Method for making systems from USB starting from USB

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  33

1. You must have a favorite Linux system, then insert the USB hard drive 2. You need to install two tools: mkinitrd, Rsync. Debian User Apt-Get Install Initrd-Tools Rsync. Look at yourself with other releases. 3.FDisk / dev / sda (below, SDA) Create a swap partition 6.mount / dev / sda1 / mnt / mp (assuming / mnt / mp already exists), hung up the partition, ready to transfer the system's system. 7.Rsync-AV --ExClude "/ mnt" --exclude "/ proc" / / mnt / mp, start the transfer system, pay attention to avoid / proc and / mnt. Of course, you can use CP -A. 8. MKDIR / MNT / MP / PROC / MNT / MP / MNT, although avoided / MNT and / Proc, don't forget to create these two mount points. 9. Install GRUB / LILO to / dev / sda. / dev / sda1 / etc / fstab Adjusts FSTAB in accordance with the new partition situation. 11.Vi / etc / mkinitrd / modules, plus the following modules: USBCORESCSI_MODSD_MODUSB-STORAGEUHCI-HCDEHCI-HCDUSBHID 12.VI /etc/mkinitrd/mkinitrd.conf, change DELAY = 0 to delay = 10 (adjusted according to actual situation, I feel General> 3 seconds) 13.MKinitrd -o lv.img 2.6.10-1-686 (here current version number) lv.img /mnt/mp/boot/initrd.img-2.6.10 -1-686-USB15.VI / mnt/mp/boot/grub/Menu.lst, plus a new startup option, where initrd's item is generated by this. 16. Get it, restart the machine, start from USB.

Principle: How to migrate the current system to the new hard drive throughout the entire process. Behind is the key to the start of the USB, which is to generate the appropriate initrd.img. I used to change the initrd reform in the Kernel-Image inside Debian, and now I find that the original image can also be used in accordance with the Mkinitrd.


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