VC6.0 compilation problem
Q: I have a program that I have designed. When I set it to Debug in the compile entry, the program runs everything is normal, but the program is a problem when the Release is. How will this?
Answer: 1) Why do you create both a thread and a class member as a thread? Does anyone call your destructive function? You can't try to use members in the document window as thread, like this:
CCAPI :: SomeFunction ()
Afxbeginthread (static_cast)
ThreadProc (this)))
CCAPI :: ThreadProc (LPVOID PTR)
// ptr and this are equal ...
If you do this, you may need to do some changes.
2) Obviously, m_powner or m_powner-> m_hwnd is incorrect, try the following:
:: MessageBox (Null, "Bad Capi", "Capithread", MB_OK;
Else IF (null == CAPI-> M_POWNER)
:: MessageBox (Null, "Bad Owner", "Capithread", MB_OK;
Else if (! :: iswindow (capi-> m_powner-> m_hwnd))