Ask for general realmes feature value and feature vector

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Sender: Pink (Hard Days), Word Area: Fortran Title: Re: [Reserved] Who is a general real-time feature value and feature vector FO send station: Nanjing University Small Lily Station (Tue Aug 10 21:48: . 42 2004) lapackfile dgeev.f ​​dgeev.f ​​plus dependenciesprec doublefor Computes the eigenvalues ​​and left and right eigenvectors mentioned [leavy (☆ Galaxy ☆) of the masterpiece:]: of a general matrix subroutine jacb2 (ndd, mm, Ematr , EVECT, EVALU: Implicit Double Precision (AH, OZ): Double Precision EmaTr (NDD, NDD), EVECT (NDD, NDD), Evalu (NDD): Integer P, Q: EPS2 = 1.0D-12: ncyc = 0: Maxcyc = 1000000: DO 400 i = 1, mm: Evalu (i) = 0.0d0: EVECT (i, i) = 1.0d0: DO 410 J = 1, MM: IF ( EVECT I, j) = 0.0d0: 410 Continue: 400 Continue: 510 fm = 0d0: do 600 i = 2, mm: do 610 j = 1, i-1: IF (DABS (Ematr (i, j)). gt .fm) THEN: FM = DABS (Ematr (i, j)): p = i: (省 省 省 ...) - Life is the most unfortunate, it is nothing wrong with it; Fortunately, it is very popular; it is considered to be distant, and it is not intentionally. It is great to suffer from this. ※ Source:. Nanjing University small lily station [From:]


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