FlytreeView for ASP.NET 3.2 Crack Raiders

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Recently, the performance of the currently popular ASP.NET TreeView control is tested. Such as RADTreeView, FlytreeView, IEWebControlTreeView, etc. Overall, as a separate product, FlytreeView's appearance is more pretty, and the performance is also the most rich. It can be refined. Use it to traverse the server hard drive, the speed of the simulation resource manager directory is very fast; it has a unique asynchronous load function, which binds all the data to a web tree for those dreams, and does not want to affect the client loading speed. Program developers, FlyTreeView can effect us to make us fish and bear's paw. IEWebControlTreeView for a period of time, deeply sensible, the reaction is slow, so I will download one after the FlytreeView for ASP.NET 3.1, FlytreeView for ASP.NET 3.2 will download one. Since the system time of the "landline" must be adjusted after the trial period, it is very inconvenient. It will determine how to do itself, extend the trial period, and take the opportunity to learn the skills of excellent software, understand some books. know how.

First, the environment is ready

1. Basic environment: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 200X development environment and IIS service.

2, PATH environment: To facilitate the use of tools on the command line, you need to make sure to update the system's path environment variable. To enable the system to find the required .NET tools in any directory. To this end, you need to put x: / program files / microsoft visual studio .NET 2003 / SDK / V1.1 / bin and x: /winnt/ (v1.0.3705) two directories The full path is added to the end of the Path environment variable string, such as (Figure 1):

In addition, in order to ensure that you can enter the command line in any directory, you must add a shortcut option for the folder to the command line. Its method see (Figure 2). In this way, when the mouse is hit by the folder that needs to enter the command line, the picture 3 is displayed, and "enter the command line" can be used, and the cumbersome process of manually type the full path is eliminated. See (Figure 3).

Second, the tool preparation

1, anti-compiler: Code analysis tool I use the trial version of Reflector, can

Http:// Download the latest version, the Reflector can compile the target code into IL, C #, VB.NET, Delphi four languages, and can choose from your language habits. After the Reflector trial is loaded, if an expired problem occurs, it can be solved by adjusting the system clock. Of course, you can also try to use the Reflector to solve this problem, but do not affect our follow-up. Complete the control of the control into a built-in tool to use the MSIL reverse mounting ILDASM provided by Microsoft in the environment. After the first step, we can call it in any directory when needed.

2, assembler: Using free MSIL assembler ILASM, available in the environment, run the relevant files generated by our crackled ILDASM by using ILASM.EXE to generate the final crack control. Like ILDASM, after the first step, we can already call it in any directory when needed. 3, other tools: Notepad, calculator, etc., all of which are system default tools, software.

Third, cracking process

1. Install FlytreeView: Run flytreeView_for_asp_setup.3.2.exe, and pay attention to the installation example web application during the installation process. Such as (Figure 4):

Browse the sample page in your browser, the normal picture when the control is not expired (Figure 5):

After adjusting the system clock (such as a year), browse the above page again, then the control immediately throws an exception (Figure 6):

2, control analysis:

In your favorite position, you will have a new folder, just name "FlytreeView Crack", as our working directory; copy the number of ninerays.web.ui.webcontrols.flytreeView.dll in the sample site bin directory; Use Notepad to build two batch files in our working directory to facilitate follow-up, the code is as follows:

myildasm.batildasm NineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.dll / output: myilasm.batilasm / dll /resource:NineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.res / output: Ninerays.Web.ui.WebControls.FlyTreeView.dll /key :treekey.snk

Basically ready, start the Reflector to open Ninerays.Web.ui.WebControls.FlyTreeView.dll in the working directory, such as (Figure 7)

Depending on the experience of Crack FlytreeView for ASP.NET 3.1, the trial restriction of the web control is usually achieved in NEW, RENDER, INIT and other positions. To do this, we directly expand the FlytreeView class in ninerays.web.ui.webcontrols.flytreeview, an exception information thrown in (Figure 6) "9Rays.NET FlytreeView for ASP.NET TRIAL LICENSE HAS EXPIRED." Is a clue, Browse the key method of this class and the disassembly code of the function, found that the exception is thrown in the constructor new () of the FlytreeView class, and its advanced language code is as follows:

C # code

VB. NET code

public FlyTreeView () {this._designPage = null; this._clientRuntimePath = "/aspnet_client/ninerays_web_ui_webcontrols_flytreeview_3_2_83_3/";this._loadingMessage =" Loading ... "; this._expandLevel = 0; this._childIndent = 0x12; this._SupportIE55 = false; this._OldSelectedNodeKeyList = null; this._RestoreValue = null; this._DefaultNodeType = null; this._NodeEventsArgs = new ArrayList (); this._SelectedNode = null; if (DateTime.Now> Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE) {throw new Exception ( "9Rays.Net FlyTreeViewfor ASP.NET TRIAL license has expired.");} this._NodeTypes = new TreeNodeTypeCollection (); this._NodeTypes._FlyTreeView = this; this.Font.Name = "Tahoma"; this.Font.Size = FontUnit.XSmall; this.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.None; this.ClientRuntimePath = "/ aspnet_client / ninerays_web_ui_webcontrols_flytreeview_3_2_83_3 /";} Public Sub New () Me._designPage = NothingMe._clientRuntimePath = "/aspnet_client/ninerays_web_ui_webcontrols_flytreeview_3_2_83_3/"Me._loadingMessage =" Loading ... "me._expandlevel = 0me._Childindent = 18Me._SupportIE55 = FalseMe._OldSelectedNodeKeyList = NothingMe._RestoreValue = NothingMe._DefaultNodeType = NothingMe._NodeEventsArgs = New ArrayListMe._SelectedNode = NothingIf (DateTime.Now> Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE) ThenThrow New Exception ( "9Rays.Net FlyTreeView for ASP.NET TRIAL license has expired. ") End IfMe._NodeTypes = New TreeNodeTypeCollectionMe._NodeTypes._FlyTreeView = MeMe.Font.Name =" Tahoma "Me.Font.Size = FontUnit.XSmallMe.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.NoneMe.ClientRuntimePath ="

/ askNET_CLIENT / NINERAYS_WEB_UI_WEBCONTROLS_FLYTREEVIEW_3_2_83_3 / "End Sub Related Screenshot (Figure 8):

Obviously, the key code is:

If (DateTime.Now> Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE) Then Throw New Exception ( "9Rays.Net FlyTreeView for ASP.NET TRIAL license has expired.") End If Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE saved should be the deadline for the control trial, as long as we will The deadline value in global.trial_expire_date is extended to reach a certain period of time, because we are not a registration machine to do this control, do not need more complex analysis. To this end, we click (Figure 8) blue high_expire_date, go to static global class Global, browse its related code, we found the following key code:

IL assembler language code .method private hidebysig specialname rtspecialname static void .cctor () cil managed {// Code Size: 18 byte (s) .maxstack 4L_0000: ldsflda [mscorlib] System.DateTime NineRays.Web.UI.WebControls. FlyTreeView.Global::TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATEL_0005: ldc.i4 2004L_000a: ldc.i4.8 L_000b: ldc.i4.3 L_000c: call instance void [mscorlib] System.DateTime :: ctor (int32, int32, int32) L_0011:. ret} C # static Global () {Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE = new DateTime (0x7d4, 8, 3);} VB.NETPrivate Shared Sub New () Global.TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATE = New DateTime (2004, 8, 3) End Sub Delphiconstructor Global.Create; Begin global.trial_expire_date.create (2004, 8, 3) end;

The corresponding screenshot is seen (Figure Nine):

Among the code-compiled codes compiled by the Reflector, it is most intuitive in VB.NET and Delphi code, which makes us see the last use period of the control is August 3, 2004. (FlytreeView performance of different time downloading or installation performance may be different in the code, the author is not specially adopted)

The next step is to enter the actual crack.

3, control crack:

In the working directory, double-click the reverse batch processing file Myildasm.bat, and the working directory has related files after disassembly, and the relevant documents, which are obtained after the disassembly, see the following table:

NineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.ilNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.Previews.Iconless.gifNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.FlyNodeSet.resourcesNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.FlyContextMenu. bmpNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.Previews.Default.gifNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Design.AutoFormatForm.resourcesNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.Previews.MSDN.gifNineRays.Web. UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.Previews.Night.gifNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.FlyTreeView.bmpNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Design.PreNodeTypesButton.resourcesNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources. Previews.Office-2003.gifNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.RelItem.resourcesNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.FlyTreeView.icoNineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Resources.Previews.Windows-XP- Explorer.gifninerays.Web.ui.WebControls.FlyTreeView.FlyNodeet.Bmpninerays.Web.ui.WebControls.Fly TreeView.Resources.previews.classic-explorer.gifninerays.Web.ui.WebControls.FlyTreeView.RES Open with Notepad, reverse the next to two pages, you can see the following code, this It is a public key for the control signature and should be deleted to avoid being kicked out by the GAC after cracking. It does not enter the toolbox.

.publicKey = (00 24 00 00 04 80 00 00 94 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 聽) $ .............. 00 24 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00 / /. $ .. RSA1 ........ 07 20 57 CD EB B7 1A 84 93 4B 53 79 1C 47 F2 fa ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////ww.w ... ksy.g .. 7E AE D6 6A D6 0F 43 77 3C DC 6C 32 89 1D 48 B2 /// ~ <.l2..h. B9 1A 9E E9 25 B2 6A 13 D9 2F 84 32 90 E8 97 44 ////// ....%. j../. 2 ... D E8 2E A2 29 6C BB DC 5A 31 C5 19 46 B9 23 72 96 // ...) l..Z1..f. # r. 5b D7 3F 0C 0A 2A 10 F3 0E 98 9D 28 31 12 5B 63 / / [.?.. * ..... (1. [C EE 08 92 7A 7A 63 F4 2E 96 47 36 79 47 FF 8D 32 / / ... zzc ... g6yg..2 8b FA F4 AF 7C 12 84 3D 0B 55 15 B1 D0 2D C2 7C // .... | .. =. u ...-. | C1 29 30 41 Fc 8e AF 72 9C 4E 4F C6 0A A2 AA BE) //. 0a ... ...../ should be removed in Notepad to find the search function search "

0x7D4 "(2004), combined with the related clues obtained in front of the Reflector disassembly, IL assembly code that can be determined in's IL assembly code as follows:

.method private hidebysig specialname rtspecialname static void .cctor () cil managed {// Code Size 18 (0x12) .maxstack 4IL_0000: ldsflda valuetype [mscorlib] System.DateTime NineRays.Web.UI.WebControls.FlyTreeView.Global::TRIAL_EXPIRE_DATEIL_0005: LDC.I4 0x7D4IL_000A: ldc.i4.8il_000b: ldc.i4.3il_000c: call instance void [mscorlib] system.datetime ::. ctor (int32, int32, int32) IL_0011: Ret} // end of method global ::. cctor

In the above code

0x7d4 can change the purpose of our crack to our year. It should be noted that the new year value is not too large, otherwise it may exceed the upper limit of the operating system support, so there may be "Wannian Worm". This value is already enough to 2050, because people can't use this version of FlytreeView after more than forty years, and then, if Microsoft is fortunate, I am afraid that DOTNET does not know that it is eliminated by it. where it goes. 2050 The corresponding hexadecimal is expressed as 0x802, and then saves after modification. Next is the code after compiling the crack using the assembly tool ILASM.

Before compiling, we have a digital signature for the control. (Strong name is not required, you can also don't do it, but if you don't want to do it, please delete the /key :treekey.snk instruction in myilasm.bat)

To perform a digital signature, you should first use SN. EXE generates a signature key. In the resource manager, right-click the folder icon of the "FlytreeView crack" in the resource manager, select "Enter the Command Line" in the pop-up menu, and then the DOS window Type Sn -k treekey.snk Enter. A new "random key pair" stores in the treekey.snk file in the working directory.

Next, enter the actual compilation process. Turn off the DOS window and reflector and other software, return to the resource manager, delete the ninerays.web.ui.webcontrols.FlytreeView.WebControls.FlyTreeView.dll in the working directory, then double-click the batch file in the working directory MyilaSm.bat, and other compiling work, You can see a new ninerays.web.ui.webcontrols.flytreeView.dll appears in the working directory.

At this point, if there is no mistake before the previous work, the crack of the FlytreeView control is over.

Fourth, the test after crack

Start Visual Studio .NET 2003, open the sample items.csproj in the FlytreeView sample site Samples directory, delete the items in the Solution Explorer to ninerays.web.ui.webcontrols.FlyTreeView, will be the Ninerays after cracking .Web.ui.webControls.FlyTreeView's reference is added and added to the toolbox.

After regenerating the SAMPLES project, adjust the system date backwards, browse the sample site in the browser, and you will find no longer throwing an exception.

In order to confirm whether the cracked is successful, change the other machine to access the sample site using the IP address or domain name method, everything is normal.

At this point, the crack of FlytreeView for ASP.NET 3.2 ends. If you are interested, you can also make a installation deployment project for cracking controls. This is not in this paper.


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