Database connection mode (reposted) in ADO.NET

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  24

In MSDN, the .NET's database connection string has a detailed description, where the code example is listed, and the meaning of each representative can be found in MSDN.

ADO.NET Database connection method

Microsoft provides the following four database connection methods:

The following is an example-in way,

Some connection strings (C # code) common to System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection (C # code):

Sqlconnection conn = new sqlConnection ("Server = (local); integrated security = sspi; database = pubs");

SqlConnection conn = new sqlconnection ("Server = (local) // netsdk; database = pubs; integrated security = sspi");

SqlConnection conn = new sqlconnection ("data source = localhost; integrated security = sspi; initial catalog = northwind;");

SqlConnection conn = new sqlconnection ("data source = (local); INTEGRATED security = SSPI; persist security info = false; Workstation ID = xr; packet size = 4096;");

SqlConnection myconn = new ("PERSIST security info = false; integrated security = sspi; database = northwind; server = mysqlserver");

SqlConnection conn = new SQLCONNECTION ("UID = SA; PWD = Passwords; Initial Catalog = Pubs; Data Source =; connection timeout = 900");

More string connection notes See msdn: URL = / library / en-us / cpref / html / frsrfsystemDataSqlclientsqlConnectionClassConnectionstringtopic.asp

Some connection strings (C # code) commonly used by system.Data.oledb.oledbConnection (C # code):

OLEDBCONNECTION CONN = New OLEDBCONNECTION (@ "provider = microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source = d: /myweb/81/05/grocertogo.mdb");

OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection (@ "Provider = Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Password =; User ID = Admin; Data Source = grocertogo.mdb;"); OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection ( "Provider = MSDAORA; Data Source = Oracle8i7; persist security info = false; integrated security = yes ");

OLEDBCONNECTION CONN = New OLEDBCONNECTION ("provider = microsoft.jet.Oledb.4.0; data source = c: /bin/localaccess40.mdb");

OLEDBCONNECTION CONN = New OLEDBCONNECTION ("provider = sqloledb; data source = mysqlserver; integrated security = SSPI");

More string connection instructions, please see MSDN: Url = / library / en-us / cpref / html / fr1rfsystemDataoledboledbconnectionclassconnectionstringtopic.asp? Frame = true

Some connection strings (C # code) common to System.Data.OracleClient.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection: OracleConnection myconn = new ("Data Source = ORACLE8I; Integrated Security = YES");

More string concatenation Description see MSDN: http: // url = / library / en-us / cpref / html / frlrfSystemDataOracleClientOracleConnectionClassConnectionStringTopic.asp frame = true??

Some connection strings (C # code) commonly used

OdbcConnection conn = new odbcconnection ("driver = {sql server}; server = myserver; trusted_connection = yes; data = northwind;");

Odbcconnection conn = new odbcconnection ("driver = {microsoft odbc for oracle}; server = Oracle8i7; Persist security info = false; trusted_connection = yes");

OdbcConnection conn = new odbcconnection ("driver = {Microsoft Access Driver (* .mdb)}; dbq = c: /bin/nwind.mdb");

OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection ( "Driver = {Microsoft Excel Driver (* .xls)}; DBQ = c: /bin/book1.xls"); OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection ( "Driver = {Microsoft Text Driver (* .txt ; * .csv)}; DBQ = C: / bin ");

OdbcConnection conn = new odbcconnection ("DSN = DSNNAME");

More string connection instructions, please see msdn: URL = / library / en-us / cpref / html / fr1rfsystemDataodBCODBCCCONNECLASSCONNECTIONSTRINGTOPIC.ASP? Frame = true

Database connection provided by other vendors:

DB2CONNECTION myconn = new ("Database = Sample; UID =

; PWD =


DB2Connection myconn = new ("Database = Sample");

BdpConnection myConn = new Borland.Data.Provider.BdpConnection ( "assembly = Borland.Data.Mssql, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 91d62ebb5b0d1b1b; vendorclient = sqloledb.dll; osauthentication = False; database =

Username =

Hostname =

Password =

"provider = mssql");

BdpConnection myConn = new Borland.Data.Provider.BdpConnection ( "assembly = Borland.Data.Db2, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = 91d62ebb5b0d1b1b; vendorclient = db2cli.dll; database =

Username =

Password =

; provider = db2 ");

Connection Pooling

In the Data Provider in SQL Server, OLE DB, and .NET Framework, implicit connection pool connection support is provided. You can specify different parameter values ​​to control the behavior of the connection pool in Connectionstring. For example, the following example makes the OLE DB connecting pool in effect and automatically transaction: provider = sqloledb; OLE DB Services = -4; Data Source = localhost; integrated security = SSPI; below SQL Data Provider Parameter Settings Control Connection Pool: Connection LiftTime, Connection Reset, Enlist, Max Pool Size, Min Pool Size and Pooling.


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