
xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Redhat Linux 9.0 Beautification Plan

There are two points to explain in advance: First, my system is Redhat 9.0, I can't guarantee that my beautification method can be used normally in all issues, is it adopted, please think about it yourself; second, if you used it before Other beautification methods or beautify the bag, please restore the state before beautification, because the beautification method you use may change the system settings, I can't guarantee that my beautification method can achieve expectations on your system. Please log in with root users, let's get started! 1. Copying Windows font files to Linux don't have to say it, now more good and easy fonts are Windows fonts (but don't spread online, you can use it, you may be reported by Microsoft, Although not afraid of it, but why bother to provoke ^ _ ^) operation: copy SIMSUN.TTC, Tahoma.ttf and TahomaBd.ttf to the directory of the font, suppose we copy them to / usr / share / FONTS / ZH_CN / TRUETYPE / SIMSUN / Under, the SIMSUN.TTC is renamed for Simsun.ttf.

Tips: Windows font files in the Fonts directory in the $ windows directory, general Win98, WinXP, Win2003 is Windows / Fonts, Win2000 is Winnt / Fonts, you can build a directory / MNT / WIN /, hang the Windows system partition On this directory: mount -t vfat / dev / hda1 / mnt / win, of course, how much HD is to see your partition, is the same if you use vfat (if you are not using FAT32) 2. Let Linux Understand newly added Windows fonts, we can let Linux have completed (using XFS services), we only need to tell Linux where the font file is stored: Edit / etc / x11 / fs / config file, in which Join us to store fonts Catalog = / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / misc: unscaled, / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 75dpi: unscaled, / usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / fonts / 100dpi : unscaled, / usr / x11r6 / liB / X11 / FONTS / MISC, / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TYPE1, / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / Speedo, / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / CYRILLIC, / USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TTF, / USR / Share / FONTS / DEFAULT / TYPE1, / USR / Share / FONTS / ZH_CN / TRUETYPE / SIMSUN, << ====== We join the directory of the font, pay attention to the last comma number / usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / trueType, / usr / share / fonts / zh_tw / trueType, / usr / lib / openoffice / share / Fonts / TrueType tips :: The following operation seems to be able to save, I am no province, you can save whether you can operate: Edit / etc / x11 / xf86config file (or / etc / x11 / xf86config-4), add storage Font's directory section "Files" RGBPath "/ usr / x11r6 / lib / x11 / rgb" fontp Ath "/ usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / trueType / Simsun" << === We join the directory of the font, pay attention to the front of the front of this line FontPath "UNIX /: 7100" endsection 3. Give the system Patch, we need to put some patches to the system to correct X-Windows to Chinese characters. The default display of the system is more ugly (I think so, some people don't care about this) Operation: Download the commune patch: http : // Name = Site_Downloads.Php? Name = Site_Downloads & Op = MyDown & DID = 464 Download Firefly XFT2 Patch Pack: (Annex 1) Install Patch Pack: Patch Fans-Xft2.Tar.gz and XFT2-2.1. 1-3mdk.firefly.i586.rpm is copied to your work directory, then Tar XVZF fans-xft2.tar.gz, enter ./fans-xft2/i386/,

Then rpm -uvh *.rpm --force returns to your work directory, then rpm -ivh xft2-2.1.1-3mdk.firefly.i586.rpm --force tips: The XFT package in the commune package is not installed, directly installed Firefly's XFT2 package is OK, but if you want to lazy to play a few commands, you will follow the line 4. Edit the configuration file, so that the system correctly shows Chinese characters to this, the system has a good display effect. But you will find that Windows fonts don't have a Windows font and there is no bold, so we also need to further edit the configuration file, so that the system correctly displays Windows fonts and other effects: Editing / etc / x11 / xf86config file (or / etc / X11 / xf86config-4), remove the type1 and freetype in Module, plus Xtt Section "Module" Load "DBE" # double buffer extension subsection "EXTMOD" EndSubsection # loading "type1" << === Front, " # "注 # # loading" freetype "<< === Front," # "comment out" x x x x x "=== Plus this line LOAD" GLX "endsection tips: all said Type1, FreeType and XTT Conflict, but I tried, if you don't remove Type1 and Freetype, the font still can display it normally. I don't know what to do: edit /etc/fonts/fonts.conf, plus the directory of the Windows font and the Patch of bold display. - Font Directory List Configured on Thu Feb 20 01:12:17 CST 2003 ->

/ USR / X11R6 / LIB / X11 / FONTS / TYPE1 / USR / ShaRE / FONTS / usr / share / fonts / zh_cn / trueType / simsun << === We join the directory of the font "DIR> ~ / .FONTS Add the following code, It can normalize the bold code of the SIMSUN font: medium SIMSUN

bold tips: If you find the displayed English font has a wide phenomenon, you can add the following code code :: zh-tww zh-cn JA KO proportional

Supported = "zh_cn.gbk: zh_cn: zh" sysfont = "8859-15" 6. Configure the desktop environment to configure the desktop environment, change the system's font to Windows font operation: Restart the system, Enter X-Windows If your system is KDE, enter the control center-> look and theme-> font, set all the fonts to Tahoma, set to 9, set the equation wide font to SIMSUN, the size is set to 10 if Your system is gnome, I am not too familiar, but the general should be similar, set all the fonts to Taoma, the size is set to 9, and the font of XMMS can be used in its function settings "use double-band font "And" use x fonts "is hooked, then set the main window font and playlist fonts to -Microsoft-Tahoma-Medium-R-NORMAL - 12- * ----- * - * - * - ISO8859- * , -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal - 12- * - * - * - * - * - GBK- * from, by SkyWarship

From, by skywarship


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