Some MS common interpolation words

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  26

Chinese means I blame, not accurate, these words have some other meaning, I will basically only define MS, such as IDE, PDC, etc.

ID, abbreviation words, full name, Chinese meaning

1, ACE, Access-Control Entry, Access Control Entries

2, ACL, Access Control List, Acquisition Control List

3, ADO, ACTIVE DATA Objects, Active Data Objects

4, ADSI, Active Directory Service Interfaces, Active Directory Services Interface

5, ASP, Active Server Page, Activity Services Page

6, ASPS, Active Server Page Script, Activity Service Page Script

7, CDO, Collaboration Data Objects, Collaboration Data Objects

8, COM, Component Object Model, Component Object Model

9, COM , Expanding and Extending Services, Building On COM and MTS, expanded service based on COM and MTS

10, DAO, DATA Access Objects, Data Access Objects

11, DAV, Distributed Authoring and Versioning, distributed compilation

12, DCOM, Distributed Component Object Model, Distribution Component Object Model

13, DDL, Data Definition Language, Data Definition Language

14, DHTML, Dynamic HTML, Dynamic HTML

15, DML, Data Manipulation Language, Data Manipulation Language

16, DNS, DIGITAL NERVOSTEM, Digital Nervous System

17, DNA, Distributed Internet Applications, Distributed Network App

18, DOM, DTS Object Model, Document Object Model, DTS Object Model, Document Object Model

19, DSO, Decision Support Objects, Decision Support Object

20, DTC, Design-Time Controls, Design Time Control

21, DTS, Data Transformation Services, Data Conversion Service

22, FPSE, FrontPage Server Extensions, FrontPage Server Extensions

23, IDC, Internet Database Connector, Internet Database Connect

24, Ide, Integrated Development Environment, Integrated Development Environment

25, IIS, Internet Information Server, Internet Information Server

26, IMDB, In-Memory Database, Memory Database

27, ISAPI, Internet Server API, Internet Server Application Programming Interface

28, MAPI, Messaging Application Programming Interface, Message Application Programming Interface

29, MDAC, Microsoft Data Access Components, Microsoft Data Access Components

30, MMC, Microsoft Management Console, Microsoft Management Console

31, MSDE, Microsoft Data Engine, Microsoft Data Engine

32, MSDN, Microsoft Developer Network, Microsoft Developer Network

33, MSN, Microsoft NetWork, Microsoft Network

34, MSMQ, Microsoft Messaging Queue, Microsoft Message Queuing

35, MTF, Microsoft Tape Format, Microsoft Tape format

36, MTS, Microsoft Transaction Server, Microsoft Transaction Server 37, ODE, Office Developer Edition, Office Developer Version

38, ODS, Open Data Services, open data services

39, OLAP, ONLINE Analytical Processing, online analysis

40, ORB, OBJECT Request Broker,

41, Owa, Outlook Web Access, Outlook Web Access

42, PDC, Professional Developers Conference, Professional Developer General Assembly

43, PTS, Pivottable Service, PivotTable Service

44, RDO, Remote Data Objects, Remote Data Objects

45, RDS, Remote Data Service, Remote Data Services

46, SGML, Standard Generalized Markup Language, Standard General Markup

47, SQL-DMF, SQL Distributed Management Framework, SQL Distributed Management Structure

48, SQL-DMO, SQL-Distributed Management Objects, SQL Distributed Management Object

49, SQL-NS, SQL-Namespace Objects, SQL Namespace Object

50, VBA, Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications,

51, VBScript, Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition,

52, WSH, Windows Scripting Host,


54, ZAW, Zero-Admin Windows, Zero Management Windows


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