Strus Summary of various declaration definitions
Detailed explanation of Struct This is easy to confused, and there is a detailed description in "C Expert Program". Unfortunately, everyone likes to ask questions, there is a way to read books, so the BBS has already resolved, explaining a clear problem. Hey, China's diligent quality is sorrow. Here is a brief explanation of Struct to save money.
/ * struct.c
* This program demonstrates all kinds of Struct. Note that all these writes can be compiled
* Author: smileonce
* Date: 2005-01-14
* /
// This way is the most important, but it can pass, the last side of the Foo is the instance of the structure.
Struct foo
Int foo;
} foo;
// With Typedef, the meaning is obviously different from above, pay attention to the label behind the Struct, the end of the Bar is an alias of anonymous structure.
Typedef struct
Int bar;
} bar;
// This kind of writing is the most useful, because its definition is a one-time, Struct1 is an instance of an anonymous Struct
Int aaa;
} mystruct1;
// The most common way, clearly, MY_STRUCT_TAG is the structural label, my_struct_type is the alias for struct my_struct_tag
TypedEf struct my_struct_tag
Int aaa;
} my_struct_type;
// The following two definitions can be used, of course, using the type of TypeDef definition is more simple.
MY_STRUCT_TYPE MYSTRUCT2; / / Define variables through the structural alias defined by TypeDef
Struct my_struct_tag mystruct3; // define variables through structural tags
Int main (int Argc, char * argv [])
Return 0;