Brief Java Data Type Conversion
1 How to convert a string string into an integer int?
A. There are two ways:
1). INT i = integer.parseint ([string]); or
I = integer.parseint ([String], [INT RADIX]);
2). INT i = integer.valueof (my_str) .intValue ();
Note: The string is transformed into Double, Float, and long.
2 How to convert integer int converted into a string string?
A. Have a variety of methods:
String s = String.Valueof (i);
2.) String s = integer.tostring (i);
3.) String s = "" i;
Note: Double, Float, long-converted to string is similar.
Java data type conversion
Keyword type conversion
This is an example that is said to be conversion of data digital in Java. For everyone to learn
Public class typechange {
Public typechange () {
// Change the string type to the int TYPE
Public Static int StringToint (String IntStr)
Integer integer;
Integer = integer.valueof (INTST);
Return Integer.intValue ();
// Change int Type to the String Type
Public Static String INTSTOSTOSTOSTRING (INT Value)
Integer Integer = New Integer (Value);
Return integer.toString ();
// Change the string type to the float type
Public static float stringtofloat (String floatstr)
Float floatee;
FLOATEE = float.valueof (floatstr);
Return floatee.floatvalue ();
// Change the float type to the string type
Public Static String floattostring (Float Value)
Float floatee = new float (value);
Return floatee.tostring ();
// Change the string type to the sqldate type
Public static stringtodate (String DateStr)
Return (dateStr);
// change the sqldate type to the string type
Public Static String DateTString ( datee)
Return Datee.toString ();
Public static void main (string [] args)
{ day;
Day = TypeChange.StringTodate ("2003-11-3");
String strDay = typechange.datetostring (day); system.out.println (strDay);
Data type conversion function in Java
Although it can be found in the Java API, make a backup.
String-> Byte
Byte Static Byte ParsebyTe (String S)
Byte Static String Tostring (byte b)
Char-> string
Character Static String to String (Char C)
String-> short
Short Static Short Parseshort (String S)
Short-> string
Short Static String Tostring (SHORT S)
String-> Integer
Integer Static Int PaSeint (String S)
Integer-> String
Integer Static String Tostring (INT i)
String-> long
Long Static Long Parselong (String S)
Long-> String
Long Static String Tostring (long i)
String-> float
Float Static Float Parsefloat (String S)
FLOAT-> String
Float Static String Tostring (Float F)
String-> DOUBLE
Double Static Double Parsedouble (String S)
Double-> String
Double Static String Tostring (double