ASP.NET common functions

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

FormatNumber (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, IncludeEdingDigit>) is sent back to formatted numerical data. The NumdigitsAfterDecimal parameter is the number of small numbers, and the includeLeadingDigit parameter is added to the integer when the integer is 0. Formatpercent (Expression [, NumdigitsAfterDecimal [, IncludeEdingDigit>) is transmitted into value data in the percentage format. The NumdigitsAfterDecimal parameter is the number of small numbers, and the includeLeadingDigit parameter is added to the integer when the integer is 0. GetAttr (filename) Removes the properties value of the file or directory. HEX (Number) converts numeric parameters to 16 enumeration values. Hour (TIME) The hour field of the time is Integer. IIF (Expression, TruePart, Falsepart) Performs the prograde of the TRUEPART field when the expression value of the expression is TRUE, and then execute the falsepart field. INSTR ([Start,] string1, string2) Searching the string2 parameter setting characters appear in the first few characters of the string, start begins to find by the first character, String1 is string for searching, String2 wants to search character. INT (NUMBER) is transmitted back to the maximum integer value of the received parameter. Isarray (varName) determines whether a variable is an array state, if an array is returned to True, and it is false. Isdate (Expression) Judging whether the expression content is a DateTime type. If it comes back to True, it is false. Isdbnull (Expression) Judging whether the expression content is null, if it comes back to True, it is false. ISNUMERIC (EXPRESSION) determines if the expression content is a numerical state, and if it comes back to True, it is false. Join (SourceRay [, Delimiter]) combines the character string and unique strings, and the DELIMITER parameter is set to add a new string between each element. LCASE (String) Converts strings to lowercase fonts. LEFT (STRING, Length) is started to get the character string to get the length of the length of the length parameter. Len (string) gets the length of the string. Log (NUMBER) Natural logar of value. Ltrim (String) removes the left blank portion of the string. MID (String, Start [, Length]) Remove the strings of the LENGTH length after the Strat parameter set in the string, if the length parameter is not set, then retrieve all the characters after the start in START. Minute (TIME) obtains the partial part of the time content, and the type is Integer. MKDIR (PATH) establishes a new directory. Month (date) gets the date of the date and the type is Integer. Monthname (Month) obtains a complete way of writing this month according to the received month value. Now () achieves the current date and time. Oct (Number) converts numeric parameters to an 8-enabled value. Replace (Expression, Find, Replace) converts the string specified by the Find parameter in the string to the string specified by the RELACE parameter. Right (String, Length) is started to get the character of the length parameter setting length on the right side of the string. RMDIR (PATH) Removes an empty directory. RND () acquires a decimal number between 0 and 1, if you have different values ​​each time, you need to add Randomize to the Randomize before use. RTRIM (String) removes the right blank portion of the string.


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