Waterfall model: (model of the 70s)
Advantages: Highlighting the importance of demand
Disadvantages: It is impossible to complete
Spiral model: (Model in the 80s)
Description: Development initially driven by a series of risk-driven prototyping, then use a waterfall model to complete the system
Advantages: can solve problems
Disadvantages: Time is too long
Iterative Model: (Model in the 1990s)
Description: Use a 4-stage and disciplines to organize the lifecycle model developed by software development
Stage: the first phase, the extension phase, the construction phase, the product stage
Discipline: Made of logically related activities, define how organizes activities to get some Artifact
Features: Previous models are closely linked to software development activities, and iterative models, phases and software activities are separated.
Advantages: Better adaptation requirements management, better range management.
Disadvantages: (to be added)