Installation of CVSNT and WinCVS

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  29

I didn't expect to install the next CVSNT and WinCVS in Window, I still spent a night, depressed. It's still finally installed.

The first is to download CVSNT and WinCVS, named CVSNT2.5.01 and WinCVS2.0.0.2, and online about CVSNT installation instructions is version 2.0. Harm, I thought it was a CVSNT configuration problem, so that WinCVS did not access correctly.

After installing CVSNT is configured to configure the installation guide found on the Internet is as follows 1. Start -> All programs -> cvsnt -> service control panel2. Switch the backup repositories page, click the "Add" button to create a project library, D: / cvsroot directory Click OK, a dialog box appears, click "Yes". 3. Configuring the simplest way to configure the CVS account is to right-click My Computer, select Manage, right-click in "Local User and Group" Hit "User" and select "New User" to add the account. This is a user who created Windows and creating a CVS account. 4. Switch to the Advanced page Be sure to select two items of Use Local Users for PServer and Pretennd To Be a Unix CVS Server, the former is required to use the CVS Server's local user with Windows, if you use domain user permissions, then all The client development machine must be logged in to the Windows domain to connect to CVS Server, which is more troublesome. The latter is to force CVS Server for Windows to simulate unix CVS Server

Since my CVSNT is version 2.5.01, the above 1, 2, 3 steps are the same, and the fourth step is not required.

After configuring CVSNT, restart CVS Services and make WinCVS installations Follow the online configuration in the WinCvs window menu bar to select "Admin" -> "preferences" in the "cvsroot" bar, the format is as follows :: PSERVER: UserName @ hostname (or IP address): CVS warehouse path is entered in CVSROOT: PServer: Terry@ CVSROOT (Normal IP is, cvsroot is a project library configured in CVSNT)

Cvs.exe [login aborted]: bad cvsroot ***** CVS EXITED NORMALLY WITH code 1 ***** Dizzy, don't say it is wrong, harm me, compared for a long time, I don't know where it is wrong. There is no way to watch the help documentation of the e-article, but find the correct format should be: PServer: username @ hostname (or IP address): Port / CVS Warehouse path, Sorassic ... This is modified to: PServer: Terry@ (default port, omitted)

I thought it would be, however it is still problematic cvs.exe [login aborted]: TERRY: No Such User

No Such user! Didn't make a mistake, don't you say that use Window's users? Change one: pserver: administrator@ results is still the same, no way to continue, I thought it was configured, uninstalling CVSNT and WinCVS. Once again, the result is still the same. They are so dizzy, I am busy for so long, in exchange for such results. I saw the article I found on the Internet and I didn't say the problem of user access. So, the only way is Google. There is no such situation in the installation of CVSNT and WinCVS. Later, I saw the CVS installation problem on Linux. It is said that the CVS installation on Linux needs to set a passwd file. TMD has no way, and the death horse is active. Run to cvsroot to built a passwd file, once again login, the problem is still discouraged. So continued Google finally saw that the access password can be set by cvs passwd, enter the command cvs passwd administrator, pop-up the password setting dialog, after entering the password, after confirmation, ***** cvs exited normally with code 0 **** * Retransmission to login: pserver: administrator@ Enter the password just set up ***** CVS EXITED NORMALLY with CODE 0 ***** Finally landed successfully

Busy for a night, finally can go in. Set other two users Terry, CVS, then use Terry, CVS users, but can not log in to log in to CVS.exe [login aborted]: CVS: User Account DisabledFatal Error, Aborting. It seems that CVS cannot be used as a username

Terry Login CVS.exe [Login Aborted]: Terry: No Such Userfatal Error, Aborting.oh my God! Why? No, no matter however, you can use administrator to log in, others put it on one side, gradually explore in later use At this point, the installation ends

Later, I found information on the Internet. The original Passwd can be set in the server's cvsroot directory to create files: passwd, write: Terry :: You can use the Terry empty password logincvs passwd -a Terry, add new users to set the environment variable CvsRoot =: pserver: Terry@ Log in with CVS login under the command line

Set CVSROOT A) CVS Co CVSROOTB) CVS CVSROTC) CVS Chakl Default: n administrator

CVS Chak

USAGE: CVS chacl -r [-r tag] {user | default}: [{[r] [w] [c] | [n]}] [Directory ...]

-R recursively set permissions -r set permissions on specific branch


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