J2EE - List of resources

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

J2EE - List of resources

application server --------------------------------

Jetty HTTP Server and Java Serverlet Container JOTM Transaction Management Server Apache These things don't pend, HTTP, XML, Ant, Tomcat, Velocity, ... The soul of the company. TYREX Transaction Management Server OpenJMS Message Server JBoss Fast, Powerful J2EE Server Tomcat Commonly used Java Application Server Resin Another common Java application server

Database Server --------------------------------

SAP DB has no SAP without modern management, huh, huh PostgreSQL object relational database MySQL application database Hypersonic SQL simple, convenient database

Representation layer --------------------------------

JPublish Content Management System, use template engines, separated application logic from content and data. FreeMarker's most powerful, most flexible template engine Rhino B / S structure must use JavaScipt

data analysis --------------------------------

DataVision report system, support a variety of different database JasperReports report engine Weka data mining

System expansion --------------------------------

Beanshell can be embedded, object-oriented scripting languages ​​provide great scalability and secondary development capabilities to the application system. Jython combines Python's flexible and efficient Java implementation with Java's powerful JACL TCL scripts.

development tools --------------------------------

NetBeans integrates an development environment, with countless plugins, making Java software more simplified. Eclipse integrates an development environment, has few unclear plugins, making the software development more simplified.

Others --------------------------------

DOM4J The most flexible XML framework Castor data binding tool provides exciting XML objective operations and JDO concepts. Struts Current Comparison Web Application Framework TapeStry Tapestry is a very famous open source project for Application Framework, Application Framework, Ofbiz, which provides creation of the latest J2EE / XML specification and technical standards. Large and medium-sized enterprise, cross-platform, cross-database, multi-level, distributed e-commerce web application system, cross-care server. JUnit A Java test framework for a development source code for writing and run repeatable tests. XDoclet an extended Javadoc Doclet Engine -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- Source: Coral Island


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