Windows system

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  27

Windows system

First, folder All users here records Window users and the start menus and desktops set by these users. Command has many DOS common commands in this directory, such as DEBUG, FORMAT, etc. Don't underestimate these lobby, you have to rely on them in many critical moments. Config is used to store hardware formulation files in Windows. Cursors This is a directory where Windows cursor is stored. In addition to "My Computer", "My Document", the desktop shortcuts established by procedures and documents are found in this system icon. If an icon is deleted here, the icon on the desktop is deleted. If you store files on your desktop, it is also stored in this folder. Downloaded Program Files This directory stores the temporary files in the Internet to download the Dongdong. Favorites stores the contents of favorites. FONTS This is a directory for storing Windows font files. To install a font, simply copy the font file directly to the directory. Help stores Windows Help files. History defaults to keep your IE operation records in the past twentieth day. Media stores the sound file of the Windows system, and the Microsoft Signboard Music Microsoft Sound, which is sent to the end of Windows, is stored here. Offline Web Pages A file for offline browsing is stored. Recent This is a document call history under the document menu in the corresponding start menu. It records the path of your recently opened documentation and picture, so that users quickly open the most recently used document. Sendto's directory corresponds to "destination" when the file is used to send to the command. You can add a shortcut to a common folder in it, you don't have to catch the mouse everywhere when copying the file later. Start Menu Corresponds to the Windows Start menu, you can manage the start menu directly on the referendat. The program of the Start Menu / Program Sensing menu. Start Menu / Programs / Start Automatic Run. INF INF driver script folder. Other INF Other Driver Scripts Folder. Wallpaper web page background folder. SYSBCKUP system file backup folder. System and System32 are two important system folders, which stores important information such as Windows system files and hardware drivers. Tasks here's corresponding Windows scheduled tasks, the added tasks will be found here. TEMP is primarily used to store the directory of the temporary file generated when performing the decompression, installer, etc.. Be careful to clean up and avoid the long-term hard disk space for the temporary file. Temporary Internet Files is also a directory where the file is stored, and the difference is that it is stored as a temporary file generated when browsing the web. It can accelerate the browsing speed of the webpage, but too much space, to clean up regularly. Web This is a thing stored some things related to Web. In the resource manager, press the Blue Sky Baiyun in the Browse Bar in the Resource Manager, the channel screen saver in the screen saver, and the web page when the server can't find the server in IE browsing is stored here. Application Data Application Directory. Second, the file article arp.exe TCP / IP address resolution tool. ASD.EXE automatically skips drivers. Using this program can check the errors in the startup process and provide the corresponding solution. When there is a serious problem in the system, the cause of the fill can be detected, and whether it can choose whether to skip it, it is considered to be a "culprit" driver. Calc.exe calculator. CDPlayer.exe Windows comes with a CD player.

Charmap.exe character mapping table. If you want to enter a symbol similar to "1" in the Notepad, you can easily resolve using the character mapping table. Cleanmgr.exe Disk Cleaning Procedure. When your disk space is not enough, use the program to help you quickly clear the junk file on the disk. Clipbrd.exe Clipboard View Programs. If the content on the clipboard is too large, it will occupy a lot of memory. Use the program to view and delete content in the clipboard. CLSPACK.EXE Windows package software. Use this tool to compress files. Control.exe calls the [Control Panel] program. When using the [Control Panel], if the command line is used to keep up with a control project file name (.cpl type, you can find it in the system directory), will open the specific control item, if you are empty The grid and the digital code starting with a comma can be directly entered into a column of the specific control item (the control item number code is 0). Example: When entering the Control Desk.cpl, 3 after the [Run] command line, the [Display] Properties / Settings] window will be called. With it, when writing your own procedure, even the simplest batch program can easily open [Control Panel] Complete the adjustment of the system settings. This is much easier than Rundll32.exe, which is difficult to understand. Cvtaplog.exe Disk Defragmentation Assistant. DEFRAG.EXE Debris Construction. Running the program can eliminate disk fragments in the selected partition. Dialer.exe phone dialing program. Run the program opens the Phone Dial Program window. Directcc.exe direct cable connector. With direct cable connections, you can easily and quickly use serial ports and parallel connections between the two computers. Drvspace.exe Disk Space Manager. Run the program to compress and decompress the disk. Dr. Watson This is the system diagnostic procedure of Win98, the original intention of designing the procedure, mainly to help Microsoft technicians, remotely for your maintenance system. After running it, there is a "doctor" icon in the lower right corner of the taskbar (that is the "foreigner" of the headband stethoscope, the equipment, and "Being strike" two times, immediately jump out of a busy window, for your "love Ji "check the body. Soon a report, this is the current time of your system. It contains the three-class software environment information that is running, the driver, the 16-bit module that has been loaded, is actually a simplified version of the information provided by [System Information] (Msinfo32.exe). Its advantage is to facilitate quickly, and can save a log file (.wlg extension), which is conducive to the problem of comparison in front and rear comparison systems. DVDPlay.exe DVD Player DXDIAG.EXE DIRECTX Diagnostic Toolproof. Emm386.exe Extension Memory Manager. Explorer.exe Explorer. Running the program will launch "Explorer". Extrac32.exe Cab file package release program. With this file, you can release the files in the CAB file. FontView.exe font view program. With this program, you can view the font files installed in the specified Windows.

Fly the font file name (FON or TTF type) in the command line to view the style example of various fonts. All font files in the system are all associated with it by default. Freecell.exe empty as a dragon game. FTP.exe file transfer program. GrpConv.exe group file conversion tool. You can convert the group file (GRP extension) under Win3X to the folder under the [Program] of the WIN98 [Start] menu, each group project is also refurbished, and it is a shortcut in the folder. HH.exe Help View the program. IESHWIZ.EXE Custom File Clip Wizard. In Win98, you can set its own unique appearance, edit the background pattern, text color of the folder, etc. of each folder, enrich the personality characteristics of your system. It corresponds to the [Custom Folder ...] item in the resource manager [View] menu. Imegen.exe With input method generator INTERNAT.EXE input method handover program. The program is still in memory. After running, the familiar input method is made in the lower right corner of the taskbar. The TCP / IP configuration program in the IPCONFIG.EXE DOS environment. You can view and modify the configuration of TCP / IP in the DOS environment. Isuninst.exe uninstaller. Execute the program, you can securely uninstall the programs in Windows and components related to it. Image View Programs in Kodakimg.exe Windows, running the program, you can browse a plurality of format graphics files. Mem.exe DOS Memory View Programs. Run this program You can view the current running program to take up physical memory in the MS-DOS window. MPlayer.exe media player. Run the program to open the media player dialog, play a program such as VCD or AVI. MKCompat.exe mandatory compatible procedures. When Microsoft is designed to Win9x, consider the most problem is compatible, so that I would like to sacrifice some 32-bit programs performance, but also to ensure maximum compatibility of traditional software. Now think about it, this program is not placed in the mortuary, maybe it is a compatibility of Microsoft very confident systems. I feel that this thing is not used! The tool is usage: When a previous version of Windows program (mainly the 16-bit programs under Win3X) can provide numerous options to adjust its operational way and operating environment, make it It can be used normally, of course, this is at the expense of abandoning a lot of advanced features. Msconfig.exe System launch the configuration program. This is a very useful "good stuff". It is recommended that there is a foundation for it in the start menu. By it, in the four important files of Autoexec. Bat, Config.sys, System.ini, Win.ini, you can directly modify or create new content, and each row in these files, and registration in the registry as Each of the startup is started, you can choose whether it is disabled; the program is also available for more advanced users to solve some soft, hardware compatibility issues. Another advantage of this tool is that it is convenient to back up and restore the start configuration. It is not deleted for the content that is banned by the user, but the specific tag is temporarily deactivated, ensuring the future recovery, high security. Mshearts.exe online red heart war game. MSIMN.EXE Outlook Express program. Net.exe Use this tool to view the network configuration of this unit. NetConn.exe Home Network Wizard Notepad.exe Notepad. Run the program to enter the "Notepad" editing window. PBRUSH.EXE drawing program. Use the program to enter the "Draw" editing window for painting operation.

Progman.exe program manager. Run the program to edit existing program groups or create new program groups. Ping.exe DOS IP address search tool. In addition to detecting whether the specified IP address can be connected, there is a use: When the login server is logged in, there is no data for a long time, in order to prevent it from being broken by the other party due to timeout, but "ping" it, to achieve a forced connection The purpose of the host. This program can be found in the DOS window with the law. Regedit.exe Registry Editor. Use this program to view and modify the Windows Registry. Rsrcmtr.exe resource condition tool. Use this tool to monitor system resources currently used by the program. Scandskw.exe Disk Scanners, you can find and fix data errors on disk surfaces and disks. ScanRegw.exe Registry Checks with the backup program. Execute the program, you can check the errors in the registry, such as checking correctly, will prompt the user to back up the registry. It is a 32-bit version of Scanreg.exe in the Windows / Command directory, which can be used to check and back up the registry. Modify the value of the keyword backup and optimize in the scanreg.ini file, you can decide if the backup and optimization registry (1 is whether it is; 0, whether to modify the value of MaxBackupCopies, select the number of retained backups, backup CAB compression package At the same time, SYSTEM.INI and WIN.INI two files are also saved; modify the value of BackupDirectory, specify the path to the backup compression package is stored; use "files = [directory code,] file name 1, file name 2, ..." The form can add files that need to be backed up, where "directory code" is 10, 11, 30, etc., respectively correspond to the Windows directory, system directory, and startup plate root directory. Please best with the "directory code", otherwise you may not find the target, only a few empty files into the compression package. This program can use the "/ autorun" parameter to minimize the operation in the background, and can be automatically backed up in the background using the "/ backup" parameter. Setver.exe MS-DOS Version Setup program, used to view the DOS version number of the program and delete the specified DOS version. Smartdrv.exe Virtual Cache Setup, you can set memory to virtual caches, thereby increasing data read and write speed. SNDREC32.EXE recorder. Under the premise of connecting audio devices, use the program to perform recording operation, file (.wav) can be played in a recorder and a media player. SNDVOL32.EXE volume adjustment program. Execute the program to adjust the size and balance of the sound. Sol.exe card game. SYSMON.EXE system monitors. Run the program, monitor the current resource usage status, such as the occupancy of the CPU, and system data such as memory usage. SYSEDIT.EXE system configuration editor. Specially used to edit autoexec.bat, config .sys, system.ini, win.ini, and protocol.ini five system files. SYSTRAY.EXE audio controls the resident memory program. When you run it, you will have a familiar taskbar, which can be used to adjust the volume and open the audio properties dialog. Taskman.exe Task Tools can be used to see programs currently running, or run the program that needs to be executed. TaskMon.exe Task Monitor, its function is the monitoring of the program and is reported at any time. Ability to monitor programs that run in a window in the taskbar, open and end the program, and directly call the shutdown system dialog box.

Telnet.exe This program is mainly used to connect the remote computer. Tlocmgr.exe Phone voice location administrator. Resident memory program, there is a taskbar small icon after running, which is convenient to start the phone dialing program and adjust the dialing property. Tour98.exe roaming Windows ME program. This is a WINDOWS ME learning program, and beginners may wish to use. TuneUp.exe Maintenance Wizard. Maintenance Wizard Adjusts your computer to enters the best state, and you can set up the "Disk Scanner", "Disk Care Program", and "Disk Cleanup", and the "Disk Cleanup". WAB.EXE Address Book Manager. WABMIG.EXE Address Book Inflator. Welcome.exe Welcomes the Windows program that can complete the registration, connect Internet, maintenance of computers, and can be set to display each time it is turned on. Winfile.exe File Manager. Run the program to find, view files, folders, display file information, and operate on files and folders. WinHelp.exe Windows help information. Wininit.exe software installation handler. It can only run in real mode, and the system runs it each time, it is used to check if there is a Wininit.ini file in the Windows directory (this file is new software to delete or replace some memory resident in the protection mode. Refers to the information file established. If there is, the system can automatically complete the final installation of the software by the content recorded. After wininit.ini is handled, it will be renamed Wininit.bak, open with Notepad, you can easily understand which system resident files (such as: DLL, EXE, DRV, etc.) are more done. Winipcfg.exe is 32-bit and 16th versions of the IPConfig.exe network IP configuration querier. Details of the current network configuration such as IP address, subnet mask, and other can be detected. Winmine.exe mine game. WinRep.exe Windows Report Tools. Mainly used to report Windows failures to Microsoft. It automatically collects some relevant information in the system, guides you to write the "situation report" of the specification, hand it over to Microsoft technicians, so that they can solve practical problems remotely, of course, this is also to improve and improve the Windows system collection information. Winver.exe Windows version information. Write.exe Word board. Eudcedit.exe Brace RSTRUI.EXE System Restore Msinfo32.exe System Information Pinball.exe Table Punches Spider.exe Spider Plate HRTZZM.EXE Internet Red Heart Rvsezm.exe Internet Turning Chess SHVLZM.EXE INTERNET Black Peach King Bckgzm. EXETERNET Dual Chess Chess (Note: These files are distributed in C: / Windows, C: / Windows / Command, C: / WinWOWS / Systemc: /, C: / Program Files / etc. If you don't know its location, you can use the search command to find.) Three start articles don't forget, the system prompts the system prompt to make a label when installing the system. Some here? It is usually not necessary to use it when the key is critical.

If you don't make it in installation, you can do it. You can make it as follows: a) Click "Start" on the desktop, select Settings, and open the Control Panel; b) Double-click Add / Remove Programs; c) You will look There are 3 labels above, and one of the rightmost is a "start disk". Click this tab and then you will see a button to establish a boot disk. You need a floppy disk to save everything important file during the startup process; d) put a blank floppy disk into the floppy drive, and then click the button. It has been completed now, you can see 1.44MB disk space has been used in 1.15 MB. ASPICD.SYS SCSI CD-ROLDED ASPI driver. (You must run the ASPI_DOS driver first, this file is only available for batch files that are automatically run when you use SCSI's users) Autoexec.bat system. The old file of the CDSetup.exe DOS sound card driver. System starts the files you must. (Do not delete) config.sys is used to load the configuration file of the device driver. DEFRAG.EXE is used for documents for clear fragmentation under DOS. Deltree.exe Delete the command of the directory. Disk replication command. DRVSPACE.BIN When you make a boot disk, Windows automatically generates files. is used to edit the command files under DOS. Fdisk.exe Commands files for hard disk partitions. Find.exe is a command to find characters in the file, path, or drive. is used to format files. (For example: Format C:, this command has a lot of parameters.) IO.SYS must have a system file that is started. (Do not delete) lists more parameters. (For example: DIR | more, "|" is called pipe.) mouse driver file. (I don't use this file, but keep the DOS file that is used to use the Mscdex.exe CD-ROM drive. MSDOS.sys When you make a boot disk, Windows automatically generates files. SBCD.SYS Universal DOS CD-ROM driver. (I am from my Creative CD-ROM drive, it is suitable for most optical drives.) Sbide.sys old sound card DOS CD driver. (Will it be useful) Scandisk.exe commands for hard disk scans. Scandisk.ini performs files needed by ScanDisk.exe. SGIDECE.SYSDOS CD file. (You will not use) Xcopy32.exe copies the file from a location to another location. Where file, automatically extract to the virtual disk at startup, they are the most commonly used external commands of DOS, which is not explained here. Attrib.exe chkdsk.exe debug.exe ext.exe help.bat mscdex.exe scandisk.exe scandisk.ini The above file author believes that there is a practical value of executable, most of them is Don't do not yet out of the mountain's "hermit", although there are some integrated in other tools, but the specific program name of the other number is very knowledgeable. If you find them, you will reduce a mystery of the WIN ME system; you can easily call some system functions in your own software.

For those who have programmed the majority of beginners, this is definitely a very pleasant feeling. Fourth, start → run → command highlights gpedit.msc ----- Group policy SNDREC32 ------- recorder NSLOOKUP ------- IP address detector Explorer ------- Open Resources Manager logoff --------- Logout Command TSSHUTDN ------- 60 seconds countdown shutdown command lusrmgr.msc ---- Native users and group services.msc --- Local service Setting OOBE / MSOOBE / A ---- Check if XP is activated NOTEPAD -------- Open Notepad Cleanmgr -------------------- Start Just Enterprise Compmbgmt.msc --- Computer Manage Net Stop Messenger ----- Stop Letter to make a service conf ----------- Start netmeeting DVDPlay -------- DVD player Charmap -------- Start Character mapping Table DiskMgmt.msc --- Disk Management Utility CALC ----------- Start Calculator DFRG.MSC ------ Disk Defragmate CHKDSK.EXE ------ CHKDSK Disk Check the devmgmt.msc --- Device Manager Regsvr32 / U * .dll ---- Stop DLL file Run DRWTSN32 ------ System Doctor Rononce -p ---- 15 seconds shutdown DXDIAG -------------------------------------- --- Check DirectX Information RegedT32 ------- Registry Editor Msconfig.exe --- System Configuration Utility RSOP.MSC ------- Group Policy Result Set Mem.exe ----- --- Show memory usage regedit.exe ---- Registry WinChat -------- XP comes with LAN chat progman ------- Program Manager WinMSD ------- System Information Perfmon. MSC ---- Computer Performance Monitor Winver --------- Check Windows version sfc / scannow ----- Scan error and restore Taskmgr ----- Task Manager (2000 / XP / 2003) V. Fifth, system processes Note: The system's process list novice's focus ~ Process Name describes the most basic system process (that is, these processes are the basic conditions of system operation, with these processes, the system can run normal) SMSS. EXE Session Manager CSRSS.exe Subsystem Server Process Winlogon.exe Manage User Login Services.exe Contains Many System Services LSASS.exe Manages IP Security Policy and launching Isakmp / Oakley (IKE) and IP security drivers. (System Services) Generate session keys and grants a service credentials (Ticket) for interactive client / server authentication. (System Services) SVCHOST.EXE contains many system services SVCHOST.EXE SPOOLSV.EXE loads files into memory for later printing. (System Services) Explorer.exe Explorer Internat.exe Pinyin Icon Additional System Process (these processes are not necessary, you can add or decrease or decrease by service manager as needed) MStask.exe allows programs at specified time run. (System Services) Regsvc.exe allows remote registry operations. (System Services) Winmgmt.exe Provides System Management Information (System Services).

INetInfo.exe provides FTP connection and management through the management unit of Internet Information Services. (System Services) TLNTSVR.EXE allows remote users to log in to the system and run console programs using the command line. (System Services) Allows the Web and FTP services to be managed through the management unit of Internet information. (System Services) TFTPD.exe implements TFTP Internet standards. This standard does not require username and password. Part of the remote installation service. (System Services) Termsrv.exe offers multi-session environments to allow client devices to access virtual Windows 2000 Professional desktop sessions and Windows-based programs running on the server. (System Services) DNS.exe Answer Query and Update Request for Domain Name System (DNS) name. (System Services) The following services are rarely used, the above services are harmful to security, and if not necessary should turn off TCPSVCS.exe to provide remote to install Windows 2000 PROFESSIONAL remotely on the PXE remote boot client computer. (System Services) Support the following TCP / IP services: Character Generator, Daytime, Discard, Echo, and Quote of The Day. (System Services) ISMSERV.EXE allows you to send and receive messages between Windows Advanced Server sites. (System Services) UPS.exe Management Connect to the Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) of your computer. (System Services) Wins.exe Provides NetBIOS Name Services for registration and parsing of NetBIOS names for TCP / IP customers. (System Services) Llssrv.exe License Logging Service (System Service) NTFRS.exe Synchronization of the contents of the file directory content between multiple servers. (System Services) Rssub.exe controls media used to remotely store data. (System Services) Locator.exe Manages the RPC Name Service Database. (System Services) LserveR.exe Register a client license. (System Services) DFSSVC.exe Management Distributed on LAN or WAN to logical volumes. (System Services) Clipsrv.exe supports the "Scrapbook Viewer" so that you can access the scrap page from the remote scrapbook. (System Services) MSDTC.exe is a transaction, which is distributed in more than two databases, message queues, file systems, or other transaction protection resource managers. (System Services) FaxSvc.exe Helps you send and receive faxes. (System Services) CISVC.EXE INDEXING Service (System Service) Dmadmin.exe System Management Services for Disk Management Request. (System Services) MnMsrvc.exe allows users to access Windows desktops remotely using NetMeeting. (System Services) NetDe.exe provides network transfer and security features of Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE). (System Services) SMLogSvc.exe Configure Performance Logs and Alerts. (System Services) RSVP.exe provides network signals and local communication control installation capabilities for relying on quality service (QoS) programs and control applications. (System Services) RSENG.EXE Coordinates the service and management tools used to store uncommon data. (System Services) RSFSA.exe Manages the operation of the file that remotely stored. (System Services) Grovel.exe Scanning Zero Backup Storage (SIS) Volumes and repeated file points to a data storage point to save disk space. (System Services) SCARDSVR.EXE manages and accesss control over smart cards inserted in your computer smart card reader. (System Services) SNMP.exe contains an agent to monitor network devices and report to the network console workstation. (System Services) SNMPTrap.exe Receives the trap message generated by the local or remote SNMP agent and then passes the message to the SNMP manager running on this computer. (System Services) Utilman.exe Starts and configures auxiliary tools from a window.


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