Jetspeed learning notes (1)
Participated in the interest group of the company's Portal, today's learning. First, look at some portal information, a basic understanding of the concept of Portal, Portlet, Portlet Container, and JSR168. Decide to further actually feel portal, so learn JetSpeed.
1. JetSpeed Introduction JetSpeed is an implementation of an enterprise information portal using Java and XML development by Apache organization. The portal allows the end user to access network resources (applications, databases, etc.). Users can access Portal through a web browser, WAP phone, pager, and other smart devices. JetSpeed is like a central controller that can easily display data from different data sources in a variety of forms. The data displayed by JetSpeed is completely independent of the type of content. This means that JetSpeed can integrate a variety of data sources such as XML, RSS, SMTP. The data organization is then transferred to the client through XSL technology into a JSP three page or an HTML page. JetSpeed also supports publishing frameworks for templates and content, such as Cocoon, WebMacro, and Velocity.
2, download and install
Jetspeed Official Homepage:
JetSpeed 2.0 Download Page: (release file) (source code)
Now use Tomcat as an example to explain its installation process:
A decompressed to Tomcat installation root directory
b Modify WebAPPS / JetSpeed / Web-INF / Conf / file
In this configuration file: autodeployment.catalina.version.major = 5
Indicates that the Tomcat version is 5.0 If Tomcat4 is changed to 4.
Org.apache.jetspeed.Services.autodeployment.user = admin = admin
Is a user in Tomcat, make sure that the user configured here in Tomcat.
C database configuration
First use the default database with JetSpeed, running Start-Database.bat directly to $ Tomcat_Home / JetSpeed-Database. Start the HSQL database.
D, start Tomcat, access http: // localhost: 8080 / jetspeed / can see the following interface.