English Proverb Collection

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  31

Lying is the first step to the gallows.

Lying is the first step in the step.

Waste Not, Want Not.

俭 防 防.

From saving comes having.

Rich from frugality.

A penny saved is a penny gained.

Provincial one article is a text.

Take Care of The Pence and The Pound Will Take Care of Themselves.

There are more money to accommodate.

Frugality is an estate alone.

It is a property that thrift itself is a property.

He That Regards Not a Penny, Will Lavish a Pound.

Small money does not know, the big money will be over.

Small Gains Bring Great wealth.

Take a small richer, become a big rich.

Many a little makes a mickle.

The accumulation is much more.

As The Touchstone Tries Gold, So Gold Triesman.

Try the stone test gold, just as gold can test people.

Courage and resolution is the spirit and soul of var.

Brave and resolutely the soul of virtue.

The path to glory is always rugged.

Glorious roads are often rough.

Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.

There is no difficulty in the world, as long as people will try it.

Adversity of Strong Man.

Fire trial real gold, hard to refashionant.

Great Hopes make Great Man.

Against hope to make great people.

No Way is Impossible to courage.

There is no risk in front of the warrior.

A Smooth Sea Never Made A Skillful Mariner.

The calm sea cannot create a skilled sailor.

The Good Seaman Is Known in Bad Weather.

The bad weather can recognize a good seafarer; you must know the seafarers, you must rely on bad weather.

The Best Hearts Are Always The Bravest.

The most brave people in the behavior are always the most kind.

WE Must Not Lie Down, And Cry, God Help US.

Asking God is better to ask yourself.

He That Falls Today May Be Up Again Tomorrow.

The person falling today may stand up tomorrow.

Rome Was Not Built in a day.

Rome is not built on one day;

Success belongs to the perseverge.

Victory belongs to persistence.

WE Must Repeat A Thousand And One Times That Perseverance Is The Only Road to success.

We have to reiterate repeated: unyielding is the only road to win.

Perseverance is Failing Nineteen Times and succeeding the twentieth.

19 times failed, to the twentieth time success, this is called insisting.

Step by step the ladder is asked.

The ladder needs step by step.

Adversity Leads to Prosperity.

Hard to stay in peace.

PATIENCE AND Application Will Carry US THROUGH.

Pelican and concentration will make us time.

Fortune offards with interest those what has a good luck as long as you have patient, you will always have good luck; patient and good luck, good luck is often coming.

All things will come round to him who will but wait.

As long as it is willing to wait, everything will come.

Constant Dropping Wears The Stone.

Drops are endless wear.

Omelets Are Not Made without breaking of eggs.

The eggs do not break, the egg rolls can not be caught; not willing to suffer, it is expected that the effect is not reached.

The world is a ladder for some to go up and tahers to go down.

The world is like a ladder, some people go up.

There Needs a long apprenticeship to understand the mystery of the world's trade.

To know the mystery of the world, you must have a long-term apprentice.

Life is sweet.

Life is cute; people are all right (disgusting).

Where there is life, there is hope.

Life is endless, hope is long.

Life is not all beer and skittles.

Life is not all eating and drinking.


There are many things in front of you, and some we don't know.

Fortune Knocks Once At Least At Every Man's Door.

Everyone has a day of walking.

If you are too fortunate, you will not know yourself; if you are too. Unfortunate, Nobody Will Know you.

It is too good luck, seeing people; the luck is too bad, no people pay attention.

Every Man Is The Architect of His Own Fortune.

Everyone is an architect of his own happiness.

HAPPY IS He Who Knows His Follies in His Youth.

Remember that people who are stupid when young are happy.

MISFORTUNES NEVER (SELDOM) com alone (Single).

The disaster is not alone.

Misfortune is a good teacher.

Unfortunately a good teacher.

Misfortunes COME AT Night.

The disaster is often born.

Misfortunes Tell US What Fortune IS.

After the evil transportation, they will know the lucky expensive.

Adversity Makes a man wise, not rich.

The trouble can make people smart, but it cannot be rich.

Live and learn.

Live and learn.

It is never too old to Learn.

Don't be afraid of the year.

A man becomes Learned by asseking.

If you want to learn, you will ask more questions; ask if you ask.

There is no royal road to learning.

I have no stereotypes.

He Who is ashamed of asking is ashamed of learning.

Women are ashamed of learning.

What is Learned In The Cradle Lasts Till The Grave.

Things you have learned during the baby, you will not forget.

Learning Makes a Good Man Better and Ill Man Worse. Knowledge can make good people better, bad guys worse.

Soon Learnt, Soon Forgotten.

Learn is fast, forgotten.

Learn Young, Learn Fair.

For the study, I have to learn well.

A Lazy Youth, a Lousy Age.

When you are too lazy.

He That Knows Nothing, DouBts Nothing.

It is undoubtedly ignorant.

A Good name Keeps Its Luster in the Dark.

Good reputation can also splash in the dark.

Fame is a magnifying glas.

The reputation is a magnifying glass.

A good fame is better tran a good face.

The United States is better than the beauty.

Fame Like a River Is Narrowest AT ITS Source and Broadest Afar OFF.

The reputation is like a river, and the hatters are the narrowest, and more wider.

Take Honour from me and my life is do.

No reputation, there is no life.

BEWARE OF HIM WHO Regards Not His Reputation.

Be aware of people who don't have heavy reputation.

IT is better to die with honour tour..

The glorious death will win in the humiliation.

Adversity SuccessFully overcome is the highest glory.

Successfully overcoming difficulties is the greatest glory.


I have nothing to do with frequent events, and there is a frequent event.

Your Father's Honour Is To You But A Second-Hand Honour.

For you, the father's honor is just indirect honors.

NEVER TRUST Another What You Should Do yourself.

I should do what I should do, never delegate to others.

IT is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody.

Trusting everything with people who do not have anyone, the same weakness.

Eat a Peck of Salt with a man before you trust him.

Before you trust someone, you must first understand him.

IF you trust before you try, you may reit before you die.

If you don't test, you will rely on it, and you will not regret it.

Never trust to fine words.

Don't trust the beautiful words.

Trust NOT A Great Weight to a Slender Thread.

Thin lines are hanging heavy objects, they will not be reliable.

BE Just to All, But Trust Not ALL.

To be justified with all people, don't trust all people.

Trust thyself Only, And Another Shall NOT Betray Thee.

As long as you trust yourself, you will not sell you.

Self-trust is The Essence of Heroism.

Confident is the quality of heroes.

Confidence is a Plant of Slow Growth.

Trust is a growing plant.

Truth is the daughter of time.

Truth is the daughter of time.

Truth Hath a Good Face, But Ill Clothers.

The truth is kind; but the clothes are ragged.

Truth and roses have thorns about them. Truth and rose, there are stabs.

Truth May Be Blamed, But Shall Never Be Shamed.

Truth may be blamed, but will never be humiliated.

Though Malice May Darken Truth, IT Cannot Put Out.

Macholds can be ruined; but they cannot eliminate truth.

Truth Will Prevail.

The truth must win.

Truth's best ornament is namedness.

It is the best decoration of the truth.

Facts are stubborn.

The truth is the most tenacious thing.

Sooner or Later, The Truth comes to light.

The truth will be big.

THE TRUTHS WEAST LIKE TO HEAR ARE Those Which it is most....

The fact that we are most reluctant to hear is often what we know will be great.

Falsehood Like a Nettle Stings Those Who Medle with it.

Lies like a nettle, play with a hand.

There is Many a fair.

There are many things that are so good to be full.

Though a Lie Be Well Drest, IT Is Ever overcome.

The lie is good, and the meeting will be revealed.

A Lie Begets a Lie Till The come to generations.

Lies lie, lie generation.

A false tongue will hardly speak truth.

The tongue will not spit the truth.

False with one can be false with two.

For a person, it will be false with two people.

He That Will Lie Will Steal.

People who will lying will also steal.

Gossiping and lying go to together.

The rumors often and lies parallel.

Equivocation is first coundsin to a lie.

The vague word is a close relative of a lie.

A Great Talker is a Great Liar.

The people who will be proud to talk will also be lying.

The Greatest Liars Talk Most of Themselves.

The most loved from the people who are self-sufficiency are the biggest liars.

Lying Rides Upon Debt's Back.

The liabilities are more lie.

All is not gold tratters.

Flash is not necessarily gold.

Money is the root of eviL.

Money is the root of sin.

Money Makes The Mare Go.

There is money to make ghosts.

All things are obedient to money.

Everything obeys money.

Before Gold, Even Kings Take Off Their Hats.

In front of gold, the king must take a hat.

Money is the key That Opens all doors.

Money is the key to open all the portals.

Beauty is potent, but money is more potent.

Beautiful and powerful, money is greater.

Avarice Increases with wealth.

The more you have money, the more greed.

The Money The MiSer Hoards Will Do Him No Good.

Human sauers, there is no benefit to yourself.

What is wealth good for, if it brings melancholy?

If wealth is with melancholy, what is wealth? . Gold Will Not Buy Anything.

Gold can't buy everything.

The Chief Aim of Man Is Not to Get Money.

The main purpose of people is not making money.

Those Who Believe Money Can do Everything Are FREQUENTLY PREPARED to do Everything for Money.

Believe that people who are universal, often everything for money.

Wealth Makes Worship.

Wealth can make people worship.

Little Wealth, Little Care.

Small wealth, and less troubles.

A Moneyless Man Goes Fast Through The Market.

There is no money in the body.

Poverty is not a crime.

Poor crimes.

Paverty is not a discrace, but theft is a disgrace.

Poverty is not shameful, theft is immersed.

Better be poor than wicked.

I would rather be a poor and don't make a bad person.

Paverty is not a intr cover, but poote, need, is a disgrace.

Poor is not ashamed, poor, can not be shameful.

Paverty is The Mother of Health.

Poverty is a healthy mother.

Be Considerate Toward The Poor.

It should often be thinking about the poor.

Poor and content is rich and rich enough.

People can poverty is rich.

Poverty Parteth Fellowship.

Poor friends.

Poverty Makes a man mean.

Poverty makes people feels.

Nothing to be got without pains but pody.

Only poverty is something that can be governed.

Do Not Through Fear of Poverty Surrender Liberty.

Don't give freedom because of afraid of poverty.

Paverty and love are hard to hide.

Poverty and love are difficult to pass.

Poverty Breeds Strife.

Poverty causes conflicts.

The Poor Man Wants Much, The Miser Everything.

The poor requires more, and the money is like.

The day....

The delicious exit is the tears in the eyes of the poor.

Paverty on an old man's back is a heavy burden.

Old and poverty, the most sinking.

Beggars Must (SHOULD) Be No Choose.

Where can I pick skin? I can't eat it.

A lamb is as a..

A sheep in the eyes of the poor, you are like a rich cattle.

A Light Purse Makes a Heavy Heart.

The money bag is lightweight.

Poor without debt is better tour.

The poor people have no debts.

Happy is he who owes nothing.

No bonus is light.

Money Borrowed Is Soon Sorrowed.

If you borrow money, you will worry about it.

HE That Goes a Borrowing, Goes a Sorrowing.

I am self-discussed to people.

Better Go to Bed Supperless Than Rise In Debt. It is not as good as its liabilities.

Out of debt, Out of Danger.

Defiabal is escaped.

A Pound of Care Will NOT PAY An OUNCE OF DEBT.

I can't afford my little debt.

He Is The Wisest Man Who Does Not think Himself So.

Not self-intelligence is the smarter.

Wise Men Have Their Mouth In Their Heart, Fools Their Heart in Their Mouth.

Smart people are in the heart, the stupid man is in the mouth.

Wise Men Learn by Other Men's Mistakes; fools by their wn.

Smart people learn from the wrong mistakes, and the stupid person takes lessons from their own mistakes.

He Is Wise That Knows When He's Well ENOUGH.

Contentment is a wise man.

A Wise Man Cares NOT for What He Cannot Have.

The wise man is not strong.

He is Wise That Hath Wit Enough for His Own Affairs.

The wise man has enough wit to handle yourself.

No man is born wise.

Smart is not born.

A Wise Man Will Make Tools of What Coms To Hand.

People who can randomly strain are smart people.

A Word is enough to the wise.

It is already enough to wise.

He is The wise man who is the honest man.

Integrity people are people with knowledge.

A Wise Man Thinks All That He Says, A Fool Says All That He Thinks.

Smart people think about saying that stupid people think about it.

The Wise Hand Doth Not All That The Foolish Mouth Speaks.

Smart hands don't make a stupid mouth.

A Flow of Words Is No Proof of Wisdom.

If the river is suspended, it cannot be proven to be talented.

IT is easy to be wise after the evenet.

Zhuge Liang is easy to do afterwards.

The Wise Man Knows He Knows Nothing, The Fool Thinks The Knows All.

Smart people have not known, and the stupid people are inadvertent.

Fools learn Nothing from wise me; but wise men learn much from fools.

Apriloys can't learn from the wise man; and the wise can learn a lot from the fools.

A Fool Always Comes Short of His Reckoning.

April fool is often short in mind.

A Fool's Heart Dances on His LIPS.

April fool's heart hangs on the side of the lips.

A Fool Always Finds a Greater Fool Than Himself.

Fools always think that others are more stupid than themselves.

A Man May Talk Like a Wise Man and YET Act Like A Fool.

A person may speak such as a wise man, and the behavior is like a fool.

The more riches a fool hat, the greiver fool he is.

April fool is more and more stupid.

Never Challenge a fool to do wrong.

Don't let the fools do something wrong.

IT is better to please a fool tour.

It is best to make him happy to make him angry.

He Is A Fool Who Cannot Be Angry, But He Is A Wise Man Who Will Not. Not angry is a stupid, do not want to be angry is a smart person.

'Tis AltoGether Vain To Learn Wisdom and Yet Live Foolishly.

Self-study is smart, but do a stupid thing.

Wit without learning is like a tree without fruit.

There is no knowledge of the knowledge, just a tree that has no fruit.

No man is wise at all times.

There is no wise person in the world.

Many Heads Are Better Than One.

Several brains are better than a head; three stinky beads, top, Zhuge Liang.

Virtue never grows old.

Mid God is not old.

Virtue is the only true nobility.

Everything is not as good as virtue.

Virtue is a jewel of great price.

Mid de Nai is a priceless treasure.

He That Soweth Virtue SHALL Reap Fame.

Broadcast virtue and harvest the name.

To be virtuous is to do good.

Good goodness is moral.

Glory is the shadow of var.

Honor is a shadow of virtue.

There is no virtue That Poverty Destroyeth Not.

There is no poverty that cannot be destroyed.

THE FIRST Step to Virtue Is To Abstract from Vice.

Do not do evil is the first step toward virtue.

No good building without a good foundation.

There is no good base for the base.

One Good Turn Deserves Another.

Good deeds should have a good news; kind behavior should be a good behavior.

HE That Returns Good for Evil Obtains the Victory.

Victory belongs to people with morality.

We Should Never Remember The Benefits We Have Offered Nor Forget The Favor Received.

I have a virtue, I should not remember; people have Germany to I don't forget.

If The Say You are Good, Ask YourSelf if it be true.

If someone comes to praise, ask for it.

He Who Avoids Temptation Avoids The Sin.

No temptation is free from sin.

A Quiet Conscience Sleeps in Thunder.

I don't even deserved, I can sleep.

Never be weary of well doing.

Don't get tired.

Of evil grain, no good seed can come.

There is no good species of bad valleys.

That Which Is Evil Is Soon Learnt.

Evil is easy to learn.

No vice goes alone.


An Evil Lesson Is Soon Learned.

Baby is easy to dye.

A Bad Thing Never Dies.

The bad thing is a thousand years.

Evil comes to us by ells and goes away by inches.

Sin of evil, feet inch.

The maintaining of one vice costs more ten virtues.

Keep a bad thing more than ten good things.


Travel is idle, easy to learn.

A wicked man is his oow hell.

The bad guy is evil, and she has a self-catering.

Those Who Eat Best and Drink Best often do Worst. Eating well, drinking well, bad things are often avoided.


Once a bad thing, there is a second time.


Sitting on the sedan, there is no such thing.

An Ill Life, an Ill end.


A Wilful Fault Has No Excuse and deserves no pardon.

Can't forgive the mistakes of deliberately committed.

Zeal Withnout Knowledge is Fire without Light.

There is no knowledge of enthusiasm, just like a fire and no light.

Pardoning the Bad is injuring the good.

Hidden and evil; forgive the bad guys is hurting a good person.

The Evil Wound is Cured But Not The Evil Name.

The serious injury can be cured, the wrong name is difficult.

Evil Communications Corrupt Good Manners.

Poor interaction is corrupted.

No wrong welcy.

I have been able to make up.

Virtue flies from the heart of a merCenary man.

Weli is the instructor, no virtues in your chest.

First Think, And then Speak.

The movement is brain.

A Word Spokeen Is Past Recaling (The Words Once Spoken Can NEVER BE RECALLED).

It's hard to catch up with a word.

While the Word is in your mouth, it is your ing ;hen 'Tis Once Spokeen,' Tis Another's.

In the mouth, it belongs to yourself; if you are export, everyone is all.

SPEECH IS Silver, Silence Is Gold.

The speech is silver, silence is gold.

Few Words Are Best.

Is expensive.

No Wisdom Like Silence.

Smart is silent.

Least said, soonest mended.

Less say less.



Look before you leap.

Be cautious and lattice.

He is a wise man who speaks little.

Smart multi-language less.

Fair Words Butter No Parsnips.

Melens do not make up.

The Tongue Is Not Made of Steel, Yet It Cuts.

The tongue is not steel, and people will hurt.

Sometimes Words Hurt More Than Swords.

The speech can hurt people, sometimes win the sword.

A good tongue is a good weapon.

Articulate, it is a tool.

A Wise Head Makes a Close Mouth.

The head brain, the mouth is tight.

It is one thing to speak much and another to speak pertinently.

It's much more about, it's a matter of way.

UnprofITable Eloques IS Like The Cypress, Which Is Great and Tall, But Bears no fruit.

Unwindly, a tall cypress, no results.

Better Say Nothing Than Nothing to the purpose.

It's not as good as talking to it, it is not as good as half a sentence. Many a True Word Is Spoken In Jest.

Talk in the laughter.

Few Words, Many Deeds.

less talking, more working.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words.

Action is loud than words; it is better to do it.

From Words to Deeds IS A Great Space.

Between words and deeds, there is a distance.

Deeds, Not Words.

To act, don't speak.

Bare words, no bargain.

Single words cannot be transaction.

Deeds Are Fruits, Words Are But Leaves.

Action is fruit, the speech is just a leaf.

Ill Deeds Cannot Honour.

The bad behavior is not respected.

Fine Words Dress ill Deeds.

Beautiful words decorated with bad behavior.

Good Words and Ill Deeds Deceive Wise and Fools.

Listening and bad behavior also deceive smart and fools.

Our OWN Actions Are Our Security, Not Others' Judgements.

Our behavior is its own guarantee, not the identification of others.

A man of Words and not deeds is like a garden full of weeds.

Empty people with speech without action, like weeds.

A man is not good or bad for one action.

You can't determine the good and bad.

A man apt to promise is apt to forget.

People who are easy to promise are also easy to forget.

A Man That Breaks His Word, Bids Others To Be False To Him.

People don't trust, there is no different sister to tell him.

Easier said tour.

It's easy to say.

The Greatest Talkers Are Always The Least Doers.

It's always a person who is not a person in action.

The proof of the pudding is in the baining.

The pudding is good, and I have a taste; the empty talk is not as good as practices.

Pride Goes Before A Fall.

Pride must defeated.

Pride Goes Before Destruction.

Pride must defeated.

Pride Goeth Before, And Shame Cometh After.

Pride walking before, shame is behind.

Pride and grace dwelt never in one place.

Arrogant and generous, never live.

He That Climbs High Falls Heavily.

Climbing high, falling.

Pride must be pind.

Pride should converge.

The more Noble The more humble.

The more expensive, the more humble.

Humility OFTEN GAINS More Than Pride.

Humility is more than arrogant.


Exciting all things, usually empty in the abdomen.

No man is the Worst for knowing the Worst of himself.

People are not because he knows that it is very poor.

Pride May Lurk Under A Threadbare Cloak.

Pride may hide under the old cloak.

IT is not a sign of humility to declaim against pride.

It is not a humble sign with generous words.

Brouped people in intidia.

Honesty is the best policy.


An Honest Man's Word Is as Good As His Bond.

The promise of honest people is actually his guarantee.

Poor but honest.

Although poverty is honest.

Honesty May Be Dear Bought, But Can Never Be An Ill Pennyworth.

Honest expensive, always worth it.

Knavery May Serve, But Honesty Is Best.

Fraud may be useful, honest is the best.

Every Man Has His Weak Side.

Everyone has their own weaknesses.

He Who Has No Shame Has No ConsCIENCE.

People who are as shameless don't know.

An Honest Look Covereth Many Faults.

A untrusal appearance covered a lot of shortcomings.

Once a knave, Ever a knave.

Once, it is rogue, it will always be rogue.

A crafty knave needned no broker.

There is no need to have a middleman.

The Honest Penny Is Better Than The Stolen Dollar.

A penny is better than a duffy money.

One Penny With Right Is Better Than the Thousand WITHOUT RIGHT.

A legally obtained one-to-law is better than the illegal achievement.

The unrighteous penny corrupts the righteous point.

Unfair tolerance has also been stained with the justified pound.

Love is blind.

Love is blind.

Love is coveut.

Love is unreasonable.

Love is full of trouble.

Love is full of troubles.

Love cannot becompelle.

Love can't force it.

Love Begets love.

Love loves to live.

Love Needs no teaching.

Love does not need to teach.

Love at first sight.

love at first sight.

Love asks faith, and faith firmness.

Love requires trust, trust is determined.

Love is the touchstone of var.

Love is a virtue test.

Love not at the numbert look.

Don't fall at first sight.

Hasty Love, Soon Cold.

Love is in a hurry.

Love is a sweet torment.

Love is a sweet pain.

Love rules his kingdom west a sword.

The kingdom of love does not use the sword to rule.

Love will find out the way.

Love will find out.

Love is not to be bound in the market.

Love can't find it in the market.

Lovers Live by love, as larks live by leeks.

The couple rely on love, is like the sky roping.

Old Love Will NOT Be Forgotten.

The old feelings are never forget; in the past love is unforgettable.

True Love Kythes (= Shows Itself) in Time of NEED.

The trouble is really true.

Sound love is not soon forgotten.

Sturdy love will not forget.

The Greatest Hate Springs from the greatest love.

The biggest hate comes from the biggest love.

No Love is Foul, Nor Prison Fair.

There is no dirty love, and there is no beautiful prison.

Labour is lihgt where love doth pay.

Love pays remuneration, work hard.

Love is the reason.

Love is the remuneration of love.

Love makes all herarts gentle.

Love turns all cold heart into gentle.

WHEN Love Puts in, Friendship is gone.

Love enters, friendship.

The Course of True Love Never Did Run Smooth.

True love path is never flat.

Love is a sweet tyranny, Because The Lover Endures His Torment Willingly.

Love is a lovely abuse, lover is gone through it.

True Love is giving, not taking.

The sincere love is given, not taken.

LOVE Makes Obedience Easy.

Love makes it easy.

LOVE is sweet in the beginning of the beginning.

Love is sweet and sweet.

WHERE LOVE FAILS, We Espy All Faults.

Love failed, all problems were found.

FLLOW Love and It Will Flee, FleE Love and It Will Follow Thee.

Pursuit of love, it, escape, love it.

When Poverty comes in at the door, love flies out of the window.

Poverty, love, love, window.

Faults are thick while love is thin.

As soon as you are, you don't feel well.

Hatred Is Blind As Well as Love.

Love and hatred, both blind.

Marriage is a lottery.

Marriage is a thing that is difficult to predict.

Marry th like.

Marriage with people who have your love.

Marriage makes or mars a man.

Marriage into all people, can also damage people.

It is good to marry late or never.

Late marriage or not married, is a good thing.

Early WED, Early DEAD.

The early marriage is early.

THEY That Marry in Green, Their Sorrow Is Soon Seen.

When you are gently, you will get married.

A Young Man Married Is A Man That's Marred.

Men's early marriage, planting the root.

Marry in Haste, And Reient at Leisure.

Hurrying, I will repel it.

Marry in lent, and you'll live to replace.

I borrow a borrow, I repented.

HE That Marries for Wealth, Sells His Liberty.

A person who married to wealth, sold his freedom.

An Ill Marriage Is A Spring of Ill Fortune.

Poor marriage is the source of malm.

WHO Marrieth for Love with Sorry Days.

For love, no money to marry, the night is entertaining, and repesates during the night.

If you always say "no", Never Be married.

Often say "no", it will never get married.

Honest Men Marry Soon, Wise Men NOT AT ALL.

Honest people are married, and smart people are not married. A Good Wife And Health Is A Man'S Best Wealth.

The wife and health are men's tobao.

A Good Wife Makes a Good Husband.

There is a good husband with a good wife; wife is self-reliant.

Choose a wife rather by your elerse.

Choose a wife, it is best not to use your eyes.

Better Be Half Hanged Than Ill WED.

It is better to be single.

He Who Does Not Honour His Wife, Dishonours Himself.

If you don't respect your wife, you will not be respected.

The Calmest Husbands Make The Stormieset WIVES.

Have a weak husband, there is a fierce wife.

It is a sad house where the hen crows louder Than the cock.

The mother of the mother is not happy.

The woman is the key of the house.

Wife is a key; wife is a family.

The More Women Look in Their Glass, The Less They Look To Their House.

The more women's mirrors, the less the housework.

East or West, Home is Best.

East is good, the West is good, or the best in the home; the golden nest is not as good as the hometown of the house.

One Father CAN Support Ten Children; Ten Children Cannot Support One Father.

A father can support ten children, but ten children cannot support a father.

One Father Is More Than A Hundred School-Masters.

A father is better than one hundred teachers.

Like Father, Like Son.

Have their father, there must be his child.

The Father Buys, The Son Bigs, The Grandchild Sells, And His Son Thigs.

Father bought, sub-construction, Suner sell, He He is jealous on the street.

The Mother's Breath is Aye Sweet.

Mother's whisper is always sweet.

Like Mother, Like Daughter.

There is a mother, there must be his woman.

Children are the parents' ricles.

The child is a parent's favorite.

A little child is the sweetest and purest string in the world.

Children are the most lovely and purest things in the world.

He That Hath No Children, Knows Not What Is Love.

People who don't have children, don't know what is called love.

Children Learn to Creep ERE. CAN Go.

The child wants to walk, first serve the crawling.

Silly (= good) Child is soon ylered (= taught).

Good kid, learn fast.

Boys Will Be Boys.

The child is finally a child.

One Boy Is More Trouble Than A Dozen Girls.

A boy added more troubles than twelve girls.

Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Save the stick, I'm all people who are all exhausted.

Naughty Boys Sometimes Make Good Men.

Naughty boy sometimes becomes a child.

The child is faather of the man.

3 years old is old.

Happy Is HE That Is Happy In Childhood. Happy people in childhood are happy.

Children and fools cannot lie.

Children and fool will not lie.


After his son married his wife, it was not his own son, but his daughter lifelong is his own daughter.

IT IS Harder to Marry A Daughter Well Than To Bring Her Up Well.

Easy to marry the girl.

A maid That laughs is half taken.

The girl smiled and married.


There are many people who marriage to her, often choose the worst one.

Maids Want Nothing But Husbands, But aty Have The They Want Everything.

Unmarried women don't want anything else, as long as the husband, after the husband, everything must be.

Would you know your daughter, see her in company.

If you want to know the daughter, just look at her and what kind of person.

He That Would The Daughter Win, Must with The Mother First Begin.

If you want to win your daughter, you must start from her mother.

Life without friend is death.

There is no friend's life is equal to death.

WITHOUT A Friend, The World is Wilderness.

No friends, the world has become wilderness.

Friendless is the dead.

The deceased is free.

A good friend is my nearest rellation.

Friends are relatives.

A Near Friend Is Better Than A Fardwelling Kinsman.

Near friends.

A friend to everybody is a friend.

And anyone recognizes friends, and the results and anyone can not make friends; friends don't have friends.

In Time of Prosperity, Friends Will Be Plenty.

There are more friends when you go.

It is good to have friends in trouble.

It is a good thing to have a friend in trouble.

ProSperity Makes Friends and Adversity Tries.

Wealthy recruits friends, hard work.

A friends in need is a friends.

Friends when they are troubles are real friends.

Poverty Tries Friends.

Poverty test friends; people are poor friendship.

Try Your Friend Ere You Trust Him.

For a friend, you must test first, and then trust.

Prove thy friends erething.

Before you need a friend, you must test them first.

A Friend Is Never Known Till A Man Have Need.

When you are embarrassed, you will always use your real friends.

A Faithful Friend Is Hard to Find.

Loyal friends are difficult.

Friends Are Like Fiddle-strings, They Must Not Be Screwed TOO TIGHT.

Friends have a string, can't be too tight.

Have But Few Frieds, Though Many AcquainTances. You can get more, your friend should be less.

All Are Not Friends That Speak US Fair.

It's not all good friends to say to us.

HE That Hath A Full Purse Never Wanted A Friend.

Money is full, friends are gates; the money bag is full, friends will not be less.

A Friend In Court Is Better Than a Penny In Purs.

There is a friend in the face of friends in the face.

It is good to have some friends.

There are a few friends in heaven and hell, this is a good thing.

WE Shall Never Have Friends if We Expect to find them without fault.

I expect friends to have no shortcomings, always think about friends.


Friends who have no shortcomings will never get.

A man welch a friend is Only Half a Man.

A non-friendller can only think half of it.

A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.

Most friends, slow friends.

Friendship Cannot Stand Always on One Side.

Friendship can't always be in one party.

Old acquaintance will soon be recmembed.

The old man is blind.

HE is a good friends That Speaks Well of US Behindur Backs.

Behighing me, just a good friend.

Friends (The Best of Friends) Must Part.

Friends are finally broken up.

A Friend Is Best Found in Adversity.

Exquisite for trouble.

I Will Be Thy Friend, But Not Thy Vices' Friend.

I am willing to be your friend, but I don't want to be a friend of the bad habits.

False Friends Are Worse Than Open Enemies.

Fake friends are even worse than true enemies.

Short acquaintance brings reingnce.

Shallow and business regret.

HE That Lies Down (Sleeps) with dogs must rise up with FLEAS.

The end of the wicked will become evil; near Zhu is red, near ink black.

Better Be Alone Than in Bad Company.

Meries are not as good as friends.

Write Down The Advice of Him Who Loves You, Though You Like It Not At Present.

I love you's advice, even if you don't like it, you have to write it down.

Hunger knows no friends.

Hunger does not recognize friends.

Misery Makes Strange Bedfellows.

It is difficult to buy friends.

ONE Enemy Can do more hurt tour.

An enemy is harmful, better than ten friends.

An Enemy's Mouth Seldom Speaks Well.

There is no good thing in the mouth of the enemy.

Believe no tales from the Enemy.

The enemy is not credible.

ONE Enemy is to Much.

An enemy has too much.

Mickle Power Makes Many Enemies.

The enemy is more enemy.

Do Not Despise Your Enemy.

Though Thy Enemy Seem a Mouse, YET WATCH HIM LIKE A LION.

Enemy is like a lioneering, even if it is like a mouse.

IF WE Are Bound to Forgive An Enemy, We Are Not Bound To Trust Him.

Even if we are determined to forgive the enemy, you must never believe in the enemy.

HE That Dallies with enemy Gives Him Leave to Kill Him.

Look at the enemy, no different from the enemy to kill yourself.

IN an Enemy Spots Are Soon Seen.

The enemy is seeking.

IF you would make an enemy, Lend a man Money and ask it of him again.

If you want to complain with people, you only have to borrow money to give him, and prompt him.

A courage foe is better tran a cowardly friend.

Brave enemies better than fairy friends.

An Enemy Who Lies at Thy Feet Begging forgi-Veness Must Not Feel Thy Sword.

The enemy who is eye-catching at your feet must never make him touch your sword.

Make your enemy your friend.

To make enemies for friends.

Live and let live.

I will live alone.

As a man lives, so shall he die.

There must be death.

We are not born for urselves.

Life is not for yourself.

HE That Hath Time Hath Life.

Have time to live.

He That Lives Long Suffers Much.

Shou is more worrying.

They who live luck.

The longest life of life is also the most widely seen.

HE WAS BORN WITH A Silver Spoon in his mouth.

He is in a rich people.

A man can die but there.

Life is only one death.

He That Liveth in Court Dieth Upon straw.

Born in the happiness of happiness.

He That Liveth Wickedly CAN Hardly Die Honestly.

People who have a evil life will not die straight.

Death Pay All Debts.

A hundred debts were killed.

Six Feet of Earth Makes All Men Equal.

Among the tomb, everyone is equal.

Death is The Grand Leveller.

In front of death, no expensive.

Death Meets US Everywhere.

Everything is dead everywhere; death and we meet everywhere.

Death FREES US from Ills.

Death makes us freely.

We Shall Lie All alike in our graves.

As soon as you enter the cemetery, everyone is the same.

In The Grave the Rich and Poor Lie Equal.

As soon as you envelop, the rich and the poor is all.

Death defies the doctor.

Death despise doctor.

There is no Medicine.

There is no death (pick-up) medicine.

Light com, Light Go.

Easy is easy to lose; it is easy to get fast.

Sometimes Gain Is To Lose.

Sometimes it is lost.

Merry is He That Hath Nough to Lose.

Nothing people are the most unhappy.

Grasp all, Lose all.

Everything is needed, all lost.

What we lose in hake we shavert..

Loss of ko, lost his mandes; lost to the east, recovered the mulberry.

What is lost in The Hundred Will Be Found in The Shire.

Losing in the area can be found in the state.

For a lost thinking.

An object is lost, and it is not good.

He Who Does Not Gain Loses.

It is not benefited from loss.

Losses make US more cautious.

Loss makes people more cautious.

Who Loseth Liberty Loseth ALL.

Losing free, there is a loss.

Either win the horse or lose the saddle.

It's not a win, it is full loss; is alone.

All is not lost there is in danger.

There is not a matter of failure in danger.


Don't see the trace.

Prefer loss to unjust Gain.

Ning can be lost, take a break.

Lightly Gain, Quickly Lost.

It's easy to get fast; the loss of money is not long.

Only That Which is Honestly got.

The legitimate income is true income.

All is not gain tria is put in the purse.

It is not necessarily a legitimate income in the wallet.

Gain got by a lie will burn one's fingers.

Deceived by deceiving, you must take a loss.

One never loses anything by politeness.

There is no loss, and the gift is not blamed.

Hold Fast When You Have IT.

The object in hand should be grazed.

There are as good place in the sea as off...

There is a good fish in the sea (refer to: Although there is a chance, there are many opportunities).

Many a Slip (Many Things Fall) Between The Cup and The LIP.

The wine glass came to the side of the lips, and it was not known if it was not known; the object was not enough to have it.

IT is an ill wind.

Make people's unlucky winds are evil; this loss Peter; harmful to this; no bad things that all people are harmed.

Health is better.

Health is better than wealth.

Health is happiness.

Health is happiness.

A Good Healthy Body Is Worth More A Crown in Gold.

A sound body is more valuable than the gold.

A Sound Mind in a Sound Body.

Healthy thinking about healthy body.

A Light Heart Lives Long.

Cardgy chest, make people longer.

A happy heart makes a blooming visit.

Happy in your heart, rejuvenation.

He Who Hath Good Health Is Young, And He is Rich Who Owes Nothing.

Healthy, youth, no bonus is rich.

Study Sickness While You Are Well.

Disease disease should be sick.

The Healthful Man Can Give Counsel to The Sick.

Healthy people can make advice on sick people. By The Side of Sickness Health Becomes Sweet.

Compared with the disease, you can recognize your health.

Health is not valued till sickness comes.

Some patients know healthy.

Feed by measure and defy physician.

Diet has a festival, doctor is extinct.

OFTEN AND Little Eating Makes a man fat.

Eat more meals, make people strong.


After the meal, take a break; after dinner, walk.

Early to bed and early to rise, Makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

Going down early, getting healthy, rich and smart.

He That Will Thrive Must Rise At FIVE.

Get up at five o'clock, Pepsi is prosperous.

He That Goes to Bed Thirsty Rises Health.

Thirst to go to bed and get up health.

He Who Does Not Rise Early Never Does a Good Day's Work.

It is not good to get up, and the work is not good.

WHO Makes Everything Right Must Rise Early.

If you want to do things well, you have to stick to it earlier.

Go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lark.

Sleep with the lamb, with the skylark.

Cover Your Head by day as much as you will, by night as much as you can.

Wearing your caps during the day, wearing a hat in the night.

A little labour, Much Health.

The right amount of labor is good for health.

ENOUGH is as good as a feast.

Fusing, if you have a feast.

Many Dishes, Many Diseases.

Due to more diseases.

Diseses Are The Price of Ill.

Disease is the cost of ever.

Desperate Diseses Must Have Desperate Cures.

Poisonous medicine should be used.

He Who Never Was Sick Dies The First.

Small disease is not born, fatal is fatal.

Sickness Shows USWHAT We ​​are.

The disease makes people show this phase.

What can't be cut musket be endured.

If you have any symptoms, you must be instructive.

Hide Nothing from thy physician.

Don't blame doctors.

Medicines Are Not Meant to Live ON.

Don't live with medicine.

A disease known is half ul.

The condition is clear and the disease is half.

The Best Physicians Are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet, And Dr. Merryman.

Dr. diet, meditation, doctoral, joy, all the best physicians; less diet, good rest, happy, but most of the way.

A Good Surgeon Must Have An Eagle's Eye, A Lion's Heart, And a landy's hand.

A good surgeon should have an eagle eye, a lion heart and a female hand.

Feed sparingly and defy the physician.

Diet has a festival, doctor is extinct.

Prevention is better Than Cure. Prevention is better than treatment.

An OUNCE OF Prevention IS Worth A Pound of Cure.

One point to prevent the victory.

Bitter Pills May Have WholeSome Effect.

Good medicine suffers from disease.

A good Medicine Tastes Bitter.

Good medicine is bitter.

There is no friends so faithful as a good book.

The most loyal friend is too a good book.

Books, Like Friends, SHOULD BE FEW AND WELL Chosen.

Books such as friends, should be selected.

A book is The Same Today As It Always Was and It Will Never Change.

Good books are often like new.

A Good Book Is A Best Friend Who Never Turns His Back Upon US.

Good books are like a friend, never negotiate.

In Books, Are Embalmed The Greatest Thoughts of All Ages.

Great ideas are ancient and modern, and the book is immortal.

Some books are to be tasted, tahers to be swallowed, and some few to behened and digested.

Some books can taste, and some books can swallow, some of some can chew and digest.

Old Wood Is Best to Burn, Old Book to Read.

Old Chai is good, the old book is suitable to read.

A book this remains shut is but a block.

The book is not turning, it is like a wooden block.

Judge NOT A Book by Its Cover.

Evaluation of a book, you cannot rely on the cover.

A wicked book is the wickeder Because it cannot.

The bad book is worse because it cannot correct the mistake.

A good tale is none the worse for being twice told.

The story is good, and it is still good again.

Law is a bottomless pit.

The law is the abyss of the bottom.

Ignorance of the law excuses no man.

Ignorance to the law and cannot be an excuse of anyone.


Legislators should not be a violation; legislation should abide by law.

WRONG LAWS Make Short Governance.

Uncomfortable legal rule is not long.

The law is not the same at morning and at night. The morning's decree is different from the night; New Lords, New Laws. New Junli New Method. Laws catch flies and let hornets go free. Fiftyfoot is only flies, and the Hornets are from it. WHERE drums beat, Laws are Silent. The drum sounds, and the law is silent. An Upright Judge Has More Regard To Justice Than To Men. The judge is fair and the master is not heavy. That trial is not fair where affection is the judge. Judge is emotional, trial is difficult. A good lawyer, an evil neighbour. Good lawyer is not a good neighbor. An Old Physician, And a young Lawyer. Doctor is old, the lawyer is young. Do Not Count Your Chickens Before The isy. Eggs have not been hatched, first countless chicks; be optimistic. Though The Fox Run, The Chicken Hath Wings. The fox will run, the chick has wings. Young cocks love no coops. Small cocks. A cock is bold on his dunghill. Standing on the feces, the cock is also called king. A Barley-Corn Is Better Than A Diamond to a cock. For a rooster, a grain is better than a diamond. He That Will Have His Farm Full, Must Keep An Old Cock and a Young Bull. If the farm is abundant, you have to nourish the old chicken and a small bull. If the hen does not pick, she will not let. No eggs. It is no good hen cuples in Your House and lays in another's. Such a hen is not good: in your home, it is called, but goes home to go to the egg. Fat Hens Lay Few Eggs. Fat Chicken Eggs. Grain by grain, and the hen fills her belly. One pick one, the hen fills the belly. A Duck Will NOT Always Dabble In The Same Gutter. A duck will not often play water in the same trench. IT is a blind silly gooes tryings to the fox's sermon. Only blindstone wins will go to the fox. What Is Sauce for the Goose Is Sauce for the Gander. Suitable for B. All his geese is swans. He likes to exaggerate his words; All your swans are geese. Your beautiful hopes (or promise), all become bubbles. Each Bird Likes to Hear Himself Sing. Every bird loves to listen to him sing. The Bird Loves Her Nest. Bird loves his own nest. BiRDS of a feather flock together. Type, people with population. The Bird That Can Sing and Won't sing must be made to sing. Born to sing, do not want to sing, you have to call it.

The Fowler's Pipe Sounds Sweet Until The Bird is Caught. The poupid poultry flute is melodious, and the bird is blown. He That Will Take The Bird Must Not Scare It. Holding the birds and fears. The Noisy Fowler Catches No Bird. The birds are fascinating, and the birds will not argue. Old Birds Are Not Caught With New Nests. New Net is difficult to catch old birds. 'Tis The Early Bird That Catches The Worm. The early bird is first insect; A Bird in The Hand Is Worth Two in The bush. Birds in the forest, not as good as a bird in hand; ten vibrators are better. A Bird IS KNOWN BY ITS Note, And a man by his talk. The bird is smelling, people know. IT is an illht. It's ugly. Eagles Fly Alone, But Sheep Flock TOGETHER. 爱 独 飞 羊 群. A kite will never be a good hawk. Will never become an. Empty hands no hawk allure. Empty hands cannot be tacted. The Crow Thinks His Own Bird Fairest. The crow always thought the most beautiful. A crow is never the whiter for Washing Herself offen. The crow doesn't matter how often it is often taking, nor will it be white. Wherever the carcase is, there will the ravens be gathered together. Where is the dead body, the crow will become a group. One Swallow Does Not Make A Summer. One swallow cannot be in summer (cannot be judged by only a phenomenon). The Snail Slides Up The Tower At Last Though The Swallow MountTh It Sooner. The swallow is flying to the tower, the snail quietly climbs, and finally the tower. The cuckoo comes in April, And Stays the Month of May; And The Goes Away. Cutao, in April, May, Midsummer singing songs, and then leave. If The sky falls, we share catch lars. The sky is just catching the skylark; don't worry about the sky. An OWL IS The King of The Night. Owl is the king of night. When the offl sings, the nightingale will hold Her Peace. 鸟 sing, nightingale. Cats hide their paws. Cats are not facial. A gloved cat catches no mice. Cat wearing gloves can't catch mice. When the cat's awai, The mice will play. The cat is not at home, the mouse is playing; the cat is not worried. Ale will make cat speak. Drinking a light beer, the cat will also open; drink more people after drinking. A Blate Cat Makes a prop mouse. Cats, mouse fell. When the weasel and the cat make a marriage, it is a very ill - it is not good with cats.

The Cat and Dog May Kiss, Yet Are None The Better Friends. Cat and dogs don't have friends. ALL CATS Love Fish But Fear To Wet Their Paws. Cat sex love fish, but afraid of claws to wet; people who want to get treasures do not want to break the necessary risks. A cat may look at a king. Cat also has the right to see the king; small people should also have some rights. IT is said That "Cat Hath Nine Lives", YET CARE WOULD WEAR THEM All Out. It is said that cats have nine life, and worry is more hurt. An Old Dog Bites Sore. The old dog biting people biting. BEWARE OF A Silent Dog and Still Water. Dumb and still water, both are defense. Barking Dogs Seldom Bite. Aiji dog does not bite. A Dog Will Not Howl if you beat him with a bone. The bones are not called. Dogs That Bark At a distance Bite Not At Hand. The dog is called, and the close will not bite. If the old dog barks, he gives counsel. The old dog is called. In Every Country Dogs Bite. There is a dog in the world. Hungry Dogs Will Eat Dirty Puddings. Hungry dog ​​also eats dirty pudding; hunger is not eating. Dogs Wag Their Tails Not So Much Love To you as your break. The dog shakes the tail, love is bread. ALL ARE NOT Thieves That Dogs Bark At. The dog of the dog is not a thief. Every Dog Is Valiant At His Own Door. Standing at home, dogs are also correct. Every Dog is a lion at home. Dog is at home, eight faces. While The Dog Gnaws Bone, Companions Would Be None. Dogs bones have no companions. Two Dogs Strive for a Bone, The Third Runs Away with It. Two dogs competed together, the third dog came away. Mad Dog Bites His Master. Mad dog biting the master. Too Much Pudding will choke dog. Pudding is too many dead dogs. Do Not Give A Dog Bread Every Time He Wags His Tail. Moacti dog shake, followed by bread. A Living Dog Is Better Than A Dead Lion. Live Dog Sollar Lione. Love ME, Love My Dog. Love House and Wu. Let Sleeping Dog Lie. Don't be an eye; don't make trouble. Help the dog over the stile. Help the difficulties. Every Dog Has His Day. The film also has turned over the day; everyone has a proud. Give a dog a bad name and hang him. Want to add sin, why no words. He WHO HAS a MIND to Beat His Dog Will Easily Find A Stick. There is a heart to find a righteousness; if you want to add, he has no words. An Old Dog Cannot ALTER ITS WAY OF BARKING. The old dog is difficult to change the bark. WHEN A DOG is Drowning, Every ONE OFFERS HIM DRINK. Testing the dog, everyone gives water.

A Swine over fat is the cause of his owned. Pig death is abundant; like tooth irrational. Pigs May Fly, But They is Very Unlikely Birds. Pigs will fly, they are not a bird. Never Cast your pearls before swine. Don't give precious things to people who don't know the goods; don't go to mortgage; You cannot make A Silk Purse Out of A Sow's Ear. The pig's ears do not make silk wallets; the lame is difficult to be samous. The cow That's first Up gets the first of the default. NOT All Butter That The COW Yields. The cow is not necessarily butter. Many Good Cows Have Evil Calves. Many good cows will be badly bad. You cannot Sell The COW AND SUP The Milk. You can't sell the cow and want to drink milk. Old Oxen Have Stiff HORNS. Niu old angle. The ox is never woe, Till He to the Harrow Go. Hanging to cultivated land, cattle knows hard. An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue. Niu He is executed, people are caught by tongue. If The Ox Falls, WHET Your Knife. The cow will be down, and the people are difficult, and everyone steps on. The Black Ox Has Trod on his foot. The Ox WHEN Wearest Treads Surest. The cattle is stable. The Best Horse Needs Breaking, And The Aptest Child Needs Teaching. The best horse is tamed, the most awkward child wants people. A Horse That Will NOT Carry A Saddle Must Have No Ta. I don't want to add a saddle, I don't have to eat oatmeal. A good horse off ueds a good spur. Good horse often needs good boots. It is the bridle and spur That makes a good horse.

To take the horse, the reins boots can't.

A Boisterous Horse Must Have a Rough Bridle.

The horses have to set their thick.

HE is a Gentle Horse That Never Cast His Rider.

The tamed horse will not pour the rider.

'Tis a Good Horse That Never Stumps.

Good horse is not lost.

The Fault of The Horse Is Put on the saddle.

The horse is unmoids saddle.

Mettle is Dangerous in a blind horse.

It is dangerous thing to jump.

Old Wood Is Best to Burn, Old Horse To Ride.

Old Chai is good, the old horse is good.

Every Horse Thinks His Sack Heaviest.

Every horse thinks that the bag of the bag is the most important.

You May Know The Horse by His Harnes.

Tag horse can identify horse.

A galled horse will not endure the commit.

The horse is not awkward.

You can take a horse to the water, but you cannot makehm Drink.

The Taohe River is easy, and it is difficult to drink water; don't force people to do what he is unwilling. Don't swap horses when crossing a stream.

Go to the medium flow does not change the horse; it is not appropriate to make a big change at the time of danger.

AN Ass Endures His Burden, But Not More Than His Burden.

The scorpion can be loaded, and it is also difficult to negative.

WHEREVER AN ASS FALLETH, There Will He Never Fall Again.

The scorpion will not fall twice in the same location.

The Braying of an Ass Does Not Reach HEAVEN.

The scream of the scorpion can't pass the sky.

The Fault of The Ass Must Not Be Laid Upon The PacksAddle.

The scorpion is not embarrassed, and the wonder is the saddle.

A Horse Is Neither Better Nor Worse for His Trappings.

Phase horses are not available.

He Who Wants a Mule Without Fault, Must Walk ON Foot.

It is expected that the scorpion has no shortcomings, only yourself.

A Colt You May Break, But An Old Horse You Never CAN.

Xiaoju is still practicing, the old horse is the most difficult.

One Sheep Follows Another.

A sheep with a sheep (pointing blindly).

IF One Sheep Leap O'er The Dyke, All The Rest Will Follow.

A sheep jumped, and her sheep jumped.

There is a black sheep in every flock.

There is a task of failure; the horses are everywhere.

One Scabbed Sheep Will Mar A Whole Flock.

A sheep raw, her sheep were killed.

Every Time The Sheep Bleats It Loses A Mouthful.

Every time she is called once, she will eat less.

One Butcher Does Not Fear Many Sheep.

Butcher is not afraid of sheep.

IT is a foolish sheep what makees the wolf his confessor.

The stupid sheep repent to the wolf.

THE DUST RAISED by The Sheep Does Not Choke The Wolf.

The dust of the sheep can't stop the wolf.


The crow eats a dead sheep, first caught a game; the cat cried the mouse fake compassion.

The life of the wolf is the death of the lamb.

There is a living wolf with dead lambs.

As soon goes the young lamb's skin to the market as the old ewe '.

Old sheepskin has been on the city, and the lambskin followed.

You have no goats, and yet you sell kids.

No old goat, also selling the lamb.

IF The beard will all, The Goat Might Preach.

If you are long, goats can be said.

A lazy sheep thinks its wool heavy.

Surrounding lamb weights.

He That Will Have a Hare to Breakfast Must Hunt Overnight.

Breakfast wants to eat wild rabbits, and you must capture at the end of the night.

IF you run at two hars, you will catch neither.

At the same time, chasing two rabbits, one is also difficult to catch.

ONE SHOULD NOT Run with The Hare and hunt with the hounds. No two sides should be jealous.

The Tortoise Wins The Race While The Hare is Sleeping.

The rabbit sleeps, the turtle runs first.

First catch your har hau.

To be a rabbit, you have to catch the rabbit; first catch the rabbit after cooking (do not prematurely).

The fox is knower by his brush.

The fox only because of the tail, so everyone knows him.

The Fox Smells His Own Stink First.

The fox has a smell, and he will smell it.

The Fox May Grow Grey, But Never Good.

The fox lives to the old and is always difficult.

The tail does offen catch the fox.

The fox is caught, it is due to the tail.

IT is an eviL sign to see a fox pick a lamb.

The fox licks lamb, not a good sign.

When the Fox preacheth, The BEWARE YOREESE.

Every time the fox is preaching, when the heart of the goose is suffering.

An Old Fox Is Not Easily Snared.

Old fox is rare trapped.

Old foxes want no tutors.

Old foxes do not need teachers.

The Sleeping Fox Catches No Poultry.

The fox fell couldn't catch the chicken.

You can have no more of the fox than the skin.

In addition to the skin, the fox is completely useless.

The Fox That Had Lost Its Tail Would Persuade Others Out of theirs.

A fox is lost, and it will also lose it.

A Fox Should Not Be of the Jury At A Goose's Trial.

The pee is not a fox.

The Fox's Wiles Will Never Enter The Lion's HEAD.

The fox's tricks will never enter the mind of the lion.

The old Goose Plays Not with foxes.

The old goose does not play with the fox.

The Wolf and Fox Are Both Privateers.

Fox and wolf, robbery king.

The Wolf May Lose His TEETH, But Never His Nature.

Wolf will fall, wolf is difficult.

A Thief Knows A Thief as a Wolf Knows A Wolf.

The thief is homework, and it is like a wolf.

Hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods.

Hungry wolf out of the forest.

Give never the wolf the wth.

Mo gave the sheep to the wolf.

Who Keeps Company with the Wolf Will Learn to Howl.

Join the wolf, learn the wolf.

The Lone Sheep Is in Danger of the Wolf.

Lishan, the wolf, will inevitably suffer.

IT is Madness for a Sheep To Treat of Peace with a Wolf.

Peace with the wolf, this sheep must mad.

By little and little the Wolf Eateth The Sheep.

The wolf eats sheep, one into the belly sausage.

The Death of Wolves Is The Safety of The Sheep.

The wolf is a dead sheep.

While you trust to the dog, The Wolf slips Into the sheepfold. When you think the dog is credible, the wolf has secretly puts the sheep.

When the Wolf Grows Old, The Crows Ride Him.

The wolf is old by the crow.

Man is to man Either a god or a wolf.

People communicate with people, not God is a wolf.

A Growing Youth Has A Wolf in His Belly.

When you grow up, the food is like a wolf.

The lion is known by His Claws (PAW).

The lion is known for claws.

The lion is not so fierce as he is painted.

The lion did not draw a fierce.

A barking dog is better tour.

The bark is better than sleeping.

IT is not good to wake a sleeping lion.

Sleeping lion is more shocked.

The lion's skin is never cheap.

Lions never.

Destroy The Lion While He is Yet But A Whelp.

Kill lion should be in the young hours.

The Tiger That Has Once Tasted Blow Is Never Sated with The Taste of It.

I tasted blood at a time, Tiger wants to be refined.

He Who Rides a Tiger IS Afraid to dismount.

Riding a tiger.

The Leopard Can Never Change ITS Spots.

Leopard never change the spots on your body (refer to: it is difficult to move).

Kings And Beijing off.

Kings and bear, often make guards worry.

He Who Shareeth Honey with The Bear Hath The Least Part of It.

I have to taste it with my bear.

Do Not Sell The Bear's Skin Befor You Have Caught The Bear.

The bear did not go to the handbellar (not too early).

WHERE The Deer Is Slain, Some of Her Blood Will Lie.

The deer has a total of blood.

The Rage of a Wild Boar Is Able To Spoil More Than One Wood.

The wild boar is more angry.

An APE's APE, A Varlet's a varlet, though the be clad in silk or scarlet.

Although the woo is red, the monkey is still a monkey, the waiter is still a waiter.

An army of stags led by a lion would Be more formidable tour of lions led by a stag.

A group of deer led by a lion is more difficult to deal with a lion that is led by a deer.

A Bad Custom Is Like a Good Cake, Better Broden Than Kept.

Bad habitual icons, broken, better than saving.

A Bald Head Is Soon Shaven.

The brain is rapidly shaved.

A BLIND MAN WILL NOT THANK you for a looking-Glass.

The blind man didn't give you the mirror.

A Borrowed Cloak Doak Do Keep One Warm.

Borrowed big 氅 is not warm.

A Brave Retreat Is A Brave Exploit.

Courage, we will be brave.

Accident Will Happen In The Best Regulate, even if the home is strict, the ugly is difficult.

A Candle Lights Others and Consumes Itself.

The old candles illuminate others and destroy themselves.

A constant guest is never welcome.

Come will not be popular.

A cracked Bell Can Never Sound Well (is neverord).

There is no good sound.

A Crown Is No Cure for the Headache.

The crown is difficult to treat headache.

A Drowning Man Will Catch At a straw.

Driven to see grass and also arrest;

After A Storm Comes a Calm.

The sky is calm after the storm; the rain is sunny.

After Death, The Doctor.

People die, send umbrellas after the rain.

A Good Beginning Is Half Done.

The good start is half a success.

A Good Example Is The Best Sermon.

Good example is the best training.

A Great Ship asks deep water.

The big ship is going to have a deep water; heroes are useful in the land.

A horse stumbles That Has Four LEGS.

People have lost hands, and the horse has a loss.

A Little Neglect May Breed Great Mischief.

Small disappears; small mistakes are a big disaster.

A little pot is soon hot.

The pot is small, and the amount is so irritating.

All is Brave When the Enemy Flies.

When the enemy escapes, everyone is Warrior.

ALL IS Fish That Comes to His Net.

It is a fish in the net; as long as it goes all.

All is Well That Ends Well.

The result is good, everything is fine.

All roads lead to rome.

All roads lead to Rome.

Always Taking Out The Meal-Tub, And Never Putting in, Soon Comes To the Bottom.

Take food without grain, the barrel is also light; sit on the mountain.

A Miss IS as good as a mile.

Lost a thousand miles away.

An Empty Bag Cannot Stand Upright.

The empty bag cannot be erected.

A New Broom Sweeps Clean.

The new official took office three fires.

A rolling stone gathers no moss.

Rolling stone does not stick to moss; the transformation is not fortified.

Art Is Long, Life Is Short.

Art is full of life, life is short.

A Small Leak Will Sink A Great Ship.

Small leakage boat.

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine.

A needle and a nine needles in time; a needle does not make up, ten needles are difficult.

As The Wind Blows, You Must Set your Sail.

The wind is sail.

As We Sow, So Shall We Reap.

you get what you sow.

A Valiant Man's Look Is More Than a Coward's Sword.

The god of the warrior is better than a coward sword.

A Vaunter and a Liar Are Near Akin.

Self-reliance and lying, both are implanted.

Avarice blinds out.

Greedy barrier.

A Watch Pot (PAN) Is Long in Boiling. Heart is not boosted; it is more and more late.

A Wonder Lasts But Nine Day Day.

New things are long long.


The tiger is catching up; too old.

Beauty is but skin deep.

Beautiful is just a piph (referring to: can not take people).

Better be the head of a dog Than the tail of a lion.

Ning as the dog, not a lion tail.

Better be the head of the yeomanry tour of the tail of the gentry.

Ning as the first of the free people, not for the end of the noble.

Between two stools one goes.

Two boats on the foot, you have to fall in the morning and evening.



Blow Is Thicker Than Water.

Blood is full of water (refer to: loved one is more than the outsiders).

Caesar's Wife Must Be Above Suspicion.

As a Caesar (Rome) wife, there must be undoubted (referring to people who interact with great people).

CHARITY BEGINS At Home, But stay not end there.

Grate first and relatives, but should not be limited to relatives and friends.


People are more than people, mad people.

Content is happiness.


Custom is a second.

The habit is the second day.

Cut Your Coat According to Your Cloth.

Quantity cloth cut.

Danger is next neighbour to security.

Danger is safe.

Do as the romans do.

Immigration should be customary.

Do as you..

You want others how to treat you, how should you treat others; don't want to do it?

Do Not Hallo Till You Are Out of The Wood.

No danger, I am happy.

Don't put the cart Before the horse.

Do not invert them at the end; do not fall.

Don't throw out the baby with the bath water.

Never throw together.

Envy Assails The Noblest, The Winds Howl around the higherst peak.

The high arrogance, the peak is angry.

Every Advantage Has ITS Disadvantage.

It is advantageous.

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining.

There is always a bright light in the dark; there is a blessing in the disaster.

Every man Has His liking.

People have a good job.

Every One's Faults Are Not Written in Their Foreheads.

Everyone is wrong, hidden.

Everything hath an end.

Everything must be final.

Everything Must Have a Beginning.

Everything is true.

Example Is Better Than Precept.

The example is better than the lesson.

Fine Feathers make Fine Birds.

Good birds have to rely on the feathers; people have to put clothes, Buddhas, gold.

Fire and water. No mercy. Water fire is ruthless.

First com, first served.

First come first hospitality.

Fish begins to stink at the head.

Fishu head is smell (on the beam is not a beam).

Forbidden Fruit Is Sweet.

The fruit is sweet.

Force Can Never Destory Right.

Violence can no longer destroy justice.

God's Mill Grinds Slow But Sure.

The sky is restored, and it is not leaking.

Great Designs Require Great ConsIderation.

The big plan should be careful.

Great Men Have Great Faults.

Great characters will have huge negligence.

Great Men's Sons Seldom Do Well.

The children of the big character.

Half a Loaf is better tour.

The half-piece bread is always not good; there is no.

Haste Makes Waste.

The speed is not reached.

Hear all parties.

Listening is called.

He Laughs Best Who Laughs Last.

Who laughs in the end, who is the best (refer to: don't be too early).

He MeasureS Another's Corn by His Own Bushel.

We will measure others with your own standards;

He Should Have A Long Spoon That Sups with The Devil.

Take a dear person, be careful.

HE That Never Rode Never Fell.

If you don't ride a horse, you will not fall.

He That Would Eat The Kernel Must Crack The NUT.

To eat the nuts, you have to leave the fruit shell.

History recomats itself.

History itself repeats.


The wind is smooth.

Honey is sweet, but the bee stings.

Sweet bee.

Hunger is the best sauce.

Excellent dishes in the hunger; when you are hungry, you can eat it.

If the mountain will not come to mahomet, mahomet must go to the mountain.

Dashan never moved to Muhammad, Muhammad had to go to the mountains; if he doesn't move, you have to move him.

IF Wishes Were Horses, Beggars Might Ride.

Wish is the horse, but you can also multiply; the desire is difficult to become a fact.

Ill Air Slays sooner Than the Sword.

Dirty air murder is faster than the knife.

Ill News Never Comes Too Late.

Bad news is always fast.

In the kingdom of blind men, the oneeyed is king.

Life is in the blind country, also known as the king.

IT is better to be a martyr Than a confessor.

It is better to make a martyr.

It is to shut the stalbe door when the step.

I lost the horse, it is too late; the thief is closed, it has been late.

IT NEVER RAINS But it Pours.

No rain is already, a rain is poured.

It Takes Two to make a quarrel.

There are two people quarreling.

Jack of all trades and master of none. Everything is everything (finger: mixed people).

Joy and Sorrow Are Next-Door neighbours.

Happiness is a sad next.

Keeping is Harden.

Success is not easy, it is more difficult.

Kill The Goose That Lays The Golden Eggs.

Kill the chicken picking up the egg; only the eye needs before, and will cut future financial resources.

Kill Two Birds with one stone.

A stone double bird; an arrow double carving.

Kinsman Helps Kinsman, But Woe to Him That Hath Nothing.

The relatives help their relatives, no relatives come to help people.

Like tree, like struit.

What kind of tree is there, what kind of fruit is.

Little Thieves Are Hanged, But Great Ones escape.

The thief took off, the thief was hanged.

Long Absent, Soon Forgotten.

I don't forget it for a long time.

Long Looked for comes at last.

For a long time, I will finally find it.

Long Tarrying Takes All Thands Away.

The delay is too long, will send people's gratitude to the people.

Losers are always in the wrong.

The failure of the failure is more.

Man is a god or a devil to his neighbour.

A person is not God, it is the devil.

Many Men Have MINDS.

There are many opinions in people;

Many Wells, Many Buckets.

There are also many bottles in well.

Mercy to the eriminal may be.

The kindness to the criminal is the cruel to the people.

Merry Meet, Merry Part.

Good gathering.

Messengers surplend neither be headed nor hanged.

The two countries fight, they will not be made.

Might is right.

The power is the axiom.

Might overcomes Right.

Implementation of power overwhelming.

Mischief Has Swift Wings.

The scourge is long.


Pity with the same disease.

Mock Not a Cobbler for His Black thumbs.

Mo smiling leather thumb black.

Most Things Have Two Handles.

Most things have two explanations.

Music is the eye of the ear.

Music is the eyes of the ear.

Necessity and Opportunity MAY Make a Coward Valiant.

Need and opportunities can make the cowards brave.

Necessity is the mother of invention.

Need to be the mother of the invention.

Neither Fish Nor Flesh (Nor Good Red Herring).


Never Judge from Appearance.

It cannot be judged according to the appearance; it is not possible to take someone.

Never Too late to mend.

I'm not too late.

NO Cross, No Crown.

There is no cross, there is no crown; no bitterness is not fun.

. N.

One person can't do two things at the same time;

No Man Ever Became Thoroughly Bad All at Once. Never become very bad.

No man is content.

Candid people are not in the world.


There is no bread to eat without grinding.

No pleasure coven.

There is no painless joy.

No Rose without a thorn.

The roses have a stab (no good happiness).

No smoke without some fire.

No fire does not smoke; no wind is not yam.

Nothing venture, nothing harve.

Don't enter the tiger points, you will have the tiger.

Obedience is the first duty of a sildier.

Obey is the first duty of the military.

Older and wiser.

Old and better; more intelligent.

Old Bees Yield No Honey.

The old bee is not honey.

Old Vessels Must Leak.

The old ship will leak.

Once A Devil, Always A Devil.

I am a devil, always a devil.

One Flower Makes No Garland.

A flower is not a garland.

One foot is better Than Two CRUTCHES.

One foot is better than two cars.

Oppness Maketh a Wise Man MAD.

Under the oppression of people, smart will be crazy.

Out of Sitght, Out of Mind.

I don't see you, my heart doesn't want it.

Pain is Forgotten Where Gain Follows.

I got a profit, and I will forget it.

Patience is The Plaster of All Sores.

Parametry is a painful painkiller.

Patient Men Win The Day.

Can win.

Peace with Sword in Hand, 'Tis Safest Making.

In the peacetime, he is in sword, which is the most insurance;


The pen is plowed.

Penny Wise and Pound Foolish.

Small things are smart, big events are confused.

Poison is Poison Though It comes in a Golden Cup.

Although it is loaded into a gold cup, poison is still a poison.

Pouring Oil on the fire is no way to quench it.

Come on is not a fire extinguishing method.

PRAISE IS Not Pudding.

Compliment is not equal to the pudding; compliment is not affordable.

Promises are Like Piecrust, Made to Be Broken.

The promise is like a pie skin, and it is bite.

Promise is debt.

Wishing to return, default is clear; wishing such as debts, there is still a return.

Public Money Is Like Holy Water, Every One Helps Himself To IT.

Public funds such as holy water, everyone must taste a mouth.


It is preferred in peace.

Rain Before Seven: Fine Before Eleven.

Early rain is not good.

Reading Maketh a Full Man, Conference A Ready Man, And Writing An Exact Man.

Reading makes people 's profound, talks make people sense, writing makes people rigor.

Remember thou Art But a man.

Remember: You are just a "person".

Revolutions Are Not Made with rosewater.

The revolution is not a rose perfume (referring to the revolution, can't use a moderate way). Satan reproves sin.

The sin of the devil responsible (blaming others is sinful, you are also negligent).

Scanderbeg's Sword Must Have Scanderbeg's ARM.

The sword of Skandpe (the 15th century hero of Albania) must have a Skandpe's arm to be lifted; the sword must be made by the martyrs.

SHALLOW streams make much din.

Shallow flow of water sound.

SHORT PLEAsure, Long Lament.

In front of me, I have grief in the future.

Silence gives const.

Silence consent.

Skill and confidence is an unconquuered army.

Skills and confidence is an invincible army.

Something is better than nothing.

There is a total of not strong.

Soon ripe, soon rotten.

Early confour, early, early and early.

Sorrow Comes unsent for.

Will not be invited when sorrow.

Sport is Sweetest When are Be No spectators.

There is no viewer next to, the movement is the easiest.


Static water flows.

Straws Show Which Way The Wind Blows.

Grass shot wind direction.

Talk of The Devil, And He is Sure To Appear.

Tell someone, someone is going; talking about Cao Cao, Cao Cao is coming.

Teach Your Grandmother to Suck Eggs.

The door is ax.

Temperary is the best physic.

Snoving is the best medicine.

The Best (Greatest) FISH Keep (Swim Near) The Bottom.

Good fish swimming under the bottom (refer to: Value) cannot be easily obtained).

The best is offntimes the at.

It is too high, and it is difficult to succeed.

The Mountains Have Brought Forth a mouse.

Dali mouse (referred to: the cost is less than a small amount).

The Pot Calls The Kettle BLACK.

The pot is disadvantaged; the responsible person is strictly responsible; he has lost his people.

There area............

Each problem has two aspects.

There is a crook (= affliction, trial) in the lot of every one.

Life always has a chapter; life is always unreasonable.

The Swan Sings When Death Comes.

The death period came, the swan song wonderful.

The Thread Breaks Where it is weakest.

The line break is often the most fine.

THE TONGUE EVER TURNS to the Aching Teeth.

The tongue always touches the teeth.

The buy key is always bight.

Commonly used keys often light.

The Weakest Goes to the Wall.

The weak is defeated.

The wish is father to the thought.

Wish for the father of thought; what is the matter, everything is true.

Things done Cannot Be Undone.

The thing is already the departure, can not be recovered; it is difficult to cover water.

Things unreasonable are never durable. Don't stay long.

Too Many Cooks Spoil The Broth.

Cook is in group, boil the meat.

Too Much Liberty Spoils All.

I have been free to have a head, all the set.

Too Much Spoils, Too Little Is Nothing.

There will be bad things, too little thing.

Tread ON A Worm and It Will Turn.

It is also moved to be stepped on (referred to: It is forced to be, the most moderate will also resist).

True Praise Roots and Spreads.

The praise is true and the roots are far away.

Two of a trade seldom agree.

The peers are the family; the peers are embarrassed.

Two Wrongs Don n't make A right.

Two mistakes do not have a correct come.

Union is stregth.

Union is power.

Vain Glory Blossoms But Never BEARS.

Vault glory can flow, but no results.

Vows Made in Storms Are Forgotten in Calms.

When you are excited, you will forget it when calm.

Walls harve ears.

There is an ear in the wall.

War is death's feast.

The war is a feast of death.

War Makes Thieves, And Peace HANGS.

The war caused thieves, and the peace will hang them.

Water Afar quenchth not fire.

Far water can't save near.

Weeds want no slow.

Weeds do not need.

We never know the Worth of Water Till The Well Is Dry.

The well is more expensive.

What Youth Is Used To, Age Remembers.

The teenager is used to it, always remember.

When Greek Meets Greek, The Comes The bug of war.

Two majesties, difficult to understand.


The big tree down, everyone has an ax.

When the Well Is Full, IT Will Run Over.

The well is full of water.

WHEN WAR Begins, Then Hell OpenEth.

At the beginning of the war, hell opened.

WHERE There Reeds, There Is Water.

There must be water in the reed.


Persistent people actually become.

WHERE The Water Is Shallow, No Vessel Will Ride.

There is no boat in the water.

Who Swims in Sin Shall Sink in Sorrow.

People who swim in sin will sink in sorrow.

Wine in the bottle does not quench thirst.

Wine in the bottle is not thirsty.

WoE to him what is alone.

Lonely people are the most sad.

You Cannot See the Wood for Trees.

See the tree and see the trees.


Young idler, an old beggar.


Time is prone to death.

Time is Money.

One inch of the Yulin one inch gold.

Time and Tide Wait for no man.

Years are ruthless; the years are passed; the years are not waiting for people.

Time Tries all.

Time test everything.

Time Truth Truth.

Time Past Cannot Be Called Back Again.

It is not repeated to return.

All Time is no time...............

It is not repeated to return.

No One CAN Call Back Yesterday; Yesterday Will Not Be Called Again.

Yesterday's no comment.

Tomorrow Comes never.

Don't rely on tomorrow.

One Today Is Worth Two Tomorrows.

A better than two tomorrows today.

The Morning Sun Never Lasts a day.

Good scene is not often; Chaoyang can't illuminate the day.

Christmas comes but once a year.

Christmas is only one day.


Happy time is like flying.

Happiness Takes No Account of Time.

Entertainment is not a parent.

Time Tames The strongest grief.

Time can moderate the extreme grief.

The day is short but the work is much.

Work more, light is negative.

Never Deter Till Tomorrow That Which You Can Do Today.

Today, you must finish today, don't delay to tomorrow.

Have you somewhat to do tomorrow, do it today.

If you have anything tomorrow, you will do it today.

To Him That Does Everything In Its Proper Time, One Day Is Worth Three.

Everything is done in time, winning three days.

TO Save Time Is to Length Life.

Save time is to extend life.

Everything Has Its Time and That Must Be Watch.

Everything is sometimes sometimes it is.

Take Time When Time Cometh, LEST TIME STEAL AWAY.

I have to take an hour, otherwise there is no sound.

When An Opportunity is Neglected, IT Never Comes Back to you.

The machine is not lost, it is no longer coming; the opportunity has passed, never come.

Make hay while the sun shines.

Take the sun is good.

Strike While The Iron Is Hot.

Take hot iron.

Work today, for you know not how much you may be hindered TomRrow.

Today, there is something like this, and the Ming Dynasty may hinder more.

Punctuality is the soul of business.

It is the elements of the proceedings.

Procrastination is The Thief of Time.

Due to the fact that the delay is the big enemy; delay is a waste of time.

Every Tide Hath IST EBB.

The tide rose must be tide.

Knowledge is poter.

knowledge is power.

Wisdom is more to be envied.

Knowledge is envious, better than wealth.

Wisdom Is Better Than Gold Or Silver.

Knowledge is better than gold and silver,

Wisdom in the mind is better tour.

There is knowledge in your chest, better in your hands.

Wisdom is a good purchase though we pay dear for it.

In order to seek knowledge, the cost is also worth it.

Doubt is the key of knowge. Suspected is the key to knowledge.

If You Want Knowledge, You Must Toil for IT.

If knowledge is required, you must get from hard.

A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.


A Handful of Common Sense IS Worth A Bushel of Learning.

A small amount of common sense is a lot of learning.

Knowledge advances by steps and not by Leaps.

Knowledge can only be gradually progressive and cannot be jumped.

Learn Wisdom by the follies of others.

Learn from the foolish in the others to smart.

It is good to learn at another man's cost.

The front car can be clicked.

Wisdom is to the mind what health is to.

Knowledge is in the spirit, as healthy in the body.

Experience is the best teacher.

Experience is the best teacher.

Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother.

Experience is the father of knowledge, memory is the mother of knowledge.


Skilled from experience.

Practice Makes Perfect.


Experience Keeps a Dear School, But Fools Learn in No Other.

Experience the high school tuition, and the fool is not learned.


Have experience and have no knowledge, better than learning, no experience.

Wit Once Bought IS Worth TWICE TAUGHT.

The wisdom of experience is better than the wisdom of learning; a personal experience, better than two teachers.

Seeing is believe.

It's better to see it.

Business is the salt of life.

The career is the salt of life.

Business beforeple.

The career is in the first, enjoy the pleasure.

Business Makes a Man As Well as Tries Him.

The career can test the person, or you can make people.

Business Neglected is Business Lost.

Ignore the career is to give up the profession.

Never think yourself Above business.

Don't be too high; don't lower your hands; never think that you are very small.

Business May Be Troublesome, But Idleness Is Pernicious.

Although the career is disturbing people, lazy is bigger.

He That Thinks His Business Below Him Will Always Be Above His Business.

Survival is small, often low.

DO Business, But Be Not a Slave To IT.

To do things, but don't do a slave.

Everybody's Business Is Nody's Business.

Everything is something that is unattended.

Work Makes the Workman.

Work-handed happiness.

Better Master One Than Engage with Ten.

Will ten things, it is better to fine.

A Work Ill Done Must Be Twice Done.

Don't do it for the first time, you must re-invade.

They who cannot do as the.

It is not necessary to do so.

IF you would have a thing of Well Done, do it yourself.

If you want to do things well, you have to do your hand.

He That Doth Most Atce Doth Least.

I don't finish every time, the result is not finished; greedy is not bad.

Do As Most Men Do And Men Will Speak Well of Thee.

Take most people, people will praise you.

What May Be Done at Any Time Will Be Done At No Time.

Things you can do at any time, always doing things at any time.

Better Late Than Never.

It is always better than doing it.

WhatVer Is Worth Doing At All Is Worth Doing Well.

Everything worth doing is worth doing.

The Shortest Answer Is Doing The Thing.

The shortest answer is a "dry" word.

Action is The Proper Fruit of Knowledge.

Action is a good knowledge of knowledge.

Finished labours are pleasant.

Completing a job is a pleasure.

It is lost labour to sow....

There is no soil, sowing is also futile.

IT is right to put everything in its prot.

Everything is applied.

Affairs That Are Done by Due DegRees Are Soon ended.

Class according to the department, things will be finished soon.

All Work and no Play Makes Jack A Dull Boy.

Only work, don't play, smart children also be stupid.

Work bears Witness Who Does Well.

Work can prove who is doing well.

IT is not work what kills, but wery.

Work will not hurt, and the injury is anxiety.

He That Will Not Work Shall NOT EAT.

Not workers don't have food.

Business is business.

Public business.

Deliberate Slowly, Execute ProMptly.

Slowly discretion, act quickly.

Put your shouth to the wheh.

work hard.

Never do things by halves.

Don't worry about it.

IN for a penny, in for a point.

When you start, you have to do it; if you don't do it, you will not do it.

Many Hands Make Quick Work.

People are getting more fast.

Many Hands make Light Work.


A Bad Workman Quarrels with His Tools.

Technical poor workers complain their own tools.

Diligence is The Mohter of success.

Diligence is the mother of success.

Idleness is the root of all eviL.

Lazy is the source of evil.

Care and diligence bring.

Cautious and hard work brings good luck.

Diligence is The Mother of Good Fortune.

Diligent is the mother of good luck.

Industry Is Fortune's Right Hand, And Frugality Her LEFT.

Diligent is lucky, and the world is lucky to the left hand. Idleness is the key of beggary.

Lazy out.

No root, no fruit.

No roots can be fruitless.

IDLE People (Folks) Have The Most Labour (Take The Most Pain).

The lazy people do work, the more lazy.

Sloth is the key of pody.

Inertone to poverty.

Sloth Turneth The Edge of Wit.

Surround the front of the talents.

An IDLE BRAIN Is The Devil's Workshop.

The lazy mind is the factory of the devil.

The Secret of Wealth Lieth in the letters save.

Frugation is the secret of getting rich.


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