ID There are two properties, one is for, one is AccessKey. For the meaning, this LABLE is serving it for? AccessKey defines the hotkey to access this component. For example, we have a single-line input box called Name, we define this component: , then our can be defined in this: < Label for = "name" AccessKey = "n"> name ( n u>): label>. Everyone can see that this is serving that ID "Name" component, and the AcessKey is defined, which accesses the hotkey of this component is "Alt N".
The code is as follows:
last name ( n u>): label>
email ( e u>): label>
contact number ( p u>): label>
message ( s u>): label>
★ You can click on the plural selection box:
often come here label>
Occasionally to see label> form>
★ Multiple selection box with hotkey:
Come here ( h u>) < / label>
occasionally come to see ( l u>) label>
form> [ctrl a all-select prompt: You can modify some code first, then run the code again]