17 kinds of "Hello World"!

zhaozj2021-02-11  264

Write different "Hello World" programs using C #

1. A Beginners Hello WorldPublic Class HelloWorld


Public static void main ()


System.Console.writeline ("Hello World");


} 2. Slightly Improved Versionusing System;

Public class helloworld


Public static void main ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");


} 3. Command line arguments concernsing system;

Public class helloworld


Public static void main (string [] args)


Console.writeline (args [0]);


} 4. from constructorusing system;

Public class helloworld


Public HelloWorld ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");


Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();


} 5. More Oousing System;

Public class helloworld


Public void helloworld ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");


Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Hw.helloworld ();


} 6. from another classesing system;

Public class helloworld


Public static void main ()


HelloWorldhelperclass HWH = New HelloWorldHelperClass ();

HWh.writeHelloWorld ();



Public Class HelloWorldHelperClass


Public void writeHelloWorld ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");


} 7. InheritanceAbstract Class HelloWorldBase


Public Abstract void writeHelloworld ();


Class HelloWorld: HelloWorldbase


Public override void writeHelloworld ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");



Class HelloWorldimp


Static void main () {

HelloWorldBase HWB = HelloWorld;

HelloWorldBase.writeHelloWorld ();


} 8. static constructorusing system;

Public class helloworld


Private static string strhelloworld;

Static HelloWorld ()


Strhelloworld = "Hello World";


Void writehelloworld ()


Console.writeline (strhelloworld);

Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Hw.writehelloworld ();


} 9. Exception Handlingusing System;

Public class helloworld


Public static void main (string [] args)




Console.writeline (args [0]);


Catch (IndexOfficRangeexception E)


Console.writeLine (E.TOString ());



} 10. CREANG A DLL AND USING IT IN AN ApplicationUsing System;

Namespace Hellolibrary


Public Class Hellometage


Public String Message




Return "Hello, World !!!";





// ------

Using system;

Using hellolibrary;

Namespace HelloApplication


Class HelloApp


Public static void main (string [] args)


HellOMessage M = New HellOMessage ();



11. USING PropertyUsing System;

Public class helloworld


Public String strhelloworld




Return "Hello World";



Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Console.writeLine (cs.strhelloworld);



Class HelloWorld


Static void writehelloWorld () {

Console.writeline ("HelloWorld");


Static void main () {

SimpledeLegate D = New SimpleDelegate (WriteHelloWorld);

d ();


} 13. USING Attributes # define debugging

Using system;

Using system.diagnostics;

Public Class HelloWorld: Attribute


[Conditional ("Debugging")]

Public void writeHelloWorld ()


Console.writeline ("Hello World");


Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Hw.writehelloworld ();


14.4. USING Interfacesusing System;

Interface IhelloWorld


Void writehelloworld ();


Public class helloworld: ihelloworld


Public void writeHelloWorld ()


Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");

Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Hw.writehelloworld ();


} 15. Dynamic Hello WorldUsing System;

Using system.reflection;

Namespace HelloWorldns


Public class helloworld


Public string writehelloworld ()


Return "HelloWorld";


Public static void main (string [] args)


TYPE HW = type.gettype (args [0]);

// instantiarating a class dynamically

Object [] nctorparams = new object [] {};

Object nobj = activator.createInstance (HW,


// invoking a method

Object [] nmthdparams = new object [] {};

String strhelloworld = (string) hw.invokemember

"WriteHelloWorld", BindingFlags.default |

BindingFlags.InvokeMethod, Null,

Nobj, nmthdparams;

Console.writeline (strhelloworld);



16. Unsafe Hello WorldUsing System;

Public class helloworld




Fixed (Char * Parr = Chrarray)



For (int i = 0; i

Console.write (* (PCH I));



Public static void main ()


HelloWorld HW = New HelloWorld ();

Char [] chrhelloworld = new char []

{'H', 'E', 'L', 'L', 'O', '', 'W', 'O', 'R', 'L', 'D'};

HW.writeHelloWorld (chrhelloworld);


} 17. USING InteropServicesUsing System;

Using system.Runtime.InteropServices;

Class class1


[DLLIMPORT ("kernel32")]]

Private static extern Int Beep;

Static void main (string [] args)


Console.writeline ("Hello World");

BEEP (1000, 2000);




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