RedHat FC3 Installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

In the past few days, I saw that RH9 was not cool, and I changed a FC3. The entire installation process only used the top three discs. Installation Complete Enter System Found The panel will go to top. I am not used to it. Look at the interface is not bad, there is a lot of computer icons on the desktop. After opening, I found that nautils always opens the folder in the new window, I have to change it to the browser window, which is ready.

Mount hard drive: like RH9 mount -o iocharset = GB2312, umask = 0 / dev / hda5 / mNT / d -t vfat results error All UTF8 encodings. Use ocharset = utf8, which is fine.

Install five: IIIM doesn't like it, or it is still a green. It is not bad, and RPM -UVH has been discovered. Open chinput.ed to see that the original Minichinput has five strokes just not open by default, remove all! The restart X found that the five pen can't be typically typed, and the Tab of the Tab was taking a copy, restarting x minichinput collapsed. It was found for a long time, I found that there was a conflict, and I used it! Comment, this is good, happy.


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