SCJA Exam Training Manual

zhaozj2021-02-11  214

It is inevitable in the translation, and everyone is learning: Stavid (

Java 2 Certification Training Guide

SCJA Exam Training Manual

16 SCJA Exam Outline

17 Java application architecture

18 object guide (object-oriented) design

19 Distributed Application Technology

20 Distributed Application Safety

21 genetic system work mode

Chapter 16


the goal:

This chapter helps you prepare the SCJA exam by the following objectives:

Familiar with the chapter of this tutorial, and the technique described

A SCJA requires a lot of skill. He must be skilled in the design, network, database, and transaction processing, system security and performance assessment of the object-oriented system. This is only a specified point. Through the subject and technology described in this tutorial, you will focus on the knowledge required by SCJA.


Know how the exam is given.

Understand the way of test

More information I need to get it before the exam, and it is necessary!

Know how to prepare for the certification exam.

Know how to prepare the SCJA test

Under the limited time and resources, you will get the best return from the time used to learn, this chapter will tell you how to learn, help you get the maximum benefit in your study.

Know how to take the certificate exam.

Know how to get a certification exam

‧ Some People Take Tests Better Than Others. This Doesn't Necessarily Mean That They Are Smarter OR OR

Some people are better than others in the test, which doesn't mean that they are more intelligent, sometimes it means they have a better test method. .

This chapter introduces

This chapter introduces you to SCJA, it determines the theme included in this tutorial, discuss how the exam is, help you pass the exam

What The Exam Covers

What is the cover (included)

SCJA covers a wide range of Java basic architecture that contains typical behavior, technology, design issues, which organizes the following topics:

‧ Introduction of designers with Java technology processing process - this goal needs to be familiar with the Java platform architecture process and application life cycle, the benefits of distributed object system, and the advantages of Java basic architecture than C

‧ Planned Java Technical System - This goal needs to design three-story basic architecture in the application of the basic solutions and weighing and identification requirements of the application software demand. SUN also mentions that you should be familiar with Java Servlets and other CGI scripts.

JAVA Technical System Details - Its Objective: You can design three-layer or N-layer object-oriented application software architecture after determining demand, you must merge Applets and Application Server to Java architecture and alternately using Java RMI , CORBA, COM / DCOM, one design element, you also need to determine PROS and

‧ Integrated existing application software and database - I have to consider which layer is the basic legacy system (application software, file or database), should be familiar with the favorable conditions and unfavorable factors of these technologies to integrate existing software

‧ Build a new software - use the popular strategy to port existing software, use EJB. Design, use Java to handle transactions, familiar with public / subscribe system, you must evaluate the interested portions and disadvantages of you

‧ Design Safety Java Technical System - You can take a safe application software system to use Java favorable security features

. Virtual private network, other security technology, you also need to determine security constraints and. . . , You also need to consider designing security applications for expansion applications.

‧ Performance Design System - You can assess an agency to determine potential performance reuse, improve performance, you must design for minimal

Performance standards, can upgrade to larger systems

Products --- You must develop the architecture that can be easier to transplant, you should be able to assess Pilot and project prototypes, constructive enabling items need to be deployed and published in Java solutions with popularity

In order to be able to successfully complete the above goals, you must be familiar with the following possible Java technology:

‧ Particate Guide Design: - Basic objective design concept, UML and object directive design life cycle process

‧EJB and support technology - Components, containers, servers, JNDi, processing process support

‧ Web technology - Applets, Web Servers, HTTP1.1, CGI, Servlets, Web-Based, Three-layer system

‧ Database technology - JDBC, Javablend, SQL, OQL, and related, object-oriented, database grades

‧ Application Soft System - Three-layer system, Publish / Subscribe system, synchronous and asynchronous system, expandable system, transaction processing system

‧ Distributed System Technology - Javarmi, Corba, JIDL, COM / DCOM, and TCP Sockets

‧ Safety Technology - Firewall, HTTP Channel, VPNS, SSL, Message Classification, Digital Sign, Applets Safety, Basic Safety Control of Browser, Java Security API

‧ Work with legacy system,

‧ Java 2 ApiaWT, Applets, Internationalization, JNI, And Other APIS

Although the test is high standard, and contains all the above technical lists, some are easy to learn, most exam questions are the ability to test the Java architecture, this requires you to use Java technology solves the application system problem

Therefore, this section gives you the above technology, you need to apply these technologies, and concentrate on the Java system design.

Exam Questions (from sun)

1. What Type of Diagram Does A Java Architect Frequently Produce?

A. Attribute Diagram

B. Property Diagram

C. Constraint Diagram

D. Package Dependency Diagram

2. What Protocol (s) Do Orbs from Different Vendors Use to Communicate?





3. Which Java Benchmark MEASURES Applet Performance?


B. JStone

C. SpecWeb

D. Javaperf

4. Which Two Functions May Be PROVIDED by THE CLIENT TIER OF A JAVA Application Architecture? A. Java applet

B. Applet Viewer

C. User Interface

D. Database Access

E. Input Validation

5. What is the purpose of a Layout Manager?

A. To Manage the Interaction of JavaBeans

B. To Provide an area to Display AWT Components

C. To Display Information About The Coordinates of Components in An applet

D. To Control The Arrangement of Components With Display Area of ​​A Container

6. What is The Difference Between An Enterprise JavaBeans Container and an Enterprise JavaBeans


A. Containers Run Withnin Servers.

B. Servers Run within containers.

C. Only One Server Can Run in A Container.

D. Only One Container Can Run in A Server.

E. Containers and Servers Have The Same Function.

Answers to Exam Questions

1. The Package Dependency Diagram Shows The Relationship Between The Packages Which Comprise AN

Application system.

2. Object Request Brokers Communicate Via The Internet Inter-ORB Protocol.

3. The javaperf is a measure of an applet's Performance.

4. The Client Tier of An Architecture Provides a User Interface and INPUT VALIDATION FUNCTIONS.

5. As You Learned In Chapter 12, "THE JAVA.AWT PACKAGE: LAYOUT," Layout Managers Are Used to Arrange

The Display of Components forin Containers.

6. Enterprise JavaBeans Containers Run Withnin The Context of Servers.


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