[Reproduced] Redhat 9 Configure Apache2.0.50 + PHP5 + MySQL4.0.20 + GD Library

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

A few days ago, when the server was upgraded, because the reason for the GD library. Make couldn't PHP4.3.8, and the PHP5 was installed.

In fact, the installation steps and PHP4 is only a little bit.

If you have a PHP or Apache's RPM or low version in your machine. Please delete first.

First, the server GCC must have, otherwise what can't be done. You can use gcc -v to see if GCC is installed.

#gcc -v

Reading Specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/3.2.3/specs

Configured with: ../configure --prefix = / usr --mandir = / usr / share / man --infodir = / usr / share / info --enable-shared - Disable-Checking --with-system-zlib --Nable -__ cxa_atexit --host = i386-redhat-linux

Thread Model: Posix

GCC Version 3.2.3 20030502 (Red Hat Linux 3.2.3-34)

There are more information on the same information, and there is GCC.

If you don't, please take the disc installed.

Please download all the following things:













Maybe your computer doesn't need so much. But it is best to download it.

Start loading >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Install MySQL server first

# rpm -ivh mysql-server-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm

Then the client

# rpm -ivh mysql-client-4.0.20-0.i386.rpm

Try can not be used after installation.

# mysql

Welcome to the mysql monitor. Commands end with; or / g.

Your MySQL Connection ID IS 27651 To Server Version: 4.0.20-Standard

Type 'help;' or '/ h' for help. Type '/ c' to clear the buffer.

Description OK

Please change my mysql password yourself

Install GD library basic package

# rpm -ivh gd-deb-1.8.4-11.i386.rpm

Install XPM support

# rpm -ivhxpm-3.4k-2.i386.rpm

Install libXML2 (remember that PHP5 only supports libXML2-2.5.50 or higher)

#tar zxvf libxml2-2.5.11.tar.gz

#CD libxml2-2.5.11

#. / configure


#make install

Start loading GD library support

-------------------------------------------------- -----


#TAR ZXVF ZLIB-1.2.1.tar.gz

#CD ZLIB-1.2.1

#. / configure


#make install




#. / configure


#make install-lib

#make install


#TAR ZXVF LIBPNG-1.2.5.tar.gz

#CD libpng-1.2.5

#CP scripts / makefile.linux makefile

#. / configure


#make install-headers

#make install

Finally, GD2. *


#TAR ZXVF GD-2.0.28.tar.gz

#CD GD-2.0.28

#. / configure --with-png = / usr / local --with-jpeg = / usr / local --with-freetype = / usr


#make install


Everything above is smooth, GD is successfully installed. If there is a problem, it should be lacking the support package, in short, there is less to download what to install.

Follow it, began to install APAHCHE2 and PHP5

#TAR ZXVF httpd-2.0.50.tar.gz

#CD httpd-2.0.50

#. / configure --prefix = / usr / local / apache2 --enable-module = so


#make install

#TAR PHP-5.0.0.Tar.gz # cd PHP-5.0.0 #. / configure --Prefix = / usr / local / php --with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache2 / bin / apxs - WITH-JPEG-DIR = / usr / local --with-png-dir = / usr / local --with-gd = / usr / local --enable-trace-vars --with-zlib-dir = / usr / Local -with-mysql = / var / lib / mysql # make # make install

I am installing them in / usr / local / apache2 & php directory.

When I was original, I met when Make PHP4.3.8.

EXT / GD / GD.LO (.text 0x63a): in function `zm_deactivate_gd ':

/Root/software/php-4.3.8/ext/gd/gd.c:385: undefined Reference to `gdfreefontcache '

Collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

Make: *** [SAPI / CLI / PHP] Error 1

It is because the Freetype of the GD library is not installed, and later I will download it immediately. There is no mistake.

All installation work is done, then let's configure.

Copy the php.ini file to the correct location

Run in the PHP directory

#cp php.ini-dist / u

SR / local / PHP / lib / php.ini

Edit Apache configuration file httpd.conf

#vi /usr/local/apache2/conf/httpd.conf

There is a shortest place to change:


#Addtype coplication / x-tar .tgz

Plus one line

#LoadModule PHP5_Module Modules / Libphp5.so

AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php

If you search for this line without any other place


Please remove the top ##

Also find

DirectoryIndex index.html index.html.var plus index.php let it make index.php as the default page

turn up

# don't use group # -1 on these systems!

Change the following username and group to

User apache

GROUP Apache

(It seems to be nobody)

Find another


Remove # 去 i 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的 的

turn up

DocumentRoot "/ usr / local / apache2 / htdocs"

Change the / usr / local / apache2 / htdocs to your path to the web file

For example, I am placed in the / home / easy directory, so I will upload the php file in the / home / easy directory, and then use IP to access the homepage.

In order to make the Chinese website no garbled

turn up

AddDefaultcharset ISO8859-1

Change the back ISO8859-1 to GB2312

Almost just these, as for other optimizations of Apache2, please see

The apache configuration in www.phpv.net is the category.

Save the httpd.conf file.

Start it

# / usr / local / apache2 / bin / apachectl start

If there is no error, write a test page to put it in your web directory, mine is what you said above / home / easy

#vi /Home/easy/index.php


Save. Try to play IP in the tester to see PHPINFO page.

Ok. If there is no accident. You can now use it on your machine to run the PHP script to connect MySQL.

Accelerate PHP with Zendoptimizer-2.5.3

#TAR ZXVF ZENDOPTIMIZER-2.5.3-Linux-glibc21-i386.tar.gz

#CD Zendoptimizer-2.5.3-Linux-Glibc21-i386

#. / install.sh

It should be fine all the way.

Take a look at the test page,

Is it true for finding?

This program makes use of the Zend Scripting Language Engine: Zend Engine v1.3.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2004 Zend Technologies with Zend Extension Manager v1.0.3, Copyright (c) 2003-2004, by Zend Technologies with Zend Optimizer v2. 5.3, Copyright (c) 1998-2004, by Zend Technologies

Ok, all installations are completed.

The next job is the most important!

That is how to use PHP5 to make a high-efficiency website for us.


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