Introduction to virtual machines (4) - History of virtual machines

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  27

Virtual machine history

In today's computer world, the concept of virtual machines has been used to solve many problems. From the split (IBM model) of the machine, to the "half platform-independent" programming language (Java model), to the development of the operating system (UNIX model and OSI model), the concept of virtual machines has been proved during the process of constituing modern computers It is a powerful tool. However, this concept is not always clear for everyone, and until the mid-1960s, it is used in practice.

Around 1965, IBM researchers tried to measure the actual effects of some new concepts in computer science. In order to measure the two properties of these new features to turn on and off, the researchers need a way to close these new features. These people are researchers in IBM York Town (Southeast, Virginia, USA). They designed a solution that needs to be divided into "smaller components". These components require management of their own resources to enable researchers to test many different conditions in the system at the same time without changing other "components" of the system. They believe that for this experiment, the implementation of a virtual machine will work very well.

After this experiment, IBM continued their work and eventually developed a virtual machine concept. They sell it as a multi-user environment. Many companies and universities use this operating system because it allows them to share the computing power and resources of the host. Each user works in their own virtual machines, so that resources can be shared with others without affecting other people's work. This virtual machine is now called the IBM370 system (S / 370) and IBM390 systems (S / 390). These machines utilize the IBM VM / ESA operating system and are all returned to the IBM virtual machine.

This virtual machine has proven to be very powerful, because it is still selling. The concept of virtual machines from then started to solve many other computational problems, such as computer programs, portable problems, and design issues for operating systems. The Unix operating system is one of the earliest implementations of these issues using virtual machine concepts.

The UNIX operating system derived from the Denise Richie and Ken Thompson in Bell Lab published in 1974. They are quickly used in PDP-11 computers about UNIX. PDP-11 is a machine used by a university. Through college graduates, this idea is quickly applied to the business computer field. From 1980 to 1985, the IEEE Standardization Committee implemented POSIX (Portable Operating System Portable Operating System) projects to provide a standard for UNIX library functions. Their idea is that any software vendor can use the standard library function to write their code and can be docked with any UNIX system. In 1990, the IEEE POSIX project team published "Information Technology Portable Operating System Interface". This specifies a standard for the UNIX housing and application routines, making UNIX application interfaces into a formal specification, making UNIX processes as a separate virtual machine.

Creating a real portable computer program is one of the long-term troubleshooting issues. Or, programmers want to write programs that can work on any platform. The Java language created by the concept of virtual machines in the middle of the 1990s made this idea almost a reality.

However, in the 1990s, the idea of ​​the Java program language is not a new idea. It is actually an idea of ​​a gentleman named Bill Joy in the 1970s. Joy wants to integrate MESA and C best advantages by creating a language. But later other project groups (such as sun) have come in, and it takes a year to achieve this idea. By the early 1990s, Joy was tired to the large program. In the late 1990s, JOY wrote a papers called "further". (Translator Press: Points may be a bit wrong on the time of the author here, it should be the late 1980s. In this paper, he lists the suggestions for Sun Engineers, think they should create one based on C Object environment. It is also at this time, James Gosling has been working on a SGML editor called "imagination" for a few months. Because Gosling is setbacks when using C in the "Imagination" project, this makes him created OAK programming language. On December 5, 1990, Patrick Naughton began Green Project. Naughton is this project: To achieve "do less, better". In December that year, he recruited Gosling and Mike Sheridan to help start this project. Joy gave them a "further" papers, and working with C for a few months for graphics and user interface.

In April 1991, the green project group (Naughton, Gosling and Sheridan) began to target market "Smart Consumer Electronics). Gosling starts working hard for OAK programming languages. Gosling has written the earliest compiler with C, while the runtime interpretation of Naughton, Gosling and Sheridan is done with C. In August 1991, Oak's first program was born.

By the fall of 1992, a cross-mutual "* 7" in PDA and remote control is ready. In October, they show this system to SCOTT MCNEALY. Then, Sun set a wholly-owned subsidiary as the body as the body, called First Person Inc. Earlier in 1993, the green project group heard the Time-Warner to take a plan for the set-top box operating system. First Person quickly turned from smart home appliances to set-top box operating system market, and submitted the bid to the times Warner. Fortunately, Sun has no winning bid. (Translator is pressed: This should be an unfortunate event.) First Person continues to study the set-top box operating system. Until 1994 earlier, they realized that the set-top box and smart home appliances were not true.

In 1994, First Person was merged by the mother company Sun because of the market prospect. It is also at that time, they realized that the software needed on smart appliances and set-top boxes (their features are: short, platform-independent, safe and reliable) also need in the new Web. The green project team transforms their direction in the third time, this time is the web. Patrick Naughton wrote a browser that called Webrunner. After Naughton and Jonathan Payne, this browser became HOT JAVA. In 1995, OAK was renamed Java. In 1995, Java's first development tool JDK1.0Alpha version was released. Since then, there have been many revisions to release until the nearest JDK1.2.

Appendix: Major historical events circa 1965

York Town IBM Research Center won an IBM7044 machine. They create a 7044 image for each part of the system. Each image is called 7044 / 44x. This is to make IBM better understand multiprogrammed operating systems. This is the beginning of the IBM virtual machine concept. They believe that the virtual machine is a copy of the real machine, just the decrease in memory.


Djiskstra develops an operating system at the University University. It consists of a range of layered virtual machines. Each level of virtual machine abstracts the different levels of the machine, and each layer is from its next layer abstraction. This is the first major genre of the virtual machine.

About 1968

An IBM team has established an operating system in Cambridge Massachusetts and is called Cambridge Monitoring System (CMS). CMS is an experiment of a time-time system and eventually becomes the system architecture used by VM / 370. The VM / 370 is sold as a binary system.


Bell Lab Denise Ritchie and Ken Thompson published a milestone papers about UNIX operating systems. Because in the UNIX operating system, they received a famous ACM Trim Award in 1984.

1980 - 1985

The IEEE Standards Committee provides a standard to the UNIX library function, launch POSIX (Portable Operating System, Portable Operating System) project.


The IEEE POSIX project group published "Information Technology Portable Operating System Interface". This specifies a standard for the UNIX shell and application routine.


On December 5, 1990, Patrick Naughton launched a green project. This project attracted the participation of James Gosling and Mike Sheridan, marking the early development of Java. At that time, Java was called OAK programming language.

the year 1995

In 1995, the green project team turned to the web and developed a browser prototype. At the same time, OAK is renamed Java.

Year 1999

In May 1995, Java's first development tool JDK1.0Alpha version was released. Since then, there have been many revisions to release until the nearest JDK1.2.


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