Symbian learning notes

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  21

The first part: Hello World program commentary

Symbian's different points: TRAP Harnes, cleanup stack, leave, heap marking is also required to perform error check, because there is no abnormal mechanism, Symbian uses Cleanupstack to handle exception TRAP macro image is a catch (...) function The name of the name is Throw, and only the THROW can use the trap in E32Main, which guarantees that the memory does not have diarrhea for the C string, and the _l needs to convert it into Symbain, Symbian is object-oriented, so most The C library function has been encapsulated. If the entry of Printf Symbian is an E32MAIN function GLDEF_C macro indicates that this function is a module interface because there is no specified basic type length, Symbian uses typedef to redefine basic types, such as Tint16 means 16 INT compilation : The engineering definition file can be compiled using the CodeWarrior or GCC, and we put compilation related information in the engineering definition file (extension is .mmp, Makmake Project), and use other tools to make MMP files into makefile or other environments ( as codewarrior) project file Here is the content of hellotext.mmp: // hellotext.mmp TARGET HelloText.exe TARGETTYPE exe SOURCEPATH UID 0 SOURCE hellotext.cpp USERINCLUDE SYSTEMINCLUDE epoc32include LIBRARY euser.lib TARGET for executable files generated. Name, TargetType represents the type of file generated. Here is an Exe Uid is important to the GUI program. Setting to 0 SourcePath Indicates Source File (.cpp) Source File Name Userinclude and SystemInClude Represents the header file of the user's own declaration The directory of the system header usually needs to declare the systeminclude to the ePoc32include library declaration requires a library that needs to be linked. It usually requires an E32 user library, that is, the EUSER.LIB component definition file Symbian requires a component definition file, this file name is always BLD .inf, in this file contains all the engineering definition files (MMP), more complicated cases, including other related information, under the Hellotext // cd scmphellotext bldmake bldfiles above PRJ_MMPFILES hellotext.mmp F compiler command generates abld.bat file in scmphellotext, and it will create epoc32buildscmphellotext directory abld build winscw udeb winscw representation generation codewarrior (cw) simulator (win simulator) project file, udeb Six steps indicating the creation of Unicode's Debug version of the building: Export Process Copy Output Files to their goals, usually copy the universal header file to EPOC32INCLUDE, Most applications do not require any action Makefile phase to generate Makefile or IDE's work space (such as VC's DSP file) library class Create an input library resource phase Creating an application resource file, bitmap, and application information file (AUFS) target phase Generates an application's main execution file final stage performs any last Operation, most programs are not needed here. All have options in the ABLD tool, you can use abld help to get the final result of each option content in EPOC32RELESEWINSCWUDEBHELLOTEXT.exe, you can double-click its own operations BLDMAKE BLDFILES @ UIQ_21: COM. Symbian.uiq abld build wins udeb @ uiq_21: com.symbian.uiq then run ePoc32releasewinscwudebhellotext.exe use @

UIQ_21: com.symbian.uiq is because no EPOCROOT environment variable is set, and two Symbian environments are installed in C: SymbianuiQ_21 Creating a program running on a mobile phone ABLD Build Armi Urel Create an installation file runs Makesys Hellotext under SCMPHELLOTEXT. PKG will generate hellotext.sis, you can upload it to your mobile phone: t = 895


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