IGFEL Code of Conduct

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  35

Intergroup far East Ltd. Ethical Policy.

-IGFEL Code of Conduct-

I) purpose and scope.

WE, Intergroup Far East Ltd. (IGFEL), AS A Service Organization OWNED by Cooperatives in






Feel A Social Responsibility Towards The People Involved in Production Processes in The PRO


. This Code is based on the fundamental universal ethical principle of "respect for human dignity", as well as our own ethical beliefs. We want to make sure that these principles are applied by our business partners, suppliers, as well as our own staff Throughout the whole


. We set up this Code of Conduct as non-negotiable requirement to our vendors and their subcontractors, without exception, in order to secure and to improve the working conditions and welfare of the workers. We need to be informed of subcontractors and the main supplier has to make sure that these principles and this Code is known and respected by every subcontractors. II) NORMATIVE ELEMENTS. We have been inspired to create this Code of Conduct by the different International Laws, Treaties and Conventions covering Social Accountability. These are eg ILO Conventions, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the SA 8000 standards. III) LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. As a general rule all vendors and manufacturers must follow their national laws. However, if any contradiction is found between the supplier's national laws and this Code of Conduct The Supplier Must Inform The Respective IGFEL Regional Office Immediately After Re ceiving this document. As a general rule, when national regulation or other applicable laws addresses the same issue as this Code, the most stringent should be applied. IV) SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS. 1) Child Labor. Intergroup Far East Ltd. avoids doing business with any company engaged in the use of "Child Labor" for production of any product of whatever nature. We define Child Labor as any work by a child younger than 15 years of age unless local laws in the country stipulate a higher minimum working age for Work or Mandatory Schooling, In Such a Case The Higher Age Shall Apply.

If however, local minimum age law is set at 14 years of age in accordance with developing countries (exception under ILO Conv. 138, Art. 2.4) then exceptionally, the lower age will apply. In any case where a child is found working in any of the factories producing our products, rather than dismissing the child regardless, we will request the factory to seek and find a satisfactory solution taken into account the child's interests, towards bringing about an improvement in the child's personal situation. in countries where the law permits apprenticeship programs for children between 12 and 15 years of age, we will accept that children of this age work according to ILO Convention 33 maximum 7 hours of light work and schooling, providing that the factories prove that the work is clearly aimed at training, NOT INTERFERING IN THE Child's' Education. The Child Shall Also Be Properly Compensated. WE, ACKNOWEDGE "UN convevention of the rights of the child", Which Clearly EX presses that a person is a child until the age of 18. We strongly recommend our suppliers to make sure that employees in the age group of 15 to 18 years are treated as "young workers", setting clear limits for working hours and overtime. 2 ) Forced labor. Intergroup Far East Ltd. will not work with companies engaged in or supporting the use of forced labor (personnel who have not offered their labor voluntarily) or who suffer illegal restriction, by not being free to withdraw from the labor contract. RESTRICTION Means Among Others Being Required To Lodge "Deposits" OR Identity Papers Upon Commining Employment with The Company. 3) Discilinary Practices. Intergroup Far East Ltd.

will refrain from doing business with companies engaged in the use of corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion or any other kind of abuse or humiliation of employees. 4) Health and Safety. Intergroup Far East Ltd. emphasizes that our suppliers should provide a healthy working environment and appropriate sanitary facilities, the workers' safety being a priority. A system to detect, avoid or respond to potential threats to health and safety of all personnel should be established. The company shall also ensure that if they provide dormitories and canteens for personnel , these are healthy, safe and in compliance with the local provision on the matter, meeting in any case the basic needs. 5) Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining. Intergroup Far East Ltd. emphasizes the right to freedom of association and to bargain collectively In Compliance with the local laws. in a situation where this right is restrict by law, The support parallel means of independent and free association and bargaining. 6) Discrimination. Intergroup Far East Ltd. expects their suppliers to avoid engaging in any kind of discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, race etc. The company shall hire the personnel based on their working capabilities and skills. All workers with the same experience and qualifications should receive equal pay for equal work. 7) Working hours and Compensation. Intergroup Far East Ltd. will refrain from doing business with companies in which wages are not paid in compliance with local Laws and Meeting at Least The Legal Minimum Standards.

IGFEL encourages all their suppliers to pay salaries sufficient to meet the basic needs of their personnel and to provide extra discretionary income. Intergroup Far East Ltd. encourages factories not to have personnel working hours in excess to the legal country limits and that overtime work be agreed voluntarily by the worker and that overtime will be properly remunerated. Personnel shall be allowed at least one free day every seven day period. 8) Respect for cultural values. Intergroup Far East Ltd. highly respects the different cultural values ​​of each country. Therefore, Intergroup does not impose western cultural values ​​in the countries where the business is conducted. However, Intergroup will inform the supplier if there is a conflict in ethical values. 9) Management Responsibility. Intergroup Far East Limited expects its suppliers and manufacturers to transmit this Code Of Conduct and Its Content To The Relevant Personnel for Complying. It is also expeected That supplier or manufacturer will monitor, that the relevant personnel working with production to Intergroup Far East Limited, do comply with this Code of Conduct V) MONITORING AND ENFORCEMENT a) Principles:... Trust and Cooperation Intergroup Far East Ltd. expects and encourages all and every of its suppliers to respect these social standards. Suppliers should do their utmost to work towards their complete implementation. b) Monitoring. Intergroup Far East Ltd. reserves the right to conduct second party audits held by their own auditing team as well as third Party Audits, To Monitor and Ensure The Proper Compliance with this code of conduct. c) Non Compliance.

Intergroup Far East Ltd has the right to consider the termination of the business relationship in cases of gross or repeated violations, failing to comply with these ethical standards or if the vendor does not take appropriate corrective measures in due time. In case of minor non conformance ., corrective measures should be taken within and agreed time limit We hereby confirm that we understand and fully agree to comply with the terms of the Intergroup Far East Ltd. Code of Conduct Confirm and signed by:. ........ ............................................. (Full Name & Title ) Date: ........................................... .................... (Company name & stat) -

IGFEL Code of Conduct-

I) purpose and scope.

WE, Intergroup Far East Ltd. (IGFEL), AS A Service Organization OWNED by Cooperatives in






Feel A Social Responsibility Towards The People Involved in Production Processes in The



This Code is based on the fundamental universal ethical principle of "respect for human dignity", as well as our own ethical beliefs. We want to make sure that these principles are applied by our business partners, suppliers, as well as our own staff throughout The whole



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II) Normative Elements.

We have been inspired to create this Code of Conduct by the different International Laws, Treaties and Conventions covering Social Accountability. These are e.g. ILO Conventions, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the SA 8000 standards.III) LEGAL REQUIREMENTS.

As a general rule all vendors and manufacturers must follow their national laws. However, if any contradiction is found between the supplier's national laws and this Code of Conduct the supplier must inform the respective IGFEL Regional Office immediately after receiving this document.

AS A General Rule, When National Regulation Or Other Applicable Laws Addresses The Same Issue As This Code, The Most Strold be applip.

IV) Social Accountability Requirements.

1) Child Labor.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. Avoids Doing Business With ANY Company Engaged in The Use of "Child Labor" for production of any product of whatver nature.

We define Child Labor as any work by a child younger than 15 years of age unless local laws in the country stipulate a higher minimum working age for work or mandatory schooling, in such a case the higher age shall apply.

IF HOWEVER, LOCAL Minimum Age Law IS Set AT 14 Years of Age in Accordance With development Countries (Exception Under iLO CONV. 138, Art. 2.4) THEN Exceptionally, The Lower Age Will Apply.

In any case where a child is found working in any of the factories producing our products, rather than dismissing the child regardless, we will request the factory to seek and find a satisfactory solution taken into account the child's interests, towards bringing about an improvement in The child's personal situation.

In countries where the law permits apprenticeship programs for children between 12 and 15 years of age, we will accept that children of this age work according to ILO Convention 33 maximum 7 hours of light work and schooling, providing that the factories prove that the work is Clearly AIMED AT Training, Not Interfering In The Child's' Education. The Child Shall Also Be Properly Compensated.

We, acknowledge "UN Convention of the Rights of the Child", which clearly expresses that a person is a child until the age of 18. We strongly recommend our suppliers to make sure that employees in the age group of 15 to 18 years are treated AS "Young Workers", Setting Clear Limits for Working Hours and Overtime.

2) forced labor.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. will not work with companies engaged in or supporting the use of forced labor (personnel who have not offered their labor voluntarily) or who suffer illegal restriction, by not being free to withdraw from the labor contract. Restriction means among others Being Required to Lodge "Deposits" or Identity Papers Upon Commining Employment with the Company.

3) Discipline.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. Will Refrain from doing business with company engaged in the use of corpoercs, mental or physical coercion or adher Kind of Abuse or yroom OF EMPLOYEES.

4) Health and safty.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. emphasizes that our suppliers should provide a healthy working environment and appropriate sanitary facilities, the workers' safety being a priority. A system to detect, avoid or respond to potential threats to health and safety of all personnel should be established.

The company shall also ensure that if they provide dormitories and canteens for personnel, these are healthy, safe and in compliance with the local provision on the matter, meeting in any case the basic needs.5) Freedom of Association & Collective Bargaining.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. emphasizes the right to freedom of association and to bargain collectively in compliance with the local laws. In a situation where this right is restricted by law, the supplier will be encouraged to facilitate parallel means of independent and free association and bargaining .

6) discrimination.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. expects their suppliers to avoid engaging in any kind of discrimination on the grounds of gender, religion, race etc. The company shall hire the personnel based on their working capabilities and skills. All workers with the same experience and qualifications should Receive Equal Pay for Equal Work.

7) WORKING HOURS AND Compensation.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. will refrain from doing business with companies in which wages are not paid in compliance with local laws and meeting at least the legal minimum standards. IGFEL encourages all their suppliers to pay salaries sufficient to meet the basic needs of their personnel and TO Provide Extra Discretion INCOME.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. encourages factories not to have personnel working hours in excess to the legal country limits and that overtime work be agreed voluntarily by the worker and that overtime will be properly remunerated. Personnel shall be allowed at least one free day every seven day PERIOD.

8) Respect for cultural value.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. highly respects the different cultural values ​​of each country. Therefore, Intergroup does not impose western cultural values ​​in the countries where the business is conducted. However, Intergroup will inform the supplier if there is a conflict in ethical values.9 Management responsibility.

Intergroup Far East Limited expects its suppliers and manufacturers to transmit this Code of Conduct and its content to the relevant personnel for complying. It is also expected that the supplier or manufacturer will monitor, that the relevant personnel working with production to Intergroup Far East Limited, Do Comply with this code of conduct.

V) Monitoring and enforcement.

a) Principles: Trust and cooperation.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. East Ltd. ALL AND EVERY ITARS Suppliers. Suppliers Should Do Their Utmost To Work Towards Their Complete Implementation.

b) Monitoring.

Intergroup Far East Ltd. Reserves The Right To Conduct Second Party Audits Hel Own Auditing Team As Well As Third Party Audits, To Monitor and EnSure The Proper Compliance with this code of conduct.


Intergroup Far East Ltd has the right to consider the termination of the business relationship in cases of gross or repeated violations, failing to comply with these ethical standards or if the vendor does not take appropriate corrective measures in due time. In case of minor non conformance Corrective Measures Should Be Taken With And Agreed Time Limit.

WE Hereby Confirm That We understand and full agreement.

Confirm and sign by:

................................................ ... (Full Name & Title)


................................................ .................

(Company Name & Stamp)


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