Collect some common SQL Server issues

xiaoxiao2021-03-05  25

Learning SQL Server expects to collect some common SQL Server issues

SQL Server problem summary

1. Merge several tables?

Description: Create a new table whose field structure is the result after several tables join.

Solution: Select * INTO new table name from Old Table 1, old table 2, ......


- Table NewTableName is added to table titles and titleauthor field tables;

--- Record to record as SELECT * from Titles, Titleauthor record

Select * Into NewTablename from Titles, Titleauthor

- Table NewTablename Field [Title_ID, Title, Au_ID]

- Record as SELECT A.TITLE_ID, A.TITLE, B.AU_ID from Titles A, Titleauthor B Where a.title_id = B.TITLE_ID

SELECT A.TITLE_ID, A.TITLE, B.AU_ID INTO NEWTABLENAME from Titles A, Titleauthor B Where a.title_id = b.title_id

2. Query N-M records?

Description: To remove the middle record from the record set (eg 10 Article 3-8 in 10)


1. Have a keyword or make sure the unique candidate key field:

Method 1: Take M-N 1 data from the Nth record

Method 2: The first M string of the sequencing is most A, and then descend the M-N 1 record as B again.

2. No paragraph:

Add a self-added field to generate a temporary table, take the record from a temporary table [Where self-increasing lite name> N-1]

Example: -

- Take 4 to 7th Record [1 Method 1]

SELECT TOP 4 * from Jobs Where Job_ID Not in (SELECT TOP 3 JOB_ID from Jobs)

--[Method Two]

SELECT TOP 4 * from


(SELECT TOP 7 * from jobs order by job_id ASC) a


) B

Order by job_id ASC

- Take the 2nd to 3rd record [1 method one]

Select Id, 1, 1) AS IID, * INTO #Temptable from Discounts SELECT TOP 2 * from #temptable where iid> = 2

3. Summary in the quarterly quarterly quarterly

Description: Number of employers in each quarter of each quarter of the statistics table EMPLOYEE

Solution: Group By and [Function DatePart ()]]


// Quarter: quarter

SELECT YEAR (HIRE_DATE) Year, DatePart (q, hire_date) quarter, count (EMP_ID) Employe number from Employee

Group by year (hire_date), datepart (q, hire_date)

ORDER BY year, quarter

4. Take N records random?

Description: Extract N records from the table

Solution: Follow GUID


- Take 5 records from the table

Select Top 5 * from titles Order by newid ()

5. Is the number of days in the quarter from any time?

Description: As the title

Solving thinking: pay attention to the leap year

Example: Declare @t smalldatetime

SELECT @t = '2001-4-1'

Select Case DatePart (Quarter, @ T)

When 1 THEN

(Case When (Year (@T)% 4 = 0 and year (@T)% 100 <> 0) or year (@T)% 400 = 0 THEN 91 ELSE 90 END)

When 2 Then 91

When 3 Then 92

When 4 Then 92


6. What is the first day of the quarter of any time?

Description: As the title

Solve ideas:


- [Idea: Push the date to the first month of the first month of the quarter

- Note: May 31 will not be promoted to April 31, the system is automatically transferred to No. 30

Declare @d datetime

Set @ d = '2003-5-31'

SELECT @d as specified date,

Dateadd (Month, - (Month (@D) -1)% 3, @ d) -day (dateadd (Month, - (MONTH (@D) -1)% 3, @ D)) 1 AS quarter one day

- [Idea: Since the date of finding the year, it is turned to date]

Declare @t smalldatetime

SELECT @T = '2001-9-30'

SELECT CAST (CAST (Year (@T) as varchar) '-' CAST (3 * DatePart (q, @ T) -2 as varchar) '-1' as datetime)

- Seeking the first day of the current date quarter

SELECT CAST (CAST (Year (a getDate ()) as varchar) '-' Cast (3 * DatePart (q, getdate ()) - 2 as varchar) '-1' as datetime

7. Time overlap problem?

Source: Temp = .5277979


Create Table #a (ID Int Id Idness (1, 1), Date1 DateTime, Date2 DateTime)

INSERT #A SELECT '2004-02-29 16:45:00', '2004-02-29 20:45:00'

Union all select '2004-02-29 18:45:00', '2004-02-29 22:45:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 10:45:00', '2004-03-01 13:45:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 13:45:00', '2004-03-01 16:45:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 13:47:00', '2004-03-01 14:25:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 16:45:00', '2004-03-01 19:15:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 17:45:00', '2004-03-01 18:55:00'

Union all select '2004-03-01 18:45:00', '2004-03-01 21:45:00'

Select * from #A

I have to find out all the records over 1 hour!

For example, Article 1, 2: One is from 16:45 - 10:45, and the second is from 18:45 - 25:45 to overlap for 2 hours, so these two must be removed. Others are the same rules!

Date2-Date1 is less than 1 hour without considering, such as Article 5. You can delete the bar first, the record is sorted by Date1!

So the end result is:

ID Date1 Date2

----------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------

1 2004-02-29 16: 45: 00.000 2004-02-29 20: 45: 00.000

2 2004-02-29 18: 45: 00.000 2004-02-29 22: 45: 00.000

6 2004-03-01 16: 45: 00.000 2004-03-01 19: 15: 00.000

7 2004-03-01 17: 45: 00.000 2004-03-01 18: 55: 00.000



- Option One: [Author: "victorycyz (sea, went to work, not 9CBS play.)"]

Select Distinct a. *

From #a A, #A B

WHERE A.ID <> B.ID and

A.Date1 b.date1 and

(Case When A.Date2> B.Date2 Then B.Date2 Else A.Date2 End) -

(Case when a.date1> b.date1 Then A.date1 ELSE B.DATE1 END)> 1 / 24.0

- Option II: [Author: "j9988 (j9988)"]

Select * from #a a where


Where id <>

And dateadd (Minute, 60, Date1)

AND (Date1 Between A.Date11 and A.date2)

And ABS (Datediff (Minute, Date1, A.Date2)> = 60)



From #A

Where id <>

And dateadd (minute, 60, a.date1)

And (a.date1 between date1 and date2)

And Abs (Datediff (Minute, A.Date1, Date2)> = 60)


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