testing report
Author ray http://www.rtems.net
testing platform:
2 AMD XP 2500 / Intel PVI 3G (HT Support)
2 DDR RAM 256M 333MHz
2 hard disk maxtor 40G 7200RPM / S
2 motherboard MSI KT4AV
2 100M Ethernet card
2 GCC 3.4.2
2 Slackware 10.1
2 file system Reiserfs
Reference platform
2 kernel 2.4.29
2 kernel 2.6.10
2 FreeBSD 5.3
All kernels are recompiled according to platform properties
test tools
2 LMBENCH for system performance overall testing
2 forkbomb process stress test
2 NetPERF network performance test
Linux 2.6 compile
First get the latest Kernel code
Unzip source code
TAR ZJVF Linux-2.6.10.tar.bz2
Make Xconfig
Test uses the SSH client under the character interface.
Comparing results
Kernel size
According to the hardware condition of the machine, the core is recompiled, the results of the compilation are as follows: (uncompressed)
Start memory size
After the system is started, the 12-way VoIP gateway program is opened. As a result, the consumption of memory is as follows, don't be scared, can this be called an embedded system?
Thread creation speed
PTHREAD thread creation test, BSD is absolute winner, almost no time
Memory Access Speed
Memory access test, three speed difference, overall, 2.4 faster than BSD is 2.6
File access
File Access Speed BSD> 2.4> 2.6
Network traffic
Network speed: BSD obvious advantage
Socket creation speed
The time created by the Socket function: BSD is better than 2.6 superior 2.4
Bind function access time
Under small loads, the three performance is relatively close, and time is constant, down 2.4.29 under large loads.
Bind function average time () (3000 Socket) 2.4.29 o (1) O (N) 2.6.10 o (1) o (1) freebsd5.3 o (1) o (1)