

Rather prefix Prefix preparation prepared by premultiplication left preprocessor preprocessing the preprocessor preprocessing prepunched prepunched prerequisite prerequisite preroll preroll presence n. Exist, there is present a. Providing presentation rendered preserve vt. Saved, by maintaining pressed a preset pre-press Pressure, compressed pressing n. Emergency PRESTORE pre-store prevent v. Prevent, Preview VT. Preview Previous a. Previously, the above previously ad. Previously, pre-price n. Price Primarily Ad. First, at first, Original Primary Primitive Original Primital Print Print Printable a. Print Print Print Print Print Print Print Output Prior a. Prior, priority priority priority private privilege privilege probable a. Probability, possible probably ad. most, most likely the problem procedure process proceed on the issue procedural a. program continues to process the process of processing processing processor processors produce v. production, manufacturing production and productivity product product production productivity professional professionals profile summary profiling program profiling program programmable a program . programmable programmer programmers programming programming progress n. the progress of project progress project projection projector prolog prologue Foreword Preface promote promote prompt prompt prompt prompting proper proof to prove correct properly ad. really, properly balanced property characteristics proporational proprietary a Proprietary P rotect vt. to protect protected protected protection protective protocol agreement provides pruning provide prototype prototype trim pseudo a. false, spurious, the fake pseudo-color pseudonumber code public pseudocolor public publication publications publisher n. publishers, issuers puck ball pulldown Drake Pulse Pulse Purchase Purchase Purchasing Purchasing Purge Clear Purpose N. Planning Push Push Pushbutton Button Pyramid Corner Quad Four Core Wire Qualified A. Qualified,

Limited Qualifier Limit Quality Qualization Quantum Quantum Quant QUARK Quark Quartet Quantum Query Query Question N. QuestionAire Query Queue Queuing Queu Qiescing Passing Quiet Quiet Quintet Quintet 5 Biyp Quit exit quotation quotient supplier quotation quote quoted rack chassis base radix radar radar radiate radiation guide rail raise improved random access memory RAM random a. range rank ordering random range rate rate raster grating nominal rated nominal rating rational rational reach v. Range ReadiVate v. Read Readable a. Readile Reader Readily Ad. Ready Ready N. Read, Ready Ready Ready Real RealLocation Renovate Really a. Virtually, indeed Reappear Vi. Reproduction, Rear Rear Rear REARRANGE V. Rear, Reissue Reason Reason Reciporption Reconnect Recorption, Recipient Recalibrate Recalling Recall Vt. Undo, Resurrection, Retrieve ReceipT Receive Receive Receive Received A. received, recognized receiver recipient receiving the receiving receptacle outlet recipe guidelines recipient recipients reciprocal reciprocal reclaim recover reclock re-timing recognize v. recognition recommend vt. recommendation, the proposed reconciliation reconciliation reconfiguration reconfigure the record recorded recorder recorders recost heavy cost Recover recovery a. Recoverable, recyclable Recovery Recovery Rectangle Rectangula Rectangula R a. Rectangular Recursion loop Recursive a. Recursive, looped REDEFINE VT. Re-regulatory (defined) Redirect redirection Redirection redirect re-display Redo redraw vt. REDUCE Reduction n. Decompression, Redundant redundancy Redundant a. Redundancy reentrant Reenter v. Re-enter ReEnterable reentrant reentrant reentrant ReeValuate REEFER Reference Reference Reference Referral Work Assignment Reflect Reflective RefLiction Reflow V. Reflow Reflifence Reflow V. Reflow, Backflow Reformat Reforming Refresh Refreshing Regard VT. Consideration, Note, Relationship Regardless A. Don't pay attention, regardless of Regeneration Regeneration Regeneration Region Register Register Regient Registration Regression Regression Regular a. Regular,

Formal rules regulation regulator regulator reindex v. Converting (changing) the symbol reinitialize reinitialization reinstall reinstall reinstate vt. Restored, recovery reject rejected related a. Relationship relationship relative relational relationship associated opposing relation relationship release release reliability reliability reload Retracence Relocate floating Relocate floating RELOCATION floating Remain Vi. Leave, leave, still remarker resilings Remaining Remart Remark Remember Remote Remote Remotely Renown Render Renown Rename Renown Render Reender Image Generate Renderer Descriptor Rendering Drafter Rendzvous Remodes Rent N. Crack REORDER V. (Sort) Alignment, Sorting REORGANIZATION VT. Rearrangement, Reversible Repaint Vt. Heavy Phase Repair Repair ReParent Refute Parent Repeat Repeat Repeatabline Repeatability Repeated RepeateDly Ad. Repeat REPEATER repeater Repeating n. Duplicate, loop Reperforator replenger Repertory instruction table Repetitive a. Duplicate Reteitor Reselect word replace Replacement Replaceable Replacement Replacement n. Replace, Replace, Update Replan reschedule replica replica replicate vt. duplicate, copy replication copy reply answer report report repository warehouse represent v., said the performance, on behalf of representation representation representative a. typically, reprioritize indicated by the changed priorities reproduce copy reproducer complex puncher request requested requester Requires Require Demand R equired essential requirement demand requisition request requisitioner requester reread vt. reread rerun rerun resend retransmission reservation reserved reserve vt. reservation, reservation, reservation reset reset reside vi reserved reserved. resident residing resides remaining residual resistance impedance resolve resolution Resolution Resolver resolver resource resource respect n. Comply, Relationship Respectively Ad. Separation, response, response Response Response Responsibility Responsibility REST N. Remove RESTART restart RESTORE restore restrict vt. Constraint, restrictions restriction a. Limit Constrained restricting n. Restrictions () Restriction restrictions restructure vt. Adjust, reorganize the result Resulting a. Result, synthetic resume continues RetAin VT. Keep,

Maintaining the retainer retrace retrace locator retrieval resend retrieval retrieve retransmit retry retry retrieval return to return returned a. Returns reward returned reusable reuse reusable reuse reversal reverse reverse reverse review revise revision review revokable cancel the cancellation revoke Revolutionize vt. transformation, thorough reform REWIND round REWORK heavy-to-REWRITE VT. Rewritten, regenerate RGB Red Greenland Color Representation RID Resource Identifier Right Rights Right Rigid Rhinest Ring Ring Ringer Role Role RMFS Drawing Mechanism and Format Robot Robot Room N. Room, Space Room Rotary Rotating Rotating Rotating Round Rounding Roun Router Route Route Run Run Run Select ROW RULE N. Rules, rules, ruler Run Run running A Run, swhanters Runtime n. Run time S start / stop Safe a. Security, reliable Safely Ad. Safe, independent Safety n. Safe, insurance SALARY N. Wages Sale n. Sales, sales Salvager saving Same A. Similarly, Sample Sample Sample Sample SATISFY Sample Save Save Saveset Save Set Saving A. Saved Say V. Said, Display, Assume SBCS Single-byte Character Set SCALAR Scalar Scale Scale Scaling Scan SCAN Scan scanline scan line scanner scanner scatter dispersion scattered a. decentralized scheduling scheduled predetermined schedule scheduler scheduler schema illustrated scheme n. program, program, scientific and scientific scope FIG scope Scout search program screen erase scrap scrap scratch screen help screen screenhelp scre Enmask Screen Scroll Scroll Screw Scroll Scroll Scrolling Rolling Seal Sea Seamless A. Seamless Search Search Searching N. Search Seasonal Seasonal Second N. Second, Secondary Secondary Section Section Sector Seaf Safety Security Security Security Security Security Security Security Seek Seek View Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Segment Session Detection Seldom Ad. No, very small, rare Select Selectted a. Selected Select Contection Selection Selection Select Selector Sender Semantic Semantic SEMAPHORE Signal SEMICOLON Sending Send Sender Send People SENSE detects Sensitive a. Sensitive,

Sensitive sensor sensitivity of the sensor sensitivity sentence sentence sentinel tag separate v. Each separated a. Separately separately ad. Separator separator respectively septet seven byte sequence order sequencing sequencer sequentially ad. Serializability sequentially serial serial Serial serialize Server Services Server Server Server Services Services Servicing Service Services Service Servians Settings SetGID Settings Setup Setting Setting Settings Setup SetUID Setting User Identifier Setup Settings Seven N. Seven (a) Several A. Several, Several Sextet Six Bytes SHADED Shadow Shaped Shading Shadow Shadow Shape Shape Share Share Shad N. (Figure) Table, Paper, Sliced ​​Shell Shell Shield V. Shield, Hood, Protective Shift Ship Ship Shipment Shipment Shipment Shipping Shorts Short Short Shortcut n. Off-road, shortcut Should Shows Showing n. Showing n. Showing n. Showing, show Shredder shredder Shut v. Close Shutdown Shutdown SIBLING Brothers SIBLINGS Brothers SIDE SIGNTURE SIGNAL SIGNAL Signal Signature Signing Signed Significance Active Significand Active Significant A. Valid, meaningful Significant SIGNIFICANT A. Simple SIMPLEX SIMPLY AD. Simply Simulater Simply Sim QuLATOR Simulation Simultaneous simultaneous Since Prep. Since ... SINE SYC SINGLE SITV. Located, install Site Location Situation n. Situation, shape Condition, potential Six N. Six (s) () SIZE Size Skeleton Skeleton SKEW SKEWNESS Dialal Skill n. Tips SKIP Jumping Skulk Hide Slash Sliding Slave SliDer Slide Slide Slider Slot Slot Slow A. Slow Slowly Ad. Slowly Small Small Smooth V. Smooth Smoothing Smooth Smudge S. Snapshot Tips Print So PRON. So, so Social a. Social SOCKET socket Soft a. Soft Software Software Solely Ad. Alone Solution n. Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution, Solution Solve Somewhat Pron. Slightly, a little Sonar Sound N. Sound, Sound N. Sound, Sounding Sounding A. Sound Source Space Space SPARE Backup Speaker Special Special Special Specialize v. (Make) Specific Specific Specifically Ad. Special, Speech Normal Specifiers Indicator Specify Speech N. Speech, Speech,

Spelling speed Spell v. Spelling Spelling Spelling Spill V. Overlink, Overflow, Splitting N. Partition [Crack] Spontaneous Spontaneous Spool Spoolers Spooler Spooling Program Spooling Spooker Spread V. Expand, Spread Spring Spring Sprite Subgraph SQL Structure Query Language Square n. Square Squeeze V. Squeezed Stability Stability Stabilizer Stabil Stable Stable Stack Stack Stacker Card Box Stage Stage Stage STAMP N. Stage Stand V. in (Status) Keep the StandRD Standard Star n. Starnza Festival Star n. Star, Startable Startable Startable Startable Starting A. Starting Startup Starting State State Statement A. Statement State State Static Static Static Static Converter Station stationary a. Static, stable statistical statistics Statistics Status Statistics Static Stay V. Stop, stay STEP Step Sticky Still A. Quiet V. Calm StockStipple Painting Stockout Stockroom Room STOP Stopping n. Stop, Brake (Status) Storage Memory Store Storage Streaming Streaming Streaming StriDe Strike V. Knocking Strong String Stroke Strong A. Strong Struct Structure Structural a. Structure, Structure Structure Structure STUB Tooted stuff n. Loading style STYLUS instruction pen Subaddress subaxie Subassembly Subchannel Subclass Subcommand Subcommand Subcommad Subcommand Subcommadponent Subconsole Subcommomp SubContra ctor subcontractors subdirectory subdirectory subfield subfield subfile subfolder subgroup n. group, subgroup subheading subheadings subheap sub-stacks subject n. theme, source subloop sub-loop submenu submenu submission submit submit submit submode sub-sub-way subnet subnet subnetwork subsidiary subpart subassembly subpattern subpatterns subprocess subprocess subobject subgoal subordinate subprogram network subprogram subproject sub subqueue sub-queue subroutine subroutine signed subscriber users subscribe subscript subscripts subsequent a. later, followed by the subsequently ad. Thereafter, secondly, Press the SubServer subsequent subset SubShell Substantial A. Substantial A. Substantial Ad. Is essentially

Alternatively substitute alternative substitution string subsystem subsystem subtask subtasks subtotal sum divided subtrahend subtrahend subtree subtree successful subunit subtype subtype subunit successful succession n. successive, continuous successive a. successive, consecutive successor substring sub essence Subsequent Such a. Such, such a sufficient sufficient suffix suffix suggest vt. Suggestion, proposal, suggesting suggestion n. Suggests, reminds Suitable a. Suitable Summary SUMMARIZE Overview Summary Summary Summmary Summary SUN N. Sun, Daily Superblock superblock supercalss superclass superclass superclass superclient superior customer superimpose vt. superimposed, superimposed superobject hyper object superscalar superscalar superscript superscript superset superset superuser superuser supervisor management program supplier supplier supplies supplies supply vt. power supply support support supporters support Subposed a. Suppose, Supposed a. Suppose, Supplement, Suppressing, suppression, canceling the support of the Surface surface surrounding a. Suspension n. Suspension n. Suspension n. Suspension n. Suspend Suspension n. Suspend, suspension, suspension, suspension synergic cooperation syndetic connected synonym synonym syntactical grammar syntax syntax system system swab swab for swap swapping switching switch switches switching switch syllable syllables symbol symbols symmetric symmetrical symptom symptoms synchronization synchronization synchronize v. synchronization synchronous synchronization tab tab, tag table Table tablesp ACE Table Space Tablet Graphic Note Tabulate Table Tabulator Table Table TAKELTER TAIL TAG TAILGATE Tail Tail Tail Take V. Take Talent N. Type, Talent Talk V. Call, TAPE Tape Target Target Tariff Pricing Task Task Tasking Task Teach V. Teaching, Teaching Team N. Team, Group Technical A. Technology, Professional Technology N. Process, Technology, Manufacturing Telecommunication Remote Communication Telegraph Telephone TelePrinter Technical Technical TeleProcessing Remote Treatment TELETYPETER TIT TELETYPEWRITER TIT TELL N. Test, Temporary Temporarily Ad. Temporary Temporary Temption N. Tension Term Item Terminal Terminal Terminals Termination Node Terminate Terminating n. Termination, Termination, End,

Termination Terminated TerminTor Terminal Terminology Terms Payment Test TestPort Test Point Text Text TextPort Test Point Text Text TextPort Test Point Text Text Texture THENTPORT THHEREAFTER AD. So, according to this ThereFore Ad. Therefore, Soaurus Wonders Thick Think v. Consider, think that third a. Third, one this Thought Conj. Although though, thoughand n. (1) thousand, countless thraseing system bumps Thread thread Three a. 3 () Threshold Through reference prep. Through THROUGHOUT PREP. Through, THROUGHPUT Ticket Ticket Ticket TiMEs TIMEOUT TIMER TIMES N. Time Time Time Time Time Timings TIMES N. a. Tiny, slight TIP Tips TODAY N. Today TOGETHER AD. Today, TOGETHER AD. Top Token Token TOGGLE BNT Switch TOKEN Token TOLERANCE TONE N. Tone, Tone Topology Topology Tornado n. Cyclone, Tornado Total Total Touch Contact Toward Prep. DPRK (Hold) Tower Tower Trace Track Track TRACK TRACK TRACK TRADEMARK Register Trades Traditional a. Traditional, traditional, custom Traffic traffic Trailing n. Train by Traile Train Transcribe Transcription Transcribe Transcription Transcriber Transcription Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio Transformatio n conversion transformer transformer transient instantaneous transfer transition translation translator translate translation translator converter transliterate transliteration transmission transmission transmission transmitter transmit transmitter transparency trap transparent transparent transparent transport of the transportable transmission may transmit the trap traversal traversal traverse v. crossed, crossing, transverse tray Tray Treat V. Processing Treble Trees TREE Trend Trend Trigger Trigger Triplet Triplet Trouble N. Fault True A. True A. True A. Truncate Trunk Bus Try Try Trying a. Filling, Difficult Tube Pipe Tuning Adjust the TUPLE tuna Turn V. Circle, Turnaround turnover Turning a. Turning, rotating Turnkey n. Total tapping key Turnover Turn Turquoise Green Tutorial Guide TWENTITH N. 20 () TWICE N. Two,

Two times in Twinaxial Biaxial Twist twisted Two n. Two, two, double TYPE Type Typeface lead word Typefont fonts Typewriter n. Typical Typical a. Typical, standard UI user interface interface umlaut Voice Voice Unable Unable Unassign ITCHED Unconnected Unattended Unmanned Unavailable a. Unblock unbroken uncock decons Unconfigured uncrypted uncrypted uncryfine unconfigured uncrypted uncoclass deciation unconfigured uncrypted undefine unconfigured unconfigured unconfigured unconfigure undefine unconfigure undefined a. Undefined a. Undefined a. Undefined a. (Below) Underflow Underline Underline Underload Load Underlying a. Basic, fundamental underscore Underline Undership in Understand v. Understand, understand (), understand Understanding n. Understand, smart undesirable a. Not Need unfinished UNESCAPED non-escape unfained UNFORTUNATELY AD. Unfortunate Unformatted a. Unfortunate, Unfortunately, Union Union Unique Unique Unique Unique N. (Comprehensive) University Unknown A Unknown, unknown unlabled unbailed unless conj. Unless unlike a. Unlock unmarshal unmarshalked a. Unmarshal data, unmarkable unmarshal data, unmarked unmarshal data UNMIRROR Cancellation Unnecessary a. Unnenence, unnecessary, unpredictable unrecognized a. Unrecognized unsave v. Not stored unshot v. Not moving, unmreaded unsigned a. No symbol Unsuccessful a. Unsuccessful, failed Until preip. until unused, empty unview, unwanted a. Unwanted, unwanted, excess UP is called Update update Updated a. Purpose, updated Upgrade Upload UPLOAD UPON Prep. Basement, compliance with UPPER A. UPPERCASE n. uppercase letters Upserver Update Server Upstream Usage N. Application, Usage Uses Used Use, Used Useless A. Users User ID User Identifier UserTime User time usually ad. Usually, usual, general UTILITY Utilities UTILIZATION Usage Vacuum Vacuum Valid Validate Validation Validation Validation Validity Valuable ValiD A. Valued Valuator Value Value Valiable Various Variance Variant Variants Variety n. Variety, variety Various Various Vary Convert VARYING A. Change,


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