In fact, you want to achieve this feature very simple. First, you need to upload a RAR's decompression program, which is Rar's own decompression program, just need its core.
The file Rar.exe can be. Then you have to upload a program cmd.exe that executes rar.exe is the program in Windows (don't you have to say more). Finally, these programs are started. Look at the following code
Dim Ylj, Ywj, Mlpath, Shell, Rarcomm, Retcode, CMD, Comm, FSO
Mlpath = "e: / page / mian /" 'Store Rar.exe and Cmd.exe path
YLJ = Server.mappath ("Mian") & "/" 'Different the path placed after the file
YWJ = Server.mappath ("Mian / Apathy.rar") 'To decompress the RAR file
Set shell = server.createObject ("")
RARCOMM = "E: /Page/mian/cmd.exe / c" & mlpath & "rar.exe x -t-= -p-"
Cmd = RARCOMM & YWJ & "& ylj
Retcode = (cmd, 1, true)
That is to use server.createObject ("") to perform cmd.exe to run the RAR.exe file to extract the RAR file.